Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Echo. My animal id is #215826. I am a desexed male brown dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 11 months 3 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a stray on 12/2/2024.

Echo is on the at-risk list due to behavioral concerns. In care, Echo has been highly anxious and struggles to self-regulate during outdoor interactions. In the kennel, he is frequently observed jumping excessively, barking, pacing, hyper-salivating, and panting. While Echo can be social and responsive in calmer moments, such as during treat scatter games, he often loses focus, jumps on handlers, and nips at leashes. Additionally, he has been shown to thrash and snap when taken back into the kennel. medically, Echo has recently recovered from CIRDC and is currently healthy.

You may know me from such films as...

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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Echo is on the at-risk list due to behavioral concerns. In care, Echo has been highly anxious and struggles to self-regulate during outdoor interactions. In the kennel, he is frequently observed jumping excessively, barking, pacing, hyper-salivating, and panting. While Echo can be social and responsive in calmer moments, such as during treat scatter games, he often loses focus, jumps on handlers, and nips at leashes. Additionally, he has been shown to thrash and snap when taken back into the kennel. medically, Echo has recently recovered from CIRDC and is currently healthy. Echo came into the care center as a stray so his history is unknown. In the care center Echo has not adjusted well displaying hyperarousal, including jumping, pacing, heavy panting, and hypersalivation in and out of his kennel. Echo has made it difficult for the handler to place him back into his kennel due to snapping and alligator rolling. During socialization sessions, he can be redirected briefly with high-value treats or interactive games such as Look at That (LATTE), though his ability to maintain focus remains limited due to his arousal levels. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I would do best in a home with only adult humans. I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you. I will flourish in a calm environment and a low-traffic home.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 51 lbs


DVM Intake Estimated age: 11mos Microchip noted on Intake? no History: agency Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - barking at door in kennel- stops when approached, easily leashed, pulls on leash initially but quickly adjusts to leash walk and then walks nicely while intermittently making eye contact with handler, easily distracted, excitedly accepts treats, knows sit and paw Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Neglect seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective T = n/a P = 130 R = pant BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult teeth PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: M, 2 descended testicles WNL MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat, 6mm alopecic nodule L muzzle CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally unremarkable Wood's Lamp Exam: n/p Assessment: - nodule L muzzle r/o scar - apparently healthy Prognosis: - excellent Plan: - monitor while in care SURGERY: Okay for surgery


behavior meds for anxious behavior being displayed: thrashing, snapping, head whipping, and arousal behavior Hope to alleviate some of the FAS: Trazodone- 100mg (5 to 10 mg/kg po q 12 hrs) Sig: 2 1/4 tabs po q 12 hrs


Pre-Op Exam Subjective: BAR, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Nasal Cavity: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. BCS = 5/9 Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: Clinically healthy Plan: -Okay for surgery


Dog Neuter Was this dog a cryptorchid? No Scrotal Incision Spermatic Cord Ligation with: 0 PDS, two millers knots Sub Q closure: 0 PDS, simple interrupted Vetwrap and ice pack applied to scrotum during recovery to assist in hemostasis Green linear tattoo placed on ventrum


Progress exam: CIRDC signs noted on rounds Subjective: BAR, no S/V/D. Coughing & huffing noted Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -Move to iso, ppe sign & monitor log placed on kennel -Start doxy 10mg/kg PO q24h x14days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x14days -CTM, recheck on 12/15


Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D noted. Eating great Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 12/21


Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Great appetite Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -Move out of iso, removed monitor log from kennel -CTM while in QACC

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

upon intake: dog was initially laying down by the finders feet and when staff walked into the room he began high pitch barking and jumping and pulling towards staff. When staff attempted to scan for ID he began jumping up incessantly and the finder dropped the leash ad Echo slipped out of his collar. Staff was able to leash him and when walking out of the lobby he began whining and hard pulling down the hallway. He went into the kennel without issue, staff was unable to collar due to jumping

Date of Intake: 12/2/2024

Date of intake:: 12/2/2024

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray ( Unknown History)

Other Notes:: 12/04/2024: Echo allowed the handler to collar him but he began to display arousal behavior, head whipping,heavy panting, pacing, jumping on handers. when taking back into his kennel he began to alligator roll while on lead. due to this the behavior team believes he is not a good candidate for an assessment at this time. 12/03/2024: Echo displays heavy panting, pacing, red eyes, and unable to settle. He begins to headship when attempting to collar. when placed back into his kennel he began to thrash on lead and was reported to snap when going back into his kennel. Due to this Echo is given a day to decompress.

