Pawlenta Soup
Hello, my name is Pawlenta Soup . My animal id is #220003. I am a desexed male black dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 5 years 1 months old.
I came into the shelter as a agency on 2/5/2025.
Pawlenta Soup is on the at-risk due to behavior concerns. Pawlenta Soup in care has not been acclimating well despite best efforts to keep her comfortable. Pawlenta Soup has began to kennel fight with dogs when being removed from kennel, and in kennel begins to spin, lunge at the kennel door and hyper salivate. Medically, Pawlenta Soup is apparently healthy.
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Pawlenta Soup is on the at-risk due to behavior concerns. Pawlenta Soup in care has not been acclimating well despite best efforts to keep her comfortable. Pawlenta Soup has began to kennel fight with dogs when being removed from kennel, and in kennel begins to spin, lunge at the kennel door and hyper salivate. Medically, Pawlenta Soup is apparently healthy. A volunteer writes: Pawlenta Soup. A silly name for a silly boy in a stressful situation. He was found in a home by police and the people there said he wasn't theirs. And though we don't know the details of his former life, it seems undoubtedly stressful. Now at the shelter, life remains that way for Pawlenta. When out and about he shows off his playful side, carrying huge toys around and chasing and chewing balls. He has shown his affectionate side. And he has shown his brains, eagerly engaging with enrichment and notably shaking off stress afterwards. We adore that silly parrot mouth of his, and while we are just getting to know him, he's made it clear that he's got a big personality waiting to be revealed. Unfortunately shelter life has proven too stressful for him, and we understand that. He's now at risk and seeking a home. He can be directly adopted to one with experience or you can complete the prescreener to have your interest sent to interested rescues. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I will flourish in a calm environment and a low-traffic home. I am finding the shelter a little overwhelming, but when it's just you and me and some peace and quiet you'll see what a love bug I am. I would do best in a home with only adult humans.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 60.2 lbs
DVM Intake Estimated age: 5 years Microchip noted on Intake? no History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Barking at front of kennel, takes treats eagerly and follows sit cues. Flinches and looks back when touched, backs away from examiner. Minimal handling for exam, used squeeze gate for vaccines Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 5/9 OP: Mucus membranes pink and moist, no dental disease. EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Does not allow deep palpation. No obvious masses or pain UG: male intact, two descended testicles, no discharge INT: Rough hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. Mild hypotrichosis on dorsum MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: -Mild hypotrichosis on dorsum, otherwise healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: -Start clonidine .01 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely Surgery: Okay for surgery
Severe diarrhea reported by ACS, received vaccines at intake 6 days ago S/O: QAR on kuranda bed, BAR when comes to front for interaction Good appetite, empty food dish, eating treats Multiple puddles of diarrhea FS 6-7 in kennel, diarrhea with FS 7 is orange/brown, FS 6 is brown One pile of vomit, partially digested kibble No c/s noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic MSI: Ambulatory x 4, no notable lameness CNS: Mentation appropriate A: Diarrhea Vomit x 1 P: Start psyllium husk 3 scoops BID x 5 days Start proviable PO SID x 7 days CTM while at QACC Consider fecal test/GI diet if diarrhea persists
Recheck diarrea, vomit x 1 - BAR, active at front of kennel, no further vomiting noted/reported, stool in kennel is FS 4-5, no c/s, eupneic. Diarrhea/vomit apparently resolved, CTM while at QACC.
