Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Bonbona. My animal id is #206160. I am a desexed female brown tabby cat at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 5 months 2 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 7/28/2024, with the surrender reason stated as animal behavior - too unsocial.

Bonbona is on the At Risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Bonbona is on the At Risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers. My Foster Writes: Bonbona is the perfect cure for the winter doldrums. She's a total sweetheart and just the ray of sunshine you'll want around on those dark nights. She'll run you around the house chasing her favorite wand toy, then crawl into bed and nuzzle you. She's the total package! Bonbona has flourished in her foster home, where her confidence and affection have grown quickly. A sweet kitty with a hearty appetite, she always cleans her plate and will never say no to a snack. She's easy to take care of, quiet at night, and happy to let you sleep in. She is respectful of your things and will give you a warm welcome when you get home. She's playful and funny and enjoys nothing more than hanging out on the couch with her favorite people (you!). Whoever scoops up Bonbona will be truly lucky! A volunteer writes: Coming to the front of her condo to peek out at what everyone's doing, Bonbona's confidence has really grown and it shows. I'm as curious about her as she is about everything else. When I first met Bonbona, she was curled up in her den and I saw the type of proud and stylish independence I've been striving for my whole life, but is it the most conducive way to adapt to shelter life? Not so much. That was back in the summer and though she comes out a bit more now, Bonbona still marches to the beat of her own drum. Emerging from her den as she pleases and accepting pets when the moment is right, she's making it work for her and I'd love to get to know her better. Bonbona may not be a fan of strangers, but her previous family explained that she loves her crinkle toys and looks particularly adorable when she's chasing after her toy mouse. Known to be playful and affectionate when she finds her people, Bonbona has so much going for her and is only waiting for someone to give her a chance.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 11 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: approx 1-3 years based on dentition and conformation Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: o surrender, DOH-B Subjective: QAR Observed Behavior - timid, sedated as precaution Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective T = NP P = wnl R = wnl BCS= 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult dentition PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: FI, no OVH tattoo seen MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: DRENP, externally wnl Assessment apparently healthy Prognosis: good Plan: 1. intake exam and tasks (sedated with 0.13 torb 10mg/mL and 0.13 dex 0.5mg/mL IM) 2. DOH hold SURGERY: Okay for surgery: Y


Rabies observation period up on 8/7 Visual Exam - Bonbona is BAR and resting comfortably in feral den. Appetite is good. Mentation appropriate. No visible signs of rabies noted


rabies given RHL SQ


Pre-surgical. exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. GIVE: 0.15 ml of meloxicam 1.5 mg/ml PO for 2 days starting the day after surgery. For pain management.


S/O -brought in from foster for scratching at ears -QAR, A+A EENT: no OU/n dc, AU: dark brown grainy debris AU, appears pruritic H/L: eupneic MSI: amb x 4, no apparent lameness or lesions A/P Ear mites Cleaned ears, applied dose of revolution SW FPs and let them know to monitor for head shaking, ear scratching. If doesn't improve, will need course of tresaderm vs repeat selamectin in 3 weeks


Progress exam--foster reports ear mite symptoms have returned Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 5/9 OP: Mucous membranes pink and moist. No dental disease. EENT: Eyes and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. Mild-moderate dark granular debris AU, head shaking PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: female spayed, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: -Ear mites (recurrent) Prognosis: Good Plan: -Selamectin applied 7 days previously. Give ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg SQ with exam -Cleaned ears, placed simplera AU


[DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2-3 yrs Microchip noted on intake? scanned positive History: Return Subjective: BAR, nervous, allowed all medical handling Observed Behavior - Is there evidence of Cruelty? no Is there evidence of Neglect? no Is there evidence of Trauma? no Objective P = 220 R = 24 BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears waxy debris AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with mild staining PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: FS; tattoo present MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment Approx. 2-3yr FS DSH apparently healthy Prognosis: good Plan: Intake tasks SURGERY: already spayed

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

During intake Cat was lip licking with whale eyes in the carrier. Cat did not attempt to flee when carrier bag was zipped open and allowed photo to be taken. Cat walked into den directly from carrier. No further handling was done.

Spay/Neuter status: No

Is this cat having litter box issues?: No

Basic Information:: Bonbona is a 1yr and 7-month-old indoor cat that was an owner surrender.

Previously lived with:: 4 Adults, 3 children (ages 1,16,17)

How is this cat around strangers?: Bonbona does not have much experience with strangers. With known visitors, she is shy/timid and will actively hide.

