Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Garlic. My animal id is #213652. I am a desexed male tan dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 4 months 3 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 11/1/2024.

Garlic is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Garlic arrived at MACC as a stray with no known history. During his stay in the care center Garlic has presented with a loose and wiggly body and has been social with handlers. Recently Garlic has been observed to become rope reactive. Noted to jump up high and bite the leash intensely. This behavior is not easily redirected using treats. While in kennel Garlic has also been observed to bite the leash when handlers are attempting to leash him. Medically Garlic is apparently healthy.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Garlic is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Garlic arrived at MACC as a stray with no known history. During his stay in the care center Garlic has presented with a loose and wiggly body and has been social with handlers. Recently Garlic has been observed to become rope reactive. Noted to jump up high and bite the leash intensely. This behavior is not easily redirected using treats. While in kennel Garlic has also been observed to bite the leash when handlers are attempting to leash him. Medically Garlic is apparently healthy. Garlic is a bright and sensitive pup enrolled in our Shelter Scholars program, where he's working on building emotional regulation and impulse control to help manage his low threshold for arousal. With the help of structured enrichment and confidence-building activities, Garlic is learning how to pause, breathe, and stay grounded in exciting or overwhelming situations. He's practicing relaxation protocol techniques like mat work, place, Take a Breath, and LATTE (Look At That, Then Engage), all designed to help him slow down and make thoughtful choices. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I am excitable and energetic! I will need positive outlets for my energy! I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. I love to be loved, but on my own terms! Let's brush up on some canine body language together! I would do best in a home with only adult humans.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 49 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3-5 years based on the condition of teeth and eyes Microchip noted on Intake? Negative History: Stray Subjective: BAR H pink 1 sec Observed Behavior - Body relaxed; easily examined; very food motivated Evidence of Cruelty seen - No Evidence of Trauma seen – No Evidence of Neglect- No Objective P = 120hr R = 40rr BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with 2 down MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Intake procedures SURGERY: Okay for surgery


Coughing, clear nasal discharge A: CIRDC P: doxycycline 300 mg 2/3 tablet po sid x 10d


Progress exam. Day 10 CIRDC, last dose of doxy today S/O: BAR, eating well. Ate wet food and sausages when offered. Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. A: CIRDC - resolved Plan: No additional treatments needed at this time OK for surgery and placement


SO: BAR, recently resolved of CIRDC eent: eyes clear, heavy mucoid nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, hacking cough with terminal wretch appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: CIRD P: restarting doxycycline for additional 7 days Doxycycline 200mg PO SID x7d


Pet lying sternal in kennel. Eating per log. EEN: Clear nasal discharge. RESP: RE & RR WNL A: CIRD appears to be improving. P: Recheck 11/29


Recheck CIRDC S: BAR, loose + wiggly body, eats all treats offered O: EEN- eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L- Eupneic, no sneezing or audible congestion noted MSK/i- Ambulatory x4 Neuro- alert/appropriate A: No evidence of CIRDC P: Monitor


Noted during cage side rounds to be jumping up on kennel bars, vocalizing, panting. P: Trazodone 200mg PO BID indefinitely Clonidine 0.4 mg PO BID indefinitely


Hx: presents for neutering BAR H pink EENT- No congestion or nasal discharge HL- 120hr reg nm UG- MI with 2 down MSI- NSF A) No contraindications for anesthesia based on PE P) Dog Neuter Was this dog a cryptorchid? No If so describe - Pre scrotal Incision Spermatic Cord Ligation with: 2-0 monocryl millers; double ligated Sub Q closure: 2-0 monocryl sc in the sq and modified matt. in the subcuticular Green Linear Tattoo Placed near left inguinal area Carprofen (Rimadyl) is being dispensed to the client. In compliance with Bouy's Law, a written client information sheet was included with the prescription. The handout was downloaded from Plumb's™ and discloses all required information regarding the use of this drug, side effects and missed dose and handling instructions.


Neuter performed by Vet: 1657 Patient anesthesia form uploaded to Shelter Buddy in Vet Documents. Start the following pain managements: Rimadyl 100 mg Tablets, Give 1 tablet, orally, once a day for 2 days beginning the day after surgery --in the surgery bin--


[Post Surgical Exam] Attitude/demeanor: BAR Appetite: eating well C/S/V/D: none Incision site: no swelling, bruising, or bleeding; sutures appear intact Pain level: appears comfortable Licking, chewing, or biting surgical site noted: no Additional notes: none

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

Date of intake:: 11/1/2024

Spay/Neuter status:: No

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray; limited history.

Energy level/descriptors:: Finder reported Garlic had high energy.

