Animal Profile

Thor Odinson

Hello, my name is Thor Odinson. My animal id is #205589. I am a male brown brindle dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 1 years 2 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 9/4/2024, with the surrender reason stated as person health - debilitating injuries.

Thor Odinson is at-risk for medical concerns. Thor Odinson has severe neurologic signs and his quality of life is poor if left as is (undiagnosed and untreated); he needs to see a neurologist for advanced imaging with placement. Behaviorally, when engaging with staff Thor is loose, soft on approach, and wiggly. He will seek attention when he stops spinning briefly but then will resume the spinning once the contact pauses. Thor's spinning behavior can be interrupted for a few short minutes before he returns to the repeated behavior. He is nervous about going up and down the stairs but with encouragement and treats he will follow his handler. On one occasion, Thor did become overwhelmed when interacting with several staff and snapped at one of their hands when petted. Thor also recently guarded a piece of cheese that a handler was attempting to help him find.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Thor Odinson is at-risk for medical concerns. Thor Odinson has severe neurologic signs and his quality of life is poor if left as is (undiagnosed and untreated); he needs to see a neurologist for advanced imaging with placement. Behaviorally, when engaging with staff Thor is loose, soft on approach, and wiggly. He will seek attention when he stops spinning briefly but then will resume the spinning once the contact pauses. Thor's spinning behavior can be interrupted for a few short minutes before he returns to the repeated behavior. He is nervous about going up and down the stairs but with encouragement and treats he will follow his handler. On one occasion, Thor did become overwhelmed when interacting with several staff and snapped at one of their hands when petted. Thor also recently guarded a piece of cheese that a handler was attempting to help him find. Thor Odinson came to ACC as an owner surrender. Thor's previous owner describes him as a social silly dog. He loves to play fetch by himself - throwing his toys in the air and catching them. He is also a big believer in healthy eating - his favorite treats are blueberries and bananas.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 44.8 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 1 yr Microchip noted on Intake? negative History:owner surrender Subjective:owner surrender Observed Behavior - friendly, seeks attention, wags tail Is there evidence of Cruelty?none Is there evidence of Neglect?none Is there evidence of Trauma?none observed turning to left Objective BARH head turn to left mm pink T =102.7 P = WNL R = WNL BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam:NSF PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G:scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. All nails overgrown, covered in feces CNS: Mentation appropriate , palpebral intact both eyes, right eye absent menace, PLR intact. No abnormal nystagmus. Pet will follow a treat the right but very slowly, will not turn body that way will easily turn head and body to left to follow treat. walks with mild generalized ataxia, generally falls to the left, intermittently will turn in tight circles to left. intermittent whole body trembles. No intention tremors. knuckling normal,hemistanding and wheel barrow unbalanced. No intention tremors Rectal:not performed Wood's Lamp Exam:not performed Assessment CNS signs, r/o congenital vs infectious ( Distemper ( past infectious phase) less likely) Prognosis:fair, rec full neuro work up Plan: ok for intake tasks, hold on GA for neuter\ rec NH placement SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to neurologic sinhs


Recheck Exam S/O: BAR, active and allows handling Absent menace OD Head tilt and constant circling to the left Hypermetric forelimb gait A: Left circling, head tilt Blind OD P: Scheduled bloodwork Recommend emergency placement for neuro workup Consider EHR if no placement due to severe neuro signs and QOL


LVT Note As per DVM 2158 collected sample for CBC/Chem/Lytes/T4 to Idexx. 2187


Bloodwork results, brief recheck S/O: Spent the night in behavior room (rather than kennel), appears calmer than previous exam - not actively spinning/circling BAR, sweet and easy to examine Eating well No c/s/v/d noted CBC: wnl CHEM: mild AST elevation 60 (16-55) T4: wnl A: Left head tld, circling Blind OD P: Recommend emergency placement for neuro workup CTM closely while at QACC


Behavior team noted bleeding from RF paw - interdigital erythema +/- papules noted on all 4 paws, some small superficial lesions at RF with very mild bleeding. A: Interdigital dermatitis P: Placed e-collar - monitor closely, since neurologic we may need to remove if causing distress Soaked and thoroughly dried RF paw GenOne spray SID CTM while at QACC - seek placement ASAP


Recommend starting gabapentin 300mg (15mg/kg) PO q12h to reduce FAS; spinning behavior noted to occur most often during times of high stress/anxiety. Consider increasing gabapentin dose if no improvement, but recommend close monitoring to avoid marked sedation making mobility more difficult.

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

Upon intake, Thor was nervous, with his whole body shaking/trembling. He stopped shaking when staff baby talked to him and gently petted/rubbed him on his head and body. Staff was able to scan for MC and collar. He allowed staff to place the lead over his head but would freeze when trying to walk. After a few minutes, he would walk a few steps. He hesitated to go inside the kennel but then slowly went in on his own. He was unable to sit and get comfortable in the kennel and would whine. He wagged his tail whenever anyone approached his kennel and allowed staff to place the lead on him; however, he was hesitant to come out. He allowed staff to pick him up. While awaiting for transport, Thor spinned around in circles. He loved being caressed while having his head placed between staff's hands.

