Figgy is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Figgy has been observed to be leash biting during his stay in the care center. This behavior is not always able to be redirected using treats. Figgy has also been observed to fixate and bark at people and dogs while on leash. While out with handlers Figgy is social and will present with a loose wiggly body. Medically Figgy is underweight.
Figgy is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Figgy has been observed to be intensely leash biting during his stay in the care center. This behavior was manageable with the use of medication, but now has escalated to hard mouthing handlers and is unable to be redirected using treats. Figgy has also been observed to fixate and bark at people and dogs while on leash. While out with handlers Figgy is social and will present with a loose wiggly body and is engaged during training sessions. Medically, Figgy is underweight.
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SJ is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. SJ in care has been fearful and selective with handlers that will handle him. SJ has escalated to biting a staff member leaving two puncture wounds, as well as baring teeth and growling at select staff members that approach him. SJ has been slowly improving, but remains fearful in the care center. Medically, SJ has been diagnosed with anemia, recovering from a repaired perineal hernia.
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Pepe is on the at-risk list due to behavior. His previous owner describes him as a very active and playful cat who likes to spend most of his time in the bedroom. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. He has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his stress levels, it is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers. Medically Pepe has mild dental disease and a minor wound on his paw.
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Cookie is at risk due to behavioral reasons. During her time at the finders house Cookie was observed to lunge and snap at the resident child without warning. Cookie is also observed to be dog reactive, her finder states that she will hard bark, lunge, snap, and growl towards unfamiliar dogs. During her stay in the care center Cookie has been aloof and avoidant of handlers. Cookie has also been observed to pull hard towards dogs with a tense body. This behavior is not able to be redirected easily. Medically Cookie has periodontal disease.
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Dobby is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Dobby in the care center is having trouble acclimating despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. Dobby is seen throughout the day to jump off his kennel door, pant heavily and his kennel to be smeared with feces due to his persistent jumping. Dobby is social with staff, soliciting petting from staff and enjoying fetch, but is struggling to acclimate to his surroundings. Medically, Dobby is apparently healthy.
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Midnight Snack
Midnight Snack needs at risk placement for medical reasons. He is a young, neutered male cat with history of urinary obstruction. He needs a quiet environment and special diet to manage his condition.
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Starfish is on the at-risk list for medical concerns. Starfish is a diabetic senior cat with dental disease. She will need regular vet visits to monitor her diabetes as well as lifelong insulin administration. Diabetes is most often a lifelong condition in cats; it is difficult to manage and control in a shelter setting.
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Violet is at risk due to behavior concerns. Violet originally came to ACC as a stray. She displayed signs of deterioration then, hypersalivating and flipping her drain cover. She was adopted but recently returned due to destructive tendencies in the home and not being a good fit. Violet is once again struggling with the stress of the shelter environment. She has been observed to flip over the drain covers and kuranda bed in her kennel while hypersalivating. Outside of her kennel, Violet is a sociable dog who greatly enjoys treats and attention from humans. Medically, Violet has dental disease, is overweight, and being treated for pododermatitis on her front feet.
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Ollie is at risk due to behavior reasons. Ollie was recently surrendered to us after a minor bite incident in his adoptive home. The child in the home was bitten on the hand, breaking skin. but didn't require medical attention. During both of his stays at the care center, Ollie has been tolerant of handling, including lifting in and out of a top kennel. The adopter states that he is very sweet and loves to wear sweaters. Medically, Ollie has allergies, nuclear sclerosis and is overweight.
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Silesia is on the at risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center. He is extremely intelligent and high energy, and needs to expend energy constructively with interactive play sessions 3-4X/day. In addition to playtime, this cat would also benefit from mental exercise from activities such as puzzle toys/games, lick mats, or clicker training. Without providing activity for his mind and body, the cat may react with rough play, potentially resulting in bite/scratch incidents. It is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with feline body language, overstimulation, rough play, and who have the time to invest in managing these behaviors on a consistent basis to avoid (further) bite/scratch incidents.
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Luesa Kole
Luesa Kole is on the at-risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. He has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his stress levels, it is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Umay is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns in care and reported by her previous owner. Umay in care has displaying a high of level of stranger danger, with raised hackles and hard barking strangers that she sees in care. Umay has also been reported to hard bark at cats and has a bite history, snapping at the resident dog in the home. Umay is social with familiar handlers in the care center. Medically, Umay is apparently healthy.
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Raven is at risk for behavior reasons. Raven was highly fearful when she entered the care center. She has warmed up with staff and volunteers is now outgoing and playful. She does have reported guarding with food and toys, which we have seen in care when in a pop-up crate. Her owner reports that she experiences fear and anxiety in the home during thunderstorms, fireworks or other loud noises. We see this when walking her on the street and loud trucks pass by. Medically, she is apparently healthy.
