Hello, my name is Mack. My animal id is #149158. I am a desexed male gray dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 5 years 7 months 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 11/29/2024, with the surrender reason stated as person circumstance- homeless.
Mack is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Mack in the care center has not been acclimating, and starting to become dog reactive when being removed from kennel. Mack has attempted to redirect and bite a staff members hand when reacting to another dog, and in his kennel shows high levels of stress, hard barking with teeth displayed and lunging at staff through the glass. Medically, Mack is overweight and has dental disease.
You may know me from such films as...
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Mack is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Mack in the care center has not been acclimating, and starting to become dog reactive when being removed from kennel. Mack has attempted to redirect and bite a staff members hand when reacting to another dog, and in his kennel shows high levels of stress, hard barking with teeth displayed and lunging at staff through the glass. Medically, Mack is overweight and has dental disease. What my friends at ACC say about me: I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. I need a home without cats or small animals. I would do best in a home without very tiny humans, although I could be open to older human children once I meet them. I am finding the shelter a bit overwhelming. Outside one-on-one I am a great big cuddle bug. A volunteer writes: When I think of this big thick boy, I swear I turn into the heart eye emoji. What can I say, he's the gray walrus of everyone's dreams! He greets me in his kennel with a wag, flashes smile after smile at me, and just places his 72lb bod in my lap to hang out. Truly what is there not to love? Mack was originally at ACC back in 2022 after being found, without explanation, in an apartment that was being vacated. He was adopted but his guardian has fallen on hard times and so Mack is looking for his next shot at love and family. Shelter life is quickly wearing on this walrus, whose natural habitat is undoubtedly a couch or bed. Mack is at Queens ACC.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 72 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2-4 years based on the condition of teeth and eyes Microchip noted on Intake? Negative History: Stray Subjective: BAR H pink 1 sec Observed Behavior - Body relaxed; easily examined Evidence of Cruelty seen - No Evidence of Trauma seen - No Objective P = 100hr R = 40rr BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: NSF PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Intake procedures SURGERY: Okay for surgery
Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. Start 1.5 tablet carprofen 100 mg sid po x 2 days as pain management.
DVM Intake Exam History : Owner surrender, reported bloody diarrhea for a few days; diarrhea FS 7/7 noted since entering shelter Estimated age: Approx 4-7 years Microchip noted on Intake? Positive Subjective: BAR, wagging tail, soft body, active in intake room, allows handling for exam; yelps and head whips during intake tasks, soft muzzle placed as precaution Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Neglect seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective: P = wnl R = wnl BCS = 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, no ocular discharge; ears clean; no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: mm pink and moist, CRT <2; moderate tartar and staining, more notable along molars; stage II-III ddz PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NMA, SSP; Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male neutered MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Anus erythematous Woods Lamp: Negative Assessment: Diarrhea, reported hematochezia Dental disease Overweight Prognosis: Good Plan: Start psyllium husk 2 scoops PO BID x 5 days CTM while at QACC Recommend weight loss and dental procedure with placement
Diarrhea day 5 - no further reports, none noted in kennel. CTM while at QACC.
Behavior team reports mounting staff, leash biting, becoming reactive on walks. Start trazodone 10 mg/kg PO BID, clonidine 0.02 mg/kg PO BID, and CTM.
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 1. Green
Upon intake, MacK had a loose body. He walked right up to e and allowed handling. He was pulling hard while on leash and was challenging to control.
Date of Intake: 11/29/2024
Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered
Basic Information:: MacK is a 6 y/o LMB Male Dog. He was adopted from ACC 3 years ago. He was surrendered due to a major life event.
Previously lived with:: Adults
How is this dog around strangers?: friendly and outgoing with strangers, playful, and tolerant. The same goes with visitors in the home
How is this dog around children?: no experience
How is this dog around other dogs?: will hard barks, growls, lunges, and snaps.
How is this dog around cats?: hard barks, growls, lunges, and snaps at cats.
Resource guarding:: unknown
Bite history:: no history
Housetrained:: Partially
Energy level/descriptors:: high
Other Notes:: is fearful of loud noises, will react to bikes/skateboards/scooters/traffic and cats by growling or hard barking and lunging. Isn't bothered by being restrained, disturbed, startled, pushed/pulled off furniture, feet/paws touched, and collar is grabbed/touched.
Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes
Medical Notes: Is having loose stool for the past 4 days and is not eating normally.
