Hello, my name is Gino. My animal id is #210806. I am a desexed male black dog at the . The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 4 months old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 10/2/2024, with the surrender reason stated as person circumstance- moving - no pets allowed.
Someone has already placed a deposit on me. I'm no longer available.
Gino is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Despite our best efforts Gino has been showing signs of stress. Gino has been observed to pant heavily in kennel while jumping up, spinning, and barking. With handlers Gino has been observed to have a soft body and be receptive to treats. Medically, Gino is apparently healthy.
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Gino is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Despite our best efforts Gino has been showing signs of stress. Gino has been observed to pant heavily in kennel while jumping up, spinning, and barking. With handlers Gino has been observed to have a soft body and be receptive to treats. Medically, Gino is apparently healthy. There is an adorable video of me on social media! Click here to experience the cuteness! What my friends at ACC say about me: I am finding the shelter a bit overwhelming. Outside one-on-one I am a great big cuddle bug. I'll need daily interaction with you as I get used to my new life. I am playful and cute! I will need daily physical activity to keep me healthy and happy! My #BoroughBreak Buddy Writes: Geno is quite the gentleman. He is a total companion, and such a sweet, loyal, and loving dog. He has very good listening skills- he sits, stays, lays down, and even gives paw. He takes treats very gently. He has a very easy and loose leash walk and will never allow you out of his site. Geno makes sure to always stay by your side. Geno enjoys taking the city in- from Petco shopping, to a Starbucks pup cup, exploring the park, and the coziness of an NYC apartment, Geno is looking for someone for him to love and someone to love him back. He is energetic, but, also enjoys taking a nap and receiving belly rubs after a long day at the park. Geno is an incredibly great navigator- he enjoys long car rides where he can pop his head out the window but also sit calmly in the back seat being present with you. His Volunteer photographer noted: What a good dog! He's energetic & exuberant but was very good boy for the pics! A Volunteer Writes: We ADORE this boy, from his gorgeous head to his waggy tail. Gino has the sweetest personality, even though he finds himself in the shelter after being surrendered--and his former owner adored him as well, singing his praises as "friendly and outgoing" to all he meets, whether humans or dogs. He's fantastic on a leash, appears housetrained, and hops up on laps the nanosecond one becomes available, happily settling in with enthusiastic snuggles. Other volunteers praise him as "great!" "Exuberant!" and a wonderful walker. He's an all-around wonderful boy. Please come meet Gino!
My medical notes are...
Weight: 58 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: Reported 3y, exam agrees Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: Owner surrender due to housing issues Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Wagging tail and jumping up for attention. Very exuberant and allows all handling, but very wiggly. Evidence of Cruelty seen -no Evidence of Neglect seen-no Evidence of Trauma seen -no Objective T = P =wnl R =wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzle in place but on limited exam appears to have adult dentition with mild tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male intact, 2 scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal external Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment apparently healthy Prognosis: good Plan: intake tasks neuter new home SURGERY: Okay for surgery
SO: BAR, standing at kennel door eent: eyes clear, mucoid nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, repeated coughing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: CIRDC P: move to isolation when possible doxycycline 250mg PO SID x10d
SO: last day of treatment for CIRDC BAR, sitting at kennel door eent: eyes clear, mild nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, occasional coughing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: CIRDC resolving P: Extending meds 4 additional days doxycycline 250mg PO SID x4d
SO: BAR, comes to kennel door wagging tail eent: eyes clear, no ocular or nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: CIRDC apparently resolved P: monitor for recurrence
Staff note kennel stress. Pet persistently panting, whining and then barking during rounds. Plan Trazodone 200mg po bid indefinitely
Gino is persistently barking, jumping and spinning off his kennel door and does not appear to settle. Starting clonidine 0.8mg PO BID indefinitely for in kennel FAS
Soft stool. QAR and eating. A: Several dogs in ward after diarrhea. High concentration of treats given over the weekend. Fecal sample from one dog was just positive for giardia antigen. r/o Treats over weekend vs giardia vs other. Several dogs Plan Fenbendazole for 60# dog 1 packet sid x 5 days Metronidazole 500mg 1 1/4 tablts po bid x 5 days
Observed panting, jumping on kennel door, and spinning in kennel. P: Gabapentin 400mg PO BID indefinitely
Staff note soft to water stool x 3 days. Pet is BAR. A: Diarrhea r/o dietary indiscretion vs infectious vs other Plan Pumpkin/sweet potato 1 cup sid x 3 days.