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Shadow is on the at-risk list due to behavior. He is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. He has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his stress levels, it is in his best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. He would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give him plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Spyro is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Upon intake, he was observed to be fearful and escalated to hard barking and lunging toward handlers. Throughout his stay at the care center, Spyro has shown some progress, warming up to handlers with a loose body. However, he occasionally reverts to fearful behaviors when meeting new people, such as hiding, pacing, and panicking. Medically, Spyro apparently healthy.
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Pecas is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Pecas has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and displays fearful body language and shutdown behaviors. In her kennel, she can be seen pressing herself into the corner when handlers approach, body trembling. When removing her from the kennel, Pecas either crawls to the front or retreats to the back. Once outside of her kennel alternates between seeking an exit, curling up in a corner, or pacing the room. Medically, Pecas has diarrhea.
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Reservation in progress
Mr. Kitty is on the at-risk list due to medical reasons. He has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, which requires regular veterinary visits and prescription food. He is also underweight and has stage III dental disease. Behaviorally, Mr. Kitty is extremely sweet and affectionate and allows all medical handling.
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Barkley is at risk for behavior reasons. Barkley entered the care center, growling at staff but warming up quickly with a considerate approach. With a prolonged stay, he has become more reactive towards unfamiliar people both on leash in the hall or when separated by a barrier. Barkley loves to play and can entertain himself while out in the yard. He is a young dog and appears to get along with other dogs. Medically, he is apparently healthy.
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Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye is at-risk due to behavior concerns. Upon intake, he was tense bodied with a tucked tail, and lip licking, but with a slow approach he warms up quickly. Tiger Eye was brought to the Care Center due to being reactive towards a child in the home. His previous owners reported him to also be on-leash reactive towards strangers and unfamiliar dogs, escalating to hard barking and growling. In the care centers, he is social with handlers at times but has been reported to growl and lunge at both staff and members of the public on the street. Recently there was an incident where Tiger Eye bit a MOP on the arm during his street walk, but there was no broken skin and handler had to use intense leash pressure to redirect him. When returning to kennel, he has been observed to baulk and muscle as to be used as he will escalate to mouthing handlers hands. Medically, Tiger Eye is apparently underweight.
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Curacao is at-risk due to behavior concerns. Initially upon intake, Curacao was displaying high level warnings of fear, stress, and anxiety as he was hard barking, baring teeth, and both dodging and mouthing the leash. With a slow approach, he has become social with handlers, soliciting pets, and allowing handling. On street walks, Curacao is noted to be hypervigilant of his surroundings, and remains both alert and tense when spotting other dogs. Recently, he has shown signs of deterioration as there have been reports of him jumping onto the kennel doors after he is returned to kennel, sometimes even digging/pawing at the door while barking. He has also been observed to charge the front of kennel and lunge at a staff members as enrichment/medication is distributed. Medically, he has an umbilical hernia.
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Delaney is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Delaney has displayed a concerning level of resource guarding during her stay in care. She has escalated to hard barking, growling, lunging, and snapping in a kennel when approached with enrichment items such as ice blocks. She recently bit a staff member's foot/shoe 3 times when guarding an empty food tray that they attempted to remove before returning her to her kennel after a walk. She has also begun to jump off her kennel walls during cleaning. Prior to this Delaney was initially fearful in care but has warmed up to staff and handlers over time. She readily engages in play with toys, soliciting petting, and takes occasional treats. Medically, Delaney has a wound.
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Norton is on the at-risk list for medical concerns. Norton is a geriatric husky with multiple medical problems. Most pressing are bloodwork abnormalities consistent with kidney disease, anemia, and hypothyroidism, a very large mass on his chest, a smaller mass on his toe, and a wound on his hock. Norton will need follow-up vet care too coordinate a long-term plan to manage these conditions. His medical needs are outside the scope of care available in shelter.
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Brady is currently at risk due to behavior concerns. Brady has struggled acclimating to the shelter environment. When he first arrived, he would refuse to walk, requiring a great deal of coaxing or carrying. Now, Brady has been snapping at handlers during walks, making contact but not breaking skin. Previously, Brady has been social with handlers and allowed for carrying when needed. Medically, Brady is underweight.
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Moose Tracks
Moose Tracks is currently at risk for behavior reasons. Moose Tracks came to ACC after the death of her owner. She has not allowed handling and will alligator roll and bite the leash when handlers attempt to walk her. In kennel, Moose Tracks will come to the front with neutral low body and sniff treats offered but will not take them. Medically, Moose Tracks is apparently healthy.
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Oliver is at risk due to medical reasons. Oliver is a senior cat with diabetes mellitus. His condition was well regulated in his previous home with insulin and a special diet. Behaviorally, he allows medical handling and can easily be given insulin. However, we cannot manage diabetes effectively in the shelter setting. Oliver needs urgent placement out of the shelter to keep his diabetes regulated.
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