Hello, my name is Millie. My animal id is #221227. I am a desexed male white dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a agency on 2/25/2025.
Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.
Pre-Screener FormMille is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Millie has not been acclimating to the care center environment despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. Millie in kennel will display a flushed face, wide hard eyes, panting heavily and hard barking at staff when approached. Outside of kennel, Millie will kennel fighting with neighboring dogs when exiting kennel, pant heavily and is unable to settle on his own. Medically, Millie has superficial wounds.
You may know me from such films as...
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Mille is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Millie has not been acclimating to the care center environment despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. Millie in kennel will display a flushed face, wide hard eyes, panting heavily and hard barking at staff when approached. Outside of kennel, Millie will kennel fighting with neighboring dogs when exiting kennel, pant heavily and is unable to settle on his own. Medically, Millie has superficial wounds. Millie returned to the Care Centers as a stray during his current stay. He has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and remains highly anxious and aroused. In his kennel, Millie has escalated to hard barking and snapping at staff when attempting to remove him from the kennel. Once out, he begins intensely kennel fighting as he is walked out of the room. During his previous stay, Millie displayed similar behavior in addition to leash biting. He had also escalated to redirecting and grabbing a handler's treat pouch. Due to the concerns displayed in care, we recommend that Millie to be placed in an adult only home through a New Hope Partner who can address his challenges with a certified professional trainer who uses only positive reinforcement.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 58 lbs
[DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2-3yrs based on dentition and conformation Is this an orphan kitten? no Microchip noted on intake? scanned positive History: Stray Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - hiding and avoiding contact, likes baby food and tolerated minimal handling Is there evidence of Cruelty? no Is there evidence of Neglect? no Is there evidence of Trauma? no Objective P = 120 R = 24 BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition, mild staining PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN, tattoo present MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, multiple superficial excoriations on ventrum, also has a superficial healing wound on tip of tail CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment approx. 2-3yr MN canine High FAS Superficial wounds on ventrum and tail base (r/o trauma) Prognosis: good Plan: intake tasks unable to draw blood today due to high FAS; plan to start trazadone and schedule for blood draw in 48hrs Trazadone 6mg/kg PO BID SURGERY: neutered
Heartworm test Negative
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 2. Blue
Date of intake:: 2/25/2025
Spay/Neuter status:: Yes
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray; limited history
Other Notes:: Previous stay in MACC (May 2024): Owner Surrender {in home for 1 year} Previously lived with: 1 Adult, 1 Newborn Behavior toward strangers: will hard bark at first then become friendly and playful Behavior toward children: No experience Behavior toward dogs: will hard bark and pull towards them Behavior toward cats: No experience Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Very High Other Notes: He is fearful when held/restrained and when his collar is grabbed/touched. During his previous stay in care, Millie presented with several challenges, including lack of basic manners/poor impulse control, social hyperarousal, defensive escalations, leash biting, and a low threshold for arousal.
Date of assessment:: 2/27/2025
Summary:: Millie has not acclimated well to the shelter environment during his current stay. In the kennel, he has hard-barked and snapped at handlers upon approach. Although he does take some treats at select times, once out of his kennel, Millie remains highly aroused and anxious. His face and eyes become red as he pants heavily while pacing and trying to find an exit. Out of concerns for his stress levels, a handling assessment was not conducted at this time.
Summary:: Due to Millie entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded. 02/28/25: When off leash at the Care Center Millie is introduced to a novel female dog. At the gate Millie approaches with a soft and wiggly frame. Both dogs scent one another through the gate. Millie displays paw raises, with ears back as he scents the novel male. The novel female walks away displacement scenting. Millie remains present with a forward frame and wagging tail. The novel female takes no further interest in Millie, thus concluding the the interaction. Due to the novel females disinterest a face to face greet was not conducted. 02/27/25: When off leash at the Care Center Millie is introduced to a novel male dog. At the gate Millie approaches displacement scenting with a neutral frame. Millie and the novel male scent one another before Millie walks away, returning to displacement scenting. The novel male remains at the gate scenting. Millie looses interest and does not return to the gate. Due to the novel males discomfort a face to face greet was not conducted.
