Animal Profile

Pixie Newt Marigold

Hello, my name is Pixie Newt Marigold . My animal id is #209366. I am a male orange tabby cat at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 3 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 9/4/2024.

Pixie Newt Marigold is an adult intact male cat with a poor appetite in shelter. He is recovering from an upper respiratory infection. Recommending placement ASAP for a quiet environment out of the shelter to recover.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. I'll need daily interaction with you as I get used to my new life. It could be with you! Click here to learn more about the adoption process!

My medical notes are...

Weight: 10.51 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3-5y Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: Stray found in lobby of building Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Tense, but allows all handling for exam and tasks. Evidence of Cruelty seen -no Evidence of Neglect seen-no Evidence of Trauma seen -no Objective T = P =wnl R =wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with moderate tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male intact, 2 scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal external Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment apparently healthy Prognosis: good Plan: intake tasks neuter new home SURGERY: Okay for surgery


Sniffling and sneezing with serous nasal dc A: URI-mild P: fortiflora 1 sachet PO SID x7d


Yellow mucoid nasal discharge noted during cage side rounds. Hissing, food bowls empty. A: Moderate URI Eating P: Rx: Doxycycline 50mg/ml 1.2 ml PO SID x10d


Staff noted lethargy/laying in litterbox and not moving. When placed in carrier is hissing/growling and tense when handled. P: Add on nebulizations Monitor energy No space in medical at this time


Progress exam: URI S/O: QAR, resting in litterbox. Hard swallowed and gagged several times when offered food and turned head away. Mild amount mucoid discharge at nares, no obvious stertor or audible congestion. Prolonged skin tent, slightly tacky mm. A: Anorexia Lethargic Dehydrated ~7% *URI - moderate, continued P: Continue with doxycycline, started on 9/14-9/24 Start supportive care today: -LRS SQ 100ml SID x 3 days -Cerenia 0.6ml SQ x 3 days -Mirtazapine transdermal x 3 days -Tempt with tasty foods *DVM recheck in 2 days (9/19) to extend supportive care


Recheck URI S: Laying down in bed, food bowls untouched. O: EEN- eyes clear, yellow nasal discharge but no ocular discharge noted H/L- Eupneic, but moderate audible congestion Neuro-alert appropriate A: URI moderate Not eating P: Extending supportive care Adding back on nebulizations SID x3d Leaving in holding at this time due to previously noted high FAS Discuss ARL


Progress exam: URI S/O: Dull and curled up in bed in kennel. Appears shut down and lethargic, but leaning in to head rubs a bit. Turning away when food offered, gagged once. Some doxy yellow staining around mouth, some drooling. Crusted discharge around nares, audible upper respiratory congestion. Mildly prolonged skin tent. Pink mm, crt<2 secs. Normal lung sounds bilaterally. A: Anorexia noted since 9/14 - continued Lethargic Dehydrated <5% - continued *URI - moderate, continued P: Moved into Medical Iso for closer monitoring and quieter environment; placed Kuranda bed in kennel to provide options with space. Once P moved into Medical Iso, appeared less shut down in kennel, leaned further into head rubs and lifted bum when scratched several times. *Continue with doxycycline, started on 9/14-9/24 *Yellow PPE during handling *Extend supportive care x 3 days (thru 9/23): -LRS SQ 100ml SID q24h -Cerenia 0.6ml SQ q24h -Mirtazapine transdermal q24h -Continue to tempt with food *DVM recheck on 9/21 *P needs placement ASAP to get him out of the shelter environment, as severity of condition likely due to high stress. He will need a quiet place to recover.


Recheck URI S/O: Quiet and curled up in bed. AS noted as 2-3, full wet food bowl noted in kennel. Environment is loud at time due to barking dog in iso, patient hides head under paw. ~5% dehydrated (mild delayed skin tenting) EENT: Mild mucoid discharge and crusting around nares. Mild serous ocular discharge. Mild congestion Oral: No oral ulcers noted EENT: No murmurs, mild wheezes heard on both lungs, quiet referred upper respiratory noises Abd: Soft, non painful MSI: Appropriate muscling, ambulatory. No skin lesions Neuro: Quiet but appropriate A: Anorexia noted since 9/14 - possible mild improvement (AS 2 noted once) Lethargic Dehydrated <5% - continued *URI - moderate, continued P: Continue with treatments: - doxy until 9/24 - LRS until 9/23 - Cerenia until 9/23 - Miratax until 9/23 Start medical feeds though 9/23 OK to discontinue nebulization at this time to reduce FAS Recheck appetite 9/22 and at end of supportive care to extend as needed P needs placement ASAP to get him out of the shelter environment.


