King Joe
Hello, my name is King Joe . My animal id is #210593. I am a male black dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 5 months 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 9/27/2024, with the surrender reason stated as person health - pregnant.
King Joe is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. King Joe has been deteriorating due to his length of stay despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. King Joe is observed throughout the day to jump off his kennel walls repeatedly, bounce and rebound side to side, hard barking with a flushed face when approached in kennel. King Joe is social and affectionate with staff, but is struggling within the care center. Medically, King Joe is apparently healthy.
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. King Joe is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. King Joe has been deteriorating due to his length of stay despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. King Joe is observed throughout the day to jump off his kennel walls repeatedly, bounce and rebound side to side, hard barking with a flushed face when approached in kennel. King Joe is social and affectionate with staff, but is struggling within the care center. Medically, King Joe is apparently healthy. King Joe arrived at the QUACC as an owner surrender due to his previous owner not being able to care for him any longer. King Joe in his previous home was reported to bite the other resident dogs head and tail when the small dog approached his food. King Joe is also reported to have accidents daily, be destructive in the home and tend to chew at his leash on walks. In the care center, King Joe has been social with staff, but is a bit timid of new staff members approaching, starting to hard bark and tense up at new people. His previous owner's favorite thing about him is that he still acts like a puppy. A volunteer writes: I asked King Joe if he used to be a prince and got promoted to king. He declined to comment and instead just looked at me with the sweetest little face I ever saw. My guess is he was born a king, a small one at 46lbs, but royalty nonetheless. The little man sits demurely on our lap, peaking over shoulders, and sneaking kisses. We love a black and white cookie, and King Joe is one of the sweetest 🥰 My #Boroughbreak Buddy writes: King Joe is an absolute sweetheart! His first car ride was a new adventure, and though he needed a boost, he handled it well. At the park, he was curious, sniffing around and watching a flag football game. He seemed nervous at times, checking in for comfort-turns out, he just wanted hugs! Back at my apartment, he showed his playful side, loving a penguin squeaker toy and playing gentle tug (he won every time!). He followed me everywhere, eventually curling up for a deep nap in my lap. When he woke, he was ready to play again! King Joe would thrive in a quiet home with patient people who let him acclimate at his own pace. He's adorable, affectionate, and sure to be his future family's best friend!
My medical notes are...
Weight: 52 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: approx 1-3 years based on visible dentition Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: o surrender Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - nervous boy, muzzled for precaution Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective T = NP P = wnl R = wnl BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild staining to visible dentition PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: DRENP, externally wnl Assessment APH Prognosis: good Plan: intake exam and tasks awaiting SURGERY: Okay for surgery: Y
Start trazodone 7 mg/kg PO BID for FAS in shelter, behavior team reports anxiety and on leash reactivity
Progress exam: CIRDC signs present on rounds Subjective: BAR, no S/V/D. Coughing noted Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: green/yellow seromucoid discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -Move to iso, ppe sign & monitor log placed on kennel -Start doxy 10mg/kg PO q24h x14days & proviable q24h x14days -CTM, recheck on 10/11
Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Great appetite Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge noted MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 10/18
Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating great Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge noted MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -Removed CIRDC signage from kennel -CTM while in shelter
Diarrhea present in kennel Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V. Diarrhea noted F/S: 6/7 Objective: EYES: Clear LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea PLAN: Per standing orders -Start psyllium husk 3 scoops PO q24h x5days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x5days -CTM, recheck on 11/3
Progress exam: Subjective: Diarrhea recheck Objective: No diarrhea seen in kennel or reported on rounds board ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM while in QACC
Behavior team reports kennel stress - jumping on kennel door, covering kennel in feces. Increase trazodone to 10 mg/kg PO BID and CTM.
Diarrhea present in kennel Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V. Diarrhea noted F/S: 7 Objective: EYES: Clear LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea PLAN: Per standing orders -Start psyllium husk 3 scoops PO q24h x5days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x5days -CTM, recheck on 12/2
Progress exam: Subjective: Diarrhea recheck Objective: No diarrhea present in kennel or reported on rounds board ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM closely while in shelter
Periodic diarrhea- recommend diet modification (e.g. sweet potato 12 oz/meal x 5-7 d's)
Behavior team notes persistent kennel stress - jumping up on the glass, pacing, panting, finger painting. Currently on trazodone 10 mg/kg PO BID, add clonidine 0.025 mg/kg PO BID and CTM.
