Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Baby. My animal id is #218156. I am a desexed female tortoiseshell cat at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 14 years 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 1/8/2025, with the surrender reason stated as other.

Baby is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. She is a senior cat with diabetes mellitus, a urinary tract infection and high stress in shelter. She needs a quiet home and out-patient management with a local veterinarian to manage her conditions.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Baby is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. She is a senior cat with borderline diabetes mellitus, a urinary tract infection and high stress in shelter. She needs a quiet home and out-patient management with a local veterinarian to manage her conditions. She is not insulin dependent at this time. What my friends at ACC say about me: Cheek and chin scratches make me so happy! I prefer to call the shots and enjoy coming to you when I'm ready for pets. I love to be loved, but on my own terms! Let's brush up on some feline body language together!

My medical notes are...

Weight: 15.5 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported 14y Microchip noted on Intake? History: Owner surrender due to housing insecurity and allergy issues. Baby has been reported having issues with inappropriate urination. Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Growling and hissing when approached in kennel. Electing sedation to decrease FAS and allow for shaving of matted hair. 0.1ml dexmedetomidine 500mcg/ml, 0.1ml ketamine 100mg/ml, 0.1ml butorphanol 10mg/ml IM Evidence of Cruelty seen -no Evidence of Neglect seen-no Evidence of Trauma seen -no Objective T = P =wnl R =wnl BCS 9/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with marked dental tartar, hand scaled large piece of tartar from upper PM4, FORL lesion present PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: female, linear abdominal scar on ventral abdomen midline, R mammary chain has small firm masses MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, matted hair coat over caudal CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal external Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment overweight matted dental disease diabetes mellitus suspected Prognosis: guarded Plan: intake tasks cbc/chem/T4/UA-urine obtained via cysto spot bg=394 ketodiastix negative for ketones, urine glucose 500mg/dL sanitary clip shaved matted hair placed CGM and starting DM diet if BG remains elevated plan to start PZI 0.7ml convenia in case of UTI SURGERY: already spayed


BG in PM 296


Hx: overweight, matting, high FAS S: QAR, dilated pupils, hisses when approached. Urine in litterbox. Food appears disturbed. O: Visual exam only EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L: Eupneic MSI: recently shaved portions of hair coat over caudal dorsum CNS: Mentation appropriate/ alert A: Overweight Matted Hyperglycemia on intake Small masses noted on mammary chain P: BG via CGM this AM- 235 mg/dL CWCT CTM Recommend placement


CBC/chem/T4 and UA at lab CBC mild monocytosis and basophilia Chem BG=392 ALP 83 U/L (H) T4 wnl UA glucose 2+ rods and WBC present A: diabetes mellitus urinary tract infection P: adding urine culture convenia administered at time of intake monitor closely for signs of hepatic lipidosis


Did not eat o/n. Hisses when approached. Urine in litterbox. Morning BG- 212 mg/dL A: Overweight Anorexia Concern for developing hepatic lipidosis if anorexia persists P: Urine culture pending Placement ASAP


Are churu treat and some wet food


Pet did not eat overnight. Lying sternal in rear of cage. Hisses when approached. Urinated in box overnight. BG: 256 Resp: Eupneic Preliminary urine culture: e-coli > 100k cfu/ml sensitivity pending. A: Hyperglycemia r/o DM vs stress UTI Obese Hyporexia High FAS Prognosis: Guarded. High risk of hepatic lipidosis. Plan Advise placement on at risk list Feed DM diet


urine culture e-coli sensitive to convenia


BG 247 Pet ate 1/2 can of fancy feast today.


BAR BG 290 Plan Start Prozinc 1 unit SQ sid CTM BG


BG 311 at 1:38 pm BG 256 at 5:50 pm Plan no insulin tonight


Pet did not eat this morning. Resists restraint for tasks. BG: 277 A: Anorexia UTI DM +/- pancreatitis Prognosis: Poor Plan LRS 150 mls SQ sid x 3d Cerenia 10mg/ml 0.7 ml SQ sid x 3d Increase prozinc 1 unit sq bid +/- simbadol


BG 290 Plan Simbadol 1.8mg/ml 0.9 ml SQ tonight

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow

Is this cat having litter box issues?: Yes

If yes, Please elaborate:: Lately, since relocation, Baby has been urinating in various different parts of the house. She will urinate on new rugs, surfaces but will still defecate in the litter box. owner is unsure what sis the main cause of this but may be due to relocating multiple times to different home. She is used to using a covered litter box with scented litter.

