Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Claude. My animal id is #206854. I am a male brown brindle dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 1 months 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 8/5/2024.

Claude is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Claude initially presented as fearful and uncomfortable with handling. But as his length of stay progressed, he warmed up and became more social with staff and caretakers. Although Claude has become more social and attention-seeking, he is now displaying a low threshold for arousal that manifests as leash biting. While not consistent with the leash biting, Claude can be somewhat difficult to refocus with treats or toys once over his threshold. Medically, Claude is healthy.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Claude is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Claude initially presented as fearful and uncomfortable with handling. But as his length of stay progressed, he warmed up and became more social with staff and caretakers. Although Claude has become more social and attention-seeking, he is now displaying a low threshold for arousal that manifests as leash biting. While not consistent with the leash biting, Claude can be somewhat difficult to refocus with treats or toys once over his threshold. Medically, Claude is healthy. Claude was surrendered to the Care Centers as a stray, so we don't have information about his previous home life. Initially, Claude was very fearful and reluctant to be handled. During his intake, he reacted by thrashing and flailing while on a leash. However, with a gradual approach and the use of treats, Claude began to warm up and seek attention from handlers. He now enjoys interacting with toys, engaging in enrichment activities, and accepting treats or snacks. Although Claude has become more sociable with staff and caretakers, he may still bite the leash when he becomes overly excited. To help him further, Claude would benefit from additional behavior modification with a certified trainer who uses positive reinforcement methods. This support will be especially helpful when he transitions to an experienced adult-only home.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 56.8 lbs


DVM Intake Estimated age: 3 years Microchip noted on Intake? No History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Thrashing, vocalizing in squeeze gate. Sedated for exam with 0.2 mg/kg butorphanol, 10 mcg/kg dexmedetomidine IM Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 5/9 OP: Mucous membranes pink and moist. No dental disease. EENT: Eyes and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. Mild ceruminous debris AU PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: male intact, two descended testicles, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: Otitis externa Prognosis: Good Plan: -Start trazodone 7 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Cleaned ears, placed otipacks AU Surgery: Okay for surgery


S: noted on rounds board to have eaten a sock on walk, has bloody nasal dc BAR, A+A in medical room, didn't eat treats when offered O EENT: no OU/n dc, -ITC, mm pm <2, AU cl H/L: nma //cl-cl, nRR/RE GA/GU: npm //MI MSI: good turgor, no apparent lesions, amb x 4 A. Possible FB ingestion Bloody d/c when sneezing r/o incidental vs infectious vs open P. 1. CTM, p would need sedation for rads 2. Recheck tomorrow +/- sedated abdominal rads


Reason for recheck: Reported to recently eat a sock and to have mild bloody discharge when sneezing. BAR, on hind legs at front of kennel. No vomit or diarrhea in cage and none reported. Empty food bowl present. No nasal discharge or sneezing, or reports of either. No diagnostics indicated at this time, CTM.

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow

Date of intake:: 8/5/2024

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray ( Unknown History)

Date of assessment:: 9/8/2024

Summary:: 9/8/24: A reassessment was attempted on Claude, but Claude when the assessor was attempting to position him for the handling assessment, began to get more aroused and began leash biting intensely/mouthing the handler. The assessment was not completed and Claude was put back into his kennel with no issue, but did try and bite the rope when it was coming off his head. Treats and toys were offered as a redirection, but Claude did not respond. eash Walking Strength and pulling: Loose Reactivity to humans: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass people Reactivity to dogs: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass dogs Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Social- soft body, gently takes treats from the handler. Call over: Stays near handler- allows petting, leans into handler. Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Allowed handling- wagging tail, head whip Exuberant handling: Allowed handling- wagging tail, head whip, lip licks Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Followa- lips licks, jumps, pants Arousal comments: Knock: shakes off, pant jumps Knock Comments: Toy: Hover body block, grips walks away Toy comments:

Summary:: Due to Claude entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded. 08/14/24: When off leash at the Care Center Claude is introduced to a novel female dog. At the gate Claude approaches with a stiff frame, forward wrinkles and ears forward. Claude begins "stalking" the novel female, Tracking her movements and slowly approaching. Claude beings "pray bowing" before eventually "mirroring" the novel female and offering play bows. Claude toggles between both expressions. When exiting the pen Claude's frame begins to loosen up with tail wags.

