Banana Bread
Hello, my name is Banana Bread. My animal id is #219240. I am a male tan dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 12 years old.
I came into the shelter as a agency on 1/24/2025.
Banana Bread is on the at-risk list for medical reasons - Banana bread is a geriatric dog with a perineal hernia and heart murmur. Recommend hernia repair with placement, but it would be ideal to see a cardiologist prior to any anesthetic event to evaluate for heart disease.
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I am excitable and energetic! I will need positive outlets for my energy! I will need appropriate toys and positive outlets for my energy. I love to play and will need appropriate toys and positive outlets for my energy. I have medical needs that staff will address with you when you meet me. Banana Bread is on the at-risk list for medical reasons - Banana bread is a geriatric dog with a perineal hernia and heart murmur. Recommend hernia repair with placement, but it would be ideal to see a cardiologist prior to any anesthetic event to evaluate for heart disease.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 9.5 lbs
It is the policy of ACC not to perform surgery on any animal over the age of 8-10 years due to the higher risks incurred in a shelter setting. The veterinarian is hereby issuing a permanent spay/neuter waiver, from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY due to the estimated age of this animal. ACC does recommend you consult with your veterinarian to determine if surgical sterilization is appropriate.
It is the policy of ACC not to perform surgery on any animal over the age of 8-10 years due to the higher risks incurred in a shelter setting. The veterinarian is hereby issuing a permanent spay/neuter waiver, from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY due to the estimated age of this animal. ACC does recommend you consult with your veterinarian to determine if surgical sterilization is appropriate.
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 12-16 years Microchip noted on Intake? N History: Agency intake Subjective: Observed Behavior - Friendly, allowed handling Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Grade IV/IV periodontal disease H/L: NSR, grade IV/VI L heart murmur, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI, two scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, overgrown coat with some matting, mild diffuse muscle wasting CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Soft swelling lateral to anus. On digital rectal exam, R perineal hernia Assessment Geriatric SMB dog Grade IV/VI L heart murmur- r/o MMVD vs. other R perineal hernia Severe (grade IV/IV) periodontal disease Prognosis: Fair Plan: Monitor defecation and urination Sent out CBC/chem Shaved mats- recommend further grooming with placement Recommend cardio consult for echo with placement + perineal hernia repair and dental if appropriate anesthetic candidate SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age
Bloodwork results: monocytes high 1.2 eosinophils low 0.044 platelets high 467 creatinine low 0.4 ALT mildly elevated 172 AST mildly elevated 56 TT3 low normal 1.3 r/o inflammatory process i.e dental disease, other underlying dx *no significant concerns on bloodwork; mildly elevated liver enzymes, monocytosis and thrombocytosis suspected due to inflammatory process i.e dental disease *Recommend cardio consult + perineal hernia repair and dental once placed (if anesthetic candidate) *Hung monitoring log to monitor urination, defecation and appetite *Recheck on 1/27
Brief recheck, no reported concerns on rounds board S/O: BAR, wagging tail and panting at front of kennel; no monitoring log in place Fresh food in kennel is uneaten, does not take treat offered (jerky treat) No c/s/v/d noted, stool smashed into bedding ORAL: mm pink and moist, visible dental disease MSI: Ambulatory x 4 CNS: Appropriate mentation A: Senior to geriatric dog Perineal hernia Dental disease Heart murmur P: Replaced monitoring log Overall recheck in 2 days CTM closely on rounds
Recheck perineal hernia, heart murmur S/O: BAR, wagging tail and loose body, but cries out and gently bites when performing rectal exam (painful vs uncomfortable) Appetite scores: initially 3's, then a 1 yesterday, food dish in kennel is nearly empty this morning No c/s/v/d noted; one small piece of stool in kennel otherwise smears of feces on bedding in multiple places UG: Perineal hernia right of anus, feels malleable when palpating, but patient very resistant to palpation RECTAL: Very reactive, unable to fully palpate into hernia - suspect feces impacted A: Perineal hernia - suspected fecal impaction Heart murmur Dental disease Geriatric P: Monitor fecal output closely, noted on log to monitor stool Seek placement - recommend cardiology consult with echo. Patient would benefit from surgical repair of perineal hernia and a dental procedure. CTM while at QACC
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 1. Green
Upon intake dog allowed all handling. Carried to medical and to small dog adoptions.
Date of intake:: 1/24/2025
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray (Unknown history)
Date of assessment:: 1/25/2025
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Loose Reactivity to humans: Ignores Reactivity to dogs: Ignores Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Aloof, neutral body Call over: Aloof, neutral body, sniffs room, takes treats tossed to him Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Allowed- Neutral body Exuberant handling:Allowed- Neutral body Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follow- Neutral Arousal comments: Knock: Approaches- walks past helper Knock Comments: Toy:Ignores Toy comments:
Summary (7):: 01/25/25: Banana Bread is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. He is leashed with ease and maintains a neutral frame as handler carries him to the Canine Behavior Office for assessment (see Behavior Assessment for further details). Banana Bread readily approaches handlers to seek attention. After his session, he is carried back to kennel, returning safely.
Date of intake:: 1/24/2025
Summary:: allowed all handling.
Date of initial:: 1/24/2025
Summary:: Friendly, allowed handling