Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Manu. My animal id is #220077. I am a female white cat at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 1 months old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 2/10/2025.

Manu is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. Manu is a young cat with persistent skin issues in shelter. She does not tolerate any medical handling and has to be sedated for rechecks. She has not responded to treatments in shelter and continues to have skin lesions present along her ventrum. She is also mildly underweight and not gaining weight in care. She seems to eat her oral medications and is not reported to have a poor appetite. Manu will need further veterinary care and likely medications/treatments for her skin that are unavailable in shelter.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Manu is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. Manu is a young cat with persistent skin issues in shelter. She does not tolerate any medical handling and has to be sedated for rechecks. She has not responded to treatments in shelter and continues to have skin lesions present along her ventrum. She is also mildly underweight and not gaining weight in care. She seems to eat her oral medications and is not reported to have a poor appetite. Manu will need further veterinary care and likely medications/treatments for her skin that are unavailable in shelter. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I am finding the shelter a bit overwhelming. Outside one-on-one I am a great big cuddle bug. I am looking for a home with a patient person. I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you. A volunteer writes: In early February, Manu let herself into a building seeking respite from the cold. Someone noticed her shivering as she waited and brought Manu in. It didn't take long to notice that Manu wasn't shining as brightly as she should be, so she was brought to us to get her started on her way. It seems to be working for Manu since she's certainly one to take chances. Rushing from her den to say hi with the most resplendent and hopeful meows each time someone walks by, Manu's equally as excited to follow up with exuberant cuddles. She practically fell over her paws as she slid into my arms, reaching her paws towards the sky. She has an adorable move where she kind of leans into you before flopping onto her side. Whichever of her moves she brings out, she stands right back up to talk and purr a mile a minute. Talking about her hopes and dreams, Manu is here to make the most of things and hopes most of all her forever family will notice and bring her home soon.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 5.4375 lbs
















Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with dermatitis and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization.



Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with dermatitis and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization.


[DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3yrs based Is this an orphan kitten? no Microchip noted on intake? scanned negative History: Found as a stray by good samaritan who took her in; reported to be hiding the entire time and even urinating in her hiding place Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - growling, striking, hissing. Sedated for exam Is there evidence of Cruelty? no Is there evidence of Neglect? no Is there evidence of Trauma? no Objective P = 160 (sedated) R = 24 BCS 3/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition, moderate staining PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: F; no vulvar dc or MGTs, no spay scar or tattoo MSI: Ambulatory x 4, ventral abdomen has many scabs with raised plaque-like skin lesions CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment Approx. 3yr FI DSH 1. raised plaques on ventrum (R/o eosiphilic granuloma complex vs other inflammatory vs infectious vs contact burn or other trauma vs neoplasia) 2. High FAS Prognosis: good Plan: Sedated with dexdomitor 10mcg/kg + torb 0.2mg/kg + ketamine 2mg/kg IM clipped and cleaned vental abdomen with dilute chlorhex Send out CBC/Chem to idexx SQ fluids 20ml/kg Cerenia 1mg/kg SQ Convenia 8mg/kg SQ Zorbium applied topically Gabapentin 12mg/kg PO BID Pending labs and response to treatment, consider steroid trial SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to ventral abdominal dermatitis


CBC/CHEM/T4 slightly elevated SDMA- 15 (normal high 14) r/o pre-renal Not eating well P) SQ fluids- 100 ml LRS (but may be difficult due to FAS)


Recheck appetite and skin lesions S/O: QAR-BAR, tolerates light touch, but swats/hisses/growls upon any handling/medical treatments - visual exam only Eating some food No c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic MSI: Some lesions on ventrum visible when den slowly tipped to allow him to rest on clear door - one scabbed lesion <1cm at cranioventral thorax and two adjacent circular lesions (approx 1cm and 1.5cm) at right ventral thorax - no notable swelling, discharge, or surrounding erythema; appear stable. CNS: Appropriate mentation A: Hyporexia Skin lesions on ventrum High FAS P: Discontinued SQF due to behavior Start medical feedings BID and monitor appetite Continue gabapentin for FAS (placed in food so only getting it if he eats it) Recheck skin in one week - scheduled sedated exam as patient unlikely to allow exam CTM while at QACC


Recheck skin lesions, lost 6 oz since intake S/O: BAR, always inside den, good appetite, no c/s/v/d noted *Sedated for exam due to hissing, growling, swatting - dexmedetomidine 0.1 ml IM + butorphanol 0.2 ml IM. MSI: Underweight; alopecia and multifocal lesions at ventrum and medial aspect of thoracic limbs - varying size 1cm-2cm diameter, some have dried discharge and some are moist with active exudate; one at ventral abdomen is raised and plaque-like, fur surrounding many of them is wet/reddish stained A: Multifocal skin lesions - ro allergy (atopy vs flea vs food) Underweight with mild weight loss Mild SDMA elevation P: Submitted urine for UA (obtained via cysto) E-collar placed Convenia 8 mg/kg give SQ (last dose given 10 days ago, patient does not tolerate medical handling so elected to repeat today while sedated rather than in 4 days) Start prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg PO BID (1 mg/kg per day) x 10 days. Recheck skin before 10 days and determine taper schedule Start medical feedings BID x 7 days Recheck weight at next recheck when sedated Continue gabapentin for FAS, but consider discontinuing if not eating prednisolone (need to prioritize oral med) CTM while at QACC


