Hello, my name is Kali. My animal id is #213203. I am a female brown brindle dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 7 years 2 months 1 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a stray on 10/26/2024.
Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.
Pre-Screener FormKali is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns in care. Kali has shown social behavior in care displaying a loose, wiggly body and enjoys toys and treats, Kali has a history of resource guarding, growling, and snapping when approached near valued items, such as enrichment tools.She has displayed leash reactivity, pulling intensely on walks and occasionally redirecting onto handlers when overstimulated. Kali has also bitten on two occasions, the 1st incident didn't break skin while the 2nd incident broke skin resulting in 1 puncture wound while in care. Medically, Kali has dental disease, osteoarthritis, and chronic intermittent vomiting.
You may know me from such films as...
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Kali is on the at-risk list due to behavior concerns in care. Kali has shown social behavior in care displaying a loose, wiggly body and enjoys toys and treats, Kali has a history of resource guarding, growling, and snapping when approached near valued items, such as enrichment tools.She has displayed leash reactivity, pulling intensely on walks and occasionally redirecting onto handlers when overstimulated. Kali has also bitten on two occasions, the 1st incident didn't break skin while the 2nd incident broke skin resulting in 1 puncture wound while in care. Medically, Kali has dental disease, osteoarthritis, and chronic intermittent vomiting. Kali arrived at the care center as a stray, so her background is unknown. While she often presents with a loose, wiggly frame and enjoys engaging with toys, treats, and handlers, she has a history of resource guarding, including growling and snapping over valued items such as enrichment tools. Additionally, Kali has exhibited leash reactivity and overstimulation, pulling hard on walks to the point of choking herself and occasionally redirecting onto handlers.Kali reacted to being rope harnessed and bit the handler as they were trying to harness her. The bite did not break skin.The handler was going to take Kali for a walk. Prior to leaving the building they attempted to put a harness on Kali. Kali then whipped her head around and bit the handler on the top of her right hand. Kali released right away but did break skin drawing blood and leaving 1 small puncture wound on the top of the handler's hand. The handler went to urgent care for medical attention. Due to this Kail is available for rescue through one of our new hope partners.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 45 lbs
Your newly adopted pet is underweight and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization.
DVM Intake Estimated age: 5-8 years Microchip noted on Intake? Yes History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Loose, wiggly, soliciting pets, low tail wag. Allowed all handling, sedated for radiographs with 0.2 mg/kg butorphanol, 10 mcg/kg dexmedetomidine IM Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No--limping due to congenital disease Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 3/9 OP: Mucous membranes pink and moist. Stage II-III dental disease. EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: female intact, no mammary gland tumors, no discharge INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. Minor scabbing on top of head, mild pressure calluses over pressure points MS: Ambulatory x3, grade III-IV lameness LFL. Elbows severely swollen and firm bilaterally, severely impaired ROM L>R. Severe muscle wasting over scapulae L>R. Stifles WNL, no crepitus or swelling NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Forelimb/spinal radiographs: Severe loss of joint space in elbows bilaterally, osteophyte formation, soft tissue swelling. No spinal spondylosis observed Assessment: -Severe OA both elbows (suspect elbow dysplasia) -Underweight -Stage II-III dental disease -Minor abrasions top of head, no evidence of scarring on forelimbs or flanks Prognosis: Good to fair with long term management Plan: -Start ketamine 0.5 mg/kg SQ q12h x 3d until 10/30, reassess pain and decrease frequency if able -Start methadone 0.2 mg/kg IM q12h x 5d until 11/1 -Start rimadyl 4.4 mg/kg SQ q24h x 5d until 11/1 -Send out CBC/Chemistry/T4 -Keep in medical, soft bedding. Reassess in 2-3 days to start TID feeding -Recommend orthopedic consult with placement Surgery: Temporary waiver due to weight
Your newly adopted pet is underweight and the staff veterinarians are issuing a TEMPORARY waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment through to the resolution of the issue. At the time of a full recovery you may choose to have your veterinarian perform the spay/neuter surgery, or make provisions to return the pet to ACC for sterilization.
