Mikey is on the at risk list due to behavior concerns. Mikey in care has been observed in care to hard bark and lunge at other dogs passing her kennel, and will begin to pace and heavy pant as dogs pass her kennel throughout the day. Mikey has also displayed hard barking and lunging while on leash, and when being retrained has redirected onto a staff member grabbing there sleeve. Medically, Mikey is currently healthy.
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Winnie is at risk due to behavior concerns.Winnie has not adjusted well to the care center environment and has displayed arousal, kennel fighting, and leash-biting behavior, making it difficult for handlers to walk her. Additionally, she has been reported to growl, hard bark, lunge, and snap at visitors in the adopter's home. Winnie also had conflicts with the cats in the home, leading to a fight that the adopter had to break up. Although Winnie attempted to redirect, no skin was broken. In care, she has repeatedly tried to push out of her kennel, thrashes when leashed, and escalates to biting the leash. While she does show social behavior with handlers, engages in enrichment activities, she struggles to maintain focus. Medically, winnie Apparently Healthy.
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Bubbles is on the at-risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. He has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his stress levels, it is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Druski is on the At Risk list due to behavior and inconsistent appetite due to FAS. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Paprika is at risk due to deterioration. Despite attempts to keep her comfortable, she has begun to bark and lunge towards dogs in kennel as well as outside and bang or paw on her door. She was initially fearful and defensive towards staff, but has warmed significantly and is wiggly and highly affiliative during interactions. Medically, she is apparently healthy.
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Dill Pickle
Dill Pickle is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Dill Pickle has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and has displayed concerning behaviors towards another dog during a walk. When approached in kennel, he has been observed to pant heavily, jump on the kennel door, and demand barks. He does not take treats and has difficulty settling. During a walk, Dill charged at another dog after lunging and getting loose from the handler walking him when they bent down to collect his stool. The handler with the other dog has to pick up their large dog and put it on top of a car to increase the distance between Dill Pickle and the other dog. He continued to jump up and snap at the other dog while other handlers run over to assist in separating the dogs by grabbing their leashes. No contact or injury was made to either dog. Medically, Dill Pickle has CIRDC.
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Murray is at-risk due to behavior concerns. Murray arrived at MACC as an owner surrender. His previous owner describes him as as social and affectionate dog. Murray has a multiple bite history towards dogs and is also reactive towards them while on leash. His previous owner states that he will hard bark, growl, and lunge towards dogs, cats and squirrels. Murray is also reported to be sensitive to handling. Noted to lunge when held, growl when his collar is grabbed, and snap when his paws are touched. Medically, Murray's limited eye exams leave us highly suspicious of progressive retinal atrophy and visual deficits. We recommend follow up with ophthalmologist as we can't provide a more comprehensive treatment plan in care.
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Scott is at risk due to behavior concerns. Scott arrived at MACC as a owner surrender, his previous owner describes him as a social and affectionate dog. During his stay in the care he has been observed to be highly fearful. Noted to have a tense, trembling body and growling towards handlers. Scott has slowly warmed up with select handlers and has allowed limited handling. Recently, he has started to display signs of deterioration. Scott is now cage fighting, occasionally baulking returning to kennel, and has been observed to be licking, chewing, and biting the kennel bars. Medically, he is apparently, healthy.
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Nevaeh is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Nevaeh is struggling in the care center despite best efforts to keep her comfortable. In kennel Nevaeh will jump up at the glass of her kennel, panting heavily and smearing feces due her constant rebounding. Nevaeh has been also kennel fighting with neighboring dogs when leaving kennel, attempting to redirect onto staff members making it difficult to walk her safely. Medically, Nevaeh is apparently healthy.
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Paris is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns noted by the previous owner. Paris was mentioned in his previous foster home to lunge, growl, and bark at the fosters and has shown similar behaviors when trying to crate him. Paris in the crate would begin to snap or growl if anyone approached his crate. Paris in the care center has been reported to be social with staff but has started to display similar concerning behaviors mentioned in the home. Medically, Paris is overall healthy but recently received treatment for ear infection which will need a re-check in the coming weeks.
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Peque is at risk due to behavior concerns. Peque arrived at MACC as an owner surrender. It is reported that Peque has a bite in his history. About 1 month ago Peque bit the resident child on the foot. This bite was a bite and release that did break skin. This bite required medical attention. During his stay in the care center, Peque has been observed to be highly fearful. Noted to snarl and growl towards handlers, when handlers are attempting to leash Peque has been observed to snap and bite the leash. He has tolerated petting when approaches slowly. Medically, Peque is apparently healthy.
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Daisy is currently at risk due to behavior reasons. When she first arrived at the care center, Daisy would remain tense and hard stare towards handlers during interactions. This type of behavior is reported by her previous owner as well, reporting that she will hard bark and growl at strangers. Daisy has since warmed up to staff, seeking petting at times and greeting with a soft body and wagging tail. Medically, Daisy has allergies but is overall healthy.
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Thor is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Thor in the care center has displayed a significant amount of handling sensitivity and defensive behaviors during interactions with staff. Thor presents social during interactions, but when handlers attempt to handle him, has escalated to head whipping, lip curling and growling at staff. Medically, Thor has hypotrichosis but otherwise healthy.
