Hello, my name is Wyatt. My animal id is #220195. I am a male brown dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 2 years 1 months 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a stray on 2/8/2025.
Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.
Pre-Screener FormWyatt is at risk due to behavior concerns. He arrived at MACC as a stray with no known history. During his stay in the care center Wyatt has been observed to be very fearful. Noted to be tense and hard stare towards the handler. Throughout his stay Wyatt has been observed to thrash along with jumping up and biting at leash. He has also displayed dog reactivity. Finder has reported that Wyatt wasn't bothered by the cats in the home. It is reported by staff he likes to play fetch. Medically, he is apparently healthy.
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form. Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Wyatt is at risk due to behavior concerns. He arrived at MACC as a stray with no known history. During his stay in the care center Wyatt has been observed to be very fearful. Noted to be tense and hard stare towards the handler. Throughout his stay Wyatt has been observed to thrash along with jumping up and biting at leash. He has also displayed dog reactivity. Finder has reported that Wyatt wasn't bothered by the cats in the home. It is reported by staff he likes to play fetch. Medically, he is apparently healthy. Wyatt is a smart and eager pup enrolled in our Shelter Scholars program, where he's been making significant progress in his training journey. Focused on areas like arousal regulation, handling sensitivity, and basic manners, Wyatt has proven to be highly engaged and quick to learn. As part of his training, Wyatt is practicing relaxation protocol techniques such as LATTE and mat work, helping him build calm, thoughtful responses in a variety of situations. He's also working on hand targets, recall, and sitting on approach, all of which he's picking up with enthusiasm and consistency. What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I would do best in a home with only adult humans. I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you. I am looking for a home with a patient person.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 47.5 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2 to 4 years based on dentition Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History: Stray Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Tense body, whale eyed. Resists restraint. Exam done with minimal restraint. Thrashed when blood draw attempted. Is there evidence of Cruelty? No Is there evidence of Neglect? No Is there evidence of Trauma? No Objective P = 120 R = WNL BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Clean adult teeth PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male intact MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: WNL externally Assessment Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Intake tasks Surgery Ok for surgery. HWT at time of surgery
Staff note whale eye and lip licking in and out of kennel. A: Kennel stress P: Trazodone 200mg po bid indefinitely Recheck 2 weeks
Has been finnicky about eating medications, reported today to be eating medications in cat food. P: CTM
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow
While he was in the BRC lobby, Wyatt didn't show any signs of aggression or stress. However, when he was taken into the kennel room with the other dogs, he became dog reactive and it influenced his behavior. He had to be lifted into the transport van. Wyatt was not collared.
Date of intake:: 2/8/2025
Spay/Neuter status:: No
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray, No known history
Other Notes:: Wyatt's finder states that they had Wyatt for a few before they brought him to the shelter. Wyatt's finder states that they cats did not like him. One of them almost scratched his nose. Wyatt was unbothered by the cats and just wanted to play with them. Wyatt's finder states that he is also very high energy, and he leash bites.
Date of assessment:: 2/12/2025
Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: None Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Loose and wiggly Soft handling: Seeks contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Comments: Leans into handler Arousal Jog comments: Follows handler readily Knock Knock comments: Approaches handler readily Toy Toy comments: No interest, No reaction
Summary:: 2/20/25: Wyatt greets another dog at the gate with a wiggly body. He playbows then disengages. Handlers lure him forward again and he repeats this behavior.
Summary (5):: 3/26/25 (Trainer Session): Wyatt is given a snuffle ball for enrichment prior to being removed from kennel. He is at the front of kennel with a neutral body as handler approaches. He is easily leashed and taken to the PAC interaction room for a training session. Handler continues relaxation protocol training, mat work. A yoga mat is laid out, Wyatt is rewarded for when he sits on the mat. Handler continues rewarding for duration on the mat. After 5 successful trials, session is 'pushed' to the next level. Handler takes a couple steps back as Wyatt remains seated on the mat. He does not come forward until the cue 'Come' is used, along with a hand target. He is rewarded for at the end of the sequence when he polite sits after approaching. Process is repeated and Wyatt remains engaged and receptive. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. He is given additional kennel enrichment. 3/23/25: It was noted on the whiteboard that Wyatt "becomes over-aroused when handler sits down on the bench". 3/19/2025: Wyatt is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral body and barking as handler approaches. He is easily leashed using a treat as a lure and brought out to the yard for a walk. He is put on a drag leash and in the process begins to leash bite intensely. Handler straight arms him using the drag leash and tosses treats to the floor, he is receptive. He shakes off and begins to run around the pen. He picks up a toy and handler begins to play trade using the one toy and high value treats. After about 10 minutes of 'trade,' Wyatt is heavily panting and stands in front of handler. He accepts pets but quickly escalates to hard mouthing handler. Handler uses verbal correction and Wyatt is easily redirected using treats, he is receptive. Wyatt is displaying touch sensitivity and a low threshold for arousal. He is leashed once more and returned to kennel without issue.