For a New Family to Know: MacK is known as social/affectionate, active, and quiet. He enjoys spending his time where people are, in the living room, or in his crate. He allows family to bathe/brush and allows family to trim nails/touch paws. During walks, he will pull mildly on leash. He is used to 30 minute walks 2 times a day. He enjoys going for car rides and knows the cues sit, paw, and stay. He enjoys playing catch and with ropes.
Date of intake:: 12/9/2024
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender
Previously lived with:: Adults
Behavior toward strangers:: friendly and outgoing with strangers, playful, and tolerant.
Behavior toward children:: Unknown
Behavior toward dogs:: will hard barks, growls, lunges, and snaps.
Behavior toward cats:: hard barks, growls, lunges, and snaps at cats.
Resource guarding:: No Known reports of resource guarding.
Bite history:: No known bite history.
Housetrained:: Partially
Energy level/descriptors:: MacK is reported to have a high energy level.
Other Notes:: is fearful of loud noises, and will react to bikes/skateboards/scooters/traffic and cats by growling or hard barking and lunging. Isn't bothered by being restrained, disturbed, startled, pushed/pulled off furniture, feet/paws touched, and collar is grabbed/touched. *** please see prior handling assessment for from the prior stay for more details.**
Date of assessment:: 11/30/2024
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Loose Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social - lip licks, paces Call over: Approaches readily- allows petting, panting Sociability comments: Nervous Soft handling: Allows handling- panting, distracted Exuberant handling: Allows handling- panting, distracted Comments: Arousal Jog: Follows- panting Arousal comments: Knock: Approaches- loose body Knock comments: Toy: No response Toy comments:
Summary:: QACC - 2024 According to Mack's previous owners, he will hard bark, growl, lunge, and snap at other dogs. 12/02/24 Mack is introduced to a novel female dog while off leash at the care center. Mack will greet the novel female dog at the gate with a loose frame while simultaneously barking excessively. Mack becomes frustrated, pacing back and forth with his hackles raised and a knot in his tail. Mack moves away on his own and is returned to kennel. MACC - 2022 7/24/22: Mack greets the helper dog with a soft body and tail wag.
Summary (2):: 3/13/25: Mack is at the back of his kennel laying down when the handler approaches, and when noticing the handler begins to stretch off his bed, walk to the front of the kennel and begin to display a loose/wiggly body. Mack is leashed and walked past the two dog rooms to the behavior office, where he pulls hard but displays no kennel fighting. Mack in the behavior office is highly social with staff, jumping on handlers often in a social manner, shoulder swiping, leaning into petting and becoming mouthy with staff when he becomes more aroused. Mack engages in fetch, and while playing fetch begins to fluctuate between becoming more aroused, with his pupils being dilated and his breathing becoming more pronounced, and other time slowly walking to staff leaning in for more petting. When another staff member walks in, Mack begins to jump on them incessantly, having to be refocused with treats to get him to stop. Mack attempts to snatch a donut off the behavior counter, he will lean into pets and slowly make his way towards the donut where he will attempt to grab the bag which another staff member grabs his collar so he does not consume it. Mack tolerates all handling, and begins to resume in social behavior he was displaying and brought back to kennel with no issue.
Summary (3):: 03/07/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. He comes to the front and jumps on the door. Mack is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. He is loose and social, engaging readily with the handler and the various enrichment items. He plays take a breath readily, offering it to the handler without prompting, and leans into contact. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 03/05/25: Mack is seen kicking off the wall when he spots another dog. As the handler stiff-arms him for proper management, he redirects on the handler, attempting to bite their hand with proper handling he will be brought back to his kennel safe and securely. 3/1/25: Mack is at the back of his kennel sleeping when the handler approaches, and his kennel door is being unlocked, he will wag his tail, stretch and groan. Mack is very loose/wiggly when leashed, and enters the behavior office seeking out a familiar handler, leaning into them and becoming bouncy. Mack is placed on a drag leash where he is highly social and affectionate with all staff in the room, leaning in for petting, sitting for treats and engaging with enrichment items on the floor. Mack continues to do these behaviors for the majority of the session inside of the room, and is brought back to kennel with an enrichment ice block to enjoy for the morning. 02/24/25 As handler swipes the motion sensor to enter sliding doors, Mack lunges at door hard barking. He will appear to lunge and snap at handler's hand from inside kennel. 02/21/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately towards the canine training room. Mack engages readily in the various enrichment items and works with the handler on take a breath and the 123 game. He leans into contact with a loose body. As handler attempts to releash him, Mack grabs the leash in his mouth with a soft body. He trades readily for a treat and allows the handler to lure him through the leash. Mack is returned to kennel without issue.
