Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Daniel. My animal id is #221287. I am a desexed male brown tabby cat at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 10 years 1 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 3/4/2025, with the surrender reason stated as other.

Daniel is at risk due to medical reasons. Daniel is a senior cat with diabetes mellitus. His condition was well regulated in his previous home with insulin and a special diet. Behaviorally, he allows medical handling and can easily be given insulin. However, we cannot manage diabetes effectively in the shelter setting. Daniel needs urgent placement out of the shelter to keep his diabetes regulated.

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Daniel is at risk due to medical reasons. Daniel is a senior cat with diabetes mellitus. His condition was well regulated in his previous home with insulin and a special diet. Behaviorally, he allows medical handling and can easily be given insulin. However, we cannot manage diabetes effectively in the shelter setting. Daniel needs urgent placement out of the shelter to keep his diabetes regulated. What my friends at ACC say about me: I have medical needs that staff will address with you when you meet me. I am a sweet, social, older gentleman, looking for the perfect forever home! I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 16.5 lbs


DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 10 years Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History: Owner surrendered two diabetic cats. Daniel is on Vetsulin 4 units SQ BID at 10 am & 10 pm. He also receives Atopica 25 mg by mouth every other day for skin allergies (He was admitted with 11 tablets). Last dose of Atopica was given 3/4/25. He eats Friskies. No medical records available yet. Subjective: QAR. Observed Behavior: Tense body for exam Evidence of Cruelty seen - No Evidence of Trauma seen – No Evidence of Neglect - No Objective P = 16 R = WNL BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean. No ocular or nasal discharge. Oral Exam: Moderate gingivitis. Mild tartar. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male neutered. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted. Dull, unkempt hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities RECTAL: WNL externally Blood Glucose: 168 WNL Approximately 7 hours post insulin. Assessment: Diabetes mellitus. Overweight Dental disease stage 2/4 Hx skin allergies. Cat does not appear symptomatic at this time. Prognosis: Poor Plan: Intake tasks chem cbc t4 and UA via cystocentesis to lab overnight No insulin tonight Restart vetsulin in AM Awaiting records from other DVM Discontinuing Atopica. Consider restarting Atopica in future if warranted. SURGERY: Already neutered


AM BG 416 as per 2065 ok to give Vetsulin 2 units SQ


LABWORK RESULTS: MCH elevated 17.6 Monocytes elevated 0.701 Phosphorous elevated 8.4 Glucose 167 - WNL ALT elevated 233 TT4: 2.9 WNL Urinalysis (cysto): protein 3+ glucose 2+ USG 1.042 Blood glucose: 3/4 PM: 168, 7 hours after Vetsulin 4 units. Did not receive further insulin on 3/4. 3/5 AM: 416 PLAN: *Administered 2U insulin at 9am, continue twice daily *Check BG twice daily before insulin, consider titrating dose up to previous dose depending on results. *Add to ARL due to risk of diabetes becoming unregulated in the shelter


PM BG- 329 mg/dL P Give 2 units Vetsulin SQ


AM BG 426 as per 1088 administered 3 units Vetsulin SQ PM BG 157 skipped insulin as per 2172


Hx: Diabetic, was on 4 units Vetsulin prior to intake. He was also on Atopica 25 mg PO EOD for skin allergies. Last dose of Atopica was given 3/4/25. Since intake, has been on 2 units Vetsulin. On his first afternoon his BG was low and insulin was skipped. Since then we have done twice daily BGs which have been in the 300-400 range. Good urination this morning. S: Facing back of the kennel, body slightly tense but allowed me to move him forward in the kennel for exam, stayed still for all handling. O: QAR-H, MMs pink and moist EENT: Mild tartar, no discharge OU/AU/nose. H/L: NSR, NMA. Eupneic, no coughing or sneezing. Abd: Soft, not distended M/S/I: BCS 7/9, amb x4. No skin lesions noted. UG: Male neutered Neuro: Alert and appropriate A: 1. Diabetic, was reported to be regulated at home on 4 units Vetsulin. Was started at a lower dose in the shelter due to stress of being in the shelter and many environmental changes (diet, environment, daily routine), but spot BGs have been 300-400 range. 2. Hx skin allergies, on Atopica at home, skin in good condition likely due to Atopica 3. Overweight 4. Dental disease P: 1. Increase to 3 units Vetsulin 2. Consider glucose curve in 2-4 days 3. Restart Atopica as long as we have the medication in stock - give every 3 days to prolong the length of time we can give it 4. Seek placement out of the shelter as soon as possible due to difficulty managing diabetes in the shelter setting 1088


SO: In medical on treatment for diabetes mellitus BAR, tense at back of kennel, unsure how much was eaten overnight eent: eyes clear, no ocular or nasal dc apparent h/l: eupneic, no coughing or sneezing appreciated msi: ambulatory x4 neuro: mentation alert and appropriate A: on treatment for diabetes mellitus P: insulin increased to 3 units vetsulin BID indefinitely BG in AM 456 consider transition to PZI if continued non response to vetsulin


AM BG 436 as per 2172 administered 3 units Vetsulin SQ PM BG 401 as per 2172 administered 3 units Vetsulin SQ


