Hello, my name is Marty. My animal id is #218139. I am a male brown brindle dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 7 years 3 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a agency on 1/6/2025.
Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.
Pre-Screener FormMarty is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Marty was brought into the care centers as a stray. Upon intake he was displayed fearful behavior, seeking exit, ears back, tail tucked under, and a tense body. In the care centers he has allowed all handling but continues to seek exit and retreat when leashed, and keeps his distance from handlers. During his assessment he pancaked flat to the ground as handler attempted to collar. Marty is very food motivated and will engage with treats. Medically, Marty is being treated for CIRDC.
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form. Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Marty is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Marty was brought into the care centers as a stray. Upon intake he was displayed fearful behavior, seeking exit, ears back, tail tucked under, and a tense body. In the care centers he has allowed all handling but continues to seek exit and retreat when leashed, and keeps his distance from handlers. During his assessment he pancaked flat to the ground as handler attempted to collar. Marty is very food motivated and will engage with treats. Medi Marty arrived at MACC as a stray with no known history. During his stay in the care center. Marty has been observed to be highly fearful. Noted to have a tense trembling body, a tightly tucked tail, whale eye, and maintains his distance from handlers. When handlers attempt interactions Marty will freeze or attempt to flee. Due to the detailed behaviors we recommend an experienced adult only home.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 61 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 5-8 years based on the condition of teeth and eyes Microchip noted on Intake? Negative History: Brought in by the police Subjective: BAR H pink 1 sec Observed Behavior - trying to run away, ears back; tail tucked under; tense body; reluctant to be held for medical protocols Evidence of Cruelty seen - No Evidence of Trauma seen – No Evidence of Neglect- No Objective P = 80hr (sedated) R = 25rr (sedated) BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: NSF PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with 2 down MSI: before sedation ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat; nails worn down CNS: before sedation mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Dog sedation: Using 0.9 ml dexmedetomidine (500mcg/ml) and 0.9 ml butorphanol (10mg/ml) IM Reversed with Antisedan-0.9 ml Trazodone- 100mg (5 to 10 mg/kg po q 12 hrs) sig: 2 tabs po q 12 hrs Intake procedures Reported irritated left hind paw- NSF on presentation SURGERY: Okay for surgery
EEN: Green nasal discharge RESP: Eupneic A: CIRDC P: Doxycycline 300mg 1 tablet po sid x 10d
Adding additional psychopharm due to continued high fear in kennel and kennel stress -Gabapentin 600mg PO q12 indefinitely
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow
Date of intake:: 1/6/2025
Spay/Neuter status:: No
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, No known history
Date of assessment:: 1/9/2025
Summary:: When brought into the assessment room Marty remained very tense and fearful. Noted to have a tightly tucked tail, tense trembling body, and persistently showing whale eyes. Marty will approach handlers slowly with coaxing. He is highly treat motivated and is receptive to them. However, once the handler moves slightly Marty quickly retreats and becomes more and more reluctant to reapproach the handler. The handler is able to place a collar on Marty while using treats, he become frozen while it is placed. After a few attempts at contact Marty maintains is distance and will not reapproach. Due to the high levels of fear, stress, and anxiety displayed. Marty is not a candidate to receive a handling assessment at this time.
Summary:: 1/22/25: Marty greets another dog at the gate with tense body. He then growls as the other dog walks away.
Summary (6):: 1/27/25: Marty is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral body and barking as handler approaches. He remains in the front and has a softer body as the door is unlocked, however, as soon as handler attempts to leash, his tail tucks tight and he retreats to the back of the kennel. He approaches for treats but continues to dodge the leash with a tucked tail. He remains still and tense while standing on the kuranda bed, handler is able to lasso him and he continues to remain still. He is removed from kennel and taken to the street for a walk. His body language displays signs of FAS as he walks crouched, tail tucked, and he continues to look back at handler and either scurry away or whale eye. Outside he accepts treats softly and accepts pets on the head. He solicits more pets as he pushes handlers hand with his snout and moves his head under. As the walk progressed his body softened and tail relaxed. He is returned to care centers without issue.
Summary (7):: 1/9/25: Marty is standing at the front of his kennel neutral body tail tucked tight. He takes treats offered through the kennel door. He retreats when door is opened. Treats are tossed on the ground and he will come forward to engage but once leash is presented he retreats. Handler allows him to sniff the leash then handler gently lassos him. Once the leash is secured he come out readily and is walked to the behavior room. He does not approach handlers, remaining the length of the leash away. He will take treats from hands or tossed on the ground but watches handlers very closely and will quickly move away if handler moves. He runs himself back to kennel. 1/8/25: (LATE ENTRY): Marty is in the back of his kennel curled up into a ball. Handler stops in front of his kennel to toss a treat and he curls up tighter. Handler moves away and comes back a few minutes later and Marty is at the front, tail tightly tucked, but retreats when handler stops in front of his kennel again. He comes forward when treats are tossed and eats them off the ground or takes them from handlers hand through the bars. However when kennel door is opened and leash is presented, Marty moves to the back of the kennel and sits. He will not come forward for treats if leash is present. Handler kneels down and tosses treats into the loop of the leash as it lays on the floor and eventually he will come and take the treats but if the leash move slightly he quickly retreats. Eventually handler gently tosses the leash over Marty's head as he sits in the back of the kennel. Once secured, he comes out readily but keeps his distance from handler. He is walked on the street, tail still tucked, where he remains at the end of the leash away from handler. Handler outstretches their handler with a treat in it but Mary begins to zig zag back and forth at the end of the leash attempting to get away. Handler tosses the treat on the ground of which he takes. In the behavior room, he sits at original handlers feet but will take treats from the other staff member in the room. As original handler attempts to collar him, he sinks himself into the floor making himself flat. The collar is able to be place with a slow approach and treats. He is allowed to roam the room with a drag leash and remains away from handlers. He lured closer and re-leashed using treats and a slow approach. He returns to kennel without issue.
Date of intake:: 1/6/2025
Summary:: Fearful, tense body
Date of initial:: 1/7/2025
Summary:: Tying to run away, ears back; tail tucked under; tense body
ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Marty so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.
Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to fearful behavior we recommend a home with no children. We recommend placement with a New Hope rescue partner who is able to provide an experienced, adult-only foster home. Force-free, reward based training and/or consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended.
Potential challenges: : Fearful
Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: Marty has been observed to be fearful during his stay in the care center. Noted to have a tense body and tucked tail. It is important to always go slow and give Marty the option to walk away from any social interaction. They should never be forced to approach anything that they are uncomfortable with or submit to petting or handling. It should always be their choice to approach a new person or thing. Marty would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to their new surroundings. Please see handout on Decompression Period.