Reason for recheck: Daily recheck for pain assessment, interpret bloodwork. S/O BAR in kennel. Standing up at kennel door and jumping around kennel for attention. Appears to have eaten all food offered. No v/d/c/s. Eupneic. A: -Appears comfortable today -Severe OA both elbows (suspect elbow dysplasia) -Underweight -Stage II-III dental disease Plan Continue with current plan: -Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg SQ q12h x 3d until 10/30Assessment: -Severe OA both elbows (suspect elbow dysplasia) -Underweight -Stage II-III dental disease -Minor abrasions top of head, no evidence of scarring on forelimbs or flanks Prognosis: Good to fair with long term management Plan: - Recheck 10/30 - Continue ketamine 0.5 mg/kg SQ q12h x 3d until 10/30, reassess pain and decrease frequency if able -Continue methadone 0.2 mg/kg IM q12h x 5d until 11/1 -Continue rimadyl 4.4 mg/kg SQ q24h x 5d until 11/1 -Keep in medical, soft bedding. Reassess in 2-3 days to start TID feeding
Bloodwork: CBC: Platelets: 452 (H) Chem: Cl- 107 (L) TP 7.6 (H) Albumin 2.6 (L) Globulin 5.0 (H) A:G 0.5 (L) A: Mild Thrombocytosis - R/o inflammation vs other Mild hypochloraemia - r/o GI vs renal losses Mild hyperproteinaemia with hypoalbuminaemia and mild hyperglobulinaemia - R/O inflammation, neoplasia.
Progress exam Subjective: BAR, no c/s/v/d. Wiggly, hyperactive, leans into petting. Very treat motivated Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4, no appreciable lameness today. Marked swelling at elbows, no reaction to palpation Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: --Severe OA both elbows (suspect elbow dysplasia) -Underweight -Stage II-III dental disease Plan: -Patient reported to be sensitive to injections -Switch to oral rimadyl 4.4 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Continue methadone 0.2 mg/kg IM q12h until 10/31 -D/c ketamine after today, switch to gabapentin 30 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -CTM comfort on oral medications
Recheck comfort, switched to oral meds S/O: BAR, active at front of kennel, jumps up when approached; good appetite, no c/s/v/d noted, eupneic. A: Severe elbow OA bilaterally (suspect elbow dysplasia) Underweight Dental disease P: Continue with current treatment plan and CTM. Recheck in 2 days consider moving out of ICU if comfortable and doing well.
S/O -recheck, severe OA, currently on gaba and carpro -BAR, A+A, no c/v/d, S+ EENT: no OU dc, moderate bilateral serous nasal dc, AU cl H/L: eupneic, C+ MSI: no appreciable lameness today, very wiggly during exam, mild-moderate swelling at the elbows but allows for palpation. A/P -CIRDC -OA- appears to be responding well to carpro -Okay to leave ICU, should go to iso -Doxy 175mg PO SID x 10 days - 3 7 10 day rechecks
Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: Q-BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating well. Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: mild clear serous discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 11/14
Intermittent vomiting reported by PCS, patient still BAR and eating well. Start proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x 14d until 11/25
Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: Q-BAR, no C/S/V/D. Sniffling, eating great. Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: mild clear serous discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 11/17
Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating well. Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -Move out of iso, removed monitor log from kennel -CTM while in QACC
Vomiting noted 2x on rounds board. Plan: -Discontinue rimadyl, give LRS 20 ml/kg and cerenia 1 mg/kg SQ once (not extending due to patient history of not tolerating injections). -Continue gabapentin 30 mg/kg PO q12h -Start amantadine 3 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Start famotidine 1 mg/kg PO q12h x 7d until 12/16 -Scheduled for bloodwork