Summary (6):: 3/15/25: It is reported that Wyatt will vocalize loudly while out in the yard and will jump up and bite the handlers sleeve. 3/14/25: Wyatt is standing in his kennel as handler approaches. He is offered a treat, but spits it out after taking it. While being leashed, he tries to push his way out with his snout. The handler is able to pull him back in and close the door. Once he’s settled, the handler is able to open the door again while he is leashed and he bolts out of kennel. He pulls hard on the way outside for a walk. On the walk, he would pull hard ahead and would hard stare at every person that passed by. He would stop walking and hard stare at dogs he saw across the street. On the way, back he would quickly thrash in the drive way and then continued to walk. He began thrashing and pulling back when reaching his kennel room. Once he settled, he walked quickly back into his kennel 3/9/25: ACS report that Wyatt began thrashing and biting the leash. This behavior was not able to be redirected using treats. When the handler attempted to jog him into kennel, he began thrashing and alligator rolling intensely. Lifting himself up into the air and clinging to the leash. 3/1/25: Wyatt is at the front of his kennel as handler approaches. He is distracted with treats and leashed successfully before exiting to the hallway. He pulls and reacts to dogs in pop-up crates but is kept away by handler and taken downstairs to the street. Once Wyatt reaches the street he walks in front of handler and pulls hard. He is observed to pant heavily while walking and salivates heavily. He is walked for a while and stops rarely to use the bathroom or sniff around. He is brought back after a while and returns to kennel.
Summary (7):: 2/22/25: Wyatt is standing at the front of his kennel as handler approaches. After taking a few treats, he layed down at the door and started to lip curl. He is still able to be leashed and was continuing to take treats. He is then taken downstairs for a walk outside. When reaching the stairs, he plants to the ground and begins to tug backwards. He would approach the steps then back up again due to being nervous. Once he was comfortable enough, he bolted down the stairs very quickly. On the walk, he walked slightly ahead and stopped at every tree to sniff and explore. He would reapproach the handler to receive treats and chase after them. When dogs would pass, he would become tense and hard stare. He is able to be redirected when the handler keeps moving backwards or forwards while tossing treats. He bolted up stairs while retuning back to kennel and entered with no issues 2/13/25: It is reported on the behavior board that Wyatt is dog reactive but receptive to treats. 2/10/25 (AM): Wyatt is at the front of kennel with a stiff body as handler approaches. He begins to bark and flag his tail as door is unlocked. He is leashed and brought out to the yard for a walk. Handler kneels down and Wyatt becomes soft bodied. His tail begins to rapidly wag, low, and between his legs, he lip licks rapidly, lowers his head, and submissively rolls on his back to show belly. He continues displaying the same behavior as handler begins to pet him, Wyatt leaning heavily into handler. He is leashed and brought back to kennel without issue. 2/10/25: A behavior team member is shadowing an ACS. Wyatt is at the front of the kennel with a neutral body when the handler approaches. Handler offers treats, he is not receptive. Wyatt is easily leashed and taken to the street. Wyatt pulls mildly and does not react to people or dogs. He relieves himself quickly. When returning to kennel, handler is easily able to leash Wyatt. He pauses in front of the kennel momentarily then jumps in. 2/10/25: Wyatt is standing at the front of his kennel with a still body frame as handler approaches. He then begins to bark at the door as handler is unlocking it. Once the door is open, he stops barking and tenses up while still allowing the handler to leash him. Once leashed, he pulled on the way outside and would explore around the yard with a lot of sniffing before relieving himself. After relieving himself, he shook off and was loose walking around the front yard. When dogs passed by he would tense up again and hard stare at them with a tucked tail. He was comfortable approaching the handler to sniff their leg and hands. He would jump up on the handler with a stiff body fame and was comfortable receiving a few quick pets under the chin. He was comfortable staying by the handler’s side afterwards. He pulled on the way back to kennel.
Date of initial:: 2/9/2025
Summary:: Tense body, whale eyed, thrashed during blood draw
ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Wyatt so we cannot be certain of their behavior in a home environment. However, they will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct their energy and enthusiasm.
Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to fearful behavior we recommend a home with no children. We recommend placement with a New Hope rescue partner who is able to provide an experienced, adult-only foster home. Force-free, reward based training and/or consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended.
Potential challenges: : Fearful,Leash-biting
Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: During his stay in the care center Wyatt has been observed to be fearful noted to be tense and hard stare towards handlers when they approach. Throughout his stay in the care center Wyatt has been observed to thrash and alligator roll while on leash. It is important to always go slow and give Wyatt the option to walk away from any social interaction. They should never be forced to approach anything that they are uncomfortable with or submit to petting or handling. It should always be their choice to approach a new person or thing. Watt would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to their new surroundings. Please see handout on Decompression Period. Leash Biting: Wyatt's finder states that he will jump up and bite the leash. During his stay in the care center Wyatt has been observed to jump up and bite the leash. This behavior is not able to be redirected using treats. We recommend walking them with a toy to dissuade them from grabbing the leash. Positive reinforcement, force-free training is advised to teach them to focus on you rather than grabbing the leash. Please see handout on Leash Manners.