Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Jakar. My animal id is #204578. I am a male gray dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 1 years 2 months 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 7/9/2024.

Jakar is on the at risk list due to behavior concerns. Jakar is highly stressed in the kennel environment and has been deteriorating in care. Jakar spins in his kennel, covering his kennel in feces due to his persistent spinning and unable to settle on his own while also panting heavily at the kennel door. Outside of the kennel, Jakar is unable to settle on his own, and begins to pant heavily and pulling very hard on walks. Medically, Jakar is Clinically healthy.

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Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Jakar is on the at risk list due to behavior concerns. Jakar is highly stressed in the kennel environment and has been deteriorating in care. Jakar spins in his kennel, covering his kennel in feces due to his persistent spinning and unable to settle on his own while also panting heavily at the kennel door. Outside of the kennel, Jakar is unable to settle on his own, and begins to pant heavily and pulling very hard on walks. Medically, Jakar is Clinically healthy. A volunteer writes: Jakar is a handsome, social, sweet baby. He has light gray eyes almost blue that stand out against his dark gray fur. He has the teeniest underbite reminiscent of a boxer. And he is all play, all the time. He loves toys, as a baby boy should, and loves to leap across the yard with his long legs! Poor Jakar was tied up in Queens. He is a social puppy who can be timid at first, but he warms up quickly and becomes his more playful self. He wiggles and revels in pets. I am surprised Jakar was scooped up sooner because of his stunning looks and social personality. In his dog to dog meet about a month ago he was too nervous and kept to himself, and he hasn't had another dog to dog meet since, but I imagine he wouldn't be so nervous anymore. Jakar is about a year old and he is at Queens ACC. What my friends at ACC say about me: Please check here for updated adoption hours. My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I am finding the shelter a little overwhelming, but when it's just you and me and some peace and quiet you'll see what a love bug I am.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 55.8 lbs


DVM Intake Estimated age: 1 year Microchip noted on Intake? No History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Whale eye, tense when leaving kennel. Easily distracted with treats, still whale eyes intermittently. Allowed all handling for exam, muzzled for intake tasks with no escalation Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 5/9 OP: Mucous membranes pink and moist. No dental disease. EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: Male intact, two descended testicles, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: Clinically healthy Prognosis: good Plan: Routine intake Surgery: Okay for surgery


Progress exam: CIRDC signs noted on rounds Subjective: BAR, no S/V/D, coughing present. Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: mild clear serous discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -Proper signage placed on kennel -Start doxy 10mg/kg q24h x14days -CTM, recheck on 7/23


Progress exam: CIRDC day 3 Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D present. Great appetite Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 7/29


Progress exam: CIRDC day 5 Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D present. Very active, eating well Objective: EENT: Clear OU, no nasal dc, pink MM LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x 4, BCS 4/9 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 7/29


Progress exam: CIRDC day 10 S: BAR, eating well, active, good appetite and no C/S/V/D reported O: EENT: no ocular or nasal discharge H/L: eupneic, no C/S Musculoskel: A x 4, BCS 4/9, clean haircoat A: Approx. 1yr male canine CIRDC day 10- signs appear resolved P: Ok to move out of isolation CTM


Per Canine Behavior: Jakar is getting very aroused coming out of kennel and while on walks. He is jumping on handlers and pulling very hard. Takes a while to settle. In kennel he is jumping up on kennel door with wide eyes and heavy panting. !00 mg Trazodone BID and re-evaluate in 5-7 days for efficacy.

