Hello, my name is Silesia. My animal id is #218332. I am a desexed male black cat at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 1 months 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a agency on 1/9/2025.
Silesia is on the at risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center. He is extremely intelligent and high energy, and needs to expend energy constructively with interactive play sessions 3-4X/day. In addition to playtime, this cat would also benefit from mental exercise from activities such as puzzle toys/games, lick mats, or clicker training. Without providing activity for his mind and body, the cat may react with rough play, potentially resulting in bite/scratch incidents. It is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with feline body language, overstimulation, rough play, and who have the time to invest in managing these behaviors on a consistent basis to avoid (further) bite/scratch incidents.
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Silesia is on the at risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center. He is extremely intelligent and high energy, and needs to expend energy constructively with interactive play sessions 3-4X/day. In addition to playtime, this cat would also benefit from mental exercise from activities such as puzzle toys/games, lick mats, or clicker training. Without providing activity for his mind and body, the cat may react with rough play, potentially resulting in bite/scratch incidents. It is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with feline body language, overstimulation, rough play, and who have the time to invest in managing these behaviors on a consistent basis to avoid (further) bite/scratch incidents. I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. Cheek and chin scratches make me so happy! I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you. I am looking for a home with a patient person. I will flourish in a calm environment and a low-traffic home. I'm an independent kitty who likes to do my own thing. A volunteer writes: Found at a busy intersection and brought to us by the police, Silesia has had a bit of a time recently to say the least. He came in scared and hissy, prepared to watch the Care Center from a safe distance on top of his cubby, but Silesia has been making progress and isn't that the name of the game? He softly meows when he's spoken to and returns slow blinks in response. While Silesia hasn't been much of a fan of pets with the scratcher tool at the Care Center and doesn't always want our company, he's searching for another chance with his whole heart. Addendum(2/4):Silesia settled down and is now quite a pleasant and sweet kitty to spend time with. He is at his door in no time when he sees a visitor, enjoys treats and mostly cuddling. He does aim for my lap whenever he gets a chance. Silesia is quite a handsome knight who calls for attention as he finds the time long, sitting duck in a kennel when there is most likely a home, a family and a perfect match out there for him.... True, Silesia was not a happy and easy guest during his debuts at the care center but he is ready for a new page in his life with an experienced and understanding new owner.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 12.64 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3-4y Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: Stray cat brought in by police. Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Hissing and growling from top of den. Electing sedation 0.1ml dexmedetomidine500mcg/ml, 0.1ml ketamine 100mg/ml, 0.1ml butorphanol 10mg/ml IM Evidence of Cruelty seen -no Evidence of Neglect seen-no Evidence of Trauma seen -no Objective T = P =wnl R =wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with mild dental tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male intact, 2 scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat, very small superficial wound RH paw pad and R dew claw appeared to have been bleeding CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal external Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment apparently healthy Prognosis: good Plan: intake tasks neuter new home SURGERY: Okay for surgery
High FAS in shelter Plan Gabapentin 100mg/ml 1ml in food bid x 14d then recheck with behavior
On presentation, canned food only partially touched; concerned about gabapentin and its unpalatability No further gabapentin and consider NH placement
SO: BAR, comes to kennel door, interested in treats offered. Eating wet food with very good appetite eent: eyes clear OU mild yellow mucoid ocular dc, no nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: conjunctivitis P: Silesia does not tolerate medical handling well planning to monitor
SO: Monitoring conjunctivitis BAR, comes to front of kennel when approached eent: eyes clear, heavy yellow ocular dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: conjunctivitis P: attempt treatment ofloxacin 1 drop OU BID x7d
Pet eating wet food during rounds and dry food dish half empty. No blood in cage. EEN: yellow ocular discharge. Grey mucoid nasal discharge. Sneezing and sniffling. MSI: RFL 3rd discharge dried blood dorsally. No swelling or lameness seen as pet jumps up and down off shelf. BCS 5/9 NEURO: BAR A: URI moderate Hx of drop of blood on kennel floor r/o trauma to nail on RFL vs viral pododermatitis Appetite is still good Prognosis: Fair Plan Doxycycline 50mg/ml 1ml po sid x 7d
Recheck URI S: BAR, comes out of cubby and to front of kennel. Sniffs at my pen while cage side O: EEN- Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L- Eupneic, no coughing/sneezing or audible congestion MSK/i- Ambulatory x4 Neuro- alert/appropriate A: No evidence of URI P: CTM in care
Pre-Op Exam S: BAR, hiding in cubby, but readily comes forward to front of kennel with O: Visual Exam only due to behavior EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L: Eupneic, no sneezing or appreciable audible congestion ABD: Relaxed MSI: Ambulatory x 4, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate/alert A: Appears to be a good anesthetic candidate P: Neuter today
Surgery - Cat Neuter Was this cat a Cryptorchid? No Routine Feline Neuter Self tie of spermatic cord Green Linear Tattoo Placed near Midline Surgeon: 2172 Additional notes: Noted at time of nail trim that digit 3 of LFL have mild swelling and some purulent discharge. Paw was clipped/clean and soaked in dilute chlorohexidine soln. Convenia 80mg/ml 0.6 ml SQ once
Feline neuter performed by Vet: 2172 Patient anesthesia form uploaded to Shelter Buddy in Vet Documents.
