Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Roebling . My animal id is #201237. I am a desexed male buff tiger cat at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 6 years 3 months 2 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a returns on 8/11/2024.

Roebling is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. He presented to ACC having litter box accidents. He has feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and as a consequence had a perineal urethrostomy performed. He has had a history of persistent hematuria and straining to urinate and is prone to urinary tract infections. He will require follow up care to ensure the urinary infections resolve. Roebling allows some handling but has limited patience for medical handling and has required sedation.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Roebling is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. He presented to ACC having litter box accidents. He has feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and as a consequence had a perineal urethrostomy performed. He has had a history of persistent hematuria and straining to urinate and is prone to urinary tract infections. He will require follow up care to ensure the urinary infections resolve. Roebling allows some handling but has limited patience for medical handling and has required sedation. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! Cheek and chin scratches make me so happy! I am looking for a home with a patient person. I can be slow to adjust to new environments. I prefer to take things at my own pace. Roebling tolerates attention and petting but appears fearful or stressed in the shelter. He may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to his new home. We recommend that this cat go to a home with experienced cat parents. Please check here for updated adoption hours. A volunteer writes: Roebling was brought to us in May after being found abandoned in a crate on the sidewalk, but that's hardly the most interesting thing about him. He has the most amazing and least discerning decision making skills. We lined up three toys on his mat for Roebling's review. We had his rainbow mouse, then a kitty chew stick, and lastly, a pipe cleaner. Appearing to move with neither rhyme nor reason, Roebling held the pipecleaner in his little cat mouth while reaching for the rainbow mouse so that he could hold it in both paws. Rolling onto his back and dropping his pipecleaner in the process, he had the rainbow mouse up in the air before trying to kind of swipe the stick from the side. It wasn't the most effective, efficient, or graceful, but Roebling's combination is more about creativity. After playtime, he stretched himself into my arms and happily cuddled, leaning his neck into my hand with each roll. Truthfully each time I've passed by his condo since May, Roebling has been inside his den. The last time I was visiting with his neighbor, he came running out to say hello and I was treated to this spectacular show. So, next time you visit the Care Center please take a moment to sit by Roebling and meet this perfect little starburst of a cat.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 13.375 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 6 yr Microchip noted on Intake? negative History:brought in by agency Subjective: abandoned Observed Behavior - growling hissing, urinated, tries to flee, strike and bite Is there evidence of Cruelty?none Is there evidence of Neglect?none Is there evidence of Trauma?none sedated exam P = WNL R = WNL BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: NDF dental PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: heavy urine soil, scarred urethral opening no penis identifiable MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, rough haircoat, urine staining CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: normal appearance Assessment deformed genitalia r/o chronic FLUTD Prognosis: good, may need chronic management Plan: sedated with: Dexdomitor 0.12ml Butorphanol 0.12ml needed additional 0.05ml each IM Simbadol 0.8ml SC Onsior 0.6ml SC Feed urinary diet only collect urine for UA


Roebling is up at the front of the kennel purring and meowing at me. He appears to be using his litter box normally. No obvious hematuria and appears to be a normal amount produced. A: Appears to be urinating normally P: Monitor for changes in urination while in care.


Progress exam Subjective: QAR, sneezing, no c/v/d. Food bowls untouched Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oral/Nasal Cavity: Marked congestion, ptyalism Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: -URI -Abnormal genitalia Plan: -Start doxycycline 10 mg/kg PO q24h x 10d until 6/17 -Start LRS 20 ml/kg SQ q24h x 3d until 6/10 -Start mirtazapine to pinna q24h x 3d until 6/10 -CTM closely


Progress exam: URI recheck day 3 Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D present. Eating okay ( 2 on log) Objective: EYES: Clear no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: No discharge present. MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESMENT: Presumed URI PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 6/14


Progress exam: URI day 7 recheck. Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D present. Eating well. Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: No nasal discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESMENT: Presumed URI PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 6/17 to see if resolved.