Recheck, UA results S/O: BAR and eating well, did not eat meds last night E-collar off No c/s/v/d noted Eupneic Appropriate mentation UA (cysto): USG 1.049, protein 1+, struvite crystalluria 1+ A: Multifocal skin lesions - ro allergy Underweight with mild weight loss Mild SDMA elevation - likely pre-renal/dehydration *Crystalluria could be incidental, no urinary concerns noted - no further action at this time. P: Discontinue gabapentin at this time to prioritize prednisolone ingestion Unable to replace e-collar without sedation - leave off for now Unable to handle this cat medically to give injections or oral medications CTM closely if eating meds


Is p taking pred? S/O QAR, hissing, no c/s/v/d appreciated or noted, good appetite, med tray with pred in it eaten EENT: no ocular or nasal dc HL: eupneic A. As prior- p appears to be taking pred rx'd for skin dz P. Con't on current treatments sedated recheck scheduled


Brief recheck S/O: BAR, good appetite and eating medication No c/s/v/d noted Eupneic Appropriate mentation Full exam not performed due to temperament A: Multifocal skin lesions - ro allergy Underweight P: Continue prednisolone and recheck as scheduled


recheck weight and skin S/O QAR, hissing, noted to be taking meds, no c/s/v/d appreciated or noted, needed sedation for weight and exam Sedated with 0.6mL dex (0.5mg/mL) and 0.6mL torb (10mg/mL) IM EENT: no ocular or nasal dc, mild wear and staining to dentition, no oral lesions HL: eupneic MSI: amb x 4, multifocal regions of alopecia with slight serous exudate and erythema along the ventrum, well demarcated, no scabbing, varying between 1-2cm in diameter A. Skin lesions - under treatment with prednisolone, appear slightly improved from last exam (see photo in vet docs) P. Convenia 8mg/kg SQ Cleaned area with dilute chlorohex prednisolone 5mg: 1/4 tab PO SID x 10 days brief recheck to see if taking meds in 3 days - if taking meds, okay to leave ICU? Recheck skin in 9 days (likely will need to be sedated)


Sedated exam, check skin. Needs to be reweighed while sedated. Dex / Torb 0.06/0.06 ml IM Antisedan 0.06 ml IM 5.875#


Brief recheck, skin largely unchanged in most recent photo (3/2), convenia given most recently on 3/2 S/O: BAR in den, good appetite, eating meds No c/s/v/d noted No ocular or nasal discharge, eupneic Appropriate mentation A: Skin lesions - ro allergy vs other P: Move out of ICU Continue prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg SID CTM on rounds, sedated recheck in 7-10 days


Recheck skin lesions, has been on prednisolone for >2 weeks (initially 1 mg/kg/day, then 0.5 mg/kg/day) and received 3 convenia injections (9-10 days apart). Reweigh today - 7 oz less than previous. S/O: BAR, active in kennel, at front meowing Good appetite, no c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic MSI: Multifocal circular alopecic lesions at ventrum and axillar/inguinum, most lesions are moist and erythematous, all approx 1-2cm diameter; appears slightly worse than last recheck A: Persistent skin lesions Underweight, weight loss P: Sedated with dexmedetomidine 0.01 mg/kg IM and butorphanol 0.2 mg/kg IM. Full antisedan reversal, smooth recovery. Uploaded photos to vetdocs Extend prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg/day, recheck next week and consider taper Placed e-collar - previous one fell off the same day. Attached this one to plastic collar around neck. CBC/CHEM/T4 to Idexx *Seek placement ASAP, patient not responding to treatment in shelter. May need atopica +/- HA diet +/- other treatment unavailable in shelter.


Hematology: RBCs 7.25 low normal; was low 6.19 on 2/12 HCT 28.2 HBG 10.4 normal Lymphocytes high 7.872 Biochemistry: SDMA normal 9 All other values WNL TT4 1.4 WNL A: -Anemia - resolving -SDMA elevation - resolved -lymphocytosis - r/o suspected FAS *Bloodwork unremarkable - Ok to continue with prednisolone dose while in shelter, will need continued care once placed (see comments in 3/11 exam)


Adding in gaba 100mg PO BID indef for behavior

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 5. Red

during intake minimum handling was done as cat ran into box carrier from carrier bag and did not allow collar.