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

upon intake: he waked out of the crate on his own and let staff scan for ID, take his picture and he walked into the kennel without issue

Date of Intake: 7/9/2024

Date of intake:: 7/9/2024

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray (Unknown History)

Date of assessment:: 9/13/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: loose Reactivity to humans: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass people Reactivity to dogs: Inconclusive- Didn't walk pass dog Leash walking comments: fearful walls with Handler Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Explores rooms- sniffs around Call over: Readily approaches- loose, wiggy, mouth handler Sociability comments: Timid warms up Handling Soft handling: Allowed handling- moves into position, panting, tail wag Exuberant handling: Allowed handling- moves into position, panting, tail wag Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follow- Distracted Arousal comments: Knock: jumps to mouth on assessor and helper Knock Comments: Toy: Approaches- sniffs Toy comments:

Summary:: Due to Jakar entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded. 09/13/24: Cont. in Fun Facts. 08/24/24: When off leash at the Care Center Jakar is introduced to a novel male dog. At the gate Jakar approaches with a soft frame and a wagging tail. The novel male is moved to the back of the pen to make space for Jakar to enter. Once in the pen Jakar hard pulls over to the novel male where the both begin scenting one another. Jakar is tolerant of the the novel male attempting to mount him and mirrors the behavior attempting to do the same. Jakar and the novel male exchange play bows with wagging tails before engaging in chase play. 08/22/24 Jakar is used as a greeter dog today where he is introduced to a novel female dog while off leash at the care center. Jakar is exuberant, displaying high-energy, making it hard for him to focus. He jumps excessively onto handlers; he attempts to take treats out of pouches and in some cases is mouthy with handlers. He is introduced to the novel female dog where he displays a loose, wiggly body while panting heavily with wide-red eyes. Jakar is moved away in order to allow for the novel female to enter the pen so they can meet face-to-face. Jakar immediately runs up to the novel female dog and sniff their genitals. Jakar will attempt to mount the novel female dog but she is bigger and quicker then him. She will exuberantly and loosely maneuver from his grasp. Jakar will excessively exchange body contact and chase her. Jakar is left in the pens while the novel female dog is returned to kennel. 08/21/24 Jakar is introduced to a novel female greeter dog while off leash at the care center. Jakar greets the greeter dog with a soft, wiggly frame, offering a bounce. The handlers escort him over to greet the greeter dog face-to-face. Jakar will greet the greeter dog with a soft body allowing genital sniffs and muzzle licking the greeter dog. Jakar will play bow and engage in chase play with minimal body contact for the remainder of the time. Jakar is returned to kennel. 07/10/24 Jakar is introduced to a novel female dog while off leash at the care center. Jakar doesn't greet her, he appears nervous displaying a tucked tail. Jakar will walk away and keep to him self, exploring the y

Summary (1):: 09/13/24: When off-leash at the Care Center, Jakar meets a new female dog. At the gate, he approaches with intense pulling, almost as if he were crawling. Despite his anxious panting, he offers play bows with a wagging tail. Jakar’s hackles start to rise, and he begins to drool. To make room for Jakar to enter, the new female is moved to the back of the pen. Once inside, Jakar resumes pulling vigorously, even walking on his hind legs. After they’ve sniffed each other, Jakar offers play bows once more. His anxiety increases as he starts whining, continues to drool, and displays whale eyes. He becomes stiff and attempts to mount, prompting the new female to leap over Jakar’s back and correct him with a sharp bark.