Staff report pet's behavior deteriorating in kennel. Bouncing off walls and spinning. A: Increasing kennel stress P: Advise placement asap Clonidine 0.04mg/kg 1mg po bid while in shelter Gabapetin 30mg/mkg 800 mg po bid while in shelter.
Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. Start 1 tab of carprofen 100mg sid po x2 days as pain management
S: BAR + loose wiggly body O: EEN- eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge H/L- Eupneic, no coughing/sneezing or audible congestion MSK/i- Ambulatory x4, healthy hair coat UG- Neutered male, incision is fresh but CDI Neuro- alert/appropriate A: Appears to be healthy for travel P: Sign HC
Hx: Health certificate (HC) requested BAR H eent- no nasal or ocular discharge; no coughing or sneezing msi- amb x 4 A) No CIRDC-like signs P) HC generated Carprofen (Rimadyl), Trazodone, and Clonidine are being dispensed to the client. In compliance with Bouy's Law, a written client information sheet was included with the prescription. The handout was downloaded from Plumb's™ and discloses all required information regarding the use of this drug, side effects and missed dose and handling instructions. Clonidine should be tapered slowly and under the direction of a veterinarian
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 1. Green
Date of Intake: 10/2/2024
Spay/Neuter Status: Unknown
Basic Information:: Name: Gino Age: 1-3 years old Color: black Sex: Male Altered: No Size: Medium Surrender Reason: ~REVIEW THIS ANSWER AND EDIT AS NEEDED~ I've moved to another state where dos arent allowed; he was left with a family member that no longer can care for him, i've tried to look for all other options. Length of time owned: since 8 weeks old
Previously lived with:: 3 adults
How is this dog around strangers?: Friendly & Outgoing
How is this dog around children?: Friendly & Outgoing
How is this dog around other dogs?: Familiar dogs: Friendly & Outgoing Unfamiliar dogs - on leash: Friendly & Outgoing Unfamiliar dogs - off leash: Friendly & Outgoing
How is this dog around cats?: Cats: Shy/Contact on their terms Other Animals: Actively avoids
Resource guarding:: Valuable items: Toys, Food, "Treats (bones, rawhides, etc.)" Reaction: Has a tense body or hovers over them
Bite history:: Previous bite to a person: No Did the bite break skin: Not reported Date of last bite: Previous bite to another animal: No Did the other animal need vet care: Not reported Date of last bite to an animal: Bitten by another animal: No Did this dog need vet care: Not reported Date of last bite by another animal: Additional info: Not reported Bite History Survey Answers: Victim: Not reported Additional info: Not reported Was this the first bite: Not reported Previous bite before this: How many times the dog has bitten in the past: Not reported Bite severity: Not reported Medical attention needed: Not reported Medical attention type: Not reported Warning signs prior to the bite: Not reported What happened before/during the bite: Not reported Type of bite: Not reported When the biting began: Not reported
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: Very high (more active than most)
Other Notes:: Goes potty on: "Outside on walks (grass, cement, dirt, etc.)" Accident frequency: Very rarely Additional info: family member was not walking dog consistently so he would eventually use the bathroom on the kitchen floor Behavior concerns: Jumps up often or non-stop, Pulls hard on leash Additional info: Not reported Reacts to on walks: Strangers that approach you/family members, Large dogs, Small dogs Reaction type: Other Additional info: he is very very playful; hes not aggressive in any way and loves to give kisses How this dog reacts when... - Held/restrained: Fearful - Disturbed while resting/sleeping: Isn't bothered - Startled: Fearful - Pushed/pulled off furniture: Isn't bothered - Paws are touched: Barks/Growls - Collar grabbed/touched: Isn't bothered
Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No
