Hello, my name is Starfish. My animal id is #220859. I am a desexed male black cat at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 11 years 1 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 2/24/2025, with the surrender reason stated as animal health - other.
Starfish is on the at-risk list for medical concerns. Starfish is a diabetic senior cat with dental disease. She will need regular vet visits to monitor her diabetes as well as lifelong insulin administration. Diabetes is most often a lifelong condition in cats; it is difficult to manage and control in a shelter setting.
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Starfish is on the at-risk list for medical concerns. Starfish is a diabetic senior cat with dental disease. She will need regular vet visits to monitor her diabetes as well as lifelong insulin administration. Diabetes is most often a lifelong condition in cats; it is difficult to manage and control in a shelter setting. Starfish is a friendly, sweet, cat. He spends most of his time where people are, in the bedroom, and in the kitchen. He plays gently and loves to chase and pounce on toys. Like a true Starfish he loves ice water!
My medical notes are...
Weight: 5.5 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: dentition and conformation consistent w o reported age of 11 years Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: o surrender Subjective: QAR Observed Behavior - allowed for handling and tasks with towel, limited kitty minutes, started to growl Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective T = np P = wnl R = wnl BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: moderate wear and staining to visible dentition PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment Dental dz Reported hx of DM Prognosis: fair Plan: intake exam and tasks Spot BG 388 House in medical, feed DM food Check BG in AM; notify DVM if <150 or >400 or if patient not eating every 1 day(s) 1 unit SQ BID CBC/CHEM/T4 to lab, check for results and amend plan as needed Recheck tomorrow - if p continues to show high FAS, place free style libre is available seek placement asap as preliminary diagnostics confirm DM dx and p has high FAS SURGERY: Okay for surgery: N, prior altered
Recheck reported diabetes, hyperglycemia on spot BG S/O: BAR, allows handling, some growling when restraining for cystocentesis Good appetite - likes baby food No c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic MSI: Thin BCS CNS: Appropriate mentation CBC: nsf CHEM: -Hyperglycemia 395 (72-175) -Creatinine LOW 0.8 (0.9-2.3), BUN HIGH 40 (16-37), SDMA "unable to determine" -Hypochloridemia 105 (114-126) -AST HIGH 163 (16-67), ALP HIGH 163 (12-59) -Hypercholesterolemia 401 (91-305) Fructosamine: HIGH 676 (191-349) T4: wnl A: Diabetes mellitus Other bloodwork abnormalities consistent with untreated diabetes (elevated LEs, high cholesterol, hypochloridemia) Low creatinine - ro muscle wasting vs artifact High BUN - ro pre-renal vs renal Dental disease Underweight P: Obtained urine via cysto for UA Continue with current treatment plan, offer other foods if not eating DM CTM in ICU and recheck tomorrow
Urine Results: Specific Gravity 1.055 >= 1.035 Urine Protein 3+ Glucose 3+ (1000 mg/dL) Ketones 1+ Blood / Hemoglobin 3+ Red Blood Cells 20-30
Brief recheck, ketonuria noted on UA S/O: BAR, ate well overnight No c/s/v/d noted LUNGS: Eupneic CNS: Appropriate mentation A: Diabetes mellitus Ketonuria 1+ Underweight Dental disease High BUN - likely pre-renal as USG >1.035 Bloodwork abnormalities consistent with untreated diabetes (elevated LEs, high cholesterol, hypochloridemia) P: CTM in ICU, continue insulin BID Offer other foods if not eating DM
Recheck diabetes mellitus S/O: BAR, active, eating well No c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic CNS: Appropriate mentation Recent BG measurements: 2/26 AM 303 2/26 PM 337 2/27 AM 198 2/27 PM 322 A: Diabetes, underweight, dental disease P: Continue with current treatment plan and CTM; seek placement for continued care. Diabetes is difficult to regulate in stressful shelter setting.
Recheck diabetes mellitus S/O: BAR, active, eating well No c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic CNS: Appropriate mentation Recent BG measurements: 2/26 AM 303 2/26 PM 337 2/27 AM 198 2/27 PM 322 2/28 AM 369 2/28 PM - not assessed 3/1 AM 552 A: Diabetes mellitus - unregulated this morning with 1U given last night P: Administered 1.5U units insulin this AM Patient needs to be placed in a stable, low- stress environment to help regulate his glucose levels. *Recheck BG in PM, if 300<500 continue with 1unit
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow
Upon intake he was cautious, but allowed handling. Walked quickly into his den.
Spay/Neuter status: Yes
Date of Intake: 2/24/2025
Is this cat having litter box issues?: No
Basic Information:: Starfish is a aprox. 11-year-old, black and white, male, neutered, cat. He was surrendered due to his previous family not being able to afford his medical needs.
Previously lived with:: 1 adult
How is this cat around strangers?: He is friendly, outgoing, and plays gently with strangers.
How is this cat around children?: He has no experience with children.
How is this cat around other cats?: He has no experience with other cats.
How is this cat around dogs?: He has no experience with dogs.
Behavior Notes: He struggles when his nails are trimmed, or when he is placed in a carrier. He is unbothered when held or when his coat is brushed.
Bite history:: No bite history.
Energy level/descriptors:: Low
Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: Yes
Medical Notes: He was diagnosed with diabetes 02/2025.
For a New Family to Know: He is a friendly, sweet, cat. He spends most of his time where people are, in the bedroom, and in the kitchen. He plays gently, and loves to chase and pounce on toys. He loves ice water. In his previous home he had access to a vertical scratching post. He had access to one, uncovered, litterbox with a plastic liner. He used clumping, scented, clay, litter.
KNOWN HISTORY:: Lived Indoors Previously lived with: 1 adult Behavior toward strangers: He is friendly, outgoing, and plays gently with strangers. Behavior toward children: He has no experience with children. Behavior toward cats: He has no experience with other cats. Behavior toward dogs: He has no experience with dogs. Bite or Scratch history: No bite history. Litter box training: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Low Other notes: He is a friendly, sweet, cat. He spends most of his time where people are, in the bedroom, and in the kitchen. He plays gently and loves to chase and pounce on toys. He loves ice water. In his previous home he had access to a vertical scratching post. He had access to one, uncovered, litterbox with a plastic liner. He used clumping, scented, clay, litter. Upon intake he was cautious but allowed handling. Walked quickly into his den.
VOCAL:: Talkative
CHARACTER TYPE: : Social,Sweet,Affectionate,People oriented,Easy going,Curious
BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Starfish was standing in front of his kennel as the assessor approached, vocalizing with his face soft and his tail raised. Starfish made eye contact when spoken to, ears forward and he remained right in front of his kennel chattin' as the cage door opened. Starfish allowed all petting while leaning in enthusiastically, purring and keeping his tail high in the air. Starfish remained calm when lifted out of his kennel and then placed back inside. Starfish interacts with the assessor, solicits attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting. No known history of behavioral problems. This cat is suitable for any level of adopter experience.