Hx: diabetes mellitus, pHx of allergies and was receiving Atopica S: tense and hiding in back of kennel, 1/4 wet food eaten. O: EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L: Eupneic, no coughing/sneezing or audible congestion CNS: Mentation appropriate/alert A: Morning BG 436 mg/dL Hyporexia P: Continue with current insulin dosage Add some high value foods to DM diet to see if it will help prompt appetite Consider increasing insulin to 4 units (original dose at home) if BGs continue to be 300-400 Continue to seek placement


BG at 7:55am: 440 mg/dL Per Dr. 1657 gave 3 units vetsulin BG at 5:05pm: 386 mg/dL Per Dr. 1657 gave 3 units vetsulin


not eating well consider other types of food


AM BG: 419 mg/dL, as per Dr. 1752 administered 3.5 units of Vetsulin SQ at 8:38am


BG 419 this am Plan Vetsulin 3.5 units sq bid


PM BG: 550 mg/dL, as per Dr. 1752 administered 3.5 units of Vetsulin SQ at 6:22pm.


BG 507 Plan increase to 4 units vetsulin bid


AM BG: 507 MG/DL , Administered 4 units Vetsulin SQ as per Dr. 1752 PM BG: 366 MG/DL , Administered 4 units Vetsulin SQ as per Dr.1752

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 2. Blue

Spay/Neuter status: Yes

Date of Intake: 3/4/2025

Is this cat having litter box issues?: No

Basic Information:: Name: Daniel Animal ID#: 221287 Age: 10 Color: Grey Sex: Male Altered: Yes Is this cat declawed?: No How did the cat become under your care?: Born in home. How long have you had the cat?: 10 years. What is the main reason you are giving up this cat?: Personal health issues and financial distress.

Previously lived with:: 3 Adults; 4 Other Cats

How is this cat around strangers?: Around Strangers: -Friendly & outgoing Around Visitors: -Plays gently

How is this cat around children?: No experience

How is this cat around other cats?: -Friendly & outgoing

How is this cat around dogs?: No experience

Behavior Notes: How does this cat react when someone... -Trims their nails: Stress meows. -Brushes their coat: Enjoys. -Picks up or holds them: Enjoys. -Places them in carrier: Struggles or squirms.

Bite history:: No bite or scratch history.

Energy level/descriptors:: Medium

Has this cat ever had any medical issues?: Yes

Medical Notes: Current Medical Issues: Diabetes (see GAN) Clinics: 1. Community Veterinary Medicine (3619 Broadway, New York, NY 10031) 2. Bond Vet - Upper East Side, 1535 3rd Ave, Manhattan, NY 10028

For a New Family to Know: HOME LIFESTYLE How would you describe this cat most of the time at home with family?: -Friendly What areas of your home does the cat have access to?: -Indoors Where does the cat spend most of their time?: -Where people are -Bedroom -Kitchen How does the cat like to play?: -Plays gently How often does the cat get interactive playtime?: -Rarely (once a month or less) Which types of surfaces does the cat like to scratch?: -Wood -Did not have a scratching post What are your favorite things about this cat?: -"He's cuddly and loving. When he wants to be pet, he puts his paws straight forward and meows, asking to be pet." -"He follows you everywhere accompanying you." -"He likes to lay in bed with you and put his head on your arms." What type of food do they eat?: -Both wet food and dry food -This cat was prescribed a diabetic-specific diet, but owner was unable to afford this. Nina has been eating Friskies pate wet food and Wellness Core dry food Are there any behavior issues?: -None, my cat is purrfect! LITTER BOX HABITS: Does your cat have access to a litter box in the house?: Yes. How many litter boxes are in the home?: 2. Where are the litter boxes located?: Hallway. What type of litter was used?: -Both unscented and scented. -Non-Clumping Has your cat been spraying?: No. Are there other cats in the home?: Yes. Can your cat see outdoor cats?: No. Does this cat have litter box accidents?: No.

KNOWN HISTORY:: Daniel Previously lived with: 3 Adults; 4 Other Cats Behavior toward strangers: Friendly & outgoing; with visitors he plays gently Behavior toward cats: Friendly & outgoing Bite or Scratch history: None reported Litter box training: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Medium energy level Other notes: This cat is friendly and enjoys being around family, spending most of their time in areas where people are, such as the bedroom and kitchen. They play gently, but interactive playtime is rare, occurring once a month or less. The cat prefers to scratch wood and did not have a scratching post. The cat's owner loves how cuddly and loving they are, especially when the cat meows and extends their paws to ask for pets. The cat is also very affectionate, following their owner everywhere and enjoying laying in bed, often resting their head on their owner's arm.


VOCAL:: Quiet

CHARACTER TYPE: : Shy ,Sweet,Timid,Skittish,Independent

POTENTIAL CHALLENGES:: Fearful,New home adjustment period


BEHAVIOR SUMMARY:: Daniel was tightly crouched with head down against the back wall looking away. He allows petting first with the scratcher tool followed by the assessor's hand along his head and body. He remains immobile in the same position throughout the assessment. During pick up, he was tense but when settled back down he continues to hide. Daniel tolerates attention and petting but appears to be moderately fearful or stressed in the shelter. He will likely need time to warm up to his new home. We recommend that he go to a home with some cat experience preferred or at least be well counseled in fearful cat behavior.