Summary (4):: 02/14/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. He stands and stretches before coming to the front of the kennel. He is easily leashed and pulled moderately to the canine training room. Mack is loose and wiggly, leaning into contact with a soft body. He engages with interest in the various enrichment items before being returned to kennel without issue. 02/08/25 (Trainer Note): Mack's behavior remains the same as the 01/31/25 note. 02/01/25: Mack is standing at the front of kennel with a loose body as handler approaches. He jumps up excitedly on the kennel door. Once leashed, Mack pulls hard to the Live Room where he is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. Mack is loose, wiggly, and social with multiple handlers throughout his time in the room. Handlers use treats and toys to lure him into a doggie pool in the middle of room, but he is hesitant to enter. Mack circles the pool in an attempt to retrieve treats tossed inside, but he does not enter. Mack is offered a paper bag enrichment item which he readily engages with. After his session, he is leashed with ease and returns to kennel safely. 01/31/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying on his bed as the handler approaches. He jumps up onto the glass upon noticing the handler. Mack is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. He engages in the enrichment with interest, orienting towards the handler in between items. Mack leans into contact with a soft body, re-initiating when the handler pauses. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 2/1/25: Mack is observed to be reacting to another dog on leash with staff, Mack will lunge and hard bark several times until being refocused with leash pressure. Mack is taken back to his kennel with no issue, pulling moderately-hard. 01/25/25 (Trainer Note): Mack's behavior remains the same as the previous note.
Summary (5):: 01/18/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls hard to the canine training room. Mack allows the handler to attach a drag leash and runs around the room frenetically. He approaches the handler and leans into contact before moving away again. Mack eventually settles enough to engage with the various enrichment items, but only does so for a few moments before leaning back into contact with the handler. Mack is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 1/14/25 Mack is lying down as the handler approaches. Mack will gently approach the front of his kennel, allowing the handler to leash him with ease. Mack exits his kennel with a loose, wiggly frame and a fast-wagging tail. Mack will collect treats from the floor as the two exit the building. Mack maintains his loose frame while walking moderately beside the handler. Mack will collect treats gently when administered, sitting neutrally when soliciting treats from the handler. Mack and the handler will commence their walk with minimal leash pressure. They return to the facility entering the building and his kennel with no issue. 01/14/25 (AM): Mack's behavior is consistent with 01/13/25 (AM) note. 1/13/25 (PM): Mack is lying down as the handler approaches. Mack will quickly run over to the front of his kennel with a loose, wiggly body. Mack is leashed with ease and taken outside for a walk. Mack will pull intensely on his way out of the building. Upon arriving outside, Mack will continue to pull intensely with a loose frame. Mack will take treats gently when administered, sitting gently. They will cut through the play pens for a pop bag when Mack will climb a bench and hop onto the facility's dirt patch. Mack will have the zoomies, and the handler must coax him down by calling his name. Mack will wiggle his way back to the facility, still pulling on the lead. Mack enters the building as well as his kennel with no issue. (AM): Mack is lying at the front of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. He jumps up on the kennel door with a loose, wiggly, frame as handler unlocks the kennel door. He is leashed with ease and walks to the Canine Behavior Office where he is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. Mack is loose, wiggly, and social with multiple handlers throughout his time in the room. He will readily approach when called and accepts petting with a loose frame. He engages with multiple enrichment items including a snuffle mat, licky mat, and squeaky toys. After his session, he is leashed with ease and returns to kennel safely.
Summary (6):: 01/10/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. He rushes to the front of the kennel and jumps on the door upon noticing the handler. He mouths at the leash so the handler throws a handful of treats before leashing. Mack pulls hard to the canine training room. He allows the handler to attach a drag leash and begins to run frenetically around the room. Mack engages independently with the enrichment, but shows no interest in engaging with the handler. Handler attempts to lure him into the up/down game, but Mack only plays for a few repetitions before running away. Handler scatters treats through the various enrichment items and Mack engages, decreasing the intensity of his panting some. He leans briefly into contact. Handler attempts to leash, but Mack grabs it in his mouth and begins to play with it, carrying it and shaking it. He trades for a treat and allows the handler to lure him through the leash with another treat. He is returned to kennel without issue. 01/04/25 (Trainer Note): Mack is laying down in kennel when the handler approaches. As the handler begins to unlock the door, he rushes towards the front and jumps on the glass, barking. Handler easily leashes him and he pulls hard, moving frenetically back and forth. He allows the handler to attach a drag leash and runs frenetically around the room. He takes treats from the handler before running away. Handler begins to engage him in the up/ down pattern game and Mack settles some. Handler is able to pause for longer in between repetitions and ask for a breath in between. Mack picks up quickly and is able to continue the up/down game, taking a breath in between repetitions. Mack then wanders away and engages with the enrichment. Handler prompts orienting in between enrichment items and he is able to do so, but is unable to take a breath in between. He is easily leashed and pulls hard back to kennel. 12/28/24: When staff walk past Mack's kennel, he will jump towards his kennel door and hard bark, repeating this behavior every time someone passes.