Summary (2):: 3/11/25: Millie was engaging with enrichment when handler approached. He began climbing on door but got down when asked and was leashed with ease. Millie walked to the yard where he was clipped to a drag leash. He was social with handler and tended to stay close by. He was disinterested in tennis balls and spent much of the time observing passers by. Millie would sit on cue and was always eager to offer "paw." Millie met two other dogs through the fence and each time displayed social behavior. When greeting the second dog, Millie loosened up and bounded along the fence line with loose, floppy ears. He accepted pets from handler. Millie pulled hard on the way back to kennel and barked in the hall while waiting for his kennel to be cleaned. 03/05/25:(PM) When the handler approaches Millie stands in front of the kennel door panting. Millie jumps up on the kennel door twice before standing awaiting to be leashed. Millie is easily leashed and escorted out of the care center. When on walks Millie will walk ahead of the handler taking in his environment, mildly pulling ahead of the handler. Millie is escorted back to his kennel where he is safely secured. 03/02/25 As the handler approaches Millies kennel, he is jumping onto the kennel door with dilated eyes while heavily panting. Millie is tossed some treats in which he refuses to take. As the handler unlocks the kennel door, Millie attempts to force his way out. The handler braces the door and will leash Millie quickly before proceeding outside. Millie displays a loose frame, pulling intensely while panting heavily. Millie will attempt to chase birds during the walk, as well as pull towards other dogs walking with novel handlers. Millie is returned to kennel where he enters the building quickly. Approaching his kennel, he is reluctant but is guided in by the handler. 02/28/25 (playgroup): Millie is standing at the front of kennel with high flagging tail, dilated eyes, and flushed face as handler approaches. He begins to hard bark as handler cracks open the kennel door and is easily leashed with a treat lure. Millie pulls mildly out to the yard for playgroup (see Dog-Dog Summary for further details). He allows handler to collar him with a neutral frame and is free to scent and explore the yard. After his session, he is leashed with ease and pulls hard on the way back to kennel. Once in the hallway, Millie begins pulling very hard, swiping feet along the floor unable to catch footing, and will screech loudly. Once next to the kennel room, Millie is bunny-hopped back to kennel, returning safely.
Summary (3):: 02/27/25: Millie is at the front of her kennel, hard barking standing at the kennel door with a high flagging tail, dilated pupils and wide strained expression. Millie is easily coaxed through the leash with treats, and brough outside of a dog-dog greet. (See Dog-Dog summary for more details). When being brought back inside, Millie begins to pull very hard, bark and scrape her paws on the floor frantically back to her kennel where she begins to try and kennel fighting, barking and lunging pass the dogs to get into her kennel. Once back in kennel, Millie begins to bark at the handler until they leave. 02/26/25 Millie is standing on his kennel door with a loose frame, hard barking excessively. As the handler approaches, he drops down to all fours, hard barking still. The handler will toss him treats and sees that he is treat motivated. Millie is administered a treat while being leashed simultaneously. This is successful, proceeding outside for a walk. Millie will display a loose frame, as he trots moderately beside the handler displaying wide red eyes. Millie will pull slightly as the walk commences. he will take treats gently when administered and will catch them when tossed. During the walk however, he will side-eye the handler multiple times. The handler will return Millie back to the facility as the walk commences. Millie enters the building as well as his kennel with no issue. 02/25/25: Millie is standing at the front of kennel with a tense, square frame as handler approaches. He snaps at the kennel door as handler unlocks it. A second handler distracts with treats as handler drops their lead over Millie's head. Millie readily exits kennel and walks with a tense frame out to the play yard. He displays wide dilated eyes and a flushed face as he paces the yard. Second handler tosses him treats which he will scent out and eat. Millie begins to settle slightly and will lightly sniff second handler's leg in passing. After several minutes, he loses interest in treats, so handlers begin to guide him back to kennel. Handler clips their lead and guides Millie inside of the building. Once at the entrance to the kennel room, Millie will pull hard, standing on hind end as handler guides him back into kennel. He returns without issue.
