Hello, my name is Tigee. My animal id is #166141. I am a desexed male black cat at the . The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 2 months 1 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 3/19/2023, with the surrender reason stated as person health - cancer.
Someone has already placed a deposit on me. I'm no longer available.
Tigee is on the emergency placement list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. He has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his/her stress levels, it is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Tigee is on the emergency placement list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. He has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his/her stress levels, it is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers. What my friends at ACC say about me: I have lived with cats. I am finding the shelter a little overwhelming, but when it's just you and me and some peace and quiet you'll see what a love bug I am. I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you. I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. Please check here for updated adoption hours.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 7 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2-3 years based on dentition and presence of jowls Microchip noted on Intake? NO History: Owner surrender Subjective: Observed Behavior - QAR, hunched in den with dilated pupils. Emerges from carrier hesitantly and attempts to flee, but tolerates gentle handling with a towel very well. Evidence of Cruelty seen - NO Evidence of Trauma seen - NO Objective T = N/A P = 200 bpm R = 24 bpm BCS = 3/9 EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Mild brown ceruminous debris AU. Oral Exam: MM pink and moist, all adult clean teeth PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Urinary bladder moderately full but non-painful. Normal external genitalia. Both testicles descended and symmetrical on palpation. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat; underweight CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Externally WNL Assessment Underweight intact male cat Prognosis: Excellent Plan: Intake tasks completed Awaiting sort SURGERY: Okay for surgery
S/O: BAR, no c/s/v/d EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge noted H/L: Eupneic, normal respiratory rate/effort CNS: Mentation appropriate Assessment: No signs of contagious or infectious disease Plan: CTM while at BACC Signed HC, okay for travel
Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision.
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 2. Blue
During intake Tigee was very scared and froze up, allowing staff to scan him and transport him into a carrier, he was not collared due to FAS and constantly trying to run further back into the den or hiding his neck.
Date of Intake: 3/19/2023
Is this cat having litter box issues?: Yes
If yes, Please elaborate:: On a daily basis he will poop outside of the litterbox.
Basic Information:: Tigee is a sweet cat who lost her previous owner to illness
Previously lived with:: 1 adult
How is this cat around strangers?: He is aggressive with strangers and will run away
How is this cat around children?: Hasn't been around children
How is this cat around other cats?: He is tolerant of other cats, he wont play with them, though he is relaxed around them.
How is this cat around dogs?: hasn't been around dogs
Behavior Notes: He is afraid of being groomed, brushed, bathed, having his nails trimmed, being carried, put into a carrier, or having his sleep disturbed.
Bite history:: hasn't bitten
Energy level/descriptors:: high
For a New Family to Know: Tigee is a fearful cat, when home he likes to be in his favorite spots or pay with his ball toys. He enjoys sleeping anywhere he finds comfortable, eating dry foods. He is litter trained but has frequent accidents. HE enjoys scratching on rope scratching posts.
KNOWN HISTORY:: Lived Indoors Previously lived with: 1 adult Behavior toward strangers: He is aggressive with strangers and will run away Behavior toward children: Unknown around children. Behavior toward cats: He is tolerant of other cats, he wont play with them, though he is relaxed around them. Behavior toward dogs: She has lived with a small dog and birds. With them she is relaxed and respectful. However, with some other dogs Unknown around dogs. Bite or Scratch history: None Litter box training: On a daily basis he will poop outside of the litterbox. Energy level/descriptors: high Other notes: Tigee is a fearful cat, when home he likes to be in his favorite spots or pay with his ball toys. He enjoys sleeping anywhere he finds comfortable, eating dry foods. He is litter trained but has frequent accidents. HE enjoys scratching on rope scratching posts.
ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 3/25/23 Sitting, pressed into the back of the cubby with a tense face and body, ears tilted, and eyes wide and dilated. He flinches and tenses more when I slowly move the scratcher tool closer to him to offer dry treats. He shows no interest and jumps when I lightly drop them into the cubby. I remove the scratcher tool and speak softly before ending the interaction. 3/26/23 Tigee was behind the covered cubby door. I opened it and he moved as far away from me as physically possible. He looked very nervous. I spoke to him and petted him a bit but he remained huddled up, not interested in interacting. I left him some treats and a toy. He is just frightened. 3/28/23 Scared and at the back of his cubby with face and body tense, eyes wide and dilated. I offer her some squeeze up and he seems interested but won't eat in front of me. I leave some on a scratcher tool and walk away. When I come back to check he has eaten all of it! 3/30/23 Pokes his head out of his cubby as I approach buy ducks back in and moves all of the way to the back. He hisses softly when I open the cubby and remains flat against the back wall with eyes wide and dilated and face and body tense. I put some squeeze up on the scratcher tool and offer it to him, closing the cubby door. I click each time I hear him eating to mark the behavior. I repeat this with a whole tube and he takes a moment at times to begin eating but finishes the treat each time. 4/02/23 Opened the covered cubby door and found Tigee curled up behind his litter box. As soon as he saw me, he tried to move back even further against the rear wall. I spoke to him but did not try to pet him because he seemed so frightened. I left some treats so that he will hopefully eat them when he feels more comfortable. 4/4/23 Scared and at the back of his cubby with face and body tense, eyes wide and dilated. I offer her some squeeze up and he seems interested but won't eat in front of me. I leave some on a scratcher tool and walk away. When I come back to check he has eaten all of it! 4/12/23 Curled up in the cubby, but becomes stiff and alert when the door opens. He slowly backs away and is alert but will sniff the scratcher tool when offered squeeze ups. He took a few licks, but then leaned away and was unsure. I waited patiently and he eventually leaned forward again to eat, so I offered more each time he finished to build a positive association. Has potential! 4/13/23 Eating food on the shelf, but becomes alert and quickly runs to hide in the cubby. Hisses when the door opens and focuses on me with dilated eyes, but will lean forward to sniff squeeze ups offered on the scratcher tool and eats it. I offered more each time he finished and he eats it fairly quickly. Will come out to the main kennel space again and eat food after the interaction ended. -GAN
VOCAL:: Quiet
CHARACTER TYPE: : Timid,Skittish,Independent
POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Inappropriate elimination,Fearful
Potential challenges comments:: Please see behavior flyer for more information.
RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home
BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Tigee was lying in his cubby as the assessor approached, body and face tense, ears tilted and pupils very dilated. Tigee makes eye contact when spoken to and he backed away as the cubby door opened. Tigee tolerated petting along his head and body while flattening his ears further and quickly retreating from his cubby with a low body and tail. Pick up was not attempted at this time to reduce stress. Tigee tolerates attention and petting but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter, and may be intimidated by small children. He may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to his new home. Due to the behaviors seen in the care center, we feel that this cat will do best in an experienced, adult only home.