Sample collected and sent to Idexx
Progress exam Subjective: BAR, no c/s/v/d. Loose and wiggly for pets and affection but growls for medical restraint Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic GI: Patient does not allow deep palpation, turns and growls. no repeatable pain reaction Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. CBC: Moderate thrombocytosis 587 (143-448 K/uL) Chemistry: SDMA/Creat/BUN all WNL Mild hyperkalemia 5.6 (4-5.4 mmol/L) Mild hypochloremia 106 (108-119 mmol/L) Moderate hypercholesterolemia 519 (131-345 mg/dL) Assessment: -Elevated cholesterol -Severe elbow dysplasia -Stage II-III dental disease Plan: -Not restarting rimadyl due to elevated cholesterol--patient appears comfortable -Continue gabapentin 30 mgkg PO q12h -Continue amantadine 5 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Continue famotidine 1 mg/kg PO q12h until 12/16 -CTM for comfort
Patient reported to be continuing to vomit intermittently. BAR, no c/s/d, normal stool and appetite. Gave cerenia 2 mg/kg PO once, start GI biome x 5d, proviable 1 capsule PO q24h indefinitely. Recommend more in-depth workup if vomiting persists--patient will need sedation due to high FAS for medical handling
Progress Exam S/O: BAR, active, no c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge noted Lungs: Eupneic, normal respiratory rate/effort ABD: No obvious distention MSI: Ambulatory x 4, no notable lameness in kennel CNS: Mentation appropriate A: Dental disease and suspected elbow dysplasia as previously diagnosed Underweight - resolved P: CTM while at QACC
Continued reports of vomiting, report today noted vomiting during walk and specified that she was not pulling on neck lead at all when vomiting occurred. Previous reports of vomiting on 11/11, 12/9, and 12/27 - each reported at least one (usually multiple) episodes of vomiting. Kali has not had any reported inappetence or diarrhea. S/O: BAR, food in kennel eaten No c/s/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge Lungs: Eupneic, normal rate and effort CNS: Appropriate mentation A: Intermittent vomiting for past ~2 months - ro gastric FB vs dietary vs other Bilateral elbow dysplasia vs OA Dental disease P: Scheduled abdominal rads and bloodwork (unable to perform today/tomorrow due to staffing) CTM on rounds until recheck
Addenudum: Beh staff noted p was whining in kennel, 4 episodes of V. S/O BAR, exam done in playroom, A+A, mm pm <2 Allows for some palpation of abdomen but backs away A/P As prior - r/o truly guarding abdomen vs behavioral -Start omeprazole 1mg/kg PO BID x 4 days (20mg) -Start famotidine 1mg/kg PO BID x 4 days (20mg) -CTM carefully at QACC, needs placement asap with a partner than can perform exploratory abdominal sx and after care for chronic obstruction. Sedated exam and rads S/O -p sedated w 0.41mL dex (0.5mg/mL) and 0.41mL torb (10mg/mL) IM. BAR prior to sedated, had episode of regurg prior, was noted to be pulling hard- cannot keep in harness per beh staff d/t touch sensitivity -Adequate sedation acheived. Rads: No overt FB or foreign material. Possible enlarged cardiac silhouette r/o result of positioning (inspiratory) and breed conformation. Material in the stomach, gas in the fundic region, two populations, segmented obstructive bowel pattern A. Vomiting- no overt FBs Obstructive pattern P. Given full vol reversal IM Bloods to lab- no urine as p urinated just prior Rec AUS with exploratory sx
Sedated abdominal rads and CBC/CHEM/T4/UA to Idexx. Coordinate with DVM. (Dex/torb okay for sedation) sedated with Dex/torb 0.41/0.41 ml IM Blood collected for Idexx send out. No urine available because the dog just returned from a walk. Rads done.
