Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Holly. My animal id is #216665. I am a desexed female brown dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 3 months old.

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 2/23/2025, with the surrender reason stated as other.

Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.

Pre-Screener Form

Holly is on the at-risk due to her behavior concerns in her previous home. Holly in her previous home was reported to hard bark, growl and lunge at strangers, children, small animals, dogs and cats and is difficult to refocus once reacting. Holly in care has been social with staff, but will need extra support due to her high level of reactivity displayed in her previous home. Medically, Holly is clinically healthy.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Holly is on the at-risk due to her behavior concerns in her previous home. Holly in her previous home was reported to hard bark, growl and lunge at strangers, children, small animals, dogs and cats and is difficult to refocus once reacting. Holly in care has been social with staff, but will need extra support due to her high level of reactivity displayed in her previous home. Medically, Holly is clinically healthy. Holly originally was surrendered into care as a stray, so at the time her past behavior in a home environment was unknown. She presented as loose-bodied and social with handlers and staff during her brief stay, before being adopted. Holly was returned by her adopter after being in the home for over a month due to behavior concerns. She was described as a social and affectionate dog with her adopters and familiar people. She would spend most of her time in the living room and enjoyed playing with stuffed/plush toys. But with strangers, children, dogs, and cares, Holly, had escalated to higher level warnings including during walks. On walks, she was reported to become reactive to the aforementioned triggers in addition to moving bikes/scooters, and smaller animals. Since her return, Holly has been tense with interaction from staff but is readily accepting of treats. Due to the concerns reproted in her previous home, we recommend that Holly to be in an adult-only home where she can be the only dog without cats or other smaller animals through a New Hope rescue partner that can address her challenges with the use of s certified professional trainer that uses positive reinforcment methods only. A volunteer writes: In December, Holly was found loose in an intersection, a red leash tied loosely around her neck in a bow. She approached her finder, the leash fell off, and a scarf was used as a makeshift leash to lead her safely to the shelter. About a week later, on the coldest day of the winter, we met Holly. We shivered together, all 3 of us, taking photos and finding shelter from the wind. Though timid, she delighted us with her humongous ears and seemingly permanent frowny pout. She was soon adopted, and then soon returned to us due to reactive behaviors that her adopter didn't feel equipped for.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 54 lbs





Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. GIVE: 1 tablet of Rimadyl 100 mg by mouth for 4 days starting the day after surgery.














DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: approx 3 years based on dentition and conformation Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: stray Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - seeks attention, allowed for handling and tasks Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective T = NP P = wnl R = wnl BCS 4.5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean aduot dentition PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: FI, vulva swollen, scant serosang d/c MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: DRENP, externally wnl Assessment APH Prognosis: good Plan: intake exam and tasks awaiting sort SURGERY: Okay for surgery: Y


[Spay/Neuter Waiver - Temporary] Your newly adopted pet has been exposed to PARVO VIRUS and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization. Eligible for surgery: February 1, 2025


Blood for parvo titer done


Blood drawn for Titer check. Performed In House - TiterChek Canine Distemper-Parvovirus Antibody Test Kit Results: CPV HI titer > 1:80 Considered protected.


Parvo titer was positive and indicates this animal is protected and classified as low risk. Temporary Waiver lifted. Eligible for surgery


Progress exam: CIRDC noted on rounds Subjective: BAR, no S/V/D. Coughing/huffing present Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: dry nasal discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -Move to iso, ppe sign & monitor log placed on kennel -Start doxy 10mg/kg PO q24h x14days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x14days -CTM, recheck on 12/31


Progress Exam- CIRDC, not taking meds S: BAR has not touched food in kennel recurrent hacking cough with terminal retch and huffing O: EENT: mild tearing, mild clear nasal discharge, recurrent dry hacking cough with terminal retch, when interrupted huffing recurs and leads to coughing H/L: NMA/NAA, FPSS, lung fields clear- no crackles/wheezes Abd: no distension MSI: BCS 5/9 Mentation: appropriate A: CIRDC, moderate anorexia, suspect second to CIRDC P: d/c PO doxycycline, replace with Enrofloxacin 10mg/kg IM SID x7d supportive care: SQF 500ml, Cerenia 1mg/kg SQ both SID x3d recheck CIRDC days 3 and 7 post-change in meds, transition to oral meds once eating well