Progress exam Subjective: BAR, no c/s/v/d. Appetite excellent, empty food bowls present. Purring and headbutting at front of kennel, no reports of dysuria. Normal feces and urine in litterbox FS 3/7 Objective: Cageside exam performed Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic UG: Perineum clean, unable to visualize urethral opening. Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: Deformed genitalia URI (resolved) Plan: -Move out of isolation -Okay to continue to feed normal diet, recommend follow up with placement for continued workup


Pt was reported to have thin pink discharge coming from anus or somewhere around there, and be straining to urinate. S: Alert, tense for exam, pulled away and kicked when I tried to examine his genitals O: BAR-H, MMs pink and moist -Abd soft, not distended, no masses. Bladder small and soft. Urine appears to be dripping from a well-furred region ventral to the anus. Urine is orange-pink tinged. No penis or vulva is present. Sedated pt for closer exam and urine collection for urinalysis/culture: Dexdomitor 0.5 mg/ml 0.25 ml + butorphanol 0.12 ml IM. Evaluated perineum - there is a heart-shaped area of moist dermatitis ventral to the anus, moist discharge only. A surgical incision is visible ventral to this. When I stretched out the skin of the perineal region, no urethral stoma was visible but urine beaded up on the skin ventral to the area of dermatitis and dorsal to the surgical incision. On palpation, the bladder is very thickened and small. Brief focused ultrasound - very small amt of urine, unable to hit with cysto needle. A: 1. Evidence of prior perineal urethrostomy (PU), urethral stoma is very small (not visible today, although pt is passing urine) 2. Hematuria R/O UTI vs. FLUTD P: 1. Urine collection: Not enough urine to perform cystocentesis. I cleaned the perineum with alcohol, then stretched and moved the skin in the region of the urethral stoma, and aspirated 0.6 ml urine from the perineum as it collected there. 2. Send out urine for UA/culture 3. Start meloxicam 1.5 mg/ml oral: 0.4 ml PO today, then 0.2 ml PO x10 days starting tomorrow 1088


Urinalysis: Pink, cloudy USG 1.026, pH 6 Protein 3+, blood 3+ WBCs 50-75/hpf RBCs >100/hpf Marked cocci >40/hpf, rare rods < 9/hpf No mucus, casts, crystals Culture pending ASSESSMENT: UTI PLAN: Start Clavamox 1.3 ml PO BID x7 days, await culture results to confirm correct abx choice 1088


Source: FREECATCH Urine Culture Results: Isolate 1: Enterococcus faecalis - >100,000 CFU per ml Sensitive to Amoxicillin-Clavulanic Acid


Progress exam Subjective: BAR, no c/s/v/d. Appetite excellent. Seen straining in litterbox, especially when stressed (after handling/examination/medication) Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic UG: 0.5 cm patch of mild moist dermatitis dorsal to PU stoma. Bladder small and soft. Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Bladder US: Bladder small, no evidence of uroliths. Small amount of debris/crystals visible within bladder lumen Assessment: -FLUTD with prior PU surgery -UTI Plan: -Continue clavamox 13.75 mg/kg PO q12h until 7/10 -Applied zorbium 1 tube topically -Start gabapentin 20 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Urinary diet not available


Bladder ultrasound - bladder is full, soft, walls do not appear thickened. No mucus or debris noted inside lumen. Pt started kicking and struggling and turning to bite when I attempted to do cystocentesis. Sedated with 0.12 ml Dexdomitor 0.5 mg/ml + 0.12 ml butorphanol IM. When we took pt out of the carrier, pt had urinated all over the carrier and his body, and the bladder was very small. Attempted to perform cystocentesis but was unable to get a sample. Rec attempting sedated cystocentesis + urinalysis/culture again in a few days. 1088


Light touch urine collection via cystocentesis - pt was wrapped in a towel and placed in dorsal recumbency. Ultrasound probe was used to locate bladder and briefly examine bladder - moderate echogenic debris consistent with blood clots or fibrin was noted inside the bladder. Urine collected was yellow and clear. Will send out for UA/culture. 1088


Urinalysis (cystocentesis): Dark yellow, clear USG 1.050, pH 7.5 Protein 1+ Neg for glucose, ketones, blood, bili 0-2 WBCs/hpf, 0-2 RBCs/hpf No bacteria noted, no mucus, casts 2+ struvite crystals Culture pending ASSESSMENT: Hx UTI, appears to be resolved. Urine is currently quiet with no RBCs, WBCs or bacteria noted. 1+ protein is decreased from previous and may represent resolving inflammation in the bladder. Struvite crystals can form in the urine after it has been removed from the body and are insignificant. PLAN: No further abx treatment needed. Monitor urination in the home setting. Due to hx PU surgery and stricture formation, pt may be more prone to UTIs (and possibly urethral obstruction) than your average cat. 1088


Urine culture results: No growth after 72 hours. Quiet sediment and no growth on culture is consistent with resolution of UTI. CTM for any signs of urinary issues in the future.