Blood work results: CBC: wnl CHEM: sl hypochloremia (104) H ALT (1411) H AST (392) H cholesterol (562)
Progress exam Subjective: BAR, no c/s/v/d. Appetite excellent today, no reported vomiting, reported by behavior team to have formed stools FS 3/7 in kennel. Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: -Elevated liver values (r/o chronic pancreatitis vs primary liver disease) -Abnormal GI radiographs (r/o gastric foreign body vs ileus) -Intermittent vomiting (r/o chronic pancreatitis vs secondary to liver values vs other) -Elbow dysplasia -Dental disease Plan: -Continue famotidine 1 mg/kg PO q12h until 1/8 -Continue amantadine 5 mg/kg PO q24h indefinitely -Continue gabapentin 30 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Okay to d/c proviable -Scheduled repeat radiographs -Added spec CPL -CTM closely
Recheck chronic, intermittent vomiting. S/O: BAR, active at front of kennel Eating well, empty food tray No c/s/v/d noted - specifically noted no vomiting yesterday or this morning on rounds board EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, normal rate/effort ABD: (palpated after sedation) NSF *Pulling very hard on neck lead on her way to medical and gagged/hacked some yellow liquid up. Sedated with dexmedetomidine 0.01 mg/kg IM + butorphanol 0.2 mg/kg IM. Full antisedan reversal. 2VAXR - ingesta within stomach with no obvious foreign material, small circular area of increased opacity on VD consistent with nipple. Large amount of stool in colon. No notable obstructive GI pattern. A: Chronic, intermittent vomiting - ro gastric FB vs hepatopathy vs dietary vs other Significantly increased ALT, AST P: Recommend fasted AUS and rads, placed NPO sign Consider GI explore if signs persist CTM while at QACC
Issue List: - chronic intermittent vomiting/regurgitation - elevated liver enzymes - h/o CIRDC- appears improved Fed this morning BAR H has been eating well and no recent vomiting EENT: no nasal or ocular discharge noted H/L: eupneic PLN: WNL ABD: relaxed; no mass effect; no palpable hepatomegaly U/G: FI; no vaginal discharge MSI: Ambulatory x 4, normal hair coat CNS: Mentation quiet - no signs of neurologic abnormalities A) chronic intermittent vomiting P) Dog sedation: Using 0.75 ml dexmedetomidine at 500mcg/m2 (500mcg/ml) and 0.75 ml butorphanol at 0.4 mg/kg (10mg/ml) IM Reversed with Antisedan-0.75 ml IM Repeat abdominal rads: NSF In House Ultrasound: liver- normal texture and appearance; no mass effect Stomach- filled with ingest (ate this morning) Repeat CBC/CHEM- to assess liver values
On 01/09/24 at approximately 8:30 am, I Kali 213203. She has appropriate mentation at this time with no neurologic signs present, and has not exhibited any neurological signs while at ACC.
Progress exam Subjective: BAR, no c/s. No further vomiting or diarrhea reported. Objective: Eyes: Clear bilaterally, no discharge Oronasal: No nasal discharge. Lungs: Eupneic Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. Assessment: -Elbow dysplasia -Intermittent vomiting Plan: -Continue amantadine, gabapentin as prescribed
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 1. Green
Upon intake, Kali was seen as aroused and hyperactive. She jumped on ACC staff and tried lick their face on multiple occasions. She sniffed and ate treats quickly. She allowed all handling including scanning for MC, collaring, and placing her in a kennel.
Date of Intake: 10/26/2024
Spay/Neuter Status: Not Applicable
How is this dog around other dogs?: Kali was noted to be dog-reactive by staff and finder. While in the finder's home, Kali would lunge, hard bark, and try to snap at the 2 resident dogs. While at ACC Kali would hard bark and lung toward unfamiliar dogs on leash.
Date of intake:: 10/26/2024
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray ( Unknown History)
Bite history:: Kali reacted to being rope harnessed and bit the handler as they were trying to harness her. The bite did not break skin. The handler was going to take Kali for a walk. Prior to leaving the building they attempted to put a harness on Kali. Kali then whipped her head around and bit the handler on the top of her right hand. Kali released right away but did break skin drawing blood and leaving 1 small puncture wound on the top of the handler's hand. The handler went to urgent care for medically attention.
Date of assessment:: 10/31/2024
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Loose Reactivity to humans: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass people Reactivity to dogs: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass dogs Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social- heavy panting, Loose body, lean in for touch Call over: Readily approaches- seeks attention, soft body Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Allowed handling- lean in, whale eyes, lip licks Exuberant handling: Allowed handling- lean in, whale eyes, lip licks, looks back Handling comments: Arousal Jog: None Arousal comments: Did not conduct do to medical Knock: Loose, wiggly Knock Comments: Toy: Growls, hovers, body blocks Toy comments:
Summary:: Due to Kali entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded 11/22/24: When off leash at the Care Center Kali is introduced to a novel female dog. At the gate Kali approaches displacement scenting. Kali scents the novel male through the gate. Kali begins drooling and quickly escalates to growling and snarls. Kali creates distance running away from the gate. Due to Kali’s defensiveness at the gate a face to face greet was not conducted.