Recheck CIRDC day 3 of enrofloxacin IM S/O: BAR, eating well Med tray empty - presumably eating meds (proviable is only oral med right now) No c/s/v/d noted Mild serous nasal discharge Eupneic A: CIRDC Anorexia - resolved P: Okay to d/c SQF and cerenia Switch to oral enrofloxacin 10 mg/kg SID Monitor to make sure eating meds Recheck CIRDC day 10


Progress exam: CIRDC day 7 Subjective: QBAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating well Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 1/6/25


Progress exam: CIRDC day 10 Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating well Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: green seromucoid discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 1/11


Recheck CIRDC, potential adoption today S/O: BAR, active in kennel, comes to front when approached Appetite log indicates eating well No v/d/c, some sneezing noted during adoption interaction today EENT: Mild serous nasal discharge, no ocular discharge Lungs: Eupneic, normal rate and effort MSI: Ambulatory x 4, no notable lameness CNS: Mentation appropriate A: CIRDC - improving P: Okay to d/c medication if leaving shelter, clinical signs mild and should resolve Temporary waiver from spay until CIRDC fully resolved CTM while at QACC


DVM Intake Estimated age: 3 years Microchip noted on Intake? yes History: RTS Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Some whining, whale eye. Sniffs at treats but does not take. Allowed touch/examination, warmed up throughout examination and started seeking affection Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 6/9 OP: Mucous membranes pink and moist. No dental disease. EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: female intact, no mammary gland tumors, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: Clinically healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: -Start clonidine .01 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely Surgery: Okay for surgery


Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. GIVE: 1 tablet of Rimadyl 100 mg by mouth for 4 days starting the day after surgery.


[Post Surgical Exam] Attitude/demeanor: [BAR] Appetite: [eating well] C/S/V/D: [V/D] Incision site: [no swelling, bruising, or bleeding; sutures appear intact] Pain level: [appears comfortable] Licking, chewing, or biting surgical site noted: [no] Additional notes: [Notes off vomiting and some bloody diarrhea seen on ACS board during observation on March 4]


Diarrhea reported on rounds board twice Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D noted Objective: EYES: Clear LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea PLAN: Per standing orders - Start RC GI dietq12h x 5 days -Start psyllium husk 2 scoops PO q24h x5days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x5days -Placed monitor log on kennel -CTM, recheck on 3/9


Progress exam: Subjective: Diarrhea recheck Objective: FS: 2 reported on monitor log, no diarrhea seen in kennel ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -Removed Gi signage & monitor log from kennel -CTM on daily rounds while in QACC

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 1. Green

Upon intake dog was curious and social. Greeted all staff and walked easily back into her kennel. 0n 2/23, returning from adoption - During intake dog was barking at staff while at the car collecting dog profile and signing receipt. Owner walked dog in building without issue and staff was able to leash dog and walk back to kennel with ease. Walked into kennel on its own. 

Basic Information:: Holly is a 3yr old female brown LMB dog that was returned from adoption after difficulty settling in the new home and reactive behavior.

Previously lived with:: 2 Adults

How is this dog around strangers?: will hard bark/growl

How is this dog around children?: will hard bark/growl, lunge

How is this dog around other dogs?: will hard bark/growl, lunge

How is this dog around cats?: will hard bark/growl

Resource guarding:: none reported

Bite history:: none reported

Housetrained:: Yes

Energy level/descriptors:: medium

Other Notes:: is unbothered when disturbed while sleeping or pushed/pulled from furniture; Fearful/bark when paws are touched; will bark when held or restrained and grabbing the collar was not attempted.

For a New Family to Know: Holly is a social and affectionate female dog who likes to be with familiar people. She spends most of her time in the living room and plays with stuffed toys and is very smart. She knows ques like sit and treat. She was walked 1-2 times per day and is noted to pull hard during walks. She eats chicken flavor food and does not do well with cheese.