Date of assessment:: 12/12/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: loose Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Boncy Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Social- seeks attention Call over: Loose body, gently takes treats Sociability comments: Jumping, heavy panting Handling Soft handling: Allowed- jumps out of position, looks back at the handler, panting Exuberant handling:Allowed- jumps out of position, looks back at handler, panting Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follow- panting Arousal comments: Knock: Jumps panting Knock Comments: distracted with treats Toy: Backs away Toy comments:

Summary (5):: 12/27/24: Echo is at the front of the kennel with a loose/wiggly body, pawing at the front of the door when approached and when the door is opened, he is easily leashed and brought out to the street where he begins to explore his surroundings, pull mildly and jump on the handler on/off. Echo is easily refocused with treats, and continues to walk on his own. Echo is loose bodied, relaxed wagging tail and social with the handler throughout the entire interaction. Echo is clipped and returned to kennel with no issue. 12/17/24 Echo is at the front of his kennel jumping excessively onto the kennel door. Echo will jump up to nip the handlers lead before being leashed. Echo will jump out of kennel attempting to jump onto the handler and must be stiff armed in order to not do so. Echo will quickly pull his way outside displaying wide red eyes and heavily panting. Echo will see other dogs during the walk and pull in their direction. Echo is directed forward on the walk, stiff armed in the process due to the excessive jumping. when entering the play pen, Echo cannot settle, still attempting to jump onto the handler. Echo is tossed some treats and is cue to find them. This will occupy Echo for the time being until he found them all. Once the treats are gone, Echo becomes unsettled. The handler will return Echo back to kennel where he will pull intensely while heavily panting with red eyes. Echo enters the building as well as his kennel with no issue.

Summary (6):: 12/12/24: Echo was at his kennel door as the handler approached. He started to jump up and was barking out of excitement to get out. He was able to be leashed with ease, and walked to the behavior room for his assessment. He was very social and was greeting the handlers that were in the room. He was taking treats and exploring around the room. Please see behavior assessment notes for more detail. He was able to be walked back to his kennel, and had to get tossed treats inside for him to walk in willingly. 12/08/24 Echo is standing in front of his kennel door, panting heavily. He jumps repeatedly onto the kennel door. before the handler tosses him some treats to eat off the ground. The handler will leash Echo as he jumps up. They will proceed outside for a walk. Echo will maintain a neutral frame as he trots moderately beside the handler. Echo will sit gently when wanting a treat and is administered a treat for doing so. Echo will maintain their neutral frame as they maintain their calm pace. Echo is returned to the facility where he enters the building and his kennel with no issue. 12/06/24 (Trainer Note): Echo is standing neutrally in kennel as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine live room. He maintains a neutral body and engages with the various enrichment with interest. He is returned to kennel without issue. 12/5/24: Echo remained on all fours with a neutral frame as he greeted novel handler at front of kennel. Handler spoke to him in a soft voice and tossed chicken jerky into kennel which he ate without hesitation. He was leashed with ease and walked to the yard. Echo tolerated handler holding his collar while he was clipped to a drag leash. He explored the yard and approached handler when they crouched down. He accepted pets and became wiggly and bouncy at times. Echo continued to take treats and would chase after a soft, squeaker toy but did not retrieve it. He was placed back on a slip leash and returned to the care center. He greeted a familiar VS staff member with a wagging tail while handler clipped his leash to a figure 8. He walked through kennel room without issue and handler used mild directional leash pressure to guide him into kennel and tossed in a treat. A VS staff member slid his medication tray into kennel which he immediately consumed.

Summary (7):: 12/04/2024: Echo is jumping and barking in front of his kennel when the handler approaches. Echo is easily leashed where he hard pulls out of the kennel. He is taken to the behavior office, where he greets the handlers in the room. Echo moves away from touch when collaring which he is distracted with high values. Echo displays heavy panting, pacing, and jumping. The handler Engages with Echo with LATTE games. After a while, he is take back into his kennel where he begins to alligator roll when going back into his kennel. 12/04/24 (AM) Echo greets the handler standing on the front of his kennel with a wagging tail. As the handler opens the kennel door, Echo begins jumping and pawing at the kennel door. During leashing Echo continues to paw at the door, handler and leash whining / vocalizing. Echo is leashed and escorted out of the care center to the play yards. The handler will toss treats which Echo will consume but will proceed to jump on the handler several times. Echo will go back to scenting and exploring the yard. The handler escorts Echo back into the care center. Upon reaching Echo's kennel, the handler is informed that his kennel is still being cleaned. The handler and Echo wait outside of his room during which multiple staff will pass. Echo becomes more aroused with each passing person. Echo begins jumping on the handler attempting to nibble on their facial hair. When it’s time to return to kennel Echo begins resisting, at first planting down before thrashing and head whipping. The handler guides Echo to the door when his thrashing and whipping intensifies, Echo begins rolling on the ground. The handler uses just enough leash pressure to get Echo into his kennel before he is unleashed and secured. 12/03/2024: Echo is pacing, jumping and hyper salivating in front of his kennel. He is easily leashed and take out of the kennel room to the behavior office for a handling assessment ( please see handling assessment for more details). In the Room Echo displays heavy panting behavior, red eyes, unable to settle, he begin to headwhip when the handler attempts to collar him. He is taken back to his kennel for extra time to decompress. When placed into his kennel treats are tossed which he was interested at first but begins to thrash and back away. The handler quickly paces him back inside his kennel. 12/03/24 (staff report): Echo is reported to show a moderate level of arousal while on walks and will jump up on handler. When returning to kennel, Echo shows resistance to going back in and turns around, snapping once at handler.

Date of intake:: 12/2/2024

Summary:: high pitch barking and jumping on staffwhen leashed whine hard pull down hallway

Date of initial:: 12/2/2024

Summary:: barking at door, pulls on lead, walks nicely while intermittently making eye contact with handler, e


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due to Echo potential behavior challenges we recommend he is placed in an adult-only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner- Echo came into the care center as a stray so his history is unknown. In the care center Echo has not adjusted well displaying hyperarousal, including jumping, pacing, heavy panting, and hypersalivation in and out of his kennel. Echo has made it difficult for the handler to place him back into his kennel due to snapping and alligator rolling. During socialization sessions, he can be redirected briefly with high-value treats or interactive games such as Look at That (LATTE), though his ability to maintain focus remains limited due to his arousal levels. Due to this Echo is available for rescue through one of our New Hope partners.

Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Social hyperarousal,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration,Leash-biting,Kennel presence

Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control- Echo has displayed excessive jumping indicating a need for training to improve his impulse control and basic manners. Consistent training to teach him to sit or stay when greeting people, using positive reinforcement and redirection, will help manage this behavior. Please see the handout on Basic manners/poor impulse control. Handling/touch sensitivity- When attempting to collar or leash pressure is applied Echo will headwhip and thrash on the lead.Dogs should never feel pressured to engage with situations or handling that make them uncomfortable. Respect for the dog's boundaries is paramount, ensuring that they have the freedom to approach new people or situations at their own paces. Please see the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Anxiety/Fearful/potential for defensive aggression- In the care center Echo has displayed heavy panting, pacing,thrashing and snapping behavior when attempting to place him back into his kennel. barrier frustration- During intake and his medical exam he was reported to high pitch bark/bark when staff enter the room.This indicates a need for desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques to help him remain calm and composed in situations where he is separated by barriers. Please see the handout on On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. kennel presence- Echo displays jumping, pacing in front of his kennel door. Social hyperarousal- In dogs is a state of heightened excitement and alertness triggered by social interactions or environmental stimuli, leading to behaviors like excessive barking, restlessness, jumping, mouthing, and pacing. Managing this condition involves consistent training with positive reinforcement, maintaining a structured routine, minimizing exposure to triggers, ensuring ample physical exercise, and providing mental stimulation through puzzle toys and interactive games. For severe cases, consulting a veterinary behaviorist or professional dog trainer is recommended leash-biting- Echo has begun to leash bite when coming out of kennel,