OPG results from fecal sample collected on 12/6: GIARDIA sp cysts present, many (>30) Cyniclomyces guttulatus also present (non-pathogenic yeast) Giardia antigen POSITIVE Cystoiosopora antigen NEGATIVE Dx: GIARDIA + Continued diarrhea P: Start: -Panacur granules PO q24h x 5 days, for 55# dog -Metronidazole (20mg/kg) 500mg PO q12h x 5 days -Proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x 7 days -Hang PPE signage *Ensure prompt removal of feces, avoid playgroups with other dogs for now *Recheck in 5 days after tx course
Behavior team notes persistent arousal and kennel stress - jumping, panting, inability to focus. Currently on trazodone 10 mg/kg PO BID and clonidine 0.025 mg/kg PO BID. Add gabapentin 10 mg/kg PO BID, increase clonidine to 0.04 mg/kg PO BID, and CTM.
Disc w behavior p still showing signs of arousal, kennel stress Adding in gaba at approx 20mg/kg PO BID indef (600mg)
Recheck diarrhea - treated for giardia. Diarrhea monitoring chart graded 5 on 12/11 and graded 2 on 12/12 (scale of 1-7, good-bad) S/O: BAR, active, no c/s/v/d noted - stool is formed and soft FS 4/7. A: Giardia+, diarrhea improved P: No further treatment, recheck to ensure normal stool in 3 days
**Patient started on gabapentin 20 mg/kg BID yesterday, but already on gabapentin 10 mg/kg BID. Discontinued the lower dose today due to continued behavior concerns, CTM closely.
progress fecal exam Soft clay-like stools reported awaiting stool sample to check for giardia. Tx: psyllium husks to food
Progress exam: Subjective: Diarrhea recheck Objective: FS: 5 present ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -Collected a fecal sample, wait for test results to come back -CTM closely
Fecal OPG positive for giardia antigen and cysts present (many, >30). No diarrhea noted/reported today. Plan: Currently on panacur - extend to overlap with metronidazole Start metronidazole 18 mg/kg PO BID x 7 days Emailed ops about ensuring kennel kept very clean, feces removed promptly to prevent reinfection
Good appetite, but not eating meds. Note made to try crushing and offer in something besides potted meat or regular food. *Extend panacur and metronidazole as he did not get doses today
S/O -under tx for persistent giardia infection -BAR, A+A, no feces in kennel, FS reported to be 4s EENT: no ocular or nasal dc HL: eupneic MSI: amb x 4 A. Giardiasis under treatment P. Con't with metro and panacur Recheck schedule at end of treatment
Persistent diarrhea despite multiple treatments/interventions. Patient otherwise stable, BAR, no appetite concerns. Assessment: Chronic diarrhea Giardia positive Plan: -continue GI diet indefinitely -Send out CBC/Chemistry, consider adding cTLI screening vs trialing with enzyme supplementation -Give vitamin B complex 25 mcg/kg SQ -Repeat fecal OPG, consider FMT if possible
Send out CBC/Chem, no T4 ///Done
Bloodwork results from blood sample 2/13 CBC: mildly decreased reticulocytes 23.8, basophilia 0.024 Biochem: all values WNL TT4: 2.8 A: bloodwork is unremarkable P: send fecal sample as soon as possible to assess response to giardia treatment. Last fecal sample from 1/29. *Check for results on 2/16
Fecal sample collected for OPG to Idexx
Fecal OPG - collected 2/16/25 No ova or parasites seen Non-pathogenic yeast present Giardia negative Cystoisospora negative Reported to paint in kennel making it difficult to assess fecal scores, monitoring log from the last couple days do not have fecal score Monitoring log from last week shows fecal scores are mostly 2-4 with one episode FS 5 Plan: CTM diarrhea Consider fasted GI panel if diarrhea persists
Giardia resolved (per fecal OPG 2/17), recent fecal scores 2-4. No further treatment, removed PPE signage, okay for surgery.
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 2. Blue
Upon intake King Joe was in a harness and client stated he has only used a harness. When staff placed rope around his neck, he started to thrash his head and jump back trying to come out of the rope. King Joe did not bite up the rope, but thrashed all the way down the hallway, and needed guidance inside his kennel.