Basic Information:: Manu is a young female DSH cat that was found a stray and was in the founder's home for a short time.

How is this cat around strangers?: avoids contact and may swat

How is this cat around children?: unknown

How is this cat around other cats?: will hiss, sway, and growl

How is this cat around dogs?: unknown

Behavior Notes: will swat if picked up/held or placed in carrier

Bite history:: unknown

KNOWN HISTORY:: Lived Indoors Previously lived with: Adults, cats Behavior toward strangers: She initially hides from strangers and prefers contact on his own terms. She warms up within two weeks or less. Behavior toward children: unknown Behavior toward cats: will hiss, swat, and growl Behavior toward dogs: unknown. Bite or Scratch history: unknown Litter box training: Yes Energy level/descriptors: High Energy Level Other notes: Will swat if picked up/held or placed in carrier. During intake minimum handling was done as cat ran into box carrier from carrier bag and did not allow collar.

ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 3/6/25 FB61 In cat den upon approach, body and face tense and pupils dilated. She rubs her cheeks on the floor when spoken to and leans in for cheek and chin rubs with the scratcher tool. She flinches and grumbles when she notices the room behind me, then she retreats back into her den with a low body. She appears to be very focused on and wary of the environment. 3/7/25 FB79 Vocalizing loudly when i get near her kennel, Manu has a high tail with an arched out back and wide eyes; she accepts pets as her tail start to sway and her back very slightly ripples. She attempts to jump put of the kennel and when i reach over to lift her she starts to low growl with her tail still swaying as she continues to loudly meow when back in kennel. 3/9/25 Vol. Manu was in her den. She came right up to me when I opened the kennel door. I placed Churu next to her and she ate it all. She accepted all petting, although she seemed a little uncertain.  I gave her a catnip toy and she took a swat at my hand. She then moved towards me, soliciting more petting. She loved her snack. She also rubbed her face against the edge of the shelf, probably marking it with her scent. 3/16/25 Vol Manu was in the main part of the kennel, walking around, meowing and soliciting attention. She is wearing a collar but she was able to eat the Squeeze Up and treats offered to her in a tray. She purred as I petted her. At one point, she meowed as if she was becoming over stimulated, so I stopped petting for a moment. I gave her more Squeeze Up and she allowed me to pet her again.


VOCAL:: Talkative

CHARACTER TYPE: : Social,Sweet,Affectionate,Demanding,Playful,People oriented,Curious,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Overstimulation,Fearful,Very high energy level,New home adjustment period

Potential challenges comments:: Please see behavior flyer for more information. During interactions with behavior staff, Manu has shown that she is particularly sensitive to her environment and can get overstimulated. While she is appreciative of pets and solicits attention/leans into the touch - prolonged petting (particularly along her hips and side) can have her begin to turn her head quickly and focus in on your hand, she may tense and may turn and swat or nip. Manu has also shown that she has a very high energy level and desire to get out of the cage. Manu is social and affectionate but appears to be easily overstimulated and can be triggered by her environment. As a result of this observed behavior we recommend adopters who are familiar with signs of behavioral arousal and agitation in cats, so that interactions can be ended before Manu becomes overstimulated. We also recommend fishing pole-type toys for play as they allow for interaction and vigorous, stimulating exercise while keeping human hands at a distance. Manu is an active young cat who would benefit from increased mental and physical stimulation to appropriately direct his/her energy.


RECOMMENDATIONS:: No other cats OR multi-cat home with adopters experienced with introducing new cats,Adult only home

Recommendations comments:: Due to the behavior seen in shelter and needing a longer time to warm up, the behavior team feels Manu would do best in an adult-only home where they would be able to acclimate in a calm environment. She previously lived with other cats but was reported to hiss, swat, and growl at them.

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: 2/13/25 Manu was crouched in the front of her kennel as the assessor approached, body and face tense, pupils very dilated and tail wrapped tightly around her feet. Manu made eye contact when spoken to and she retreated quickly to the back of her kennel as the assessor approached. Manu tolerated petting along her head and body while retreating into her den, then she tolerated more petting from within her den while remaining very still. She leans in gently for chin and cheek rubs with the scratcher tool but she remains very skittish and focused on all stimuli/the room. 3/13/25 Sitting at the front of her cage (with a cone on) with a neutral face and body as she vocalizes to solicit attention, standing with her tail raised as the cage door is opened. She sits right at the front of the cage and sniff the tool, arching her back up into pets and standing on her back legs to reach the tool. She shows a very high energy level and appears very focused on getting out of the cage. When pet along her lower back, she turns quickly to swat and the interaction is ended - pick up is not attempted. Manu tolerates attention and petting but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter, and may be intimidated by small children. He may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to her new home. Due to the behaviors seen in the care center, we feel that this cat will do best in an experienced, adult only home.