Summary (2):: 9/18/24: Claude was observed being removed from kennel by another staff member. Claude was reluctant to leave kennel room, balking and then pancaking low to the ground. This caught familiar handler's attention as it was very unlike him. Handler approached and tried to gain Claude's attention by using his name and offering treats, but he was disinterested and remained low to the ground. Handler asked the staff member to take a quieter route out of the building for his walk. Staff member reported Claude had not been himself since the day prior. Shortly thereafter, Claude was observed with the staff member crossing the street with slicked back ears.

Summary (3):: 09/14/24: Claude is standing at the front of his kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. He is leashed with ease and walks on a loose leash to the Canine Behavior Office. He is clipped to a drag lead, becoming loose, wiggly, and mouthy as handler attempts to remove their lead. He is social with multiple handlers throughout his time in the room; approaching them with a loose body and leaning into their legs to solicit contact. Claude is offered multiple LATTE items including snuffle mat and licky mat which he readily engages with. Claude explores the room and takes a hand towel from one of the drawers and runs around with it in his mouth. Handler offers another toy and treats as a trade but he continues to avoid and will play bow at handler. Handler tosses a couple of pieces of chicken and while he is eating a piece a second handler retrieves the hand towel. Claude will become loose and wiggly as another handler enters the room and then grabs the wooden door stop and runs around with it in his mouth. It takes multiple attempts of handlers tossing chicken pieces before he will drop the door stop. As he is socializing with handlers, allowing petting with a wiggly body, a handler drops a marker cap onto the floor and Claude immediately grabs it and begins chewing on it. After several attempts, he trades the marker cap for chicken pieces. Claude is leashed with ease and returns to kennel safely. As handler removes their lead, Claude will mouth at it but releases it quickly. 9/8/24: Claude was leashed with ease and walked to the BA room for his reassessment. Claude was loose bodied and very social with handlers. He was playful throughout interaction and solicited many pets and treats. Claude seemed at ease while he was in the room. Claude displayed leash biting during assessment, but did not perform this behavior walking to or from kennel. Once aroused, it was difficult for him to settle or for handlers to refocus him. Once returned to kennel he nibbled at the slip leash as handler pulled it over his head and out through kennel door. 8/29/24: Claude was leashed with ease and walked to the yard where he was clipped to a drag leash. Claude explored the yard and relieved himself while outside. Claude chased after a small soft squeaker toy and nibbled on it. He would approach handler with a relaxed face to solicit attention and treats. Claude favored freeze-dried liver treats and enthusiastically engaged in a pattern game by retrieving them from left to right. Claude was placed back on a slip lead and returned to the care center. Claude allowed handler to clip leash to a figure 8 without issue, but began to chew on the rope as it was being removed from kennel. Claude did not attempt to hold onto rope and it was removed with

Summary (4):: 08/20/24 Claude is standing on his bed as the handler approaches. Claude comes forward as the handler unlocks the kennel door and is leashed with no issue, proceeding outside for a walk. Claude will remain close to the handler as they exit the building. Claude will display a neutral frame and a slight tucked tail as he walks moderately beside the handler. Claude is hyper-vigilant of his surroundings, remaining cautious and alert. Loud noises startle him in which he tucks his tail further and will attempt to flee. The handler keeps him close and pets him reassuring he is safe before commencing the walk. Claude will maintain a moderate pace beside the handler being returned back to the facility with no issue. Claude enters his kennel willingly and will whip around to attempt to nip at the handler's lead. 08/14/24: Claude will walk to the front of his kennel upon handler's arrival and will be leashed with ease and brought to the assessment room. Claude will display a loose body while eating treat from the floor and engaging in play and allow handler to handle him and touch. Claude will be brought back to his kennel safely. 08/12/24 (PM) Claude comes to the front of his kennel with a loose body. The handler offers a bully stick in which Claude declines. The handler leashes Claude with ease and they proceed outside. Claude displays a still, neutral frame with a slight tucked tail. Claude is hyper-vigilant, paying close attention to his surroundings. Claude will become startled when he hears an abrupt noise, but when the handler calls his name, he puts his behind on the handler's leg. They commence their walk. Claude is returned to the facility where he enters the building and his kennel with no issue.