Date of intake:: 2/23/2025

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (a little over a month in home)

Previously lived with:: 2 Adults

Behavior toward strangers:: will hard bark/growl

Behavior toward children:: will hard bark/growl, lunge

Behavior toward dogs:: will hard bark/growl, lunge

Behavior toward cats:: will hard bark/growl

Resource guarding:: none reported

Bite history:: none reported

Housetrained:: Yes

Energy level/descriptors:: Holly is reported to have a medium energy level.

Other Notes:: February 2025: According to Holly's adopter, she is unbothered when disturbed while sleeping or pushed/pulled from furniture; Fearful/barks when paws are touched; will bark when held or restrained and grabbing the collar was not attempted. She walked 1-2 times daily and is noted to pull hard during walks. Holly is reported to become reactive to various triggers during walks - children, moving bikes and scooters, and small animals. She will lunge, hard bark, or growl. When in the home she will bark all day at outside noises and at the windows. December 2024: The first stay - surrendered as a stray; history unknown. Presented as highly social but did lack manners during assessment.

Date of assessment:: 2/24/2025

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: moderate pulling - on and off Reactivity to humans: Ignores Reactivity to dogs: Ignores Leash walking comments: noted to not react to another dog in the morning but barks at a passing motorcycle Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): tense, wanders room, accepts treats but moves away from contact and when trying to collar Call over: does not approach Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: tense, moves away, head whips Exuberant handling: tense, moves away, head whips Handling comments: begins demand barking for treats, whines Arousal Jog: Follow, tense, distracted Arousal comments: Knock: raised hackles, lip licks, square posture, slowly approaches Knock Comments: Toy: ignores Toy comments:

Summary:: Returned to QACC 02/23/25 According to Holly's previous owner(s), she will hard bark, growl and lunge at other dogs. 02/26/25: When off leash at the Care Center Holly is introduced to a novel female dog. At the gate Holly approaches with a neutral frame. Holly scents the novel female with hackles raised and ears back. The novel female begins lip licking. The novel female becomes avoidant turning her head away as she retreats and eventually displacement scenting. The novel female takes no further interest in Holly. Holly looses interest as well, thus ending the interaction. Due Both dogs being conflicted a face to face greet was not conducted. 02/24/25 Holly is introduced to a novel male dog while off leash at the care center. Holly will approach the gate but not greet the novel male dog, ignoring him. Holly will pace back and forth, panting heavily. She walks away from the gate, maintaining her distance away from it. Holly continues panting before being returned to kennel, concluding the interacting. QACC 24' Due to Holly entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded. 12/15/24 Holly is introduced to a novel female dog while off leash at the care center. Holly greets the novel female dog at the gate, scenting her through the gate. Holly's hackles will rise as she displays a high, stiff tail. Holly lip licks as she walks away, avoiding the gate and seeking attention from the handler. She approaches the handler softly, soliciting pets. Holly is returned to kennel.