Basic Information:: Name: Baby Age: 10+ years old Color: Grey Sex: Female Altered: Yes Declawed: No Surrender Reason: The main reasons that I am surrendering my cat is because of my health and she is peeing more then ever around where we are temporary living at that too. Length of time owned: 14 Where the previous owner got this cat: A friend had a cat then it had babies and that's how Baby came to our family.

Previously lived with:: Lived with: Adults, Children Additional info: My two teenagers, my mom, my husband and myself Spe

How is this cat around strangers?: Friendly & Outgoing

How is this cat around children?: Friendly & Outgoing

How is this cat around other cats?: Friendly & Outgoing

How is this cat around dogs?: Friendly & Outgoing

Behavior Notes: If they hiss, growl, swat, or bite - these behaviors are usually: Defensive How this cat reacts when someone... - Trims their nails: Hisses - Brushes their coat: Hisses - Picks up/holds: Stress meows - Places them in a carrier: Stress meows

Bite history:: Previous bite/scratch to a person: No Did the bite/scratch break skin: Not reported Date of last bite/scratch: Previous bite/scratch to another animal: No Did either animal need vet care: Not reported Date of last bite/scratch to an animal: Additional info: Not reported

Energy level/descriptors:: Low (mostly lays around)

Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: No

Medical Notes: Medical info: Not reported Allergies: No Allergy info: Not reported Veterinarian: Doesn't have one Last vet check: 7/20/2021

For a New Family to Know: Description of this cat most of the time: Friendly Additional info: Not reported Areas the cat had access to: Indoors Additional info: Not reported Where the cat spent most time: Living room Additional info: Not reported How the cat likes to play: Not interested in play Additional info: Not reported How often the cat got interactive playtime: Rarely (once a month or less) Additional info: Not reported This cat likes to scratch on: Carpet/Fabric Additional info: Not reported Previous owner's favorite things about the cat: Baby is very loveable and friendly Behavior issues noted: Scratches furniture Additional info: Not reported Type of food the cat eats: Wet Food Brands of food: Frieskkies, Meow Mix, 9 lives too. Favorite treats: No treats

KNOWN HISTORY:: Baby Previously lived with: 2 teenagers, 3 adults Behavior toward strangers: Friendly & Outgoing Behavior toward children: Friendly & Outgoing Behavior toward cats and dogs: Friendly & Outgoing Bite or Scratch history: None reported Litter box training: Yes, but had accidents around where previous owner temporary lived at. Energy level/descriptors: Low (mostly lays around) Other notes: This cat is described as friendly and loveable, spending most of its time in the living room indoors. It shows little interest in play, with very rare interactive playtime (once a month or less). It likes to scratch carpet or fabric and has a habit of scratching furniture. The cat is fed wet food, specifically brands like Friskies, Meow Mix, and 9 Lives. No additional issues or preferences were reported.

ACTIVITY LEVEL:: Laid back,Subdued

VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Shy ,Sweet,Curious,Skittish,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Fearful,Other,New home adjustment period

Potential challenges comments:: Previous owner reports that she was eliminating urinating outside the litter box, but we are unaware of what, if any, modification steps were taken to try and address this behavior. Please note as well that Baby has been diagnosed with and is being treated for hyperglycemia mellitus in the care center, which may be influencing the urination behavior. We cannot be sure whether this behavior will continue in a home environment after treatment for the medical condition has been completed, but we recommend that potential adopters be comfortable with management and modification techniques for elimination outside the litter box should this behavior continue in a home environment.


RECOMMENDATIONS:: No young children

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Baby was resting on her bedding upon approach, with neutral eyes and relaxed ears. When spoken softly to she low grumbles and hisses. However, she allowed petting along her head and body with the scratcher tool, eventually lifting up her head to gently nudge and body roll with tail lying low against the hand. Baby kneads while she continues to grumble throughout the assessment and ate offered squeeze up delectable. Baby tolerates attention and petting but appears fearful or stressed in the shelter. She may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to her new home. We recommend this cat go to a home with experienced cat parents. Due to the behavior shown, she may not be a great fit for young children. Any home with older children prepared to adopt this cat should conduct a thorough interaction and endeavor to monitor this cat around their children to prevent these behaviors from being reinforced.