Summary (2):: 1/13/25 (PM): Kali's behavior in care remains the same as noted on 1/9. No vomit observed in kennel and no episodes of vomiting walking to or from the live room. 1/9/25 (PM): Kali was at the front of her kennel as handler approaches. She was able to be leashed with ease and she pulled hard on the way to the behavior room. She was able to be transferred to a drag lead and would explore all around the room. She would jump on the counter to see the enrichment treats a handler was making repeatedly. She was able to engage in a enrichment ice block and get a few treats tossed on the ground for her. She would approach each handler and was comfortable receiving pets from them. She was able to be leashed back on a slip lead and clipped with no issues. She pulled on the way back to her kennel and was able to enter with no issues. As the handler was locking the door, she let out a short growl due to her having her dinner already ready for her in the kennel upon entry.
Summary (3):: 1/9/25 (AM): Kali greeted handler at front of kennel with a loose, wiggly frame. She was leashed with ease and greeted a familiar handler in the hall on her way to the BA room. Kali greeted a third handler (seated) by jumping up on them with her front paws. She allowed them to turn her collar so she could be clipped to a drag leash without issue. Kali was highly social and playful throughout interaction. She picked up a soft, squeaker toy which she frolicked around the room with. When handler sat on the couch, Kali jumped up beside them and leaned her entire body into pets. Kali would lick handler's face and lay on their lap, rolling onto her back soliciting pets. Kali was offered another toy which she took onto the couch and lay down with. Kali seemed completely relaxed as her hind legs were extended out behind her as she chewed her toy while pressing it into handler's lap. Kali began suckling on the toy and had a sleepy expression. She was social with and solicited treats from a fourth handler. Kali was returned to kennel with ease. 1/6/25 (PM): Kali is at the front of her kennel loose and wiggly and vocal as the handler's approach. She jumps on the kennel door as the handler leashes her and she pulls moderately to walk outside. The handler stops every now and then to let Kali stop to breathe because she makes herself choke from pulling. Kali is walked to the Yard where she is clipped on a drag leash to explore. Kali starts to eat the snow, so she is walked back inside. Going back, Kali walks next to the handler while she looks up at them. Kali is returned to her kennel with no issues, where she curls up on a stuffed bed and suckles on it. 1/6/25 (AM): Kali greeted handler at front of kennel with a loose, wiggly frame. There was no vomit observed in kennel but she had defecated x3. She was leashed with ease and walked to the yard. Kali was clipped to a drag leash without issue and seemed spritely as she moved around the yard. She urinated while outside. She solicited contact with handler by jumping up on them. She would bound along the fence line when other dogs passed at close distance, but was easily redirected with a squeaker. She was put back on a slip leash and unclipped from the drag leash without issue. Kali was returned to kennel with ease. There were no episodes of vomiting during interaction.
Summary (4):: 1/4/25 (AM): Kali is jumping and whining at the front of her kennel as the handler approaches. She is able to be leashed with ease and she pulls hard on the way to the behavior room. She was kept on a slip lead, and she engaged in a peanut butter lick mat the entire time in the room. She pulled hard when beige taken back to her kennel, causing her to vomit before entering the kennel. The handler had to use the hook to retrieve their lead while Kali is in kennel. Kali was snapping/biting and tugging at the hook while the handler was retrieving the lead. 1/3/25 (PM): Kali is jumping at the front of kennel excitedly as handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and pulls hard to the Canine Behavior Office. Kali is kept on a slip lead and readily engages with multiple enrichment items including a licky mat and cheesy ice block. Kali spends several minutes engaging with her enrichment. After her session, handler slowly clips their lead into a figure 8 and Kali is returned to kennel safely.