Basic Information:: King Joe is a non-altered 1 year old LMB male dog. His fur coat is black and white. he was surrendered due to his previous owner being pregnant.
Previously lived with:: 2 adults, 1 child, 2 small dogs
How is this dog around strangers?: King Joe will jump up on strangers and visitors in the home. He will at first alert bark. He prefers contact on his own terms.
How is this dog around children?: King Joe is friendly, playful, and outgoing with children.
How is this dog around other dogs?: King Joe is tolerant of familiar dogs. He will at first alert bark and then is playful, friendly, and outgoing with unfamiliar dogs on leash. Has no experience with unfamiliar dogs off leash.
How is this dog around cats?: Has no experience.
Resource guarding:: He resources guards' food and treats with other dogs. He will have a tense body, hover, and attempt to knock down the other dogs with treats. When he is with food he will snap, attempt to bite, and growl at other dogs. He doesn't resource guard with people.
Bite history:: King Joe has bitten another animal, but hasn't bitten a person.
Housetrained:: No
Energy level/descriptors:: very high
Other Notes:: He has accidents daily inside of the house, both urinating and bowel moments. He jumps up on people often, pulls hard on leash, has destructive tendencies, and will chew on leash during walks. When dogs or strangers approach them home or yard, he will alert bark or growl. He is fearful when held/restrained, pushed off furniture, and when collar is touched. He isn't bothered when paws are touched, disturbed while sleeping. When he is startled, he will bark or growl.
Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No
For a New Family to Know: King Joe inside his previous home was very active, playful, social, affectionate, and vocal. He spent most of his time in the living room. He allows his owners to bathe and brush him and loves bath time. On walks he pulls hard and can be somewhat difficult to manage. he was walked 1-2 times a day. He is crated trained but does not do well. He can be crated for 5 hours. He has never been in a car. he knows the cues sit, no, and come. His previous owner's favorite thing about him is that he still acts like a puppy. He likes any treats and any type of balls. He ate dry Buffalo Wildlife dog food.
Date of intake:: 9/22/2024
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender, 2 Years
Previously lived with:: 2 adults, 1 child, 2 small dogs
Behavior toward strangers:: King Joe will jump up on strangers and visitors in the home. He will at first alert bark. He prefers
Behavior toward children:: King Joe is friendly, playful, and outgoing with children.
Behavior toward dogs:: King Joe is tolerant of familiar dogs. He will at first alert bark and then is playful, friendly, an
Behavior toward cats:: Has no experience.
Resource guarding:: He resources guards' food and treats with other dogs. He will have a tense body, hover, and attempt to knock down the other dogs with treats. When he is with food he will snap, attempt to bite, and growl at other dogs. He doesn't resource guard with people.
Bite history:: King Joe had a bite incident in his previous home with resident small dog while King Joe was eating. Bite didn't break skin or draw blood.
Housetrained:: No
Energy level/descriptors:: Very High
Other Notes:: He has accidents daily inside of the house, both urinating and bowel moments. He jumps up on people often, pulls hard on leash, has destructive tendencies, and will chew on leash during walks. When dogs or strangers approach them home or yard, he will alert bark or growl. He is fearful when held/restrained, pushed off furniture, and when collar is touched. He isn't bothered when paws are touched, disturbed while sleeping. When he is startled, he will bark or growl. King Joe inside his previous home was very active, playful, social, affectionate, and vocal. He spent most of his time in the living room. He allows his owners to bathe and brush him and loves bath time. On walks he pulls hard and can be somewhat difficult to manage. he was walked 1-2 times a day. He is crated trained but does not do well. He can be crated for 5 hours. He has never been in a car. he knows the cues sit, no, and come. His previous owner's favorite thing about him is that he still acts like a puppy.