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 5. Red
Is this cat having litter box issues?: No
If yes, Please elaborate:: Access to a litterbox in the home: Yes Used the bathroom outdoors: Not reported Litter boxes in the home: 3 Litter box location(s): Bathroom, Hallway, Other Other location: Kitchen Type of litter box: Covered, Uncovered Other type: Not reported Type of litter: Unscented, Pellets Other type: Not reported Spraying: No Spraying location(s): Not reported Able to see outdoor cats: No
Basic Information:: Name: Silesia Age: 3-6 years old Color: Black Sex: Male Altered: No Declawed: No Surrender Reason: ~REVIEW THIS ANSWER AND EDIT AS NEEDED~ Due to behavior concerns owner did not feel safe in the home. Length of time owned: Since 2019 Where the previous owner got this cat: He was given to me as a kitten
Previously lived with:: 3 adults, 1 child
How is this cat around strangers?: Curious, Tolerant, Actively avoids or retreats, Prefers contact on their terms
How is this cat around children?: experience with a child 5yrs old and is known to be Tolerant, Actively avoids or retreats
How is this cat around other cats?: Would spend time with a cat that would visit the home that was a neutered male. Curious, Tolerant, Plays gently, Prefers contact on their terms
How is this cat around dogs?: No experience
Behavior Notes: If they hiss, growl, swat, or bite - these behaviors are usually: Offensive How this cat reacts when someone... - Trims their nails: Stress meows, Struggles or squirms - Brushes their coat: Struggles or squirms - Picks up/holds: Hisses, Unbothered, Struggles or squirms - Places them in a carrier: Stress meows
Bite history:: Previous bite/scratch to a person: Yes Did the bite/scratch break skin: Yes Date of last bite/scratch: 1/9/2025 Previous bite/scratch to another animal: No Did either animal need vet care: Not reported Date of last bite/scratch to an animal: Additional info: *GATHER DETAILS ON BITE INCIDENT FROM 1/09* Only directed toward primary owner female; 1st - visiting another person's house and had smelled another animal in the backyard - owner went to reach for him not understanding his state and he wounded her arm had to go to emergency; 2nd & 3rd time - yelling occurred in the house and his aggression is directed at owner - able to avoid a severe bite only scratches minimal bite 4&5th time unprovoked but had lifestyle changes - owner has a husband & new baby brother cat for a year - after getting food both times. One was early morning calm environment he latched on to my leg severe bites and lunged at the body Other time had been given extra food, owner laid on the couch he slowly walked up to her calmly and slowly bit her arm becoming very aggressive to the point of attack mode behavior this was when he was surrendered
Energy level/descriptors:: Medium
Medical Notes: Medical info: Not reported Allergies: No Allergy info: Not reported Veterinarian: Aspca Last vet check: 1/3/2025
For a New Family to Know: Description of this cat most of the time: Talkative, Lazy/Couch potato, Prefers contact on their terms, Friendly, Watches from afar, Independent, Withdrawn Additional info: Not reported Areas the cat had access to: Indoors Additional info: Not reported Where the cat spent most time: Where people are, Kitchen, Living room Additional info: Not reported How the cat likes to play: Plays gently, Plays rough - extends nails, Chases bugs or moths, Other Additional info: Likes light pointer and tunnels, will pounce when playing with people’s hands not toys, likes to be chased around the house How often the cat got interactive playtime: Multiple times per week Additional info: Not reported This cat likes to scratch on: Vertical surface, Horizontal surface, Carpet/Fabric Additional info: Not reported Previous owner's favorite things about the cat: He likes high spaces and jumps very high- enjoys vertical private space. He is very nosey and very friendly. Will greet people when they come in the house. He is a fat boy he likes to eat a lot Behavior issues noted: Scratches furniture, Bites people, Nips/swats when pet for too long Additional info: Not reported Type of food the cat eats: Both wet and dry food Brands of food: He eats chicken, boiled eggs, tuna, chicken tenderloin Favorite treats: Greenies dental snacks
KNOWN HISTORY:: Silesia was brought in with limited information on his behavior history in a home environment.
ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 1/17/25 FB26 By the front upon approach. Ignores offered treats. Soft meows when spoken softly to. He sniffs the scratcher tool through the kennel bar and slowly retreats when attempting to pet. Hops on top of the den watching from a afar. 1/18/25 FB47 1st and 2nd visits, no hissing, with his head out the den door, staring at me. I gave sweet talk and marked both times and left. 01.19.2025 FB04 1-Laying in kennel upon approach with wide eyes and low-hissed once. Licked lips. Returned a slow-blink, staff marked and left. Prior assessment on 1/12/25: Silesia was looking out of the den portal with wide eyes, growling and hissing at the assessor. After some soft-talk, he returned a few slow-blinks. As the scratch tool came closer to him, he spat and lunged forward in his den. He didn't allow petting at this time. The assessor ended the interaction to reduce FAS. 1/25/25 Vol. Silesia was behind the shoreline when I approached speaking softly. When I lifted the shoreline, she trotted to the front meowing for attention, eyes, ears and body appearing relaxed and ate the proffered temptations eagerly. He readily accepted pets through the bars with the clicker ball on his head and neck. He then licked the squeeze up from the tube thru the bars. He remained calm when I opened the kennel door and petted him on his head and neck while he was eating treats, flicking his tail once, then relaxing for 10 seconds, then swished his tail again. We reset and started petting again with the clicker ball. When no treats were forthcoming, he half flattened his ears, and we ended the interaction. 1/26/25 Vol. Resting in cubby behind privacy cover. When I raised the cover was in a loaf position with dilated eyes. Leaned forward to sniff a cup of squeeze-up and Temptations, then stood up and came forward, sticking his head out the door. Meowed softly when I closed the door, then ate the squeeze-up. Came forward when I opened the door again, ate squeeze-up from the tube and allowed head scratches, sticking his head out the door again. Then eagerly ate Temptations, looking around for more, and leaned in for more attention. Stress meowed when the door was wide open, but continued to enjoy treats and attention. 1/28/25 Vol. Came right up to door for head rubs. Loved Squeeze-ups…ate 3 from clicker. No interest in the cat dancer but chased the laser around his kennel. Allowed pets on head by hand. Ate some crunchy treats. Ate up tuna added to his food. Sweet boy. 1/29/25 Vol. - Silesia wa in cubby behind privacy paper. He came down to front of kennel when approached, standing tall with tail in the air, and eyes and ears neutral. He readily ate treats, then head bunted and leaned into cheek rubs. He sat at front of kennel and leaned his head out to look around the room, then solicited more petting. His tail began to swish, so we ended interaction to avoid overstimulation.
VOCAL:: Somewhat chatty
CHARACTER TYPE: : Calm,Sweet,Curious,Skittish,Independent
POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Very high energy level,Other,New home adjustment period
Potential challenges comments:: The previous owner mentioned that Silesia occasionally exhibits random attacks, but it’s unclear if any steps were taken to address this behavior. This behavior may stem from fear, frustration, or a possible medical issue. It’s recommended that potential adopters be prepared to manage and modify this behavior. If Silesia continues to display sudden changes in personality or attacks without warning, it’s important to consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical concerns. Proper outlets for this hunting behavior may also help in managing his actions.
RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home
BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Silesia was resting on his bedding when approached, showing alertness with soft eyes and relaxed, forward ears. When spoken to softly, he responded with soft meows and engaged his front low body, keeping his tail lying low. He head bunted the assessor's hand and allowed body strokes. Silesia also focuses on sudden movement outside the room door but easily distracted for offered treats. During pick-up, he remained calm, and once settled back down, he tolerated more attention while eating the rest of his treats. Silesia tolerates attention and petting but appears fearful or stressed in the shelter. He may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to his new home. We recommend that this cat go to a home with experienced cat parents.