Issue List: - URI - Anorexia - FAS Visual exam; hissing QAR not eating well EENT: no nasal discharge noted H/L: eupneic U/G: MI MSI: Ambulatory x 4 CNS: Mentation quiet - no signs of neurologic abnormalities A) URI; anorexia P) CWSC


Food dishes untouched. Pet lying on bed. Slowly raises head when I bring food dish to mouth. He sniffs and licks his lips but doesn't eat. Leans into pets. Weight: 11.4# Temp: 101.7 RR: 24 HR: 160 EEN: No ocular or nasal discharge. No nasal congestion noted. Oral: No oral lesions. Swallowing doesn't appear to take extra effort. CV/RESP: Increased BV sounds. No crackles or wheezes. RE WNL. NR. NMA ABD/UG: SNP NMP. Male intact MSI: Decreased skin turgor. Ambul x 4 NEURO: QAR. Persistently tries to flee during exam. A: Day 9 of URI Anorexia persists despite doxycycline, SQF, cerenia and mirtazapine. Weight loss Lethargy in cage but active out of cage. Prognosis: Fair Pet seems interested in food. Appetite might improve off of doxycycline. r/o viral +/- side effect of medication P: Discontinue Doxycycline Offer variety of food textures


Issue List: - anorexia for several days - weight loss - BAR H QAR DH EENT: no nasal or ocular discharge noted; nothing under tongue H/L: eupneic PLN: WNL ABD: relaxed U/G: MC/MI/FS/FI MSI: Ambulatory x 4, normal hair coat CNS: Mentation quiet - no signs of neurologic abnormalities A) - anorexia - diagnosed with URI - weight loss P) Sedation: Telazol- 0.14 ml IM Radiograph Results: no ingesta in stomach or colon; no obvious FB noted CBC/CHEM- pending


SO: In medical isolation on treatment for URI and anorexia BAR, comes to kennel door seeking attention. Head butting and purring. Allows all handling eent: eyes clear, no ocular or nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: URI clinical signs not appreciated P: Unable to tell if eating a little if appetite not improved tomorrow, consider addition of transdermal mirtazapine CBC/chem at lab unremarkable


SO: In medical on treatment for anorexia and URI symptoms. URI symptoms improving, but appetite is not. Recent btr unremarkable BAR, head butting and seeking attention, untouched food plates in kennel eent: eyes clear, no ocular or nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: anorexia P: starting mirataz for 3 days 1/5" strip applied to ear once daily for 3 days


QAR, sitting at door of cage. Eating dry food. Chews on kibble a little longer than average cat. EEN: No ocular or nasal discharge RESP: Eupneic A: Appetite improving without stimulant Prognosis: Fair Plan Offer variety of dry food.


Pet ate some dry food overnight and tuna during rounds. He leans into pets. EEN: no ocular or nasal discharge. RESP: Eupneic ABD/UG: MI. Doughy abdomen MSI: Decreased skin turgor. Ambul x 4 NEURO: QAR A: Appetite is better but not great. Dehydrated. Cat may be on the upswing in his recovery from viral URI Plan LRS 125 mls sq sid x 3days Advise seek placement

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

KNOWN HISTORY:: Pixie Newt Marigold was brought in as a stray, there is no known information on his behavior history in a home environment.


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Shy ,Calm,Sweet

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: New home adjustment period


BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Pixie Newt Marigold is a shy, calm, and sweet cat. He was lying down in the litter box with his face down and hidden at the front edge of the box. He raises his head up when the assessor pets him on the head. He leans in and stretches his neck out for cheek and chin rubs and remains calm when stroking his body. During pick up, he tenses up a little bit when lifted off the ground. After placing him back down, he continues to appreciate more petting and cheek rubs. Pixie Newt Marigold interacts with the observer, appreciates attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting. This cat is showing behavior appropriate for cat parents with either an average amount of cat experience and demonstrate a basic understanding of typical cat behavior.