Summary (4):: 3/15/25: Holly is at the front of her kennel with a neutral body and wagging tail when at the kennel door and is easily leashed and brought out to the yards to be let off leash. Holly on the walk to the yard does not react to dogs she sees, but does hard bark and lunge at a scooter that came very close to the handler and Holly, which might have spooked her a bit. Holly in the yard begins to zoom around the yard, jumping on the handler in a social manner and begin to chase birds that land in the yard. Holly is social in the yard, engaging in fetch and tires herself out. Holly does paw at the yard door when seeing a familiar volunteer to which it opens, and Holly does not run out and lets the handler grab her leash swiftly. Holly is easily leashed and taken out of the yard, where she greets the volunteer with a social loose body and brought back to kennel where she is put back into kennel and begins to paw at the door incessantly while whining. 03/14/25 (Trainer Note): Holly is sitting at the front of her kennel with a neutral body as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls mildly to the canine training room. She allows the handler to attach a drag leash and leans into contact with a loose body. Holly engages readily in the various enrichment items. She is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (5):: 3/08/25: Holly is at the back of her kennel eating an enrichment item that was given to her recently. Holly when the door is opened begins to slowly make her way to the front of the kennel door where she is easily leashed and taken outside for a walk. Holly does not pull, explores her surroundings but does tense when seeing strangers on the sidewalk, and when seeing an amazon delivery driver began to tense with hackles raise and a high flagging tail and begins to lick her wrist after passing the strangers. Holly shakes off, and continues on her walk where she begins to lunge at birds, and refocused to cross the street where they are no birds or strangers in sight. Holly remains neutral bodied throughout the walk without any triggers, and approaches handlers nudging there treat pouch for treats, which she is instead offered a toy which she shows no interest in. Holly is brought back to kennel with no issue, seeing another dog tensing, but continues to walk. 03/06/25 (Trainer Note): Holly is standing at the front of her kennel as the trainer approaches and begins to jump. She is redirected with treats and is leashed and taken to the live room. Once in the live room, Holly is very interested with the treats on the side and repeatedly jumps to try and reach them. She is rewarded for all paws on the floor, and quickly begins to engage with the enrichment items. Holly will orient to the handler between items, jumping at first, quickly realizing she is only reinforced for calm behaviour. Holly continues to engage with the enrichment and when it's time to leave the live room Holly begins to jump again. Holly is easily redirected, taking treats with a hard mouth and is taken back to her kennel. 03/06/25 Holly is at the front of her kennel, standing on her kennel door with a loose, wiggly frame. Holly is leashed with ease and taken to the live room. Holly has a drag leash placed onto her upon arrival, allowing her to free roam around the room. Holly engages with a squeaky toy. She will sit when soliciting a treat, being rewarded for such. She takes treats gently when administered. She will maintain a relaxed frame as she explores the room. She allows the handler to pet her, remaining still. Holly will seek out treats on the floor, remaining relaxed. Holly is returned to kennel, exiting the live room with no issue and proceeding to her kennel. Before the handler walks away from kennel, they toss her a toy to engage with in kennel.

Summary (6):: 2/26/25: Holly's behavior in care/during playgroup remains the same as noted 2/25. (Trainer notes): Holly greeted the handler with a loose frame and was easily leashed and taken to the canine training room. When inside she was put on a drag leash and engaged with LATTE, orienting to the trainer and taking a breath between enrichment, she particularly enjoys the lick mat. Holly knows how to sit and takes treats with a soft mouth. We started playing the 1,2,3 game and got to two before it was time to leash her and take her back. Holly was easily leashed and returned to her kennel. 2/25/25: Holly greeted handler at front of kennel and was leashed with ease. She pulled towards a familiar handler she wished to greet and sniffed them with a loose frame. Holly ignored all vehicles and other dogs as she walked to the yard for a gate greet (see dog-dog summary.) When returning to the care center, Holly noticed but did not otherwise react to the loud noise of a passing vehicle. She continued walking and was returned to kennel with ease. 02/24/25: Holly approached handler at the front of her kennel with a loose body and tail wag. She was easily leashed and brought to the BA room for her behavior assessment. During her handling assessment, she showed some signs of discomfort such as lip licking, and at times would look back at handler and move her body away (see behavior assessment). Despite this, she was able to be fitted for a collar using treats and going slowly. No issues leashing up and returning to kennel. 02/24/25: Holly is jumping up onto kennel door excitedly as handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and pulls mildly out for a walk. Holly pulls continuously forward, not stopping to scent or relieve herself along the walk. She shows no reaction when passing a large dog but does bark when a scooter drives by. Holly is easily redirected with a tossed treat and continues on her walk without further incident. She is walked back to the Care Center and returned to kennel safely.