How is this cat around children?: Bonbona has experience with young children ages 1, 5, and 9. She is independent and will actively avoid around younger children. She has a tendency to scratch or hiss when she wants to be left alone.

How is this cat around other cats?: no experience

How is this cat around dogs?: Bonbona has experience with a small dog in the home and will scratch, hiss, and growl when she wants to be left alone.

Behavior Notes: Is unbothered when her coat is brushed or placed in a carrier. She does not like being held and will hiss or bite when her nails are trimmed.

Bite history:: There is a bite incident. Please see details in report.

Energy level/descriptors:: Low

Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: No

Medical Notes: last reported vet visit on 01/29/2023

For a New Family to Know: Bonoba is a quiet and independent indoor cat. She prefers contact on her terms and likes to watch from afar. She has lived with a large family and is used to staying in one space the majority of the time with access to her litter box. She enjoys playing with crinkly toys and water. She will play rough with tendency to scratch chasing her toys and pouncing on them. Bonbona likes to scratch on rope, carpet, and cardboard materials. Previous owner loved how she would chase her mouse toy and would look so cute while she is sleeping. She eats both wet and hard food and has an uncovered litter box with scented clumping litter kept in the bathroom.

KNOWN HISTORY:: 11/22/24 Bonbona has been reported to stalk, chase and lunge during the time spent with her foster. _______________________________________________________________________ Previously lived with: 4 Adults, 3 children (ages 1,16,17) Behavior toward strangers: Bonbona does not have much experience with strangers. With known visitors, she is shy/timid and will actively hide. Behavior toward children: Bonbona has experience with young children ages 1, 5, and 9. She is independent and will actively avoid younger children. She has a tendency to scratch or hiss when she wants to be left alone. Behavior toward cats: Unknown. Behavior toward dogs: Bonbona has experience with a small dog in the home and will scratch, hiss, and growl when she wants to be left alone. Bite or Scratch history: Please see "Potential Challenges" section for more info Litter box training: Had access to an uncovered litter box with scented clumping litter kept in the bathroom. Energy level/descriptors: Low. Other notes: Bonoba is a quiet and independent indoor cat. She prefers contact on her terms and likes to watch from afar. She has lived with a large family and is used to staying in one space the majority of the time with access to her litter box. She enjoys playing with crinkly toys and water. She will play rough with tendency to scratch chasing her toys and pouncing on them. Bonbona likes to scratch on rope, carpet, and cardboard materials. Previous owner loved how she would chase her mouse toy and would look so cute while she is sleeping. Is unbothered when her coat is brushed or placed in a carrier. She does not like being held and will hiss or bite when her nails are trimmed. She eats both wet and hard food. During intake Cat was lip licking with whale eyes in the carrier. Cat did not attempt to flee when carrier bag was zipped open and allowed photo to be taken. Cat walked into den directly from carrier. No further handling was done.

ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 8/6/24 FB1261 In cat den upon approach, completely hidden from view. I lift the cage cover and see that he's hunched with his front paws folded, eyes wide and ears forward. He does not leave his den when I place squeeze-ups or a scented toy right outside of it. I speak to him softly and end the session for today. 8/11/24 FB79 Hiding inside her den, Bonabona sniffs the treaties that i toss in there for her but is uninterested. She allows pets with the tool and she even slight lens in for some on her cheekies. 8/14/24 FB79 Today, Bonbona displayed the same behaviors described in the previous enrichment note. 8/23/24 FB1261 In cat den upon approach, initially hidden from view. She begins hissing and grumbling when I lift her den cover and she maintains eye contact with a tense expression from a hunched position. I leave her some treats near her den and walk away, and when I check on her a few moments later the treats closest to her kennel have been eaten (greenies). I open the kennel door again and she pokes her head out to grumble at me as I slowly push a tray of squeeze-ups towards her. She stretches her neck out to begin eating the treats as I watch! I slow-blink and speak to her softly before ending the session and she does not retreat as long as she has squeeze-ups in front of her. 9/10/24 FB1261 Lying in cat den upon approach, body and face hidden from view. She pokes her head out when offered meaty morsels, but once she notices me she hisses and when I present her with the scratcher tool she gives it a swat before retreating. I speak to her softly and leave her some treaties for later... not open to hands-on interaction at this time. 9/11/24 FB79 Today, Bonbona displayed the same behaviors as the previous enrichment note. 9/16/24 FB1261 I was able to clicker train Bonbona today. She was originally trapped in her den, but when I free her and she pokes her head out to eat the treats offered immediately. I spend the remainder of the session clicking and rewarding each time she takes a step closer to the front of her kennel. I do not push petting today to end the session on a positive note. 9/18/24 FB79 So sweet girl! Coaxed out with high value treats and accepts pets on her head and cheeks with a mid level tail. 9/28/24 FB58 Is out of her den on her own when I walk past! Sitting with a neutral face and body and sniffs my hand through the cage door when I offer it out to her. Eats squeeze up placed at the front of the cage and allows some pets on her head through the cage door. 10/4/24 FB79 Inside her den, Bonbona hears me open her kennel door and peaks her head out; she has a neutral face with forward ears/calm almond eyes. She sniffs the treats that i toss near her but isn't interested, she allows me to pet on her head and cheeks and she leans in for more. She steps her front leg out for more but after a few she slowly retreats back into her den. I leave some extra treaties and toys! -GAN