Date of assessment:: 11/13/2024
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Loose Reactivity to humans: Hx of reactivity towards strangers Reactivity to dogs: Inconclusive Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly Social Call over: Approaches Readily Sociability comments: Approaches handlers, loose bodied, leaning in for petting, jumps on handlers Handling Soft handling: Accepts Contact Exuberant handling: Accepts Contact Handling comments: panting, displacement sniffs, neutral bodied, easy to position, jumps on handler briefly Arousal Jog: Follows exuberant Arousal comments: Follows jog with neutral body, begins to breathe harder, vocalizing mildly, aroused Knock: Barks, tenses slightly Knock Comments: Barks at assistant for a bit before greeting again by jumping, recovers quickly Toy: Starts to bark at assessor hand, doesn't interact with toys Toy comments: Barks at hand, hackles raised
Summary:: According to King Joe's previous owner(s), King Joe is tolerant of familiar dogs. He will at first alert bark and then is playful, friendly. But he has bitten the resident dog as a result of resource guarding. 11/22/24: When off leash at the Care Center King Joe is introduced to a novel female dog. At the gate King Joe approaches with a soft frame. King Joe scents the novel female before mirroring her behavior, offering play bows. King Joe chases the novel female along the gate line. King Joe is moved to the back of the pen to make space for the novel female to enter. Once in the pen King Joe pulls over to the novel female. They greet face to face. King Joe offers play bows before becoming persistent when scenting The novel female. The novel female grows stiff and snaps at King Joe who doesn't accept the correct and attempts to snap back. The handlers immediately separate both dogs to separate pens. Both are returned to their respective kennels. 10/05/24: When off leash at the Care Center is introduced to a novel male dog. At the gate, King Joe approaches with a calm, neutral demeanor. He scents the novel male dog, holding his ears back and wagging his tail gently. The novel male is moved to the back of the pen to create space for King Joe to enter. Once inside, King Joe approaches cautiously, and the two dogs sniff each other. The novel male tries to initiate play by pawing at King Joe, who responds with play bows. As the novel male scents King Joe, he also gets into a play bow position, licking the novel male’s muzzle while wagging his tail. However, King Joe becomes over whelmed with the interaction, soon seeks comfort from his handler, jumping on them and trying to hide behind their legs. To prevent further stress, King Joe is taken out of the pen.
Summary (2)::
Summary (3):: 03/11/25 King Joe is in front of his kennel, jumping onto his kennel door excessively. King Joe is leashed as he jumps onto his kennel door. He exits the kennel with a relaxed frame, proceeding outside for a walk. King Joe will display a loose, wiggly frame, as he pulls on leash. The handler will administer Joe treats in which he takes moderately. They proceed on their walk, allowing Joe to explore along the walk. They will eventually return to the facility and enter the play yard. The handler will clip a drag leash to Joe and allow him to free roam. King Joe and the handler will engage in a game of fetch. The handler will toss the toy and Joe will retrieve it, returning the toy and being rewarded for it. They will do this for sometime before the handler leashes Joe to return to kennel. Due to an incident occurring outside of the pens, the handler must assist and a staff member returns King Joe to kennel. 03/05/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is calmly waiting at the front of his kennel with a loose frame. He is easily leashed and lightly pulls to the training room. King Joe bounces around the room leaning into interactions and pets before he starts engaging with the enrichment. King Joe goes through a few rounds of enrichment before he is able to look at the trainer. King Joe then has several round of LATTE, orienting to the trainer before receiving more enrichment. After soliciting more pets, King Joe is easily leashed and taken back to his kennel. 3/3/25: Flushedface, pacing jumping at kennel door and barking at transfer door during rounds. 03/01/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in his kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. He is loose and social and allows the handler to drape a blanket over him. He leans into contact and is returned to kennel without issue. 2/25: King Joe was observed jumping up and down and side to side when staff were walking past his kennel. 2/24/25: King Joe is observed during cleaning times to jump off his kennel walls and jump in kennel repeatedly.
Summary (4):: 02/20/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in his kennel as the handler approaches. His kennel is smeared in feces from his jumping. King Joe is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. He is loose and social, engaging readily with the various enrichment, leaning into contact, and playing with toys. He intermittently mouths at the handlers' hands but is easily redirected. King Joe is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 02/13/25: King Joe is lying down in his kennel and will walk to the front to greet the handler, allowing them to leash him with ease. He is escorted to the live room, walking on a short leash with mild pulling. Once inside, a drag leash is placed on him, and King Joe immediately runs over to the bed and marks on it. He then engages with the peanut butter treat box, eagerly eating all the snacks inside. After finishing the box, King Joe discovers the snuffle mat and enthusiastically searches for and eats the hidden treats. Once done with the snuffle mat, King Joe returns to the box, hoping to find more treats, but when he realizes it’s empty, he goes back to the snuffle mat for any remaining bits. While exploring the mat, he discovers a rubber Kong bone with two treat bones inside and begins working to get them out. After engaging with all the enrichment items, King Joe is safely escorted back to his kennel with no issues. 02/06/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in his kennel with a neutral body as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. King Joe allows the handler to attach a drag leash and interacts with staff with a loose body. He leans in to solicit contact and re-initiates when the handler pauses. King Joe plays fetch readily and runs around the room squeaking his toys. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 2/2/25: King Joe is seen displaying similar jumping high and hyper-salivating during cleaning times. Saliva can be seen dripping off his door and chin 2/1/2025: King Joe is observed to be jumping up and down in his kennel repeatedly during cleaning times.
