Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Kola. My animal id is #205540. I am a male brown brindle dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 4 years 2 months 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 7/19/2024.

Kola is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Kola has been observed to bite and tug the leash into kennel when handlers are trying to leash him and jump up high biting and tugging the leash while on walks. While leash biting Kola has almost caught handlers hands. Kola has also been observed to kennel fight with the other dogs in the room when walking past them and one time charge at a dog in the adjacent pen. When out with handlers Kola has been observed to participate in enrichment games such as LATTE. Medically Kola has Periodontal Disease.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Kola is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Kola has been observed to bite and tug the leash into kennel when handlers are trying to leash him and jump up high biting and tugging the leash while on walks. While leash biting Kola has almost caught handlers hands. Kola has also been observed to kennel fight with the other dogs in the room when walking past them and one time charge at a dog in the adjacent pen. When out with handlers Kola has been observed to participate in enrichment games such as LATTE. Medically Kola has Periodontal Disease. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I love to be loved, but on my own terms! Let's brush up on some canine body language together! I don't always like to share my food, toys or bedding with other animals. I would do best in a home with only adult humans.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 63 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2-4 years based on dentition Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History: Stray Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - loose wiggly body, jumps up on staff in a social manner, eager for attention, constant wagging tail Is there evidence of Cruelty? No Is there evidence of Neglect? No Is there evidence of Trauma? No Objective T = P = WNL R = WNL BCS: 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Adult dentition, mild tartar (PDDZ 1/4) PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Externally WNL, intact male, 2 scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally WNL Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment PDDZ mild Intact male Prognosis: Good Plan: Intake tasks + exam Await sort Rx: Trazodone 225mg PO BID indefinitely SURGERY: Okay for surgery


Noted during cage side rounds to be coughing, still BAR + eating A: CIRDC P: Place appropriate signage Rx: Doxycycline 300mg PO SID x10d


Hx: has had CIRDC BAR eent- no nasal discharge; no coughing or sneezing msi- amb x 4 A) No CIRDC-like signs P) Move out of ISO Placement


Adding Gabapentin due to kennel reactivity Rx: Gabapentin 500mg PO BID indefinitely

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 1. Green

Date of intake:: 7/19/2024

Spay/Neuter status:: No

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, No known history

Date of assessment:: 7/21/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: N/A- Did not see any dogs Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Fearful Comments: Head whips Arousal Jog comments: Follows handler Knock Knock comments: Approaches readily Toy Toy comments: Grips firm, tenses

Summary:: 8/13/24: Kola greets another dog with neutral body and wide eyes. He barks when the other dog moves away from greeting.

Summary (3):: 09/30/24: Kola is sitting at the front of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. He is easily leashed and brought out to the yard. He pulls very hard as he is walked out to the pens. Once in the pen, he begins to leash bite briefly, but handler redirect him onto the snuffle mat using treats. He is put on a drag leash at that time. He engages with the LATTE items and approaches handler with a loose body, rubbing his torso on their legs. Handler pets him briefly but ceases once he walks away. A game of "Trade/fetch with rules" using two tennis balls is started. He is very engaged and receptive. He continues dropping the ball from his mouth when using the verbal cue "Drop It," and he chases after the second ball once handler tosses it. This is repeated until Kola trots over to the kuranda bed and lays down. He continues playing with the tennis balls as he lays on the bed, trying to tear them up. He is easily recalled and is given a reward. Handler uses spray cheese on the fence to leash him, he does not attempt to leash bite. He is brought back to his kennel without issue. 09/26/24: Kola is standing on his hind legs and barking as handler approaches. He is easily leashed using a treat as a lure and he is taken outside to the play pens. He had very similar behavior as described in the previous EN (09/25). He engaged with the LATTE items and played a game of "fetch with rules/trade". He was engaged and receptive. He began to leash bite when being leashed to return. Handler tossed a decent amount of treats onto a snuffle mat and Kola was able to be redirected. He was walked back to kennel without issue.