Summary (7):: 12/20/24: Mack is at the front of the kennel with a loose/wiggly body and is easily leashed to be brought into the behavior office. Mack in the office is highly social, jumping on handlers and being mouthy with moderate pressure onto handlers hands during his heightened level of excitement. Mack is given several enrichment items to interact with that would decrease his arousal, and engages with each one of his own volition and rewarded for engaging with it. Mack does lean into pets at times when he is distracted, and does become mouthy again but is easily refocused with either the enrichment item, or a tennis ball. Mack is brought back to his kennel with no issue and given a frozen treat to enjoy. 12/12/24 (Trainer Note): Mack is standing at the front of the kennel with a loose body as the handler approaches. He jumps repeatedly up onto the door and handler uses treats to lure his head through the leash. Mack allows the handler to attach a drag leash and engages with mild interest in the various enrichment items. Another handler enters and Mack runs frenetically around the room with his hind end tucked underneath him. He then jumps up onto the novel handler repeatedly. Handler throws a treat and he redirects. He is then redirected onto the enrichment and settles again, releasing tension from his body and decreasing the intensity of his panting. He is returned to kennel without issue. 12/09/24 (staff report): Mack is reported to be reactive towards other dogs while on a walk. He will bark and pull hard in their direction. (2) A handler sees Mack lunging, barking, and screeching at other dogs while the handler is in the play yard. - 12/2/24: While in a meeting in the conference room, Mack can be seen becoming anxious and aroused in the play yard with a novel handler. He begins racing around the pen, before jumping up on the handler persistently. The handler turns to the side and attempts to walk away, but Mack slides down their leg and begins to mount. The handler continues to try and walk away but Mack persists. The handler takes their lead and attempts to leash Mack but he begins biting it. It takes several tries before the handler can leash Mack due to his leash biting. During previous stay at ACC - 7/27/22: Mack is at the front of the kennel with a soft body. He is easily leashed and taken out of kennel where he pulls moderately hard out in the hallway. He is taken out to the street where he walks nicely next to handler's side. He relieves himself and takes treats gently from handler when called over. Handler stops walking him and he allows petting. Mack is brought back inside where he allows petting in the elevator. Outside the kennel room, he flails back and with light pressure on the leash is able to be placed in kennel.
Date of intake:: 11/29/2024
Summary:: allowed handling. He was pulling hard while on leash and was challenging to control.
Date of initial:: 11/30/2024
Summary:: wagging tail, soft body, active in intake room, allows handling for exam; yelps and head whips duri
ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Mack so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised.
Recommendations:: No cats,Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks
Recommendations comments:: No young children (under 5)- We recommend MacK is placed in a home without young children. No cats- In the prior home it is reported that MacK will hard barks, growls, lunges, and snaps at cats. SINGLE-PET HOME/RECOMMEND NO DOG PARKS: Due to Mack's dog reactivity shown while in care, we highly recommend no dog parks as well as Mack being the only pet in the home.
Potential challenges: : Fearful,Anxiety,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Leash-biting,Kennel presence,Low threshold for arousal
Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/Anxiety- MacK began to display heavy panting and pacing during his assessment. Managing his anxiety will require creating a calm environment, providing enrichment activities, and using stress-reducing techniques like puzzle toys and regular exercise. Please see handout on generalized anxiety On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration- Mack reportedly fears loud noises, and will react to bikes/skateboards/scooters/traffic and cats by growling or hard barking and lunging. He has also done this toward other dogs. Please see the handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. Low threshold for arousal/leash biting: Mack has been observed to mount and leash bite while off-leash. Please see handout on Arousal. Kennel presence-When staff walk past Mack's kennel, he will jump towards his kennel door and hard bark, repeating this behavior every time someone passes.