Summary (5):: 01/30/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in his kennel with a neutral body as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. King Joe allows the handler to attach a drag leash and explores the room with a loose body. He shows no interest in toys, but leans into contact with a loose body. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 01/23/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. King Joe allows the handler to attach a drag leash and engages readily in the various enrichment items. King Joe orients towards the handler and breathes in between items. He is loose and social and leans into contact. Handler then works with him on relaxing on a mat. Joe is able to sit and breathe, but is unwilling to lay down. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 1/16/25: King Joe is sitting at the back of his kennel when approached and when seeing the handler becomes very loose, jumping onto the door of the kennel. King Joe is easily leashed and is walked outside where he jumps on the handler in a social manner and allows them to pet him on his head and then back, jumping off the handler leaning into petting. King Joe begins to explore his surroundings while turning around at times offering sit cues. King Joe is given treats and walked up a step near a door that he likes to sit at. King Joe will sit at the base of the door, and not move with coaxing for a bit. The handler has to pretend to jog in a direction for him to come down and will finish his walk as normal. King Joe returns to kennel with no issue. 01/15/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in kennel as the handler approaches. He begins to jump up on the glass of his kennel upon noticing the handler. King Joe is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. He engages with mild interest in the various enrichment items and is able to orient towards the handler. King Joe is unable to pause for long enough to breathe and maintains dilated pupils and a mild pant for the duration of the interaction. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue.
Summary (6):: 01/09/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting in kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. King Joe allows the handler to attach a drag leash and engages readily in the various enrichment items. He engages independently for several minutes before approaching the handler. Handler then asks for a deep breath in between items and Joe participates readily. He leans into contact with a loose and soft body. King Joe is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 01/02/25 (Trainer Note): King Joe is jumping onto the glass as the handler approaches. His kennel is smeared with feces due to his repeated jumping and fingerpainting. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. King Joe allows the handler to attach a drag leash and engages readily with the various enrichment items. He readily engages when the handler prompts him to sit and take a breath before moving onto the next item. Handler attempts to engage King Joe in Doggie Zen, but he shows little interest, quickly returning to the enrichment after a few rounds. King Joe then approaches the handler and leans in to solicit contact. He repeatedly re-initiates each time the handler pauses and is returned to kennel without issue. King Joe is later observed sitting on his bed with a soft body and closed mouth. 12/26/24: King Joe is standing at the front of his kennel upon handler’s arrival and will be leashed with ease and brought to the BT room for enrichment. Joe will be dress with a drag leash and set free. Handler administered a snuffle mat with hidden treats and king Joe will engage and happily jump up on handlers not staying focused on his enrichment items King Joe will be brought back to his kennel safely with no issues. 12/19/2024: King Joe is at the front of his kennel , is easily leashed and brought out to a street walk where King Joe pulls hard on leash, jumps on the handler but offers sit cues often. King Joe throughout the walk is social with the handler, leaning in for petting, engaging in more sit cues for treats. King Joe does stalk pigeons on the walk, but can be quickly refocused with squeakers. King Joe will sit in front of a door by the sidewalk for several minutes and has to be coaxed with treats off the stoop, but begins to walk as normal when off the stoop. King Joe is returned to kennel with no issue. 12/12/24: King Joe was leashed with ease and walked to the yard where he was clipped to a drag leash. He engaged with various LATTE puzzles and toys set out for him. King Joe was loose bodied and social throughout interaction. He was returned to kennel without issue.
