Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Caramel . My animal id is #207650. I am a female cream dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 4 years 1 months old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 8/14/2024.

Caramel is at risk due to behavioral concerns. When Caramel first arrived at the Care Centers, she was difficult to remove from her kennel, snapping at staff's leashes and vocalizing. Although she was fearful outside, she became more willing to socialize. Staff used treats to help her feel comfortable with the leash, which improved her confidence and allowed her to exit the kennel without issue. Recently, however, Caramel has been observed to hard bark and pull towards member's of the public when out for walks with handlers. She remains social with staff in the pens. Medically, Caramel has a fractured tooth and a mass.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Caramel is at risk due to behavioral concerns. When Caramel first arrived at the Care Centers, she was difficult to remove from her kennel, snapping at staff's leashes and vocalizing. Although she was fearful outside, she became more willing to socialize. Staff used treats to help her feel comfortable with the leash, which improved her confidence and allowed her to exit the kennel without issue. Recently, however, Caramel has been observed to hard bark and pull towards member's of the public when out for walks with handlers. She remains social with staff in the pens. Medically, Caramel has a fractured tooth and a mass. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. I would do best in a home with only adult humans. I prefer to call the shots and enjoy coming to you when I'm ready for pets.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 56.4 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4 years old based on dentition Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History: Acquired by agency, stray Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - tense/whale eyes, whining, hard barking when approached kennel. Opted to sedate using 0.7 ml Dexmedetomidine (500mcg/ml) + 0.7 ml Butorphanol (10mg/ml) IM. Adequate sedation reached. Is there evidence of Cruelty? No Is there evidence of Neglect? No Is there evidence of Trauma? No Objective T = P = WNL R = WNL BCS: 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Adult dentition, fractured tip of right maxillary incisor (101), limited due to muzzle PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Externally WNL, intact female, no OHE scar or tattoo noted MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, 1-2 mm round grey dermal mass on right side of trunk, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally WNL Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment Fractured incisor Small dermal mass- r/o benign vs. malignant vs. other Intact female Prognosis: Fair Plan: Intake tasks + exam Await sort/ behavior assessment 1/2 volume reversal IM Rx: Trazodone 175mg PO BID indefinitely SURGERY: Okay for surgery, in house


Snapping at leash when staff take her out of kennel. Plan Trazodone 200mg po bid indefinitely


Pet standing at kennel door quietly Grey, mucoid nasal discharge. A: CIRDC P: Doxycycline 300mg 1 tablet po sid x 10d


SO: Finishing treatment for CIRD today BAR, comes to kennel door with low wagging tail eent: eyes clear, no ocular or nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: CIRD-apparently resolved P: monitor for recurrence, but OK to move out of isolation

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow

Date of intake:: 8/14/2024

Spay/Neuter status:: No

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, No known history

Date of assessment:: 8/16/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate – dog pulls on and off; to get to scent; out the building Reactivity to humans: None – ignores Reactivity to dogs: None – ignores Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Nervous, conflicted-low wagging tails Call over: approaches when called Sociability comments: Soft handling: Tolerates contact- nervous, low tail, moves away Exuberant handling: Tolerates contact- nervous, low tail, moves away, lip licks Comments: Will solicits attention at the end Arousal Jog comments: Follows, panting, anxious Knock Knock comments: No response Toy Toy comments: No interest