Date of assessment:: 11/4/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Mild Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Loose and wiggly Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches handler readily Sociability comments: Jumping up on handler in social seeming manner, Head whips with open mouth towards handler when collaring Handling Soft handling: Fearful Exuberant handling:Fearful Handling comments: Head whips with open mouth Arousal Jog: Follows handler readily Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Approached handler readily, jump up Toy Toy comments: No interest, no reaction

Summary:: 1/15/25: Garlic greets another dog at the gate with a loose and wiggly body. Off leash, he is exuberant, often jumping on the back of the other dog. He does not listen to correction from the other dogs and handlers.

Summary (4):: 3/25/25 (Trainer Note): Garlic is intensely pawing and jumping up at the kennel glass as handler approaches. Treat is tossed towards the back of the kennel, he chases after it, and handler is ready with the leash and treat in hand. He is leashed and taken for a street walk. He attempts to mouth the leash, and jumps up on handler in a social manner, but handler keeps him straight armed and rewards when the behavior ceases. Once across the street, he pulls moderately and walks slightly ahead of handler, occasionally checking in. He is returned to the care centers and I brought to the PAC interaction room for a training session. Garlic is kept on a drag leash as there is a volunteer shadowing the session. He sniffs around at first, greets the volunteer with a loose and wiggly body, and proceeds to trot to the mat and sit. He is rewarded and continues to be rewarded for the duration he remains seated on the mat. He will look in different directions, but ultimately his gaze to handler, the reward in between trials is based on the increased duration. Towards the end of the session, Garlic began jumping towards handler in an intense manner and also leash bite. Handler repeated the same steps and waited for behavior to cease to reward. Handler attempts a couple more trials of mat work (eventually will be paired with the 'Place' verbal cue), and ends the session on a positive note. Garlic is engaged and receptive. He is returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (5):: 3/19/25 (Trainers Note): Garlic is given enrichment 10 min prior to his training session. Garlic is jumping up on the kennel glass and barking with a loose body as handler approaches. Handler tosses treats towards back of the kennel and Garlic chases after them, allowing handler to prepare leash and treat. Garlic is easily leashed and taken to the street for a brief walk. He moderately pulls, relieves himself, and sniffs his surroundings. He is brought back to the PAC interaction room for a training session. He sniffs all the LATTE items laid out but only interacts with the peanut butter licki matt. After about 5 min, handler removes items and begins relaxation protocol training: 'Place.' Garlic is engaged and receptive, he successfully completed 5/5 of the attempts. Following the PDS method, a verbal cue can be introduced and paired next session. He is returned to kennel without issue and given more enrichment which he engages with. 3/15/25: It was reported by staff that Garlic will leash bite when attempting to remove him from kennel and while out for a walk on the street. He was also observed to be leash biting intensely, lumping up and grabbing the leash repeatedly while in the yard. Handler offered him a treat which he took but then spit out. He then resumed leash biting, jumping up and grabbing the leash. 2/21/25- Garlic is jumping and barking when handler approached his kennel, when they attempt to leash Garlic will bite at the leash. Handler used a treat lure and he was successfully leashed. When he exited the kennel he went to eat various treats that were on the floor previously. He was taken for a street walk where he pulls hard, relieving himself multiple times. Some bicycles passed on the side walk, handler moved to the curb and feed Garlic treats. He had no reaction to the bikes passing him. He continued to sniff around and pulling, darting around. Handler would call to him, he would come to handler sit and give paw. He took treats with slight pressure. He allowed handler to pet his head, neck and back. He leaned into handler's legs when they were petting his sides. He was easily clipped and returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (6):: 2/7/25: Garlic is jumping and barking at his kennel door as handler approaches. He continues to jump as the handler is leashing him and his leg got caught through the loop. Once leashed the second time, he pulled hard out of kennel and was jumping around. He pulled on the way out for a walk. On the walk, he continued to pull the entire time to explore around. He liked to stop at every tree and would sit to receive treats. He jumped and pulled on his way back to kennel and didn't engage in his peanut butter lick mat right away. 1/25/25:It was reported by staff to leash bite when attempting to leash. 1/23/25 (Trainers Note): Garlic is sitting at front of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. He begins to paw at the glass as the door is unlocked. He is easily leashed and bolts out of his kennel, pulling very hard as he is walked towards the pens. Once in the pen he gets the zoomies and runs from one side of the pen to the other. Handler has to step aside to refrain from being bumped into. He jumps up on handler but is redirected to the floor with treats. He is highly food motivated. For the remainder of the session handler focuses on impulse control. Garlic is rewarded when his 4 feet are on the ground. Handler begins to toss treats away for Garlic to chase, and rewards him when he refrains from jumping on handler on his return and instead sits politely on approach. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. He is given a puzzle as enrichment which he immediately engages with. 1/15/25: Garlic is off leash in a pen with handlers. He zoomies around the pen, running quickly back and forth from one end of the pen to the other. He will jump up slamming his body onto handlers before proceeding to zoomie around. He will eventually stop and sit for treats. 12/28/24- Garlic is jumping up on his kennel door with a wiggly body, barking when handler approached. When going to leash he kept jumping up on the door, getting one of first legs almost stuck in the leash. Handler used a treat lure and he was easily leashed. He was taken for a street walk, he pulled hard zig zagging while walking sniffing different spots. He came to handler when called and took treats with a slight pressure. He had no reaction to people passing, handler called and he came over accepting pets on his head, chin, neck and back. He would occasionally jump on handler seeking attention and they scratched his neck. He would jump down and continue walking. He was easily clipped and returned to kennel without issues.