Summary (7):: 12/11/24 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting on his bed as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately in the canine training room. King is loose and social with the handler, leaning into contact. Handler attempts to work with him on relaxing on the mat, but King Joe repeatedly solicits contact, so handler pets instead. He is easily leashed and pulls minimally back to kennel. 12/05/24 (Trainer Note): King Joe is sitting on his bed as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. King engages readily with the various enrichment items, visibly relaxing and decreasing the intensity of his panting. He leans into contact with the handlers. King Joe is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 11/27/24 (Trainer Note): King Joe is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls mildly to the canine training room. King Joe engages readily with the various enrichment items and leans into contact. He responds to the sit cue and is able to play take a breath with the handler. He is returned to kennel without issue. 11/26: King Joe is seen jumping to the top of his kennel almost touching the top, persistently. He has smears on his kennel from what looks like could be saliva. 11/25/24: King Joe is at the front of the kennel, jumping on his kennel door with feces smeared at the front from his jumping. 11/21/24: King Joe is at the front of the kennel with a loose/wiggly body, is a bit difficult to leash due to his exuberance but is coaxed with a treat. King Joe is brought to the play yards where he readily engages with a toy, begins to zoom around the yard and lean into contact. King Joe maintains a soft/playful behavior pattern and is easily leashed to be brought back to his kennel. 10/13/24: King Joe is standing in his kennel with a loose wiggly body as the handler approaches. He begins jumping up onto the kennel door as the handler goes to leash him. Handler uses treats to lure him through the rope. He pulls mildly to the canine behavior office and engages readily in the various enrichment items. King Joe mantains a loose and neutral body for the duration of the interaction and is returned to kennel without issue. 10/11/24: King Joe is sitting at the front of kennel with a loose wiggly body as handler approaches. He jumps up at the front of kennel and handler will toss treats to redirect him into four -on-the-floor. King Joe is leashed with ease and walks with a loose body out on the street. He spends time scenting and relieves himself. King Joe is social with handler throughout his walk and will jump up on handler soliciting attention. King Joe takes treats gently from hand. He is walked back to Care Center, returning to kennel safely. Older notes in GAN available.
Date of intake:: 9/22/2024
Summary:: thrashing on rope, timid
Date of initial:: 9/30/2024
Summary:: nervous boy, muzzled for precaution
ENERGY LEVEL:: King Joe is described as active and enthusiastic. He will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. We recommend feeding with puzzle feeders and food-dispensing toys. And we recommend only force-free, reward-based training techniques for King Joe.
Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Recommend no dog parks
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to King Joe's hyperarousal and resource guarding, we recommend he goes to an adult-only home. Recommend no dog parks- No dog parks due to the possibility of him resource guarding food/treats.
Potential challenges: : House soiling,Resource guarding,Destructive behavior,Basic manners/poor impulse control,Social hyperarousal,Fearful,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Leash-biting,Bite history (dog)
Potential challenges comments:: House soiling: King Joe is noted to have accidents in the house, and will likely need guidance with house training. We recommend positive reinforcement, reward-based training only. Destructive behavior: King Joe is reported to show destructive behavior in the home. We are unaware of what, if any, attempts were made to remedy this behavior but we suggest to future adopters that King Joe will need to be provided with physical and mental stimulation and with a variety of appropriate and engaging chew toys so he can engage in necessary chewing behavior without damage to human objects. Resource guarding: King Joe has bitten a dog over his food twice when the small dog approached in his previous home. We advise against ever removing items from King Joe's possession without safely trading for an item or greater or equal value. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended to aid in safely managing/modifying this behavior in a new home environment. Basic manners/poor impulse control/Social hyperarousal: King Joe in care gets quickly aroused when in the precense of people. Positive reinforcement, force-free training should be used to teach King Joe to remain calm when people and other exciting things are around. He should be rewarded with treats when calm. If he escalates to jumping or mouthing, people should immediately walk away from and separate themselves from King Joe. Fearful: King Joe is a bit timid in care and has a history of barking of unfamiliar people. King Joe should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be King Joe’s choice to approach a new person or thing. King Joe would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. See handout on Decompression Period. Bite history (dog): The previous owner stated a month ago her SMB dog was eating when King Joe had bit the dog's head and tail, but didn't break skin or draw blood. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: At the care center, King Joe has been observed to huff and pull towards other dogs with raised hackles on leash. King Joe may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach him to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. Leash-biting: King Joe is reported to is be quick to grab the leash in his mouth in his previous home. We recommend walking him with a toy to dissuade him from grabbing the leash. Positive reinforcement, force-free training is advised to teach him to focus on you rather than grabbing the leash.