Pre-Op Exam Subjective: BAR, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Nasal Cavity: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. BCS = 5/9 Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: Clinically healthy Plan: -Okay for surgery -Continue clonidine as prescribed
Dog Neuter Was this dog a cryptorchid? No Scrotal Incision Spermatic Cord Ligation with: 0 PDS, millers knot Sub Q closure: 0 PDS, simple interrupted Vetwrap and ice pack applied to scrotum during recovery to assist in hemostasis Green linear tattoo placed on ventrum
[Post Surgical Exam] Attitude/demeanor: BAR Appetite: eating well C/S/V/D: coughing Incision site: no swelling, bruising, or bleeding; sutures appear intact Pain level: appears comfortable Licking, chewing, or biting surgical site noted: no Additional notes: none 992379
Progress exam: CIRDC noted on rounds Subjective: BAR, no S/V. Coughing & diarrhea fs: 6/7 noted Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -Move to iso, ppe sign & monitor log placed on kennel -Start doxy 10mg/kg PO q24h x14days, psyllium husk 3 scoops PO q24h x5days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x14days -CTM, recheck in 3 days
Progress exam: CIRDC day 7 recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Coughing reported on monitor log, great appetite Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge noted MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck in 3 days
Progress exam: CIRDC day 10 Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating well Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge noted MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -Removed CIRDC signage from kennel -CTM on daily rounds
Beh reports heaving panting, spinning, hypersalivating, adding in traz ~ 9mg/kg PO BID indef (250mg)
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow
During intakes the dog allowed handling.
Date of intake:: 2/5/2025
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, no known history
Date of assessment:: 2/11/2025
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Hard pulls Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Smells around the room, lip licks, sits for treats Call over: Readily approaches treats roughly, begins to lip licks, and grow tense when collared Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Allowed- lip licks, tense body Exuberant handling:Allowed- lip licks, tense body Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follow- distracted, lip licks Arousal comments: Knock: Approaches- sniffs Knock Comments: Toy: Sniffs walk away Toy comments:
Summary:: Due to Pawlenta Soup entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded 02/10/25 Pawlenta is introduced to a novel female dog while off leash at the care center. Pawlenta allows the handler to collar him. Pawlenta will approach the gate with a soft frame, soliciting the novel female dog's attention. Pawlenta is sexually motivated, displaying a wiggly frame, high flagging tail as well as attempting to appear bigger at the gate, standing on his tiptoes. Pawlenta will walk away and explore before being returned to kennel, concluding the interaction. 02/07/25: When off leash at the Care Center Pawlenta Soup is introduced to a greeter female dog. At the gate Pawlenta Soup approaches with a neutral frame and scents the greeter female. Pawlenta Soup displays a big shake off before reapproaching and scenting the greeter again. Pawlenta Soup displays helicopter tail loosening up. Pawlenta Soup mirrors the greeter female chasing her along the gate. Due to operation limitations a face to face greet was not conducted.
Summary (5):: 03/11/25 (Trainer Note): Pawlenta soup is sitting at the front of his kennel with dilated pupils as the trainer approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the training room. Pawlenta Soup appears very aroused and takes some time to pace around the room and sniff before engaging with the enrichment. After spending some time with the snuffle mat, Pawlenta soup visibly calms and orients to the handler and takes a breath before being given more enrichment. Pawlenta Soup takes treats with a soft mouth, is easily leashed and is taken back to his kennel.
Summary (6):: 03/11/25 Pawlenta was seen lunging himself in the air to bite and hold onto a sheet above his kennel. He will do this numerous of times until handler removes him from kennel. His eyes are dilated as well as him heavily panting. Once he is leashed with ease he is taken for a walk. Pawlenta will exit the building displaying a muscular frame, slightly pulling on lead with wide red eyes. The handler will cross the street onto the other side of the block, getting Pawlenta as far away from the facility as possible. The handler and Pawlenta will work on him sitting and being patient while in his sit. Pawlenta is visibly relaxed, his eyes no longer red as well as his body frame becoming looser. He will collect treats gently when administered. As he passes a resident dog with their owner, he ignores them proceeding on his walk. Pawlena is returned to the facility wqhere he will moderately trot back to the facility displaying a more relaxed frame. He is loose with a wagging tail entering the facility. He is rushed to kennel. He will enter with no issue and is tossed a toy. 03/05/25 (Trainer Note): Pawlenta Soup was jumping at his door as the trainer approached and was easily leashed by tossing some treats on the floor. He strongly pulled to the training room where he took a moment to explore. He was put on a drag leash and began to engage with the enrichment. Pawlenta soup was quickly able to orient to the trainer and take a breath between enrichment and was noticeably calmer after engaging with the enrichment. He particularly enjoyed using his brain to get the treats in the puzzle toy. Pawlenta Soup was easily leashed and taken back to his kennel. 