Summary (7):: 12/7/24- Garlic is at the front of his kennel with a loose body and jumping up on the kennel door barking, handler attempts to leash but Garlic keeps jumping up. Handler uses a treat lure and Garlic is easily leashed. He is taken for a street walk, while in the elevator he jumps in handler seeking attention. Handler scratches their neck. He has a moderate pull and takes treats gently. He has no reaction to any stimuli and allows more petting on his head and back. He is easily clipped and returned to kennel without issue. 11/30/24: Garlic is standing in the front of his kennel as handler approaches. He is leashed without issue and brought out to the street for his walk. Garlic jumps on handler seeking social interaction, he is still accept for his tail wagging. Once outside he walks slightly in front of handler and pulls slightly. He walks past people on the street without issue, and uses the bathroom outside. After walking for a while he is brought back to kennel and returned without issue. 11/15/24: Garlic is standing at the front of the kennel with a soft body and wagging tail. He is easily leashed and removed from kennel. He is walked on the street where he remains soft and walks near handler. He will jump up onto handler in a social manner, placing paws on torso. He accepts brief petting on his side and will lick handlers hands. He will sit for treats. He is very responsive to handler, checking in and turning to handler when called. He is easily returned to kennel. 11/13/24: Garlic is standing at the front of kennel with a loose and wiggly body as handler approaches. He is easily leashed, removed from kennel, and brought out to the street. Handler plays the "1,2,3" and "popcorn" pattern game, he is engaged and receptive. He is not very food motivated but will accept treats. He occasionally will jump on handler, placing his paws on handler's chest, but by slightly turning/body blocking, he stops. Handler attempts to pet, he accepts them, but does not lean in, and his body becomes slightly stiff, handler ceases, and he returns to being loose and wiggly. He is returned to kennel without further issue. 11/4/24: Garlic is bouncing up and down in kennel as handler approaches. He has a loose and wiggly body, a treat is used to lure him into the kennel rope. He was easily leashed and brought to the street. He pulled moderately throughout walk and maintained a loose body. When passing by other people he would pull hard towards them but was easily redirected using baby voice. He jumped on handler twice but was easily redirected with treats. He was returned to kennel without issue.

Date of intake:: 11/1/2024

Summary:: Allowed handling, social jumping, became hypervigilant, tense, pancaked going into kennel

Date of initial:: 11/3/2024

Summary:: Body relaxed; easily examined

ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Garlic so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to handling sensitivity and lack of basic manners we recommend a home with no children.

Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful,Anxiety,Leash-biting

Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control: Garlic has been observed to jump up on handlers in a social seeming manner. It is recommended that default behaviors such as "Sit" and "Off" are reinforced to substitute any frustration and teach them to control their impulses instead of simply reacting; proper management is also advised. Force-free, reward-based training only is recommended. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Handling sensitivity: Garlic has been observed to headwhip towards handlers with an open mouth when collaring him and when holding his collar. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards in order to teach Garlic to be more comfortable with this. Please see handout on Handling and Touch Sensitivity. Fearful/Anxiety: When going into kennel, Garlic was reported to become alert and slight tensed, pacing back and forth focusing on different stimuli. Garlic then pancaked and backed away from kennel refusing toys or treats and was muscled into kennel. Please see handout on decompression period. Please see handout on anxiety. Leash Biting: Garlic has been observed to jump up high and bite the leash. This behavior is not able to be redirected easily using treats. We recommend walking them with a toy to dissuade them from grabbing the leash. Positive reinforcement, force-free training is advised to teach them to focus on you rather than grabbing the leash. Please see handout on Leash Manners.