Hello, my name is Tiff. My animal id is #212717. I am a desexed female gray cat at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 2 months 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a stray on 10/19/2024.
Tiff is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
Let's get to know each other a bit more...
This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Tiff is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers. My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! I'm an independent kitty who likes to do my own thing. I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. I prefer to call the shots and enjoy coming to you when I'm ready for pets.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 7.25 lbs
Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with ringworm and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization.
Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with ringworm and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization.
DVM Intake Estimated age: 2 years Microchip noted on Intake? No History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Wide eyes, crouched posture, flinches and hisses/tries to run when touched. Does not allow handling, ran all around intake room. Netted for exam. Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: Limited exam due to behavior P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 4/9 OP: Full exam not performed, no dental diseased observed while hissing EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: female intact, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. Fleas MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: -Kittens noted to have dermatophytosis--no lesions noted on queen -Fleas Prognosis: Good Plan: -Start itraconazole 5 mg/kg PO q24h x 21d until 11/10--do not place in mouth, put into food and allow patient to eat on own -No topicals started due to temperament Surgery: Okay for surgery
Reason for recheck: One week ringworm check and assessing to see if this Queen is calm enough for topicals vs still has elevated FAS in shelter. Contacted feline behavior team via email and received the following response: "It seems like topical medications may be difficult to administer if handling is required. She quickly hisses and retreats away when reaching close. When she is cornered off, she will continue to hiss, flinch when pet, and nip when attempting to handle her (see enrichment note below for more details). I believe that using a towel and applying appropriate/gentle restraint while handling is possible; however, there is potential for her to squirm and/or become an escape artist if she is accidentally loose from the toweling." A: Elevated FAS in shelter P: 1) Recheck in 3 days to see if patient more tolerant. 2) If still intolerant of topicals, consider starting low dose gabapentin @10mg/kg po BID - per a study from Mathews et al "Analgesia and Anesthesia for the Ill or Injured Cat and Dog" textbook, "Gabapentin has extensive passage into human breast milk; however, serum concentrations in the infant's serum were low and not associated with adverse effects. This medication is consider appropriate and humane."
S/O -recheck, has p settled down/okay to received topicals now? -QAR, food eaten, both kittens are BAR, no c/s/v/d EENT: no OU/n dc H/L: eupneic A/P -aTT still too fractious for topicals -Start on gaba 100mg PO BID x 7 days- give with itraconazole and watch to see if p eats. Remove if doensn't -Recheck in 1 week to assess is topicals appropriate
Recheck temperament, on itraconazole for ringworm (lesions noted on kittens, not on her). S/O: QAR, hunched at back of kennel Sniffs at scratcher when reaching towards her, allows touching/petting of rump, hisses when attempting to touch head. Eating well No c/s/v/d noted Eupneic No visible lesions (visual exam) A: Kittens with ringworm, exposure P: No lesions noted on queen at intake (although limited exam due to temperament). Topicals not indicated and also not safe to administer due to high FAS Continue itraconazole for full 28 day course then check ringworm PCR CTM while at QACC
Collect sample for ringworm PCR - use caution, allows some slow touch but hisses and will flee Feline did not allow handling. The cat was brushed with a toothbrush to obtain the sample while she hissed, spit, and raised her front paw. No fur was plucked from this cat. Toothbrush was put back in
Ringworm PCR - neg x 3 Sample was difficult to obtain, hair was not plucked. Cat has showed no obvious lesions. Plan: Finish course of itraconazole. Scheduled sedated exam to ensure no lesions.
Sedated with dexmedetomidine 0.06 ml + butorphanol 0.06 ml IM + ketamine 0.6 ml IM. Examined for any alopecic or other skin lesions - none noted. Woods lamp negative. Plan: Okay to leave isolation, CTM while at QACC
pt sedated with .06/.06 mls IM dex/torb
Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. GIVE: 0.11 ml of meloxicam 1.5 mg/ml PO for 2 days starting the day after surgery. Notes: Visual Assessment only CRT not assessed Extra tel given IV
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow
During intakes no handling was done.
KNOWN HISTORY:: Tiff was brought in as a stray, there is no known information on her behavior history in a home environment. During intakes no handling was done.
ENRICHMENT NOTES:: 10/28/24 FB32 Hiding in den with her kittens. Retreats out and hisses when opening the door and reaching close. Climbs on top of shelf at back corner with tense body, wide eyes, and tail wrapped around body. Continues to hiss, allows brief pet on head and body but flinches and hisses again. When attempting to pet and handle her, she nips at my finger and hisses. I give her space and notice that one of her kittens comes out of the den. The kitten tolerates all petting and attention. 12/22/24 FB79 Tiff was reported to be swatting through the den during interactions with adopters. 12/27/24 FB79 Inside of her den out of sight tiff has wide eyes and a tightly wrap tail; when I insert the pointer tool and attempt to pet, she hisses and forcefully swats/strikes the tool. She continues to hiss and spit until I lower the den cover and close her kennel door. 1/08/25 FB61 In cat den upon approach, body and face completely hidden from view. She does not come out when offered treats and I do not push hands on interaction to reduce stress. I leave her some scented felt (feliway and valerian root) before ending the session.
VOCAL:: Quiet
CHARACTER TYPE: : Timid,Skittish,Independent
Potential challenges comments:: Please see behavior flyer for more information.
RECOMMENDATIONS:: Adult only home
BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Tiff was hunched in the back of her cat den as the assessor approached, her babies hunched in front of her with blank expressions on their face. Tiff made eye contact when spoken to, eyes wide and she flinched slightly as the kennel door opened. Tiff tolerated petting along her head and body with the assess-a-hand while hissing, flattening her ears and turning her head to watch the hand with dilated pupils. Pick up was not attempted at this time to reduce stress. 11/25/24 & 12/26/24 Tiff displayed similar behaviors during her reassessment. Tiff tolerates attention and petting but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter, and may be intimidated by small children. She may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to her new home. Due to the behaviors seen in the care center, we feel that this cat will do best in an experienced, adult only home.