Summary (4):: 6/29/24: When walking Millie down the hall, he will pull frantically to get into the other dog rooms. He can not be lead to the street as he pulls frantically to the dog rooms. He is coaxed to the yard where he drinks from the pool. He then wanders and will frequently turn to handler with soft body and jump up. He will sit for treats. When returning to kennel, he pulls hard attempting to get into the dog rooms but goes into his kennel without issue. 6/26/24: Millie is standing at the front of the kennel jumping up on the bars and vocalizing. Handler sprays cheese along the bottom of the kennel door and while he engages with it handler unlocks the door. Leash is presented and he is lured through with a treat. Once leashed, he is walked on the street where he turns towards handler often with soft body. A few times he will jumps up accepting pets. When a dog passes, he is directed to the curb and offered treats as the other dog passes. He is easily returned to kennel. 6/24/24: Millie is at the front of the kennel with a neutral body and soft expression, jumping up and down on the kennel door. He takes treats hard and turns with an open mouth towards the handlers hand as they unlock the kennel. A second handler uses spray cheese to distract him as the first handler leashes him. He turns towards the handlers hand as he is leashed but is removed from kennel without issue. On the way out of the room he pulls moderately to hard and is taken to the backyard where he relieves himself. He is placed on a dragline in a pen and he wanders around sniffing, approaching the handlers socially and offering a sit for treats. He allows pets all over and jumps up socially, licking the handlers. The second handler works on a sit pretty cue and Millie engages readily. He jumps up on the bench when prompted by the handler. He looks at other dogs with a loose tail wag but is easily redirected. On return he pulls very hard, straining against the leash. The second handler tosses a handful of treats into the kennel and Millie jumps in, eating them as the first handler unleashes him without issue. He drinks water as the handlers walk away.
Summary (5):: 6/23/24: Millie is at the front of the kennel hard barking, jumping, and biting the kennel bars. His paws are raw and bloody and his legs and kennel are covered in feces. He takes treats very hard and another handler approaches to distract him with spray cheese. He eats the spray cheese but will fixate back on the handlers hand as they maneuver the kennel lock and door. He snaps towards their hand twice but is able to be leashed when he refocuses on the cheese. He is taken to the backyard where he pulls moderately. He relieves himself and approaches the handlers socially, jumping up and allowing pets all over with a loose tail wag. He tries to approach another dog at the gate with a relaxed body and he is easily redirected with treats. He takes treats readily and is clipped without issue. He pulls hard on return to kennel. He enters the kennel on his own but when the handler closes the door Millie turns and bites their finger tip through the bars with moderate pressure (no broken skin). The handler removes the leash and locks the door without further issue. Millie jumps, hard barks, and bites the bars as the handler walks away. 6/21/24: Millie is at the front jumping up on the kennel door barking. He is offered spray cheese and treats but does not engage with them. He is offered a toy, which he takes and is easily leashed this way. Once out of the kennel, he pulls towards the other dogs. He is walked on the street, where he is loose bodied and social with handlers, coming over to them and allowing petting. He is easily returned to kennel.
Summary (6):: 6/22/24: Millie is at the front of the kennel jumping up and down in kennel barking and whining when handler approaches. Handler tosses treats towards the back of his kennel which he runs to. When he is back in the front, handler is able to leash him using a treat lure which he takes hard. When removed from kennel, he immediately flips his head towards handler and bites their treat pouch. Handler straight arms him as they walk out of the room. In the hallway, he grabs their treat pouch again, handler straight arms him as a precaution before continuing the walk. Handler notices that he is bleeding from his tongue, with some blood on his nose as well. On the street, he jumps on handler frantically, mouthing their hands with very hard pressure. He is redirected with treats and is walked further. Due to the heat is brought back inside where he waits for the kennel to be ready. He whines, pulling towards a pop up crate. He is held away and spins around jumping on handler frantically. He is then returned to kennel where he begins biting the bars. 6/19/24: It is reported that Millie is unable to be walked in the AM and PM on 6/18 due to kennel presence. He is jumping at the front of the kennel hard barking and panting with a strained expression. He redirects towards the handlers hands and bares teeth as they unlock the kennel. He is not redirectable with cheese or treats. When a Behavior Team handler approaches the kennel on 6/19 Millie is jumping at the kennel front hard barking and fixating on the handlers hands. He snaps towards their hand as they unlock the kennel. The handler uses spray cheese to distract him which works briefly before he continues to jump up and hard stare at their hands. The handler uses spray cheese again and is able to get the leash loop over Millie's head. As they tighten the slip lead Millie loses focus on the cheese and jumps up again, snapping towards the leash and the handlers hand. The handler is able to avoid contact and removes Millie from the kennel. Millie is taken to the backyard where he is hyperventilating and drinks water for five minutes straight. His paws are raw and bloody and he is covered in feces. Once he is done drinking he coughs and breaths deeply for a few moments. He begins sniffing around the yard, relieves himself, and approaches the handler with a soft body. He allows pets all over with a wagging tail and leans into the handlers legs, rubbing against them. He takes treats and when offered a toy he takes it readily, chewing on it and holding it in his mouth with a loose tail wag. He is clipped and returned to kennel without issue and he carries the toy the whole way.