Summary (5):: 9/13/24: ACS report that Jakar is spinning in his kennel and covering his kennel in his feces doing so. Jakar is at the back of his kennel laying down, but when the handler approaches Jakar immediately begins to bark at the kennel door, panting heavily and the handler notices his kennel covered in feces with paw marks smeared due to his reported deterioration/stress in kennel. Jakar is taken out of his kennel to greet another dog, and on the way to the yard is pulling very hard, darting back and forth between the handler, and unable to settle. Jakar completes his dog-dog interaction (See DOG-DOG Summary for details) and is brought into a separate pen for his kennel to be cleaned. The handler engages with Jakar with fetch, treat scatters and begins to engage with the handler with the hose, chasing the hose water and running around the pen chasing the water stream. Jakar at some point tires himself out, and begins to lay down on the grass. Jakar is taken back to his kennel with no issue, and given the rest of the handlers treats to settle. 09/12/24: Jakar is jumping repeatedly onto the glass of his kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls hard to the canine training room, bunny hopping at points. He allows the handler to place a drag leash and begins to explore the enrichment items. He engages readily in LATTE, orienting up towards the handler before moving onto the next item. He is then brought over to the mat where he readily lays down. Handler plays the up down game with him and Jakar relaxes, first slowing, then ceasing his panting. However, if the handler attempts to move he jumps up. He is easily re-leashed and pulls hard out into the hallway. Jakar sees another staff member and begins to bunny hop and pull towards them with a loose body. Handler moves him past and he drops back to the ground, pulling hard into the kennel. 09/05/24: Jakar is jumping repeatedly onto the glass of his kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls hard to the canine training room. Jakar is then placed on a drag leash. He moves frenetically around the room, jumping up onto handlers and surfaces, panting heavily with wide eyes. Jakar engages intermittently with the enrichment items, but is distracted each time a handler moves or enters or exits the room, rushing towards them and jumping up repeatedly. He is lured onto the mat and rewarded first for a sit and then a down. Jakar lays down and rolls onto his hips. Handler engages in the up/down game with him and Jakar is able to maintain his position for over a minute before getting up and moving away. This is repeated several times. During the last session, a handler enters and Jakar stands but does not leave the mat. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (6):: 08/29/24: Jakar is jumping on the glass of his kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls hard to the canine live room, darting back and forth erratically. He engages readily in the LATTE enrichment items, struggling slightly to orient back towards the handler or turning to the handler and immediately jumping up onto them. Once Jakar's panting and jumping have decreased and his movement has slowed, he is guided onto the mat where he is prompted first to sit and then lay down. Handler then plays the up/down game with Jakar. He engages readily and maintains his position on the mat until released. Jakar pulls hard back to kennel. 8/21/24: Jakar was already out of kennel standing by another handler when handler entered room. Jakar was patient as they switched leashes and then proceeded outside for a gate greet (see dog-dog summary.) Jakar picked up a toy he found outside and carried it part way to the yard. Jakar would continuously jump up on handler while on the ramp. To avoid any escalation, handler would stiff arm him and say "no" or "down." Jakar made contact with his muzzle on their side but handler did not feel any mouthing. Jakar was returned to kennel without issue. 08/09/24: Jakar is standing in the middle of kennel with a loose body as handler approaches. When handler unlocks kennel door, Jakar begins jumping up on door panting heavily. Handler tosses treats to reset him towards the back of kennel and he is leashed with ease. Jakar is jumpy upon exiting his kennel. Handler tosses him a toy which he carries for a portion of the walk and then drops. He is walked to the Live Room where he is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. Jakar engages with LATTE items including licky mat, snuffle mat, and puzzle feeder. At first, Jakar runs frantically from enrichment to enrichment but after some time, does settle. Handler spends a couple of minutes guiding him to the Kuranda bed in the room and provides treats whenever he climbs onto it. Jakar is social with handler throughout, often approaching and accepting petting along head, neck, and body. Jakar is leashed and returns to kennel safely. 07/29/24 Jakar is jumping on his kennel door as the handler approaches. Jakar is panting heavily displaying wide eyes. Jakar is leashed and taken outside for a walk. Jakar displays a loose frame while pulling intensely on leash. Jakar will jump while on leash, jump onto the handler and pull in different directions. Jakar will take treats moderately when administered, sitting firmly when wanting one. Jakar is returned back to the facility where he enters the building and his kennel with no issue.