Summary (5):: 1/3/25 (AM): Kali was at the front of her kennel as handler approached. She then started to jump and bark at the door as the handler was unlocking it. She was able to be leashed with ease and she pulled hard on the way to the behavior room. She was able transferred to a drag lead and was comfortable exploring all around the room and jumping up on the couch. She would take treats that the handler would toss for her, and enjoyed cheese that was on the side of the couch for her. She pulled hard on the way back to her kennel, and the handler could not clip the ring on lead due to her whipping her head around and growling. The handler used the hook to retrieve their lead back while Kali was in kennel. Kali was snaping and biting at the hook while the handler was getting the lead out. 01/01/25: Kali is standing at the front of kennel with a loose, wiggly frame as handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and pulls hard to the Canine Behavior Office. She is kept on slip lead and will jump up onto the couch excitedly, grabbing a toy and chewing on it. Kali is offered multiple enrichment items, including a licky mat and cheesy ice block which she engages with for several minutes. After her session, Kali is clipped to a drag lead and returns to kennel safely. 1/2/25: Kali greeted handler at front of kennel with a loose, wiggly frame. She was leashed with ease and walked to the BA room. Kali climbed up on the couch where her collar was was clipped to a drag leash by a second handler and her slip leash was removed without issue. She was social with handlers and solicited treats by jumping up on handlers' legs. She played with soft toys which she would carry over to handler two (crouched) and lean into pets while the toy was in her possession. Another handler entered the room and asked for toys to be removed due to concerns for potential resource guarding. Kali was placed back on a slip leash and her drag leash removed without issue. She was returned to kennel with ease. -MN While a handler went to step on her drag lead for another handler to enter the room, she growled and hunched over the handler's foot. -. The handler will toss some around and let her find it on her own. When soliciting treats, she climbs the handler's legs, stretching her paws up at the handler. The handler will continue to administer Kali treats as they work on her sitting and ability to find a designated place (karanda bed for example) and sit there as well. Kali is returned to her kennel where she enters the building and her kennel with no issue.
Summary (6):: 12/31/24 Kali is standing on their kennel door as the handler approaches. Kali will paw slap the door and vocalize at the handler as they unlock the kennel door. Kali is leashed with ease as she drops down to all fours. They proceed outside for a walk. Kali will display a still, neutral frame as she trots along side the handler. They will arrive in the play pens and Kali will begin to explore. She will relieve her self and continue to explore. The handler administers her treats as she takes them gently- 12/30/24: The handler was going to take Kali for a walk. Prior to leaving the building they attempted to put a harness on Kali. Kali then whipped her head around and bit the handler on the top of her right hand. Kali released right away but did break skin drawing blood and leaving 1 small puncture wound on the top of the handler's hand. The handler went to urgent care for medically attention. 12/30/24 Kali is sitting in her kennel with a relaxed frame and wagging tail. Kali allows the handler to toss the loop of the lead onto her and they proceed outside for a walk around the property. Kali displays a neutral frame, trotting alongside the handler, checking in periodically. Kali will collect treats from the handler when administered, gently. Kali will maintain a relaxed frame all throughout the walk. Kali returns inside the facility where the Handler will clip her ring outside of the entrance, in which she allows. Kali enters the building and her kennel with no issue. 12/29/24: Kali is reported when taking off the rope harness she had on, to tense and growl as the ACS staff was taking off her harness. The staff member continued to take off the harness when Kali bit them on there right hand, letting go and leaving small bruising around there knuckle. Kali was returned to kennel with no issue afterwards by another handler. 12/21/24: Kali was lying down on her bed as handler approached. She then walked up to the door as the hand was unlocking it. She was able to be leashed with ease and pulled hard on the way to the live room for enrichment fun. She showed no interest in any of the toys, and some interest in the snuffle mat. She enjoyed engaging in the cheese lick mat by getting all the cheese off each time the handler refilled it. When being switched back to the regular lead from the drag lead, she walked back over to the lick mat and started growling hunched over it. She then was able to walk off and the handler picked up the cheese mat and put it on the counter. She then stood up on the counter with her front legs and growled again. The handler was able to guide her away and then leash her with ease. She walked back to her kennel, and entered with no issues.