Summary (4):: 09/25/24: Kola is sitting at the front of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. He stands on his hind legs and becomes loose and wiggly as he is being leashed. Handler uses treats to leash him and he does not attempt to leash bite. He pulls hard as he is walked out to the yard. Once in the yard he jumps up very high towards handler twice, and proceeds to leash bite. Handler releases grip on leash and tosses treats onto his face. While Kola is distracted eating the treats, handler puts him on the drag line and removes kennel rope. He does not leash bite for remainder of walk. He engages with the LATTE briefly, until handler presents two tennis balls. He immediately disengages with the LATTE and a game of "fetch with rules/trade" begins. He is very receptive and engaged. He chases after one ball, returns it near handler, drops it after a couple seconds, handler uses a reward marker and tosses second ball. This was continued for about 10 minutes, until Kola laid down in the middle of the pen. He allowed petting for multiple minutes. He was easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 09/22/2024: Kola is laying in the middle of his kennel as handler approaches. He stands up and comes to the front with a loose body and rapid low tail wag. A treat is used to leash him and he does not attempt to leash bite. He kennel fights as he makes his way down the hallway, and pulls very hard on his walk to the yard. He is put on a drag line and immediately seeks out the LATTE items and the red wobbler. He notices the dog in the neighboring pen and charges the fence with a very stiff body and high tail, and with a forward posture. Handler redirects him with by shaking his red wobbler and tossing it on the ground away from the fence. He chases after it and carries it over to the snuffle mat where he takes turns engaging with the snuffle matt and the red wobbler. Handler continues "Leave It" protocol and Kola is both receptive and engaged. He maintains a soft and loose body throughout his walk. accepting treats and pets. When being leashed, Kola begins to leash bite briefly, but handler releases grip on leash in order to avoid a "tug" game which would be reinforcing Kola's behavior. He immediately lets go. Handler picks up wobbler, fills it with treats, shakes it, and tosses it over to Kola. While he is engaged with it, and holding it in his mouth, handler successfully leashes him. Handler does a large treat scatter and Kola disengages from the wobbler, eats the scatter, shakes off, and he is returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (5):: 9/21/24: It is reported by staff that Kola is leash biting significantly in the backyard and a video is provided. Kola is leash biting, holding the leash and tugging it back hard as the handler holds the other end of it. He comes forward and jumps towards the leash but is redirected when the handler tosses a treat for him. The handler stops tossing treats and Kola jumps very high, almost above the handlers head, and tries to grab the leash in his mouth but misses. He resumes leash biting. 9/15/24: Kola is laying down in the middle of her kennel with a neutral body, low head, and slight whale eyes as handler approaches. He is easily leashed, kennel fights coming out, and taken outside to the play pens. He pulls very, VERY hard on his walk there. He immediately seeks out the LATTE items previously laid out. He engages the most with the snuffle mat, but also the slow the feeder. He takes turns between the two. He finds the Large Red Wobbler of the greatest value. Both playing with it and moving it away from handler. He lays down on the kuranada and continues to mouth it. Handler begins practicing recall using hand targets with him. As he continues to engage with the wobbler, handler calls his name and uses a clicker as a reward marker . He lets go of the wobbler and runs over to handler ( a couple steps away), he boops handlers hand with his nose and he is rewarded. This was repeated multiple times. Handler tossed treat scatter away from them as a form of 'reset.' Handler then tossed treats onto the snuffle mat, as Kola engaged with it, handler would toss a large treat piece near the mat and use the verbal cue "leave it" as well as a clicker when Kola would disengage with the snuffle mat and shifted his attention to the treat. He was easily leashed and brought back to kennel. No lease biting was experienced, but earlier in the day, he was see jumping up at handler and excessively leash biting. 9/15/24: It is reported by staff that Kola excessively leash bites once outside and is not redirectable with treats. He begins jumping up rapidly towards the handlers face and has to be straight armed.

Summary (6):: 9/9/24: Kola was standing on his hind legs, barking, and pawing at the kennel door as handler approaches. He is leashed, kennel fights coming out, and he pulls VERY hard on his walk to the play yards. When passing by dogs in pens, his body is postured forward, hackles up, tail stiff but flagging, and handler had to use muscle to pull him away. Once in the yard, he shakes off and is put on a drag line. He sniffs around the LATTE and engages with each item briefly (puzzle feeder, slow feeder, and snuffle mat), but is most interested in the red wobbler. He notices a dog in the neighboring pen, but after staring at them for a couple seconds, he redirects his attention to the wobbler. Handler uses a clicker as a reward marker and clicks at this behavior. He maintains a loose body during his time outside, even laying down on multiple occasions, both on the floor and kuranda bed, with the red wobbler between his paws. He had a soft body, was panting, looking around his surroundings, and accepted pets while lying down (first time handler has seen this behavior from Kola - relaxed with stimuli all around). Handler continued to use clicker as a reward marker (along with treats), anytime Kola would orient himself towards stimuli, such as the many pigeons snacking on the leftover crumbs in the yard, and would proceed to remain in place and redirect his attention to the wobbler. He was easily leashed and he pulled very hard back to kennel, no kennel fighting coming back. 09/07/2024: Kola was standing at the front of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. A treat is used to lure him into the kennel rope, which he tries to dodge and mouth once. He pulls hard as he is walked to the yards. Kola is kept on leash. He took turns engaging with the LATTE items laid out on the floor. There was a dog in the adjacent pen, Kola noticed him and oriented himself towards it, his body stiffened, his tail also stiff and horizontal, tense face, and staring, just for a couple minutes and then he went right back to engaging with the LATTE. This happened one more time. After he lost interest in the LATTE, handler introduced targets using a target stick. At first, he would use his nose to "boop" the target and he was rewarded, but after a couple attempts he began to attempt and bite the target to play with it. Handler removed target stick from pen and began mat work. Kola hopped up on the kuranda bed, handler asked for a sit, and Kola was rewarded for his continued sit. He pulled hard walking back to kennel.