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Bold,Playful,Curious,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Overstimulation,Rough play,Very high energy level,New home adjustment period

Potential challenges comments:: Previous owner stated: During the 4th of July weekend her 1 year old niece was playing on the living room floor when Bonbona escaped her bedroom. She ran with high energy across the living room and ran atop the infant leaving scratches on her back and right shoulder. Child was treated at home. Then on 7/27 at 4:30pm, owner's sister was walking into the kitchen when her cat escaped from her bedroom and with high energy ran straight towards the kitchen. The Client heard a scream and then saw that her sister was bitten on her left arm. Bonbona had attempted to jump up on the table and sister blocked the cat with her arm. Bite incident left two scratches and a small puncture wound breaking skin and drawing blood. Owner's sister did not seek medical attention and treated her wound at home. When asked if the Bonbona often escapes the bedroom Client stated that her large family lives in an apartment and the cat is entirely contained in her bedroom where she feeds and cares for the cat.


RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home,No dogs

Recommendations comments:: Due to the behavior seen in shelter, the reported behavior from her foster parent and needing a longer time to warm up, the behavior team feels Bonbona would do best in an adult-only home where they would be able to acclimate in a calm environment. Bonbona has experience with young children ages 1, 5, and 9. She is independent and will actively avoid younger children. She has a tendency to scratch or hiss when she wants to be left alone. Bonbona has experience with a small dog in the home and will scratch, hiss, and growl when she wants to be left alone.

BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: 8/4/24 Inside her den, Bonbona peaks her head out when she hears the assessor approach, she has a relaxed face with forward ears and almond eyes. She quickly ducks back into her den when treats were placed near the den door and remained still with her tail wrapped around her body. She allows all pets on her head/cheeks as well as down her back and body but isn't able to be coax out of the den. Bonbona begins to lip lick when the assessor pets on her cheeks once more but remains still throughout. Pick up was not attempted due to not being able to be coaxed out and to limit FAS. 9/4/24 Upon re-eval, Bonbona is inside her den out of sight and low hisses when the assessor lifts the den cover for a better view; she is curled up towards the back of the den with her tail tightly wrapped around her body. She hisses once again with wide eyes when treats are tossed near her den opening as well as when the pointer tool is brought closer. Bonbona sniffs the tool when it is slowly introduced and allows very brief pets on her cheeks before hissing harshly when the tool is moves to pet around her body. Pick up was not attempted due to not being able to coax out of den as well as to limit FAS. 10/4/24 Upon re-eval, Bonbona has shown some minor improvements and has begun to come out of her den on her own. On approach, she is visible in her den with her face visible, ears forward, and a slightly tense face. She comes partly out when treats are offered out to her and begins to eat. She allows pets along her head and shoulders with the scratcher tool as she eats. After a moment, she comes out fully and continues to eat treats but when pet along her back, she turns and hisses at the tool and moves to go back into her den. Pick up is not attempted. 11/22/24 Upon returning to shelter, Bonbona is in her den out of sight and hisses when the kennel door is opened; she hisses once again when the den cover is lifted for a better view and backs herself towards the back corner. While continuing to harshly hiss when the scratcher tool is brought closer she tightly wraps her tail around her legs while ducking/dodging and occasionally spitting at the tool - Bonbona briefly tolerates pets on her head and cheeks but begins hissing once again when the tool is brought down and around her body. Showing no interest in treats or attention pick up was not attempted due to not being able to be coaxed out and to limit FAS. 12/23/24 Bonbona tolerated petting while leaning in slightly, sitting upright and leaning in a few more times while remaining tense and focused on the hand. She lunges towards the hand as the cage door is closing. Bonbona tolerates attention and petting but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter, and may be intimidated by small children. She may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to her new home. Due to the behaviors seen in the care center, we feel that this cat will do best in an experienced, adult only home