For a New Family to Know: Description of this dog most of the time: Social/Affectionate, Very active & Playful, Independent Where the dog spent most time: Living room, In their crate, Bedroom Additional info: Not reported For grooming, this dog: Allows owner/family to bathe and brush, "Does not allow nail trimming (fearful, uncomfortable)" Additional info: Not reported Walks on leash rating: 3 - Mild to moderate pulling Walk Frequency: 3-4 times per day Walk length of time: 15 minutes Crate trained: Yes, does well Hours in crate: 5 Type of crate: large black metal crate with room During car rides, this dog: Struggles when attempting to put in the car, Loves car rides! Additional info: hes okay for the most part just wants to sit in my lap This dog knows the following cues: sit, stay, down, inside(for crate), stop Previous owner's favorite things about the dog: he is so playful and friendly hes really a sweet happy dog all of the time This dog's favorite activities/toys/food/snacks: he pulls to pull rope; play fetch; he loves to run around; he loves rawhide bones as well as any rachel ray brand treats Type of food the dog eats: Dry Food Brand of food: Gravy Train
Date of intake:: 10/2/2024
Spay/Neuter status:: No
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (Approx 3 years)
Previously lived with:: 3 adults
Behavior toward strangers:: Gino is friendly and outgoing
Behavior toward children:: Gino is friendly and outgoing
Behavior toward dogs:: Gino is friendly and outgoing with familiar and unfamiliar dogs on and off leash
Behavior toward cats:: Gino is shy and will actively avoid
Resource guarding:: Gino will become tense and hover over toy and food that is on his possession.
Bite history:: None reported
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: Very high (more active than most)
Date of assessment:: 10/6/2024
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: Mild Leash walking comments: Aloof to handler, become tense with high flagging tail and pulls towards dogs on the street Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Distracted Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Sniffing around the office, responsive to name Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows handler exuberantly Arousal comments: Loose and wiggly body Knock Knock Comments: Approaches handler readily, jumps up Toy Toy comments: Grips light relinquishes
Summary:: 10/17/24: Gino is neutral bodied when greeting another male dog at the gate. He marks the entire perimeter of the vestibule. Once off leash, he rushes up to the other dog and attempts to mount.
Summary (5):: 1/19/25: Gino is at the front of his kennel as handler approaches. He is leashed without issue and and offered a treat which he takes with moderate pressure before exiting kennel and being brought to the street for a walk. During Gino's walk he walks alongside handler and pulls slightly. He walks past people without issue and when spotting other dogs on the street Gino will briefly face towards them but is easily redirected using treats. Gino walks for a while more, at times turning towards handler to engage with them and accept treats. He walks for a while more before being brought back inside and returning to kennel without issue.
Summary (6):: 1/13/25: Gino is observed to be heavily panting and at accelerated rate. He is anxious barking and pacing at the front of the kennel, occasionally spinning and bouncing off the wall. 1/10/25: PM Walks: Gino was at the front of the kennel when the handler approaches. As the kennel is being unlocked, Gino begins spinning back and forth and jumping towards the front of the kennel and back, occasionally barking. He is leashed with ease and pulls hard out of the room and down the hallway. Gino relieves himself in the elevator and looks at handler with a soft body and a wagging tail. On the street, Gino walks by the handler's side sniffing his surroundings. He relieves himself again and continues walking along handler's side. Gino would at times initiate check-ins with the handler and is given treats when done so. At the end of the walk Gino is returned to kennel without issue. 1/10/25- ACS staff reported Gino is relucent to return to kennel, planting outside his kennel by putting his paws up and handler has to left him in. 12/13/24: Gino is observed to be hard panting, jumping on his kennel door and spinning in kennel. 11/28/24: Upon approaching the kennel, Gino jumped up at the door ad barked. He stopped doing so when the handler opened the door. He was leashed with ease. While on the street, Gino walked with little to no tension on the leash. He relieved himself multiple times. Gino then stopped walking to turn to the handler. The handler gave him pets and a treat, which he gently took. While waiting to return to the kennel, Gino moved around constantly, while the handler stood still. Gino pulled towards his kennel when returning and removed leash with ease.