Summary (7):: 08/24/24: Kola was vocalizing, salivating, heavily panting, and had clown face as handler approached kennel. He is leashed using a treat as a lure and brought out. He pulls very hard all the way out of the care centers as well as on the street. He is somewhat interested in treats, but is more interested in sniffing his surroundings. Kola zig-zags around, pulling so hard to the point he is chocking himself. Handler attempts treat toss, but he is not longer accepted treats. He laid down at the end of his walk and remained heavily panting, hyper salivating, red-eyes, and clown face. He was coaxed with baby voice and brought back to kennel. 8/14/2024: Staff reported that Kola began leash biting as he was being held outside of the room. His kennel was very messy and it took awhile to clean. Because of this Kola was moved to a kennel closer to the front. 8/10/24: Kola is at the front jumping up and down in their kennel while high pitch barking. He is flinging his feces in the process. Handler tosses treats before unlocking the kennel door. He is leashed without issue and is removed from kennel where he cage fights badly. He kicks off the kennel wall lunging and growling with neighboring dogs. He is taken out to the street where he pulls hard on leash, breathing heavily. No dogs are seen on the walk but Kola will chase after pigeons with a low body. In the elevator back inside, he allows petting from handler, leaning in. Afterwards, he is returned to kennel without issue. 7/26/24: Kola is standing in the front of his kennel, open mouth breathing and stiff bodied. He is leashed without issue and brought out without issue. Kola pulls hard and walks in front of the handler for the majority of the interaction. Once out on the street Kola sniffs around investigating different scents and stops often to pee. He walks past people on the street without issue and does not pay mind to dogs across the street. Kola displays a neutral body posture while outside and is generally aloof, rarely interacting with handler, accept to sniff treats that are offered to him, which he doesnt accept. After walking for a while he is returned to kennel where he is observed pulling hard towards the dog kennel in the front of his room and towards his own kennel. He returns to kennel without further issue. 7/21/24: Kola is at the front of the kennel soft bodied when handler approaches. He is easily leashed and taken out for a street walk where he pulls mild to moderately on leash. He pulls in different directions to sniff various areas. No dogs are seen but he otherwise does not react to any stimuli. In the assessment room, he allows handling and when being brought back to kennel, he attempts to cage fight with a neighboring dog, barking and pulling in their direction. Handler has to muscle him into kennel

Date of intake:: 7/19/2024

Summary:: Loose wiggly body, jumps up on handler social, exuberant

Date of initial:: 7/20/2024

Summary:: Loose wiggly body, jumps up on staff in a social manner

ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Kola so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to becoming tense with a toy and kennel fighting with other dogs we recommend an adult only home.

Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Handling/touch sensitivity,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Leash-biting

Potential challenges comments:: Resource Guarding: Kola has been observed to become tense with toys in his possession. Their response was appropriate and we cannot be certain if this behavior will be seen in a future home environment. Please see handout on Resource Guarding. Handling Sensitivity: Kola has been observed to head whip and spin around during the handling portion of the assessment. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards in order to teach Kola to be more comfortable with this. Please see handout on Handling and Touch Sensitivity. Barrier Frustration: Kola has been observed to kennel cage with the neighboring dogs. Kola will need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach them to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness to help manage this behavior. Please see handout on On Leash Reactivity and Barrier frustration. Leash Biting: Kola has been observed to bite and tug the leash into kennel. While on walks Kola has been observed to jump up and bite the leash, this behavior is not able to be redirected using treats. We recommend walking them with a toy to dissuade them from grabbing the leash. Positive reinforcement, force-free training is advised to teach them to focus on you rather than grabbing the leash. Please see handout on Leash Manners.