Date of Intake: 9/4/2024

Spay/Neuter Status: Not Applicable

Basic Information:: Thor is a 1 y/o, male, not neutered, MMB. He has never received any veterinary care. His previous owner got him from a friend when he was a puppy and surrendered him due to the owner's debilitating health.

Previously lived with:: 1 Adult and 1 SMB

How is this dog around strangers?: Noted to be tolerant, friendly and outgoing.

How is this dog around children?: No experience.

How is this dog around other dogs?: Noted to be tolerant, friendly and outgoing with the 3 y/o, male, neutered, SMB he lived with.

How is this dog around cats?: No experience.

Resource guarding:: Noted none.

Bite history:: Noted none.

Housetrained:: No

Energy level/descriptors:: Medium

Other Notes:: Thor is unbothered with all of the following: being held/restrained, being disturbed while sleeping/resting, having his paws, ears or tail touched nor having his collar grabbed/touched. He alert barks when startled.

For a New Family to Know: Thor is described as social, affectionate and playful. He spent most of his time in the living room or bedroom. He is accustomed to getting bathe with just a wash cloth. He has never been crated. He gets nervous during car rides and shakes/hide. He responds to his name; He plays fetch by himself, throwing his toy bone and rope toy in the air and then catching it. He eats any brand of dry food and eats on a schedule: 3am, 11am and 7pm. His favorite snack is Maria Cookies which he eats after dinner. He loves bananas and blue berries.

Date of intake:: 9/4/2024

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender

Previously lived with:: 1 Adult and 1 SMB

Behavior toward strangers:: Unknown

Behavior toward children:: tolerant, friendly and outgoing

Behavior toward dogs:: Unknown

Behavior toward cats:: Unknown

Resource guarding:: No known history of resource-guarding

Bite history:: No known bite history

Housetrained:: No

Energy level/descriptors:: Thor is reported to have a medium energy level.

Other Notes:: Thor is unbothered with all of the following: being held/restrained, being disturbed while sleeping/resting, having his paws, ears or tail touched nor having his collar grabbed/touched. He alert barks when startled.

Date of assessment:: 9/7/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Reactivity to humans: Reactivity to dogs: Leash walking comments: could not conduct at time due to spinning Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Explores room- spinning, will stop when sniffing, but displays trembling body/twitching Call over: Readily approaches- seeks attention, jumps on the handler Sociability comments: takes treats roughly Handling Soft handling: Allowed handling- jumps on the handler, heavy panting, spinning Exuberant handling: Allowed handling- heavy panting, spinning, will lean in for touch Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follow- spins between handler legs, whining Arousal comments: Knock: Ignores Knock Comments: Toy: Ignores Toy comments:

Summary (5):: 9/18/24: Thor was lying on his bed in the live room when handler entered. He bumped his head in the doorway on the way out of the room. A crated dog started barking at Thor which caused him to begin spinning continuously. Handlers helped him navigate his way into the BA room where he continued spinning even faster. Handlers attempted to pet him as that had helped slow him down in previous instances but it was not effective. Handlers offered a snuffle mat and lick mat to help him focus on something else, and he was able to stop spinning and focus on the puzzles for a time. Thor was social with handlers and accepted many pets and treats from them. Thor circled intermittently, which seemed to intensify when there was loud noise or something that aroused him. Once Thor's room was ready, the dog in the crate was covered with a sheet and Thor walked back with much less spinning. Handlers provided a knucklebone, snuffle mats, toys, audiobooks, and a nightlight (as he has been observed to be more restful when the overhead light is turned off.)

