Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Minnie. My animal id is #220454. I am a female gray cat at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 12 years 3 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 2/12/2025, with the surrender reason stated as person health - allergies.

Minnie is on the at-risk list for medical concerns. Minnie is a senior cat who is at risk due to suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection. In care she has been distant from handlers and her URI has progressed so much so that she is not eating and remains in her kennel with marked congestion and hypersalivation. Supportive care has been started, but Minnie needs more aggressive care/hospitalization and a quiet low stress environment outside of the shelter.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Minnie is on the at-risk list for medical concerns. Minnie is a senior cat who is at risk due to suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection. In care she has been distant from handlers and her URI has progressed so much so that she is not eating and remains in her kennel with marked congestion and hypersalivation. Supportive care has been started, but Minnie needs more aggressive care/hospitalization and a quiet low stress environment outside of the shelter. What my friends at ACC say about me: I can be slow to adjust to new environments. I prefer to take things at my own pace. I am looking for a home with a patient person. A volunteer writes: Like a baby giraffe, Minnie stretched her neck out toward me when I opened her condo door. Bringing her nose to my hand, I was hopeful we could build a friendship. Though I'd like to think we started, things don't always go how we've planned or how we've hoped and Minnie certainly knows about that. She's a 12 year old kitty who had one home her entire life and now she's with us looking for her forever one. In the meantime, we've been trying to help Minnie settle into Care Center life and we can't say it's been the smoothest. We bring treats and short friendly visits with toys to brighten the day. Except with all the daily comings and goings, and some extraordinarily nosy neighbors thrown in, things have been a bit wearing on Minnie at times. Minnie appreciates treats and seems to welcome the occasional head scritch, but has taken the most comfort in her den. We know there's a family out there for Minnie who will applaud and support her as she finds what's meant for her and becomes the cat she's meant to be.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 5.5 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 10-12 years, c/w owner reports Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History: Owner surrender due to allergies Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - hissing/growling, dilated pupils, striking. Opted to sedate using 0.15 ml Dexmedetomidine (500mcg/ml) + 0.15 ml Butorphanol (10mg/ml) IM. Mild but adequate sedation reached. Is there evidence of Cruelty? No Is there evidence of Neglect? No Is there evidence of Trauma? No Objective T = P = 200 bpm R = WNL BCS: 3/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Adult dentition, mild to moderate tartar + halitosis (Grad 2/4) PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Externally WNL, intact female, no OHE scar or tattoo noted MSI: Ambulatory x 4 (prior to sedation), skin free of parasites, no masses noted, generalized thinning hair coat, alopecia along temporal aspect of head CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities (prior to sedation) Rectal: Externally WNL Wood's Lamp Exam: NEGATIVE Assessment Alopecia/thinning haircoat- r/o allergies vs. stress grooming vs. other Moderate dental disease Underweight Intact female Prognosis: Fair pending bloodwork Plan: Intake tasks + exam CBC/CHM/TT4 in house Await sort + behavior assessment Full volume reversal IM SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age


CBC nsf CHM Glucose 115 mg/dL SDMA 6 ug/dL Creatinine 1.0 mg/dL BUN 20 mg/dL Lytes WNL Decreased total protein 4.8 g/dL Hypoglobulinemia 1.4 g/dL ALT/ALP WNL TT4 WNL A: Decreased TP characterized by decreased globulins- r/o malabsorption vs. nutritional vs. immunodeficiency vs. other Otherwise WNL bloodwork Suspect alopecia/thinning hair is related to FAS P: Rx: Gabapentin 100mg PO BID x14d Recheck at 1 week to see if eating ok +/- continue if indicated


Not taking gabapentin well in food. Discontinuing.


SO: Reported drooling and not eating QAR, perched on top of den. Food plates in kennel untouched eent: eyes clear, serous nasal dc apparent, thick ropey drool h/l: eupneic, sniffling and sneezing appreciated, difficulty swallowing msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: URI-severe P: medical isolation full, will treat in place at this time 100ml LRS sc SID x5d 0.4ml cerenia sc SID x5d zorbium-1 ml 0.25ml vitamin B12 1000mcg/ml sc once


Severe URI S: quiet/ hypersalivating in den O: EEN- 3rd eyelids elevated, mucoid nasal discharge crusted on nasal planum H/L- Mildly tachypneic (28 bpm), audible congestion Neuro- quiet/appropriate A: Severe URI Anorexia P: Move to med ISO CWCT Adding Nebulizations SID x5d Adding Mirataz 1.5 inch strip SID x3d Holding off on Doxycycline due to severity of drooling and anorexia Consider ARL


Issue List: - Severe URI - anorexia - hypersalivation - dental disease QAR DH not eating EENT: nasal discharge; hypersalivation H/L: eupneic U/G: FI MSI: muscle wasting, dull hair coat CNS: Mentation quiet A) severe URI prognosis poor P) CWSC recommend ARL


Pet is eating. EEN: Eyes sealed with brown crusts. Dried brown discharge on nose. RESP: Increased inspiratory effort. NEURO: QAR A: Appetite has improved Prognosis: Poor Plan Doxycycline 10mg/kg 50mg/ml 0.5 ml po sid x 10d Mirataz 1.5 inch strip on pinna sid x 3 days


SO: In medical on treatment for severe URI QAR, allows all handling, 2 empty food plates in den. eent: eyes crusted shut with discharge, after cleaning OD third eyelid elevated and inflamed, heavy gray mucoid ocular dc heavy yellow nasal dc crusted over nares h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated, audible congestion msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: URI-severe P: discontinued doxycycline restarting zorbium pink 0.25ml cerenia sc SID x3d 0.25ml convenia sc once extending sc fluids and mirataz ofloxacin 1 drop OU BID x7d

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 5. Red

Upon intake, Minnie was very calm and shy to the point she would not even look at staff's way. She allowed all handling including scanning for MC and collaring. She was kept in the same carrier she came in due to transport coming to take the animals when she was processed.

