Animal Profile

Baseball Player

Hello, my name is Baseball Player. My animal id is #217323. I am a male brown dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 12/23/2024.

Baseball Player is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Baseball Player has been observed to jump up towards handlers with a tense body and open mouth. This behavior is not able to be easily redirected using treats or squeakie sounds. During his stay in the care center Baseball Player has allowed petting from handlers. Medically Baseball Player has CIRDC and a unspecified ocular abnormality.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Baseball Player is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Baseball Player has been observed to jump up towards handlers with a tense body and open mouth. This behavior is not able to be easily redirected using treats or squeakie sounds. During his stay in the care center Baseball Player has allowed petting from handlers. Medically Baseball Player has CIRDC and a unspecified ocular abnormality. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I am playful and cute! I'll need daily interaction with you as I get used to my new life.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 64 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3 years Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: stray Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - calm, walks gently, cannot see on left side Is there evidence of Cruelty? No Is there evidence of Neglect? No Is there evidence of Trauma? No Objective BCS: 5/9 EENT: right eye clear. left eye discharge - could not visualize a globe in socket, unsure if microphthalmia or if globe not present, ears clean, ocular discharge from right eye socket, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: white teeth, minimal tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: intact male two testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: blind in right eye, right eye missing? - otherwise apparently healthy Prognosis: good Plan: intake tasks SURGERY: Okay for surgery


EEN; yellow nasal discharge RESP: Eupneic A: CIRDC P: Doxycycline 300mg 1 tablet po sid x 10d


Progress exam - CIRDC day 10 S/O: QAR laying down in crate; all food eaten from tray. Pink mm. No ocular or nasal discharge. No observed or reported coughing or sneezing. Eupneic. A/P: CIRDC - resolved; no additional treatments needed

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

Date of intake:: 12/23/2024

Spay/Neuter status:: No

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, No known history

Date of assessment:: 12/29/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: None Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Jumps up on handler Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Handling comments: Wiggly body, jumps up on handler Arousal Jog: Follows handler readily Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: Approaches handler readily Toy Toy comments: Sniffs, No reaction

Summary:: 1/7/25: Baseball Player greets another dog at the gate with slightly tense body, whining. He is pushing his nose against the fence sniffing.

Summary (7):: 1/7/25: Baseball Player stands in his pop up crate with a soft body and wagging tail when handlers approach. He is leashed while a second handler feeds him treats. Once out, he hyperfocuses on things, like dogs in the pop ups in the hall and handlers. He is not responsive to handlers calling him. The second handler places their hand full of treats directly in front of Baseball's face to get his attention. He is walked on the street where he pulls darting back and forth or jumping up high on handlers. In once instance, snapping near the main handlers hand. He goes into his pop up crate when treats are tossed. 1/7/25: ACS report that Baseball Player will jump persistently at the handler with a tense body and open mouth. This behavior was not able to be redirected easily. 1/6/25: ACS Report that Baseball Player will persistently jump towards the handler with an open mouth. The first time this occurred is when the handler attempted to do a leash harness on him, he snapped at their hand and then began jumping towards them. The second time on the walk was unprovoked, BP begand jumping at the handler with an open mouth and the handler had to straight arm him. The handler did not have treats on them at the time. 1/2/25: Baseball Player is easily removed from his pop-up and brought to the yard. As soon as he is put on the drag leash, BP begins jumping on the handler with an open mouth. He does not break skin but does make contact with the handler's thigh. BP was not able to be distracted by treats or toys. A second handler is outside the fence and is able to come into the pen to distract BP so the first handler is able to re-leash and take BP back inside. When in the hallway, BP stopped and stared at a dog in 108 that he could see with the door open but did not bark or make a move. Outside of the kennel room, BP baulked and had to be muscled into the crate. 12/29/24: Baseball Player is at the back of his pop-up crate as handlers approach. He is leashed without issue and is taken to the street for a walk. While in the elevator Baseball allows handler to pet him and once finished, approaches handler and jumps on them with a wagging tail seeking further social interaction. When out on the street he walks past people without issue but will pull towards dogs he's able to see when outside and within close proximity of himself, he does not pull while outside. He is walked for a bit more before being brought to the behavior office for an assessment. During his assessment Baseball allows collaring and handling, he does not accept treats and after a bit is brought back inside without issue.

Date of intake:: 12/23/2024

Summary:: Aloof with handler, occasionally became tense

Date of initial:: 12/26/2024

Summary:: Calm

ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Baseball Player so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No young children (under 13): Due to lack of basic manners and mouthiness we recommend a home with no children.

Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition

Potential challenges comments:: Basic Manners/Mouthiness: Baseball player has been observed to jump up on handlers with an open mouth and mouth them. This behavior is not able to be redirected easily using treats or toys. It is recommended that default behaviors such as "Sit" and "Off" are reinforced to substitute any frustration and teach them to control their impulses instead of simply reacting; proper management is also advised. Force-free, reward-based training only is recommended. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Please see handout on Mouthiness.