Summary (5):: 08/12/24: Claude is standing on his bed with a neutral body as handler approaches. Handler opens the kennel door and places treats on the floor in front of Claude. He readily approaches and investigates the treats being leashed with ease. Clause exits kennel with a neutral body and shakes off. He is walked past three staff members and he approaches and sniffs them. Claude is brought into the Canine Behavior Office, is clipped to a drag lead, and free to explore the space. Another member of staff enters the room and he approaches and sniffs them as well. Claude is social with handlers throughout his time in the room, often jumping up on them and soliciting petting. He displays appeasement behaviors (grinning, making himself appear small). He allows petting along head, neck, and body. Claude is leashed and walks back towards kennel with loose body. Once his kennel is in sight, he puts on the brakes. Handler tosses a few treats into kennel but he does not follow them in. Slight directional leash pressure is used to guide Claude back into kennel. 08/11/24 (PM) Claude is standing on his karanda bed as the handler approaches. Claude will come forward as the kennel door is unlocked. The handler will leash Claude with ease and the two will proceed outside for a walk. Claude will display a still, neutral body while displaying a tucked tail. Claude will maintain this posture throughout the walk, refusing to take treats tossed or administered. Claude doesn't take any toys either, remaining focused and alert while outside. When walking passed a resident dog, Claude will fixate for a bit then continue walking. Claude is returned to the facility where he enters the building and his kennel with no issue. 8/10/24: Claude is standing in the middle of kennel staring at the back side of kennel and chuffing at the staff that are cleaning a kennel on that side. Handler kneels down in front of his kennel and he readily approaches. He gently takes treats from hand and will retreat to his bed with them. Handler holds the lead and lures him through with treats. He sniffs the lead and will paw at it before retreating to the back of kennel. This process of approaching, sniffing/pawing the lead, and retreating, occurs a couple more times before handler is able to slowly lasso him. He exits kennel and walks with a tense body out to the street. Claude is hypervigilant, focusing on people and dogs as they pass. He will stand with a tense frame and stare, not breaking focus until the handler guides him out of sight. Claude becomes startled after a car backfires and stands behind handler, scanning the environment. Claude is walked back to the Care Center and handler slowly clips his lead into a figure 8. He returns to kennel safely.

Summary (6):: 8/9/24: Claude is at the back of his kennel sleeping when the handler approaches. Claude begins to tail way slowly and is head shy of the leash. The handler places high value treats on the floor, and circles it with the leash. As Claude begins to eat the treat, the handler pulls the leash up and brings Claude out for a walk. Claude on the walk is hyper vigilant, tense bodied, and fearful for the walk. He does not react to any dogs or people, but is very easily spooked at sudden sounds around him, jumping back and hiding behind the handler. Claude is brought back to his kennel with no issue. 8/8/24: Claude was sleeping on kuranda bed when handler approached. Handler crouched down and spoke to him in a soft voice and he slowly sat up. When Claude would start to come out of kennel he would get spooked by a large dog that was barking loudly and jumping incessantly on kennel door. He did not eat pieces of chicken breast tossed toward him. He tolerated handler's slow attempts to lasso him and exited kennel with mild leash pressure and verbal coaxing. Once out of the kennel room he walked on a loose leash without issue. Claude would freeze when he saw other dogs or people but was able to be moved along. Claude allowed handler to slowly turn collar and clip drag leash. He was very alert to outside noise and people/dogs passing on the street. Claude would stand still, often with a front paw lifted, and gaze intently. Claude began swatting a ball around and handler attempted to engage him in fetch. Claude would begin to chase after it but then stop himself. Handler crouched down and allowed Claude to approach on his own terms. He would approach and sniff handler, getting closer each time. He would take a step away when handler attempted to pet his shoulder area with back of hand, but would stay by them when they stopped. He appeared mildly uncomfortable when handler approached with slip leash but was tolerant. He was returned to kennel without iss