03/02/25 Was seen in kennel spinning, lunging, heavily panting as well as hyper salivating. 2/28/25: ACS reports that Pawlenta Soup will kennel fight when taken out of his kennel. 2/27: As a handler enters the room to set up the musical enrichment, Pawlenta Soup stands at the front of the kennel with a quiet, soft body. He watches the handler and accepts an occasional treat from the handler as a reward for staying quiet. Another dog in the room begins barking, triggering Pawlenta. He begins jumping up and barking before bouncing off his kennel walls. 2/26/25: Pawlenta Soup stood at front of kennel with a neutral frame. He was leashed with ease and taken for a short walk on the street due to being flagged to move to iso. Pawlenta pulled moderately and was breathing heavily for duration interaction, even when there wasn't any pressure on leash. Pawlenta was returned to kennel with ease. (PM): During the evening, the handler enters the room where and finds it quiet. They approach different kennels putting up printed assessments. Pawlenta Soup sees the handler and begins barking and then jumping and spinning off the kennel walls. He does this 4-5 times before standing in front of his kennel door, barking rapidly at the handler. -
Summary (7):: 02/25/25: Pawlenta Soup approached the front of his kennel with a loose body and tail wagging. He was easily leashed and heavily pulled to the behavior office. When inside he explored and ran around the room while heavily panting and with dilated pupils. He is very food motivated and was easily redirected with treats and enthusiastic about puzzle toys. He was easily leashed and strongly pulled on the way back to kennel. 2/14/25: Pawlenta was standing quietly in his kennel when two unfamiliar handlers approached. He was leashed with ease and had a loose wiggly body, immediately seeking attention. He pulled very hard to the play yard, though loosened up a bit after he had gone potty outside. In the playpen, he was very focused on sniffing everything around him and would focus on certain spots sniffing them more intensely than others. He is very treat motivated and any time the handler clicked their tongue he would immediately stop sniffing and sit in front of the handler awaiting treats. He took treats extremely gently from handlers. A few times, he put his front paws up on handlers to solicit attention but was fairly gentle. He allowed handlers to pet him all over and leash him with ease. He was returned to kennel with ease. 02/11/24 (assessment): Pawlenta is lying at the back of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. He is leashed with ease and pulls mildly to the Canine Behavior Office for assessment (see Behavior Assessment for further details). Pawlenta spends time scenting and will take treats gently from hand. After assessment, he is returned to kennel safely. 2/10/25: Pawlenta Soup was standing neutrally in kennel as handler approached. Pawlenta approached front of kennel and was leashed with ease. He walked to the yard for a gate greet (see dog-dog summary.) Pawlenta sniffed around in the yard and chattered at a particular spot in the grass he kept revisiting. Pawlenta allowed a second handler to collar him and adjust it to size. Pawlenta was returned to kennel with ease.
Date of intake:: 2/5/2025
Summary:: During intakes the dog allowed handling.
Date of initial:: 2/5/2025
Summary:: Barking at front of kennel, takes treats eagerly and follows sit cues. Flinches and looks back when
Recommendations:: No children (under 13)
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due to Pawlenta Soup Potential challenges we recommend he be placed in an adult-only home at this time.
Potential challenges: : Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful,Anxiety,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Kennel presence
Potential challenges comments:: Poor bite inhibition- During the assessment treats are tossed due to him taking treats roughly. Teaching him to take treats gently by rewarding calm behavior and using a clicker or marker word can help. Please see handout on Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. Fearful/Handling/touch sensitivity- It is noted that Pawlenta will become tense when touched around his collar/body and during his medical exam Flinches and looks back when touched, backs away from examiner. Please see the handout on decompression period and Handling/touch sensitivity. Anxiety- Pawlenta Soup began to display heavy panting and lip licking during his assessment. Managing his anxiety will require creating a calm environment, providing enrichment activities, and using stress-reducing techniques like puzzle toys and regular exercise. Please see handout on generalized anxiety On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration- It was reported when Esu came to pick up Pawlenta from an abandoned apartment he charged at the front door barking when they arrived. In care Pawlenta Soup is reported to kennel fight when taken out of his kennel. Kennel presence- Pawlenta Soup was seen in kennel spinning, lunging, heavily panting as well as hyper salivating.