Summary (7):: 6/16/24: Millie is at the front of kennel jumping up and down and panting heavily. An ACS reported having trouble leashing Millie due to him jumping up. A member from the behavior team goes to check on him. Millie is receptive to treats and they are used to easily leash him. In the hallway Millie pulls moderately and attempts to jump up on handlers that are standing in the hallway. He is taken to the yard where he is placed on a drag leash, he relieves himself immediately. Handler tosses toys which Millie is not receptive to. He stays by the handlers side often jumping up on them in a social manner. He is easily redirected using treats and begins to offers sits instead. Handler rewards this behavior often. Millie is easily released and returned to kennel with no issue. 6/14/24: Millie is at the front of the kennel jumping up and down while barking and heavily panting. This continues as handler unlocks the kennel door, he nibbles on the lock as handler moves it over. Millie is easily leashed with a treat lure and taken out for a street walk where he walks nicely on leash. He does not react to dogs or any stimuli. He relieves himself quickly before continuing the walk. When handler speaks to him in a soft tone, he comes over soft bodied, allowing petting. After the long walk, he is returned to kennel without issue. 6/2/24: Millie is standing on his back legs against the door hard barking persistently and rapidly when the handler approaches. He barks at their hand as they unlock the kennel door. He is distracted with a treat and leashed but continues to bark. He pulls moderately on the way out of the kennel and is taken for a street walk. He relieves himself multiple times and sniffs frequently. He does not react to other dogs or people. He takes treats and spits them out. On return to kennel he becomes very aroused, pulling hard towards the other dogs. He gets in the kennel without further issue. 5/29/24: Millie is standing at the front barking at handler when approached. When offered a treat, he squishes his nose into it not taking the treat but knocking it onto the floor. He is easily leashed and removed from kennel. He is walked on the street where explores and relieves himself. He is slightly aloof with handler not seeking attention. However, he does allow some petting. In the behavior room he is neutral bodied. He is easily returned to kennel.
Date of initial:: 2/25/2025
Summary:: hiding, avoiding contact, tolerated minimal handling
Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Millie's social hyperarousal, high levels of anxiety, and low threshold for arousal we recommend for him to be placed in an adult only home at this time. Place with a New Hope Partner: Due to all noted concerns displayed in a Care Centers environment, the behavior department recommends Millie be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow him to acclimate comfortably to his new environment; force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing Millie to new and unfamiliar situations.
Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Leash-biting,Kennel presence,Low threshold for arousal
Potential challenges comments:: Basic Manners: Millie's original owner states that he will jump up on people socially. It is recommended that default behaviors such as "Sit" and "Off" are reinforced to substitute any frustration and teach him to control his impulses instead of simply reacting; proper management is also advised. Force-free, reward-based training only is recommended. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Fearful/potential for Defensive Aggression: Millie's previous owner states that he will hard bark towards people at first before becoming friendly. It is important to move slowly with Millie, to build positive associations (treats/toys/praise), and to allow him to initiate interactions with new people. He should never be forced to greet or to interact if he is not comfortable and soliciting attention. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for Defensive Aggression. Low threshold for arousal/Leash-biting: During his previous stay, Millie was observed to grab the leash and staff treats pouch when aroused. While has not escalated to this point in his current stay, Millie does remain aroused in care and is unable to settle readily. Positive reinforcment should be utilized to help manage this behavior. Please see the handout on Low threshold for arousal and Leash manners. Anxiety: Millie has displayed a high level of anxiety during his stay in care. In his kennel and during walks, Millie persistently pants with a wide open mouth, cannot focus, with red eyes and cannot focus or settle even with treats and toys. We do not know if this will occur outside of the care center. If it does appear in a future home, we recommend puzzle toys, long walks, and giving her other things to focus on to alleviate his anxiety. Positive reinforcement, force-free training should only be used. Please see handout on Generalized Anxiety. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: When removed from his kennel, Millie begins kennel fighting with other dogs as he is walked out of the room. Please see handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. Kennel Presence: Millie has escalated to snapping at hands when approached in a kennel or attempts to remove him. While we cannot be certain if this behavior will appear in any other contexts, in highly emotionally charged or stressful environments Millie may show behavior similar to what he is currently demonstrating in her kennel. We recommend potential adopters be comfortable managing this behavior and keeping themselves safe in any similar future situations. Please see the handout on Kennel Presence.