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: approx 6 years based on prior records Microchip noted on Intake? scanned positive History: o surrender Subjective: QAR Observed Behavior - visual exam only at this time, p doesn't allow for handling Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective T = NP P = wnl R = wnl BCS= 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: DNE PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MN MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: DRENP, externally not performed Assessment Hx of UTIs, PU sx Noted hematuria per hx. Prognosis: fair Plan: 1. Clavamox 1mL (62.5mg/mL) PO BID x 7 days 2. Place nosorb in litter box, collect urine for UA 3. CTM in med iso- likely reoccurrence of UTI prior 4. Seek placement. SURGERY: Okay for surgery: already altered


There are multiple piles of urine in box and i observed him urinating. When exiting the box he was dripping a small amount of urine. Try to get a UA


Free catch UA sent to idexx Feline started urinating when he was sedated with dex torb and a sample was gathered with a water dish.


Free Catch UA indicates marked infection with cocci >40/hpf Added Urine Culture & MIC Due to his FAS, and difficulty consistently medicating him Convenia GIVE 47.2 mg (0.59 ml) SC once pending culture results


Urine culture and sensitivity results UA: USG 1.052, 1+ protein, marked cocci, 2+ epithelial cells, mucous present. UC: Isolate 1: Pseudomonas aeruginosa The organism isolated is uniformly resistant to Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin/clavulanic Acid, Cefalexin, Cefazolin, Cefpodoxime, Ceftiofur, Cefotaxime, Cefovecin, Chloramphenicol, Florfenicol, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Sulfisoxazole, and Trimethoprim/Sulfa; therefore, susceptibility testing against these antibiotics is not indicated. Isolate 1 MIC Ceftazidime S 2 Imipenem / Carbapenem I 2 Amikacin S <=2 Gentamicin S 2 Ciprofloxacin S 0.5 Enrofloxacin S 0.5 Marbofloxacin S <=0.5 Nitrofurantoin R >=512 Isolate 2: Enterococcus Sp. This isolate is considered an environmental or commensal organism, unlikely to be pathogenic in urine. Therefore, susceptibility testing was not performed. For Amoxicillin susceptible isolates, treatment with Amoxicillin, Ampicillin or Penicillin is recommended. Other antibiotics to which the isolate is susceptible should be considered as secondary options reserved for the treatment of Amoxicillin-resistant isolates. Although Fluoroquinolones MAY be effective in treating Enterococcal infections, in vitro susceptibility does NOT consistently predict clinical efficacy. Vancomycin should be reserved for the treatment of serious systemic infections and is NOT recommended for treatment of simple urinary tract infections. Trimethoprim/Sulfa, Clindamycin, Gentamicin and all Cephalosporins (including Cefovecin and Cefpodoxime), are NOT reported due to lack of correlation of in-vitro testing with clinical effectiveness and are not recommended for the treatment of Enterococcal infections. A. Pseudomonas aeruginoas UTI - resistant to many cephalosporins (including cefovecin, given 9/3). Susceptible to enro/marbo P. Start enrofloxacin 5mg/kg SID x pending recheck weight (weighed not updated in record since June)


13.375 # reweight


-Urine C/S shows sus to enro. -Start enro (100mg/mL) at 5mg/kg PO SID x 7 days -Sedated cysto for recheck UA in 7 days


Notified by staff that we do NOT have oral enrofloxacin available at this time. Patient has not received enro in the past 3 days since prescribed Discussed with other DVMs Starting: - Marbofloxacin 25mg pill PO SID x 14 days TOMORROW 9/12 - Discontinue enrofloxacin

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 5. Red

upon intake: he let staff scan for ID and pick him up out of his carrier. He was transferred to a den and not handled further.

Date of Intake: 8/11/2024

Is this cat having litter box issues?: Yes

If yes, Please elaborate:: he has been urinating outside of the litterbox and posturing to urinate, started urinating blood

Basic Information:: Roebling is a 6y/o DMH who was adopted 2 weeks ago and it is unknown when he has last been to the vet and is being returned to an ongoing medical concerns

Previously lived with:: 2 adults

How is this cat around strangers?: Owner stated that he has not spent time around strangers as he would hide under furniture

How is this cat around children?: He has not spent time around children so behavior is unknown

How is this cat around other cats?: He has not spent time around cats so behavior is unknown

How is this cat around dogs?: He has not spent time around dogs so behavior is unknown

Behavior Notes: he has never had his nails trimmed, and he isn't bothered when his coat is brushed, picked up and held or placed in a carrier

Bite history:: no known bite history

Energy level/descriptors:: medium

Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: Yes

Medical Notes: urinating blood, UTI

For a New Family to Know: He's friendly, affectionate, very active and playful, talkative and loves to cuddle. He's an indoor cat and likes to be where are and plays gently and has a rough rope and carpet/fabric scratching post. He eats Purina Pro-Plan adult dry food and has access to 3 uncovered litterboxes with various types of litter located in the living room, bathroom, living room.