Summary (7):: 1/7/25 Holly is sitting in the front of her kennel with a relaxed body. The handler unlocks the kennel door and leashes her with ease. They proceed outside to the play yard. Holly trots over to the play yard with a relaxed, neutral frame, maintaining a moderate pace. Holly enters the pen, exploring upon arrival. Holly will relieve herself and continue to explore with a relaxed body. She notices another dog with novel handlers in their pen and will stare from a distance. Holly remains soft and neutral, walking away and soliciting treats from the handler. She will sit gently when wanting a treat, taking them gently when administered. Holly will explore some more before being returned to kennel. She enters the building as well as her kennel with no issue. 12/31/24 Holly is sitting with a soft frame in front of her kennel door as the handler approaches. Holly is leashed with ease and taken to the play yards. Holly displays a soft, neutral frame as she prances to the play yard. Holly will allow for the handler to place a drag leash on her and she free roams around the pen. Holly will explore maintaining a soft frame. She will allow for the handler to pet her on the head, back and chest. Holly is returned to kennel where she enters the building as well as her kennel with no issue. 12/22/24: Holly is standing at the front of kennel with a loose frame as handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and walks with a loose frame to the Canine Behavior Office. Holly is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. She spends her time in the room scenting and remains aloof to handlers for the most part. Twice, she approaches a handler and accepts petting with a soft frame before walking away. She shows no interest in treats or toys. After her session, she is returned to kennel safely. 12/18/24: Holly was leashed with ease and walked to the BA room for her assessment. Holly was loose bodied and social throughout interaction. She was highly treat motivated. Handlers noticed Holly's microchip was visible and falling out. Holly tolerated muzzling for VS to remove microchip, and muzzling a second time when being re-microchipped. Handlers gave Holly high value treats before returning to kennel with ease. 12/15/24: Holly is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. She is hesitant of leashing but is easily lured forward with a treat. Holly walks with a tucked tail and slightly tense frame to the play yard for playgroup (see Dog-Dog Summary for further details). Holly is easily collared, clipped to a drag lead, and is free to explore the space. She is increasingly social with multiple handlers throughout her time in the yard and will readily approach to solicit petting with a loose frame. After playgroup, Holly is returned to kennel safely.

Date of intake:: 2/23/2025

Summary:: barks at staff but otherwise walks into building without further issue


Recommendations:: No children (under 13),No cats,Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks,Place with a New Hope partner

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to the concerning behaviors toward children in the previous home, and the potential for defensive escalations, we recommend for Holly to be placed in an adult-only home at this time. No cats: Holly is reported to hard bark and growl at cats. Due to this, we recommend for she to not be placed in a home with cats or other smaller animals. Single-pet home/recommend no dog parks: Due the concerning behaviors reported in the previous home, we feel that Holly should not visit dog parks and be the only resident dog. The Behavior Department recommends that she be socialized in a more controlled setting until her behavior towards other dogs can be further addressed. Reward-based, force-free training can be utilized to help Holly associate dogs with things she enjoys like toys or treats. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to all noted concerns displayed in a home environment, the behavior department recommends Holly be placed with a New Hope placement partner who can provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Holly to acclimate comfortably to her new environment; force-free, reward-based training only is advised when introducing her to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Holly presents with outside of the care centers.

Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Other

Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control- During her previous stay in care, Holly jumped up non-stop, indicating a need for training to improve her impulse control and basic manners. Consistent training to teach her to sit or stay when greeting people, using positive reinforcement and redirection, will help manage this behavior. Please see the handout on Basic manners/poor impulse control. Handling/touch sensitivity: Holly is reported to become fearful and bark when her paws are touched. Please see handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Holly is reported to escalate to growling and hard barking at strangers and children on multiple occasions in her previous home. Her signs of discomfort must be respected; Holly should never be forced to interact, she should always be allowed to walk away from situations or people she finds uncomfortable. We recommend a slow approach and we recommend ONLY force-free, reward-based training methods for Holly. More aversive techniques are likely to increase fear, increase the risk of aggression, and decrease Holly's quality of life. Please see hadnout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Holly is reported to become reactive to various triggers during walks - children, moving bikes and scooters, and small animals. She will lunge, hard bark, or growl. When in the home she will bark all day at outside noises and the windows. Please see handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration.