Bonbona is on the At Risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Gravy is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Margo is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to his/her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Hunter is at risk due due to his behavior concerns. Hunter has high arousal levels, deterioration,leash reactivity, and difficulty taking out of kennel. While Hunter has moments of sociability, responding well to cues, engaging with enrichment items, and taking treats with a soft mouth, his behavior has shown to be inconsistent. He exhibits a low threshold arousal, fixating on stimuli, and thrashing during leashing or return to the kennel. He has displayed deterioration behavior in kennel jumping, hypersalivation,pacing in front of his kennel door. Medically Hunter is apparently healthy.
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Manuel has developed a severe upper respiratory infection while in shelter. He is not eating and is on injectable and oral medication to try to support him through this infection. He needs a lower stress environment and more personal attention in order to heal.
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Britney Britney
Britney Britney is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Whiskey Roll
Whiskey Roll is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Whiskey Roll has been struggling to acclimate inside the care center despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. Whiskey Roll when taken out for interactions displays high levels of anxiety and arousal. Whiskey Roll displays heavy panting, dilated pupils, and inability to settle on his own and strained expressions during interactions. Whiskey Roll has also redirected onto staff members when reacting to other dogs on leash. Medically, Whiskey Roll is apparently healthy.
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Baby is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. She is a senior cat with diabetes mellitus, a urinary tract infection and high stress in shelter. She needs a quiet home and out-patient management with a local veterinarian to manage her conditions.
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Ms. Cool
Ms. Cool is at risk due to behavior concerns. Ms. Cool was observed to be reactive towards other dogs, engaging in intense kennel fighting and lunging at them in the pens, but she is easily redirected with treats. She was also reported to mount staff. Outside, Ms. Cool is highly social with staff, actively engaging in training and leaning into pets. Medically, Ms. Cool is apparently healthy.
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Lilith is on the at-risk list due to behavior. She is not thriving in the care center and continues to display distance-increasing behavior when approached for interactions. She has not warmed up despite staff using treats to build a positive association. Due to her stress levels, it is in her best interest to move out of the kennel environment and into a stable home as quickly as possible. She would do best in a home with adopters who are willing to give her plenty of time and space to adjust, and who have experience with helping a fearful cat adjust to strangers.
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Giddy Up
Giddy Up is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Giddy Up in care has been intensely leash biting with staff, and only refocused for short amount of times before leash biting again. Giddy Up is also struggling to settle in his kennel, panting heavily and spinning off his kennel door when approached in kennel. Medically, Giddy Up has mild dental disease but is otherwise healthy.
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Rocky Road
Rocky Road is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns. Rocky Road has been struggling inside of his kennel despite best efforts to keep him comfortable. Rocky Road inside of his kennel will begin to wail for prolonged periods of time throughout the day and when enrichment is offered to settle him, he shows very little interest. Rocky Road is social with staff but is struggling to acclimate inside the care center. Medically, Rocky Road is apparently healthy.
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Max is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Max has been observed to be fearful and anxious during his stay in the care center. Max has been observed to be touch sensitive, noted to head whip and jump upon contact. Max has also been observed to pant heavily, with a tucked tail. During his stay in the care center Max has allowed handling from all handlers. Medically, Max is a cryptorchid.
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Siah is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Siah has displayed a low threshold for arousal and is having difficulty acclimating to the shelter environment. While Siah accepts treats and solicits attention from handlers he is familiar/comfortable with, he becomes aroused easily and is unable to settle. He initially would jump up and leash bite once out of kennel, making it difficult to walk him. On walks, he pants, and hyper-salivates, with wide red eyes and has even circled handlers, fixating on their feet on occasion. When passing other dogs as he exits kennel rooms, he lunges, growled, body stiffening. In one instance, Siah attempted to jump up and intensely leash bite when placed on a drag leash with a staff member, this required assistance from other handlers to bring Siah back into his kennel safely. Medically, Siah has CIRDC.
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Jetta is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Jetta has been observed to be fearful during her stay in the care center. Noted to escalate to hard barking, growling, snapping, and rushing the front of the kennel when fearful. During her stay Jetta has warmed up to allow handling, and is receptive to treats. Medically Jetta has CIRDC, cherry eye, corneal scarring, dental disease, and diarrhea.
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Azul is at risk due to behavioral concerns. Azul has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and is displaying a high level of kennel stress. While he was shown social behaviors with handlers and staff, Azul has shown a concerning level of kennel reactivity in and out of the kennel. In his kennel, Azul has been seen hard barking, screeching, bouncing off his kennel walls, and heavily panting with red eyes when people or other dogs pass his kennel. When being leashed, Azul becomes aroused, lunging at the kennel door albeit inconsistently and will kennel fight with other dogs as he is walked out of the room. Once out of his kennel, he is unable to settle but will engage with petting and accepts treats. Medically, Azul is apparently healthy.
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Hercules is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Hercules has been observed to jump up on handlers and begin to pull and shake their treat pouch. Despite our best efforts to keep him comfortable while in care. Hercules has also been observed to bite on the kennel bars and bark at the transfer door. With handlers he is receptive to treats and takes them with a soft mouth. Medically, Hercules is underweight.
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Scout is at risk due to behavior concerns. Scout has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and remains highly fearful. While in his kennel, Scout has been seen jumping at the front of the kennel and at the back of his kennel with red wide eyes and heavy panting. When attempting to remove Scout from his kennel, he attempts to scale the kennel wall. Once leashed, Scout begins thrashing and will resume his thrashing once at the doorway to re-enter the kennel rooms. Medically, Scout is apparently healthy.
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Dip N' Dots
Dip N Dots is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Dip N Dots has been observed to leash bite and mouth handlers with hard pressure. During his stay in the care center Dip N Dots has been observed to bite the leash while handlers are attempting to leash him and while he is on walks. Dip N Dots has been observed to jump up high and intensely bite the leash. This behavior is not easily redirected using treats. While out with handlers Dip N Dots has been observed to be highly treat motivated. Medically Dip N Dots is apparently healthy.
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Baelon is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Baelon has been observed to be stressed in kennel, and highly rope reactive. Noted to be heavily panting, barking persistently and biting at the walls causing a hole. While out on walks Baelon has been observed to jump up high and bite the leash, while biting the leash Baelon has been observed to growl. This behavior is not able to be redirected easily. With handlers Baelon has been observed to allow all handling and is receptive to treats. Medically, Baelon is apparently healthy.
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Miku is on the at-risk list for medical reasons - Miku has a URI and anorexia. She has not improved on supportive care and will need hospitalization with placement.
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Gino is at risk due to behavioral reasons. Despite our best efforts Gino has been showing signs of stress. Gino has been observed to pant heavily in kennel while jumping up, spinning, and barking. With handlers Gino has been observed to have a soft body and be receptive to treats. Medically, Gino is apparently healthy.
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Navy Blue
Navy Blue is at risk due to behavior concerns. He has begun leash biting significantly while being returned to kennel, making it difficult to walk him safely. He has a reported history of resource guarding, growling if approached while eating. Navy Blue is also reported to be generally anxious and mouthy towards staff. Navy Blue has done well when introduced to other dogs and was reported to be tolerant and playful with the dog he previously lived with. Medically, Navy Blue has dental disease and is overweight.
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Ratoncillo is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. Ratoncillo arrived to the shelter with noticeable chronic eye issues. His right eye appears to have upper and lower lid entropion and his left eye has an ocular abnormality that appears to be caused by either a mass or a ruptured globe. Ratoncillo needs an ophthalmology consult in order to better assess/treat his ocular abnormalities and have surgery to remove the eyes if indicated. Ratoncillo is very uncomfortable and we are limited as to what can provide in shelter. He needs more care than we are able to provide.
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Speedy is on the at-risk list for medical reasons. He is a senior cat with diabetes mellitus. He needs a quiet home and out-patient management with a local veterinarian to manage his condition.
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