Summary (7):: 08/07/24: Claude greets the handler lying on his bed in the center of his kennel. The handler shredded chicken onto the corner of his bed to lure him to the kennel door. Claude gets up and approaches after a few pieces, the handler rewards every time Claude looks up at the handler. As he approaches Claude's tail is tucked through out. The handler opens the kennel door and tosses chicken shreds through the slip leash. The handler lassos Claude. Claude cautiously approaches until he makes it to the barrier of the door. The handler uses just enough leash pressure to get Claude through the door. Claude follows the handler nervously, tail tucked. When out of the building, Claude grows stiff, ears forward. Claude consistently scans the environment fixating on people, dogs and entrance ways. The handler will guide Claude to the base of trees towards grass, Claude will stand with a forward chest and a tense body still scanning the environment. Claude is escorted back to his kennel and the handler removes his leash with a hook. 08/06/24: Claude is standing at the front of kennel with a tense body and whale eye as handlers approach. Handler 2 tosses liver treats over which he ignores. Pieces of chicken are tossed into kennel and Claude eats them immediately. Handler 1 unlocks kennel door and Claude immediately retreats to the back of his kennel. Both handlers agree to try taking him out from the back end of his kennel where it is quieter. Handler 1 unlocks the kennel door, kneels down and tosses chicken pieces into the kennel. Claude is conflicted and will waver at the transfer door eating the chicken that he can reach but does not pass through the threshold. Handler 2 kneels down and tries to coax him forward with treats as well. He chuffs at handler briefly as they toss extra treats. Both Handlers close the kennel door and move out of sight in an attempt to make Claude more comfortable coming through the transfer door. Handler 1 heads back to the front side of kennel and Claude approaches with a soft body briefly before backing up and chuffing. Handler 2 approaches and again he comes forward putting his feet up on the glass and attempts to sniff as handler puts their hand up to the glass. Handlers decide to leave Claude on a positive note and will return in the af

Date of intake:: 8/5/2024

Summary:: Thrashing, alligator rolling, spinning,seeking exit

Date of initial:: 8/5/2024

Summary:: Thrashing, vocalizing

ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Claude so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due to Claude high level of fear and allowing minimal handling we recommend he be placed in an adult only home at this time.

Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Destructive behavior,Social hyperarousal,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Fearful,Anxiety,Leash-biting

Potential challenges comments:: Destructive behavior- Claude tends to grab items such as shoes, towels, and office supplies, biting down on them. Resource guarding- During Claude's assessment, he began to hover and body block the assessor toy, Claude gripped the toy and walked away. Social hyperarousal/Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition: Claude quickly becomes over aroused in the presence of people, jumping up and mouthing. Positive reinforcement, force-free training should be used to teach Claude to remain calm when people and other exciting things are around. He should be rewarded with treats when calm. If he escalates to jumping or mouthing, people should immediately walk away from and separate themselves from Claude. Fearful- During intake and his medical exam he began to thrash and alligator rolling when his finder tried to bring him inside the care center. Claude continued to spin and spin around seeking exit, begging to vocalize, he was sedated in order to get a medical exam. In the care center Claude has displayed fearful behavior with loud noises like dogs barking and becomes avoided when it comes to leash when taken out of his kennel. Claude does attempt to socialize with staff but quickly becomes nervous and moves away. It's essential to approach him with caution and a slow, gentle manner to avoid triggering him fear response. Quick movements or loud noises may exacerbate Claude anxiety, so a patient and understanding approach is recommended. Building trust and providing reassurance during interactions can help Cotton feel more secure and comfortable in her environment. Please handout on the decompression period. Anxiety- Claude displays yawning and lip licking in the care center. Managing her anxiety will require creating a calm environment, providing enrichment activities, and using stress-reducing techniques like puzzle toys and regular exercise. Please see handout on generalized anxiety. Leash-biting: Claude when becoming over aroused in the precense of things that make him excited, he begins to leash bite while on leash. Positive reinforcement, force-free training is advised to teach him to focus on you rather than grabbing the leash when he becomes overaroused.