Summary (7):: 11/27/24: When handler is walking past Gino is observed to persistently bark, jumping and spinning off his kennel door and does not settle as handler walks away. 11/11/24: When a handler walked in front of Gino's kennel he jumped up against the kennel door and continually barked. This behavior continued until the handler walked away 11/2/24: Gino is at the front of the kennel barking and jumping on the kennel door with loose and wiggly body. He is leashed using a treat as a lure. He is walked on the street where he explores and relieves himself. As dogs pass, handler leads him to the curb and feeds him treats as they pass. He will look at the dog then back at handler receiving a treat. He is easily returned to kennel. 10/12/24- Gino is at the front of his kennel with a soft body, he is easily leashed and taken for a street walk. He pulls hard to various spots to sniff and urinate on. He gently takes treats from handler's hand but is aloof once treats are stopped being given. He has no reaction to people passing. Once he fully relieves himself, he moderately pulls for the rest of the walk. When returning, handler and Gino had to wait for a dog to pass. As waiting they were near a pop up, Gino pulled towards the dog and barked a couple of times, handler tossed treats and Gino went to eat them. He was easily clipped and wass returned to kennel without issue. 10/6/24: Gino is at the front of the kennel with a loose, wiggly body. He is easily leashed and does not take treats. He is taken for a street walk where he pulls moderately to hard, sniffing and marking often. When he sees people he has no reaction and when he sees other dogs he becomes stiff with a high flagging tail and stares, pulling towards them. He is taken for his assessment where he is highly social, exuberant, allows all handling, takes treats, and jumps up on the handlers socially. He is easily releashed and on return to kennel he enters on his own before immediately trying to back out and has to be muscled back into the kennel.
Date of intake:: 10/2/2024
Summary:: Social with staff, hard bark and lunge at dogs
Date of initial:: 10/3/2024
Summary:: Social, wagging tail
ENERGY LEVEL:: Gino is described as active and enthusiastic. They will need daily mental and physical activity to keep them engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm. We recommend feeding with puzzle feeders and food-dispensing toys. And we recommend using force-free, reward-based training techniques for Gino.
Recommendations:: No young children (under 5)
Recommendations comments:: No young children (under 5): Due to lack of basic manners we recommend a home without young children.
Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Basic manners/poor impulse control,Handling/touch sensitivity,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Strength/leash pulling
Potential challenges comments:: Resource Guarding: Gino will become tense and hover over toy and food that is on his possession. Nothing should ever be taken directly out of Gino's mouth, and any time something is removed they should be rewarded with a high value treat or toy. Please see handout on Resource Guarding. Basic Manners: Gino's previous states that he will jump up on people. During his time in the care center Gino has been observed to jump up on handlers in a social manner. It is recommended that default behaviors such as "Sit" and "Off" are reinforced to substitute any frustration and teach them to control their impulses instead of simply reacting; proper management is also advised. Force-free, reward-based training only is recommended. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Handling Sensitivities: Gino's previous owner states that he will become fearful when held or restrained and he will bark and growl when his paws are touched. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards in order to teach Gino to be more comfortable with this. Please see handout on Handling and Touch Sensitivity. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Gino was observed to hard bark and lunge at dogs during his intake. Positive reinforcement should be used to help manage this behavior. Please see the handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Leash Pulling: Gino's previous owner states that he pulls hard on leash. Their adopter must be prepared and able to handle a dog of this size and strength. It is recommended that they be walked on a front clip harness or head halter, which will help diminish their strength through leverage, and that they be trained using positive reinforcement, reward based training to not pull on leash. Please see handout on Leash Manners.