Summary (7):: 07/29/24 Jakar is jumping on his kennel door as the handler approaches. Jakar is panting heavily displaying wide eyes. Jakar is leashed and taken outside for a walk. Jakar displays a loose frame while pulling intensely on leash. Jakar will jump while on leash, jump onto the handler and pull in different directions. Jakar will take treats moderately when administered, sitting firmly when wanting one. Jakar is returned back to the facility where he enters the building and his kennel with no issue. 7/23/24: Jakar is at the front of the kennel barking at the handler, but easily leashed and brought out for a street walk. Jakar walks slowly on leash, checking in with the handler and begins to explore his surroundings. Jakar begins to walk with a loose body but pulls back towards the building when going to the corner of the street. Jakar continues to check in with the handler and explores the surrounding grass, but is returned to his kennel with no issue. 7/19/24: Jakar was leashed with ease and exited kennel willingly. Immediately upon exiting the building, Jakar's hind legs gave out and he stumbled then rolled onto his hip and then lay all the way down. As handler had not previously interacted with Jakar they brought him back inside. Jakar playfully grabbed onto a wet floor sign and dragged it briefly before returning to kennel. Handler noticed Jakar was bleeding from one nostril. Handler got pulled away to assist another staff member, so a second handler notified VS in person and documented it on the board. 7/10 (AM): ACS staff report that when leashed and walking Jakar he began thrashing and flailing while on the lead. Once he got outside, he was reported to relax slightly but remained skittish. When walking him back to the kennel, he pancaked on the sidewalk and refused to walk. The ACS had to pick up Jakar and carry him back to his kennel. (PM): Jakar was sitting at the front of his kennel with wide-eyed, tense, and pinned ears. The handler calls to him softly and he stands with low tail wags. The handler can leash him without issue and walk him to the assessment room. He does startle and attempt to dart away when passing the floor fans and avoids the people he sees in the hallway. Once in the assessment room, Jakar stays close to the handler and accepts treats. He shakes off and attempts to jump into the handler's lap, licking at their chin and rubbing against them. The assessor calls to him and he is initially hesitant to approach but then accepts the coaxing with treats. Once the assessment is complete, Jakar is easily leashed and brought back to her kennel. However, he attempts to push back out and refuses to go back into his kennel. The handler has to hoist him in.

Date of intake:: 7/10/2024

Summary:: Allowed handling

Date of initial:: 7/10/2024

Summary:: Whale eye, tense when leaving kennel.Allowed all handling


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due to Jakar fearfulness and mouthiness, We recommend he go into an adult-only home at this time.

Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Fearful,Anxiety,Strength/leash pulling

Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control: Jakar jumps on handler in the care center in a social manner. We recommend reinforcing cues like "sit/stay" to help control his impulses. See handout on Impulse Control Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition - Jakar displays Mouthiness during his assessment with light pressure. To reduce Jakar's mouthy behavior and improve his bite inhibition, redirect his attention to appropriate chew toys whenever he becomes mouthy. Encourage him to play with toys instead of mouthing people. If he does mouth a person, let out a high-pitched "ouch" and briefly stop the interaction to signal that mouthing is not acceptable. Over time, he will learn that gentle interactions are more rewarding. Reinforce gentle behavior with treats and praise, and consistently practice these techniques to help Jakar develop better bite inhibition and reduce mouthiness. Please see handout on Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. Fearful - Jakar has shown fearfulness at the care thrashing when leashed in the kennel and has to sometimes be picked up due to his fearfulness. It's essential to approach him with caution and in a slow, gentle manner to avoid triggering him fear response. Quick movements or loud noises may exacerbate Jakar anxiety, so a patient and understanding approach is recommended. Building trust and providing reassurance during interactions can help Jakar feel more secure and comfortable in his environment. With time and consistent positive experiences, Jakar may become more confident and less reactive to sudden stimuli. Please see handout on decompression period. Anxiety: Jakar is anxious during his stay, panting and unable to settle on his own. We recommend long walks and puzzle toys to help alleviate his anxiety. See handout on Generalized Anxiety. Strength/leash pulling: Jakar is a large, strong dog with the capability to pull over an average adopter. His adopter must be prepared and able to handle a dog of this size and strength. It is recommended that he be walked on a front clip harness or head halter, which help diminish his strength through leverage, and that he be trained using positive reinforcement, reward based training to not pull on leash.