Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Cotton. My animal id is #209463. I am a male brown dog at the . The shelter thinks I am about 10 years 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 9/5/2024.


Someone has already placed a deposit on me. I'm no longer available.

Cotton is a senior dog with a suspected abdominal mass and anemia. While Cotton likely has a terminal illness, he is still enjoying life. He loves attention from staff, going for walks, and having meals and treats. Cotton would love to find a home where he can spend his days being spoiled.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Cotton is a senior dog with a suspected abdominal mass and anemia. While Cotton likely has a terminal illness, he is still enjoying life. He loves attention from staff, going for walks, and having meals and treats. Cotton would love to find a home where he can spend his days being spoiled. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I am a sweet, social, older gentleman, looking for the perfect forever home!

My medical notes are...

Weight: 63.2 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 10y Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: Brought to shelter by police after found tied outside. Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Subdued but allows all handling for exam. Seeking attention and pets throughout. Eating dog food offered. Evidence of Cruelty seen -no Evidence of Neglect seen-no Evidence of Trauma seen -no Objective T = P =wnl R =wnl BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes OU moderate nuclear sclerosis, ears AS marked brown waxy dc, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with staining and moderate tartar, canines and incisors worn down. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male intact, 2 smooth and symmetrical in scrotum MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, multiple small firm skin masses on top of head, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal external Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment otitis externa AS skin masses dental disease Prognosis: fair Plan: intake tasks new home Starting EN diet proviable 1 capsule PO SID x10d monitor for further episodes of diarrhea SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age


[Spay/Neuter Waiver - Age] It is the policy of ACC not to perform surgery on any animal over the age of 8-10 years due to the higher risks incurred in a shelter setting. The veterinarian is hereby issuing a permanent spay/neuter waiver, from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY due to the estimated age of this animal. ACC does recommend you consult with your veterinarian to determine if surgical sterilization is appropriate.


Staff noted diarrhea + possible vomit in kennel. Pet is sleeping comfortably. A: Diarrhea- r/o stress colitis vs. other P: Parvo SNAP- negative Monitor


SO: Reported having two episodes this morning. In am reported having vomiting with blood in vomit and then reported seeing blood in water bowl. BAR, wagging tail and taking all treats with good appetite. Allows all handling, but more tense around head eent: eyes clear, no ocular or nasal dc apparent oral: no obvious oral lesion on awake exam, mm pale h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated, heart no murmur detected abd: soft and non painful, no obvious masses, bladder small and very firm, passed small amount of urine on palpation msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: anemia-mildly regenerative vomiting P: 2.8ml cerenia IV once CBC/chem in house CBC HCT 20.9% microcytic hypochromic mildly regenerative Elevated platelet crit Chem TP 3.8 Glob 1.1 (2.5-4.5) Alb 2.7 (2.2-3.9) K 6.0 (3.5-5.8) Concern for bleeding internal elect sedation for radiographs


Sedated for radiographs of abdomen and thorax using 0.5ml dexmedetomidine 500mcg/ml and 0.5ml butorphanol 10mg/ml IM Suspicion of mass on R side mid/cranial abdomen On brief ultrasound appears to be possibly cavitated mass or possibly very enlarged bizarre kidney. Unable to visualize kidney or follow possible mass to origin Highly suspicious of neoplasia, especially in light of anemia Recommend hospice placement +/- yunnan baiyao If deteriorating plan EHR


As per Dr. 1697 sedated for radiographs of abdomen and thorax using 0.5mL dexmedetomidine 500mcg/mL and 0.5mL butorphanol 10mg/mL IM at 1:03 pm. Administered Cerenia 2.8 mL IV Reversed using antesedan 0.5 mL IM at 1:44 pm. Uploaded rads to SB


Recheck exam Alerted by team that patient vomited blood overnight. Frequency does not appear to be increasing and appears to happen mostly overnight. Also noted nasal discharge and coughing S/O - BAR to QAR, wagging tail and accepting pets. Good appetite per staff. Allows all handling EENT: Eyes clear, mild serous to mucoid nasal discharge noted, erythema over lip. Oral: Pale pink MM, moist H/L: HR 120. No murmurs. Eupneic, lungs clear Abd: Soft and allows palpation, comfortable. Mild tensing when palpating cranial abdomen. No obvious masses palpable MSI: Ambulatory. Multifocal dermal masses throughout of varying sizes Neuro: Bright and appropriate A. Developing mild CIRDC Possible cranial abdominal mass, concern for neoplasia Multifocal dermal masses r/o neoplasia vs benign History of vomiting with blood - intermittent, frequency not increasing at this time History of anemia, low TP - improving! P. Recheck in-house PCV/TS: 30/7.8 (vs HCT 21 TP 3.8 on 9/12) Recheck AFAST: No free fluid. Possible abnormal finding in cranial abdomen, near R kidney, however difficult to visualize; may be associated with kidney itself. No obvious masses otherwise noted. Starting doxycycline 275mg PO SID x 10 days - may elect to stop earlier if causing GI upset Spoke with NH - placement has been found! Recommend placement to pursue further diagnostics such as full abdominal ultrasound and to work with primary veterinarian to maintain quality of life.


[Dispensing Medication] Doxycycline Tabs 100 mg is being dispensed to the client. In compliance with Bouy's Law, a written client information sheet was included with the prescription. The handout was downloaded from Plumb's™ and discloses all required information regarding the use of this drug, side effects and missed dose and handling instructions.

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 1. Green

Date of intake:: 9/5/2024

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, No known history

Date of assessment:: 9/8/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: None Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Sniffing around the room and checking in with handlers Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Handling comments: Neutral body Arousal Jog: Follows handler readily Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Approaches with coaxing Toy Toy comments: No interest

Summary:: 9/12/24: Cotton greets another dog at the gate with soft body and high wagging tail. He toe taps then disengages to sniff his surroundings.

Summary (7):: 9/8/24: Cotton is taken for a street walk where he does not pull, walks alongside the handler, and relieves himself. He does not react to anything and is neutral bodied. He is mostly aloof with the handler but will look to them and wag his tail slowly when spoken to. He is brought for his assessment where he is neutral, allows all handling, and takes treats. He is easily releashed and on return to his pop up crate he hesitates to enter. The handler tosses treats in and he very slowly enters the crate, leaving his hind end sticking out. The handler gently nudges him in and he fully enters the crate. He is unleashed without issue. 09/08: Cotton was easily leashed and taken for a street walk. He did not pull and quickly did his business before continuing around the block, marking a few additional times. He did not react to passing people, or when seeing other dogs. Easily returned to his pop-up crate.

Date of initial:: 9/6/2024

Summary:: Subdued but allows all handling for exam. Seeking attention and pets throughout

ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Cotton so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.