Summary (6):: 9/16/24: Thor had slept in the live room overnight and had eaten his medication and two trays of food. He was leashed with ease and proceeded to walk down the hall using the left side wall as a guide. Thor stopped to greet a group of staff and leaned into them with a wagging tail. Handler ended the interaction when Thor snapped once at a staff member's hand while they pet him. Once outside the building Thor climbed two small steps but then stopped and whined. A second handler brought cheese slices to attempt to lure him but ultimately lifted him up the stairs and positioned his left side against another wall. Once in the yard, Thor had some zoomies and leaned his body into handlers playfully. Thor ate cheese slices before snapping one time at handler's hand when they tried to help him access a piece stuck in the grass. Thor was returned to kennel with some difficulty going down the stairs. Once in the kennel room, Thor barked and lunged toward a neighboring dog that was kennel fighting. Thor proceeded to spin in kennel very fast, crashing into the door and having small amounts of liquid diarrhea. Handlers opted to take him back to the live room for his comfort. 09/14/24: Thor was left overnight in a quiet separate room away from the kennel rooms to leave him to sleep and decompress from the loud shelter environment. As handler enters the room to check on him in the morning, Thor is sleeping on his bed. Handler uses a soft voice to speak to Thor and he looks up but does not perceive them in the space and will bark and look around. Handler leaves Thor to settle in the room and he lays back down on the bed. At a later time, handler greets Thor again and he is loose, wiggly and approaches handler, leaning into them to solicit attention. He allows petting along head, neck, and body and maintains a loose frame throughout. Handler exits the room and Thor returns to his bed. 9/13/24: Thor was left overnight in a quiet separate room away from the kennel rooms to leave him to sleep and decompress from the loud shelter environment. Throughout the night, staff report that Thor was sleeping on his bed getting up only for water every so often. The handler in the morning greet Thor softly, turning on the light and his perks his head up and takes a second to register who walked in. Thor gets up from his bed and begins to wag his tail fast, and spins exuberantly to the handler, leaning his head into petting and making social grumbling noises when the handler pets his belly. Thor stays leaned into the handler and the goes back to his bed still wagging his tail wagging at the handler. The handler exits the room after a bit of interacting with Thor to let him relax more, and is soon moved back to his original kennel. Thor throughout the day back in his original kennel spins on and off, making the pads of his paws raw from spinning so much. The handlers take him to medical to get his paws tr

Summary (7):: 9/11/24: Thor was leashed with ease and walked down the hall towards the stairs leading outside. Thor was able to get his front legs up the first step but his hind legs remained planted and he did not bend them or attempt to climb up any further. Handler lifted the front half of his body back down and they walked to the Live Room instead. Thor stayed close to the wall on his left and slowly navigated his way around obstacles in the hall, hesitating when crossing thresholds and appearing overwhelmed by the noise of other dogs at times. Once they reached the Live Room he was clipped to a drag leash and sniffed around the room. Handler played calming dog music for him. Thor was social with handler and other staff that entered the room to greet him. He solicited many pets which he leaned his whole body into. He circled intermittently while in the room. Thor took treats extremely quickly and roughly. He was returned to kennel slowly with the same difficulty navigating through the halls. 9/8/24: Thor was spinning in kennel when handler approached. He was leashed with ease and walked to the Live Room. Thor had some difficulty navigating his way past obstacles in the hallway and consistently pulled to the left. Once in the room, Thor continued circling and the drag leash got wrapped around handler's legs. He tolerated all handling as his leash was adjusted and then relieved himself. Thor explored the room by performing a series of circles in the direction he wanted to go rather than walking in a straight line. He would approach handler and place his head in their lap soliciting many pets. Thor appeared to be unable to reverse or turn around in certain situations, instead dramatically turning his neck to look behind him without shifting his hind legs. Thor was returned to kennel with the same difficulty navigating his way down the hall. He urinated on his fresh bedding as soon as he entered kennel. 09/07/24: Thor is standing at the center of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. He is leashed with ease and spins on his way out of kennel. Thor will stumble, lean back and forth, and spin while slowly walking to the Live Room. Once in the room, Thor is free to explore the space. He slowly walks along the edge of the room scenting and climbs up onto the kuranda bed in the room. Handler sits in the chair next to the kuranda bed and Thor will sniff handler's arm and accept petting along head and neck with a loose body. Handler picks up drag lead and slowly guides Thor back to kennel. He will bump into objects in the hallway on the way back to kennel.

Date of intake:: 9/4/2024

Summary:: nervous, with his whole body shaking/trembling

Date of initial:: 9/5/2024

Summary:: friendly, seeks attention, wags tail


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due to his habitual spinning, which may be due to medical issues, we advise that if he is to be placed in a home with children, it should be one with dog-savvy children.

Potential challenges: : House soiling,Resource guarding,Basic manners/poor impulse control,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety

Potential challenges comments:: House soiling- It is reported that Thor is not potty trained. Please see handout on House Soiling. Resource Guarding: Thor was observed to snap at a handler when they attempted to help him by picking up a piece of cheese that he was looking for in the grass. Please see handout on Resource Guarding. Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition- During assessment, Thor takes treats roughly, showing a lack of proper bite inhibition. Training should focus on offering treats with an open hand and using commands like "gentle" or "easy." Rewarding him for taking treats softly and providing chew toys can help improve his bite inhibition. Please see the handout on Basic manners/poor impulse control. Basic manners/poor impulse control- Thor displays poor impulse control by jumping on handlers,These behaviors suggest a need for consistent training to improve his manners and impulse control. Using positive reinforcement and redirection will help manage these behaviors effectively. Please see handout on Basic manners/poor impulse control. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression- Thor is reported in the prior home to alert bark when startled. During intake, he displayed nervous behavior, with his whole body shaking/trembling. Although he warms up quickly with a slow approach, Thor recently did snap at a handler when overwhelmed. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Anxiety-Thor began to display heavy panting and whining during his assessment. Managing his anxiety will require creating a calm environment, providing enrichment activities, and using stress-reducing techniques like puzzle toys and regular exercise. Please see handout on generalized anxiety.