Summary (6):: 09/16/2024: Caramel is sitting at the front of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. She is easily leashed and brought out to the play yards. She pulls moderately - light and is then put on a drag leash. She continues accepting treats and solicits pets by rubbing up against handlers' legs and pawing their arm. She sits in front of handler and handler begins "Watch Me" training. Rewarding her any time she would make eye contact. She kept pushing into handlers' knees with her tush/knees and wiggling it around. She is easily leashed and brought back to kennel. 9/14/24: Caramel is standing in the front of her kennel as handler approaches. She is offered treats which she takes and is leashed easily and upon exiting kennel is jumpy and wiggly with a wagging tail. She pulls moderately and exuberantly walks through the halls accepting more treats and is brought to the backyard for her walk. Once in the yard handler places Caramel on drag leash and begins petting Caramel. She remains exuberant and jumpy, leaning into handler and jumping on them while licking their arm. She begins to wriggle around and jump more heavily into handler so handler begins doing commands with Caramel, such as sit and stay. She is receptive and excitedly takes more treats whenever she follows a command. After handler ends command work Caramel mounts handlers leg, she is redirected verbally and handler begins tossing a toy for Caramel to chase. She is again receptive and will chase the toy before returning to handler and jumping on them once. After a while more of playing and pets, she is returned to kennel without issue. 9/13/24: PM Walks: Caramel was lying on her kuranda bed as the handler approached. Handler knelt down and Caramel came forward with a soft body and a wagging tail. Her collar was clipped and she was lead out to the street. On the street she pulled mild to moderate, sniffing the ground. Pedestrians passed by her and she did not react. Several people on bikes passed by her while at the crosswalk and she did not reat. At times handler would toss treats and she would go for them. She relieved herself and was easily walked back to her kennel with no issue. 9/13/24: It was reported that while being walked on the street Caramel lunged and barked towards a passerby who was dragging a rolling suitcase. Caramel continued to bark at the person as the walked away and handler placed Caramel on a short lead and straddled her.

Summary (7):: 8/19/24: Caramel is laying at the front of the kennel looking up at the handler with whale eyes and a slight tail wag. She takes treats readily and crawls closer to the door when the handler kneels in from of it. She allows the handler to clip a leash to her collar while feeding her treats. She comes out of the kennel easily and eats treats off of the floor. She is taken to the backyard where she pulls mildly and relieves herself in the pen. She is social with the handler, engaging them with a loose body and rapid tail wag. She occasionally jumps up on them and gets zoomies when they talk to her in an excited voice. She catches treats tossed to her, sits when cued, offers paw when cued, and takes treats gently when handed to her. She allows the handler to pet along her back and continues to wag her tail. When another dog is at the gate she approaches with a loose body and helicopter tail wag, sniffing them through the gate. She is easily called away. She is taken back to her kennel and returned easily. She allows the handler to unclip the leash while she is being fed treats. 8/16/24: Caramel is laying down at the front of her kennel as hander approaches. She is very low to the ground and her ears are pinned back, handler immediately offers treats which Caramel accepts. Handler sits with Caramel for a while, distributing more treats and allowing her to progressively loosen in body posture. Once Caramel stands, handler introduces leash which Caramel sees and immediately steps back further into her kennel. Handler begins using spray cheese to attempt to leash Caramel and slowly moves the leash over her head, once close to her head however she whips her head and snaps at the leash while vocalizing. Handler resets and by using more cheese and very slowly placing the leash over Caramel she is successfully leashed. She takes a moment before stepping out her kennel, and once outside she displays a stiff and hunched over posture with tail tucked and ears pinned back. She is brought to the yard and thrown treats intermittently which she sniffs but does not eat. While outside she pulls forward moderately, and moves a bit frantically but will stop to sniff and use the bathroom, after which her body posture loosens slight and her tail untucks into a more neutral position. After walking for a bit she is brought back inside and upon returning to the room, she brakes momentarily, lowering her head body and ears, before quickly walking back to kennel with her head low and ears still pinned back.

Date of initial:: 8/15/2024

Summary:: Tense/whale eyes, whining, hard barking when approached kennel. Opted to sedate

ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Caramel so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Caramel displayed snapping while attempts to remove her from kennel. Due to these behaviors, Caramel should go to a home with no children.

Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration

Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression/On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Caramel was observed to snap at the staff's leashes and vocalize when they attempt to remove her from kennel. While she does takes treats, she revert to snapping. Once outside, she is fearful but allows handling. During a walk, Caramel lunge at someone who startled her with their suitcase. Positive reinforcement should be utilized to help Caramel mange these behaviors. Please see the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Anxiety: Caramel is anxious in the Care Centers and will need daily enrichment to help her manage. Please see the handout on General Anxiety.