KNOWN HISTORY:: Lived Indoors Previously lived with : 2 adults Behavior toward strangers: Owner stated that he has not spent time around strangers as he would hide under furniture Behavior toward children: He has not spent time around children so behavior is unknown Behavior toward cats: He has not spent time around cats so behavior is unknown Behavior toward dogs: He has not spent time around dogs so behavior is unknown Bite or Scratch history: no known bite history Litter box training: Yes, however he has been urinating outside of the litterbox and posturing to urinate, started urinating blood. Roebling is currently diagnosed with a URI. Energy level/descriptors: medium Other notes: He's friendly, affectionate, very active and playful, talkative and loves to cuddle. He's an indoor cat and likes to be where people are and plays gently and has a rough rope and carpet/fabric scratching post. He eats Purina Pro-Plan adult dry food and has access to 3 uncovered litterboxes with various types of litter located in the living room, bathroom, living room. upon intake: he let staff scan for ID and pick him up out of his carrier. He was transferred to a den and not handled further.

ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 6/14/24 FB1261 Standing in front of kennel, body and face neutral, tail raised and pupils dilated. He rubs against the kennel door with energy and reaches out towards me like he wants pets, but once I open the kennel he becomes overwhelmed and unsure. I reach forward and he lowers his tail, backs away and retreats quickly to the other side of hiss kennel. He will come back forward when coaxed, then repeat this pattern. Roebling is curious and wants to interact but he remains conflicted and unsure. Has potential! Can benefit from clicker training (rewarding after touch). 6/18/24 FB1261 Standing in front of kennel, slow-blinking at me with a raised tail. He flinches and widens his eyes whenever I attempt petting - however he appears to be very interested in me and curious when no hands-on interaction is attempted. He eats the treats given. A bit conflicted at this time, but has the potential to warm up further. Food motivated. 6/26/24 FB1261 In cat den upon approach, initially hidden from view. He pokes his head out when offered treats but he remains too focused on me and the adopters in the room to eat them or step out of his den. When I check on him later I see the treats have been eaten and since the room is more quiet I spend some time clicking and rewarding when he pokes his head back out of his den.


VOCAL:: Somewhat chatty

CHARACTER TYPE: : Shy ,Sweet,Affectionate,People oriented,Curious

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Fearful,New home adjustment period

Potential challenges comments:: Please see behavior flyer for more information. In shelter Roebling has shown that he may need some time to adjust to a new environment, however when he has acclimated he is consistently sweet and affectionate.


RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home

Recommendations comments:: Due to the behavior seen in shelter and needing a longer time to warm up, the behavior team feels Roebling would do best in an adult-only home where they would be able to acclimate in a calm environment.

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Peaking outside of his den, Roebling has forward ears and almond eyes upon approach; he steps his front legs out as he hears the assessor speak in a soft voice. When treats were placed down in attempt to coax him fully out of his den he only leans his head forward in order to get to the treats but does head bunt the assessors hand repeatedly as he accepts head and cheek rubs. The assessor is able to coax Roebling out of his den as he becomes more comfortable; with a mid level tail he allows all pets on his head, cheeks/chin as well as up his back. When pick up was attempted Roebling quickly pulls back and retreats into his den but peaks his head out while rubbing up against the side of the den - Roebling accepts more head and cheek rubs while in the comfort of his den. Pick up was not re-attempted at this time. Although timid initially, Roebling has now warmed up to the shelter environment. Roebling was standing in front of his kennel as the assessor approached, ears forward, pupils dilated and tail low. Roebling rubbed against the kennel door when spoken to and he remained in front of his kennel as the cage door opened. Roebling allowed petting along his head and body while leaning in gently and pausing to look around the room. Roebling tolerated being lifted and placed back down with a tense body. Upon re-eval, Roebling continues to display similar behaviors as previously described - allowing and leaning into all pets and allowing the assessor to lift him up and place him back down without issue. Roebling tolerates attention and petting but appears to be moderately fearful or stressed in the shelter. He will likely need time to warm up to his new home. We recommend that he go to a home with some cat experience preferred or at least be well counseled in fearful cat behavior. Roebling should go to a home with adults only.