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Bear is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Bear in the care center is observed to leash bite and kennel fighting, lunging and hard barking at other dogs when exiting the room. Bear is also struggling to acclimate in his kennel, panting heavily, smearing feces on his kennel wall and rebounding in his kennel. Medically, Bear is clinically healthy.
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Jaxson is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Jaxson in the care center has been intensely fearful and has not acclimated to the kennel environment despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. Jaxson on walks will avoid interaction with handlers, pancake,thrashing and refuse to walk at times and in kennel has began to lunge at his kennel glass at passing staff. Medically, Jaxson is apparently healthy.
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Luscious is at risk due to behavior concerns. He arrived at the care centers as a stray and allowed all handling a soft, wiggly body. Upon entering his kennel he was reported to thrash. Throughout his stay at the care centers he has remained social with handlers and is highly food motivated. However, it has been reported that Luscious will react towards dogs and birds, fixating, pulling very hard, and jumping towards them. Recently he has started to display deterioration behavior such as pawing at his water bowl, intensely leash biting, and biting and release a handlers pants. Medically, Luscious is healthy.
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Desdemona is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Desdemona in the care center has remained fearful and shutdown, refusing to walk at times and escalating to lunging, hard barking and low growling at staff. Desdemona during interactions will warm up slowly, but remain highly stressed during these interaction despite best efforts to keep her comfortable. Medically, Desdemona has inappetence in shelter most likely due to high stress in shelter.
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Mochi is on the at-risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display challenging behavior during interactions. He is extremely intelligent and high energy, and needs to expend energy constructively with interactive play sessions 3-4X/day. In addition to playtime, this cat would also benefit from mental exercise from activities such as puzzle toys/games, lick mats, or clicker training. Without providing activity for his mind and body, the cat may react with rough play, potentially resulting in bite/scratch incidents. It is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with feline body language, overstimulation, rough play, and who have the time to invest in managing these behaviors on a consistent basis to avoid (further) bite/scratch incidents.
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Ulises is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Ulises has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and is only allowing for handling from select staff. While Ulises has shown some social behaviors with select familiar staff - engaging in fetch, taking treats, allowing for petting on his terms - he has escalated to higher level warnings, including when being removed from the kennel. Ulises has escalated to snapping, lunging, and growling during the initial part of his stay, which made it difficult to remove him from the kennel. Over time, with the use of treats and a slow approach, leashing Ulises by select handlers has improved. But he does remain fearful with unfamiliar staff, hard barking and growling while retreating to the back of his kennel when approached. Medically, Ulises is being treated for diarrhea but is overall healthy.
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Clementine is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Clementine has begun to deteriorate despite best efforts to keep her comfortable while in care. Clementine has been highly social with staff and handlers, engaging in enrichment games, seeking attention or treats, and engaging with toys. She is consistently jumping up, jumping to the top of her kennel, and ping-ponging off her kennel walls when the room is active. Clementine has also been reported to nip a handler's hand and arm when coming out of the kennel. Medically, Clementine is apparently healthy.
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Chachi is at risk due to behavioral concerns in care. He has shown strong leash pulling, lunging at other dogs, and kennel fighting. His responses to potential adopters have been inconsistent—while he has warmed up to some with time and treats, he has also exhibited hard barking and snapping when approached too quickly. Once comfortable, he is social with handlers, enjoys enrichment activities. Medically, Chachi is currently healthy.
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Sparkle is currently at risk due to behavior reasons. Sparkle has been tense with handlers since she arrived at the care center as a stray. She will stare at people on the street with a tense body as they pass and stare at staff when a handling assessment is attempted. Sparkle will randomly jump on handlers and mouth them out of kennel, as well as snap towards handlers hands when leashing is attempted in kennel. Recently she fixated on handlers feet and legs turning towards them as handler walked alongside her. Medically, Sparkle is apparently healthy.
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Cheecky is at risk due to behavior history in the prior home, Cheecky was surrendered due to conflicts with children and has a history of anxiety, leash biting, on-leash reactivity, resource guarding, and handling sensitivity. In the care center, she is social but highly anxious, displaying rapid barking, heavy panting, pacing, and impulsive behaviors like muzzle punching and biting onto handler's clothing. She also attempted to escape through a fence hole. Medically, Cheecky is apparently Healthy.
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Ribbit is at risk due to behavioral concerns, including leash sensitivity, anxiety, and handling discomfort. In the care center, he is social with handlers but highly anxious, frequently jumping, pacing, and panting heavily. He has shown sensitivity to being collared or leashed, often tensing, head-whipping, or snapping during handling. While Ribbit is highly treat-motivated and responsive to training, he struggles with impulse control, especially when overstimulated. Medically, Ribbit recently recovered from CIRDC.
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Belly is at risk due to behavior concerns. Belly's previous owner reported him to be friendly and outgoing with strangers and children. During intake he displayed social behavior with staff with a soft body and a relaxed wagging tail. Throughout his stay he has remained social with handlers, soliciting both pets and attention by leaning into their legs. Belly has shown signs of rapid deterioration, such as: breaking out of his pop-up crate on three separate occasions, pawing at the transfer door, jumping up high on the kennel door then spinning in a persistent circle, and most recently, retreating in kennel to rip up linens when the leash is presented. He has not been very receptive to treats or toys. Medically, he is apparently healthy.
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