Animal Profile


Hello, my name is June. My animal id is #202201. I am a desexed female black cat at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 3 months old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 6/8/2024.

Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.

Pre-Screener Form

June is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers. Medically, June is apparently healthy.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form June is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 7 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~2 y/o based on dentition Microchip noted on Intake? scan negative History: stray Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior - hissing, swatting, spitting - used net for exam *Recommend sedation for future handling Is there evidence of Cruelty? no Is there evidence of Neglect? no Is there evidence of Trauma? no Objective T = not taken P = wnl R = wnl BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: limited due to temperament PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: female, suspected intact; did not check for spay scar due to temperament MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal, defecating during exam Assessment: Apparently healthy - suspected intact female Prognosis: Good Plan: OK for intake tasks Starting gabapentin 100mg PO q12h while in shelter due to high FAS SURGERY: OK for surgery - FeLV + FIV test at time of spay


Email sent to BACC Feline behavior team asking for their opinion on how June is doing on her current dose of gabapentin and if it should be extended indefinitely. Will wait to update plan based on behaviors input. Animal care staff states that this patient is eating well but does not eat food if medication is in it. Concerned that this may not be the most ideal treatment for this cat. This cat would benefit from placement as quickly as possible due to her increased shelter induced anxiety.


Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. GIVE: 0.11 ml of meloxicam 1.5 mg/ml PO for 2 days starting the day after surgery.


Concern: URI signs noted on rounds; noted to have high FAS in shelter Brief recheck: copious active mucopurulent nasal discharge Assessment: URI; high FAS Plan: -Start Doxycycline 10 mg/ml PO SID x 10 days (if able to give) -Start Fortiflora SID x 10 days -Recheck in 3, 7, 10 days


Progress exam: URI day 3 Subjective: BAR, no c/s/v/d Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed URI PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 7/4


Progress exam: URI day 7, recheck. Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating great. Objective: RR: 30 EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation, no abnormalities ASSESSMENT: Presumed URI PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 7/6


Reason for Recheck: Recheck URI Day 10 S/O: Cat is BAR, ears flat, pupils dilated, hissing EENT: clear OU; NND Oral Exam: NE H/L: Not auscultated, normal RR Abd: Not palpated, no obvious distention MSI: NSF Mentation: appropriate A: Approx 2-3yr old spayed female DSH FAS Moderate URI, resolved P: Continue Gabapentin (100mg): 1 cap BID while in shelter Continue Doxycycline (50mg/ml): 0.7ml PO SID, 6/27-7/8 Continue Fortiflora: 1pkt SID, 6/27-7/8


Noted to have abrasion on face. BAR, A+A, small well circumscribed region of scabbing to the left side of muzzle. Mild, no treatment needed at this time.

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 4. Orange

During intakes no handling was done, taken to medical.

KNOWN HISTORY:: June was brought in as a stray, there is no known information on her behavior history in a home environment. During intakes no handling was done, taken to medical.

ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 6/18/24 FB58 Sitting on top of her den with a tense and low body, hisses with eyes wide and dilated and ears tilted flat to the side when the cage cover is shifted to the side. When the assessor slowly offers out the scratcher tool, she tenses more and hisses and whines when touched with the tool, keeping herself flat and low. May benefit from Gaba due to high FAS. 6/25/24 FB58 In den and hidden from view before she pokes her head out while low growling, eyes wide and dilated, tense. I move her med tray closer to her and she seems slightly interested while also hissing at the tool. When I check back later, she is back in her den hidden and hasn't touched the meds. 6/30/24 Vol. June was on top of her den. As I opened the kennel door, she left the top and went into her den. She had her head out, watching me with wide, round eyes. I put Squeeze Up and Temptations near the den opening but she would not come out to investigate. I ended the interaction without petting her because she pulled away each time I tried to touch her. I checked on her a little while later and saw she was out of the den, eating her wet cat food. 7/8/24 FB1261 Hunched in front of kennel, ears tilted, face tense and pupils dilated. Her tail is wrapped tightly around her tiny paws. She hisses and flattens her ears when offered her first treat, but after a few moments of sniffing the air she eats it without recoiling or retreating. I spend the remainder of the session clicking and rewarding each time she eats another treat. I do not push hands-on interaction, instead I focus on beginning to create a positive association with her. Loves temptations! 7/10/24 Fb58 Laying on her back and rolling with a neutral face and body as I walk past her cage! I double back and offer her some squeeze up which she is initially cautious of, hissing and rolling onto her feet with eyes wide and face tense but walking forward slowly to eat. I continue clicker training her and mark each time she eats the treat and remains at the from. Hands-on interaction is not pushed as she seems to be making progress with clicker training and I want to maintain a positive association. I click to mark for her eating dry treats, sniffing the treat between my fingers. She does swipe softly at my hand a few times throughout but her nails remain in. 7/14/24 Vol. June was on top of her den. When I opened the kennel door, she hissed and swatted at me. (She was too far away to actually make contact with me.) I put Temptations on top of the den and she moved to the far back, with flattened ears. She began to grumble, so I ended the interaction, leaving some more Temptations for her. I lifted the kennel cover several times and saw she had gone to the front of the kennel to eat her treats. She just needs more time to adjust.


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Shy ,Curious,Timid,Skittish,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Fearful,New home adjustment period


RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home

Recommendations comments:: Due to the behavior seen in shelter and needing a longer time to warm up, the behavior team feels June would do best in an adult-only home where they would be able to acclimate in a calm environment.

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: On approach, June is sitting outside of her den with a tense face and body, ears tilted, eyes wide and dilated, and hisses when the cage cover is lifted. She sniffs the scratcher tool when it is introduced through the cage door and hisses and vocalizes when the tool is moved closer to her. She is tolerant of a few brief and light passes along her side before she moves on top of her den. Pick up is not attempted. June has begun to make great progress during socialization session with behavior staff. She has been on Gabapentin for anxiety for the last month and she is now willing to sit near the front and engage with staff and take dry treats as well as squeeze ups and responds well to clicker training. During these sessions petting is not attempted and a focus is not placed on it. However, during her re-evaluation later in the day after a successful no-contact clicker training session - June showed she is no longer tolerant of touch. On approach, she is in her den and pokes her head out when spoken to with eyes wide and dilated. She appears curious about the treats placed near the front of the cage and waits for the assessor to step back before she comes out of her den and forward to eat the treats. When the assessor introduces the scratcher tool through the cage door, she tenses and hisses before backing away from the front and ducking into her den. She then reaches out and swats, hitting the tool once. Upon re-evaluation, June displayed the dame behaviors stated in her previous re-eval. With a relaxed face/body June sits up front in her kennel with a loose tail. However, when the assessor introduces the scratcher tool, June strikes the tool with force and retreats to the top of her den where she has a mid level body and tail. She lets out a slow meow when the assessor slow blinkx and speaks softly but hisses and raises her paw when the tool is brought closer in attempt to pet. She allows brief pets on her head before she swats and once again strikes the tool. Pick up was not attempted at this time. June is displaying behaviors that preclude placement in the adoptions room and/or may require further investigation before placement in a home. She has tried to swat, is extremely fearful in the shelter environment, does not currently tolerate petting or handling. The behavior department feels that placement with a New Hope Partner is the best option at this time.