Spay/Neuter status: No

Date of Intake: 2/12/2025

Is this cat having litter box issues?: No

If yes, Please elaborate:: Noted none.

Basic Information:: Minnie is an approximately 12 y/o, female, not spayed, not declawed, DSH with no injuries noted. She has never received any veterinary care. Her previous owner got her from a friend when she was a kitten due to being allergic.

Previously lived with:: 2 Adults

How is this cat around strangers?: Noted to be shy and timid.

How is this cat around children?: Noted to prefer contact on her terms with the child she lived with. The child is now an Adult, age 20.

How is this cat around other cats?: No experience.

How is this cat around dogs?: No experience.

Behavior Notes: Minnie's nails have never been trimmed. She enjoys having her coat brushed. She is unbothered when picked up/held. She struggles/squirms when placed in a carrier.

Bite history:: Noted none.

Energy level/descriptors:: Low

Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: No

Medical Notes: Noted none.

For a New Family to Know: Minnie is described as withdrawn and watches from afar. She spent most of her time indoors in her owner's bed and had access to the porch. The front door would stay open. She would lay in front of the door. She chases and pounces on toys. She scratches on cardboard post. She eats dry food but prefers Friskies, chicken flavor wet food. She loves eating real tuna in water. Her favorite treat are soft center treats. She had access to one covered, litter box, with clumping, either unscented/scented, that was located in the hallway of her previous home. Her previous owner favorite thing about her: " When she jumps on the dresser to tap/knock things down and when she gets the zoomies."

KNOWN HISTORY:: Minnie Previously lived with: 2 Adults Behavior toward strangers: shy and timid Behavior toward children: Prefer contact on her terms with the child she lived with. The child is now an Adult, age 20. Bite or Scratch history: None reported Litter box training: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Low energy level Other notes: Minnie is described as withdrawn and watches from afar. She spent most of her time indoors in her owner's bed and had access to the porch. The front door would stay open. She would lay in front of the door. She chases and pounces on toys. She scratches on cardboard post. She eats dry food but prefers Friskies, chicken flavor wet food. She loves eating real tuna in water. She enjoys having her coat brushed. She is unbothered when picked up/held. Her previous owner favorite thing about her: " When she jumps on the dresser to tap/knock things down and when she gets the zoomies."

ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 2/18/25 Vol. Hiding in her privacy den. Tried to give her Squeeze-ups but she wasn’t interested. Swatted a bit at the cat dancer. Gave her some canned tuna but she never came out to eat it, even after I left. 2/19/25 Vol. Minnie was crouched on top of den. Her body was tense, with back somewhat hunched. Her pupils became dilated when approached. She sniffed at squeeze up but did not eat. Did not show interest in toys. Tolerated gentle petting with scratcher tool, leaning into cheek rubs slightly. Cat in top kennel kept trying to reach her paws down into Minnie’s kennel. 2/22/25 Vol. When I lifted the Shoreline, Minnie was in loaf on top of the den facing the back of the kennel, but quickly turned around and made eye contact, staying low, with pupils slightly dilated, licked once, with ears forward, whiskers neutral. When I opened the kennel door she sat up and pressed against the back wall, continued to eye me, and then slowly retreated into the den. I passed the treat through the portal that she sniffed and ignored but allowed petting with the back of the tool through the portal. I lifted the den cover and saw her stiff, but not hostile, and dropped some dry treats through the portal that she ate eagerly. 2/26/25 Vol. Minnie was resting on top of den, curled up in a tight ball. She sat up when approached, sitting with tail tucked around paws. Her eyes and ears were neutral. She eagerly ate party mix while remaining on top of den. Afterward, she gently leaned into cheek rubs, turning her head to get scratches on both sides. 2/28/25 Vol. Was eating in front when I came up to read behavior report - jumped back top of hidey box when opened door - put squeeze treat bowl on top. She ignored it - eyes and ears normal, sitting full length. Allowed scratches with tool, still watching and listening - suddenly pulled back into crouch. Still allowed head scratches with tool. Gave plenty of scratches and ended interaction. 3/1/25 Vol. Minnie was on top of her den sitting up with tail loosely wrapped, eyes down. She began to groom (may be over grooming because she’s lost much fur on her thighs and lower back). I offered turkey baby food  on the tool. Hesitant at first and making no eye contact, she licked it, looked up with wide eyes, hissed twice and sneezed. She returned to grooming herself on the other side. She ate another treat but batted hard at the tool when I attempted to pet her. 3/2/25 Vol. Resting on top of den, grooming herself. Froze when I spoke to her, then continued grooming. Sniffed a cup of chicken, Temptations and squeeze-up on the tool, then ate when dropped, licking the cup completely clean. Came down off the den for another cup of treats, and then to the front for checking through the bars, though eyes were widely dilated. Retreated to top of den. Allowed head scratches with the tool. Lip-licked, but did not pull away. Also did not ask for more attention when I stopped.


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Timid,Skittish,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Fearful,New home adjustment period


BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Minnie was crouched inside the den with wide eyes after the den cover was lifted. She hissed and sniffed at the scratcher tool when attempts were made to pet her through the side portal door. When she remained in place, she allowed petting along her head and body but slowly retreated, low growling. The assessment was ended to reduce her stress. Minnie tolerates attention and petting but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter, and may be intimidated by small children. She may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to her new home. Due to the behaviors seen in the care center, we feel that this cat will do best in an experienced, adult only home.