Summary (7):: 11/01/24: Kali is standing on her hind legs at the front of her kennel as the handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and brought to the live room for enrichment. Once inside, a drag leash is placed on Kali, and she immediately takes off with zoomies, grabbing a toy and playing with it for a few seconds before losing interest. Kali then explores the room while the handler places treats in a slow feeder. Before engaging with the feeder, she relieves herself, then returns to eagerly eat the treats from the slow feeder. Once finished, she briefly engages with other toys but quickly loses interest again. Kali discovers a treat-filled ball and focuses on extracting the treats. She carries the ball onto the Kuranda bed and lays down to finish removing the remaining treats. After her session, Kali is escorted back to her kennel safely without any issues. 11/23/24: Kali is standing at the front of the kennel with a loose body as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls mildly to the canine training room. She is loose and social with staff, leaning into contact. She engages readily with the snuffle mat and allows the handler to approach and retreat without issue. Kali shows no interest in toys. She jumps up intermittently onto staff to solicit contact, but is easily redirected. She is returned to kennel without issue. 11/6/24: Kali stood patiently in kennel with a loose frame and was leashed with ease. Kali appeared well as she trotted outside for a walk along the garden beds. Kali relieved herself once outside. Handler sprinkled treats into the leaves of a plant to make Kali an outdoor "snuffle mat." Kali wagged her tail as she stood in the sunshine and searched for the treats. She would check in with handler by looking up at them with a wiggly body. She accepted pets and seemed to be feeling spritely. Kali trotted back inside and returned to kennel with ease. 10/27/24 (late entry): Kali is standing at the front of kennel with a loose body as handler approaches. She is leashed and walks with a soft frame to the Canine Behavior Office. On the walk, Kali encounters two dogs from afar and does not show any reaction to them. Kali allows handler to collar her and she is free to explore the room on a drag lead. Kali is loose, wiggly, and social with multiple handlers throughout her time in the room. She will climb up onto handler's lap and accepts petting along head, neck, and body with a loose frame. Kali is leashed with ease and returns to kennel safely.
Date of intake:: 10/26/2024
Summary:: roused and hyperactive. She jumped on ACC staff and tried lick their face on multiple occasions.
Date of initial:: 10/27/2024
Summary:: Loose, wiggly, soliciting pets, low tail wag. Allowed all handling,
Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Recommend no dog parks,Place with a New Hope partner
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- We recommend Kali is placed in an adult-only home. RECOMMEND NO DOG PARKS: Due to Kali's reactivity towards unfamiliar dogs, we recommend no dog parks. Place with a New Hope partner- Kali arrived at the care center as a stray, so her background is unknown. While she often presents with a loose, wiggly frame and enjoys engaging with toys, treats, and handlers, she has a history of resource guarding, including growling and snapping over valued items such as enrichment tools. Additionally, Kali has exhibited leash reactivity and overstimulation, pulling hard on walks to the point of choking herself and occasionally redirecting onto handlers.Kali reacted to being rope harnessed and bit the handler as they were trying to harness her. The bite did not break skin.The handler was going to take Kali for a walk. Prior to leaving the building they attempted to put a harness on Kali. Kali then whipped her head around and bit the handler on the top of her right hand. Kali released right away but did break skin drawing blood and leaving 1 small puncture wound on the top of the handler's hand. The handler went to urgent care for medical attention. Due to this Kail is available for rescue through one of our new hope partners.
Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety,Bite history (human)
Potential challenges comments:: Resource guarding- During the assessment Kali began to body block, growl, and hover over the assessor toy. It is essential to work on desensitizing her to having her possessions handled by using techniques like trading up for higher-value items and practicing "drop it" and "leave it". Please see handout on Resource guarding Fearful/potential for defensive aggression/Handling/touch sensitivity- Kali begins to lip lick and whale eye when touch around lower back and has escalated to biting, leaving bruising when not comfortable. We recommend to avoid touching around that area due to her medical issues. Please see the handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Anxiety- Kali began to display lip licks and heavy panting during her assessment. Managing her anxiety will require creating a calm environment, providing enrichment activities, and using stress-reducing techniques like puzzle toys and regular exercise. Please see handout on generalized anxiety. Bite history (human)-Kali reacted to being rope harnessed and bit the handler as they were trying to harness her. The bite did not break skin. The handler was going to take Kali for a walk. Prior to leaving the building they attempted to put a harness on Kali. Kali then whipped her head around and bit the handler on the top of her right hand. Kali released right away but did break skin drawing blood and leaving 1 small puncture wound on the top of the handler's hand. The handler went to urgent care for medically attention.