Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Paprika. My animal id is #214354. I am a desexed female tan dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 4 years 4 months 2 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 11/10/2024.

Paprika is at risk due to deterioration. Despite attempts to keep her comfortable, she has begun to bark and lunge towards dogs in kennel as well as outside and bang or paw on her door. She was initially fearful and defensive towards staff, but has warmed significantly and is wiggly and highly affiliative during interactions. Medically, she is apparently healthy.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Paprika is at risk due to deterioration. Despite attempts to keep her comfortable, she has begun to bark and lunge towards dogs in kennel as well as outside and bang or paw on her door. She was initially fearful and defensive towards staff, but has warmed significantly and is wiggly and highly affiliative during interactions. Medically, she is apparently healthy. The Borough Breaker writes: Paprika seems to be a staff favorite, and I get it. She was such a happy girl, always wagging her tail and wanting cuddles. She deserves a home where she can be spoiled with affection and all the toys What my friends at ACC say about me: My history is a mystery and my friends here do not know much about me yet! It is unknown if I have ever lived with other animals or children. I would do best in a home with only adult humans. I'm sensitive and shy. I'll need extra help from you. I would appreciate slow introductions to new people and places to help me feel safe. A volunteer writes: When I first meet cute little Paprika, she was a bit shy and nervous; but I took a slow, patient approach, and I saw her blossom into a new cuddle-buddy. She knows me pretty well at this point, and even before I finish saying her name as I greet her, she's already wiggling and waggling into me. One of her favorite things is crawling into one of our laps (she's not picky - as long as she feels safe and comfortable, any lap will do) and snuggling into our arms, lazily hanging out there while taking in all the sights. Sweet Paprika also loves toys; and watching her carry her new plush duckie onto her bed and curl up with it just warms my heart; and hearing its squeak-squeak-squeaking fill the room is like music to my ears. We don't know Paprika's history with other dogs, but when we introduced her to a dog on two separate occasions (one male, one female), she was uncomfortable and aloof with both of them. This sweet little mush-ball will definitely melt your heart! You can meet her at our Queens shelter, where's she patiently awaiting her fur-ever home. 

My medical notes are...

Weight: 60.4 lbs


DVM Intake Estimated age: 4 years Microchip noted on Intake? No History: Stray Subjective: BARH, no coughing/sneezing/vomiting/diarrhea Observed behavior: Whale eye, shaking, lifting paw, tucked tail. Does not accept treats, does not warm. Used squeeze gate for exam and tasks, tolerated well with no rolling/thrashing Evidence of cruelty seen: No Evidence of trauma seen: No Evidence of neglect seen: No Objective: Limited exam due to temperament P: WNL R: WNL BCS: 3/9 OP: Not performed EENT: Eyes, ears, and nares clear bilaterally, no discharge noted. PLN: Small/soft/symmetrical/nonpainful CV: No murmurs or arrhythmias, pulses strong and synchronous. RESP: Eupneic, no crackles/wheezes GI: Soft, nonpainful, no palpable masses. UG: female intact, no mammary gland tumors. Hemorrhagic discharge consistent with estrus INT: Good hair coat, no areas of alopecia or pruritus, no ectoparasites or masses noted. MS: Ambulatory x4, no pain on palpation of epaxials. Moderate diffuse muscle wasting NEURO: Mentation appropriate, cranial nerves intact, no deficits noted. Assessment: -Underweight Prognosis: Good Plan: -Start trazodone 7 mg/kg PO q12h indefinitely -Start TID feeding, monitor weight Surgery: Okay for surgery


Diarrhea reported twice on rounds board Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V. Diarrhea noted F/S: 6 Objective: EYES: Clear LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea PLAN: Per standing orders -Start psyllium husk 2 scoops PO q24h x5days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x5days -CTM, recheck on 11/17


Brief exam - behavior team brought by due to diarrhea and vomit in kennel S/O: QAR, timid, furrowed brow, soft muzzle placed as precaution Very mild serous nasal discharge No c/s noted Sniffs at treat, but doesn't eat Abd SNP, NMP A: Diarrhea/vomit - ro FAS vs emerging CIRDC vs other P: Continue proviable and psyllium husk (started earlier today) CTM while at QACC


Recheck v/d, reported lethargy S/O: BAR in kennel Ate well overnight No v/d in kennel or noted on rounds board Kennel nose Eupneic A: Vomit/Diarrhea - not noted Kennel nose P: Continue with current treatment plan and recheck as scheduled


Progress exam: Diarrhea recheck, CIRDC signs present on rounds. Subjective: BAR, no S/V/D, Coughing/huffing noted. No diarrhea seen in kennel or reported on rounds board. Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: mild clear serous discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC. Diarrhea appears resolved. PLAN: Per standing orders -Move to iso, ppe sign & monitor log placed on kennel -Start doxy 10mg/kg PO q24h x14days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x14days -CTM, recheck on 11/21


BCS appears improved, 4-5/9. Okay to d/c third feedings, CTM weight


Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating well Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM, recheck on 11/28


Progress exam: CIRDC recheck Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D. Eating great Objective: EYES: Clear, no discharge LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge present MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4, no lameness or lesions NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed CIRDC appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -Move out of iso, monitor log removed from kennel -CTM while in shelter


Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by an offsite vet. Medical record uploaded to Vet Documents. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. GIVE: 1 tablet of Rimadyl 100 mg by mouth for 4 days starting the day after surgery. Healthy, Spay/Neuter - ACCEPTED


Diarrhea reported on rounds board twice Subjective: BAR, no C/S/V/D noted Objective: EYES: Clear LUNGS: Eupneic, no sign of respiratory distress NASAL CAVITY: no discharge MUSCULOSKELETAL: Ambulatory x4 NEURO: Appropriate mentation ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea PLAN: Per standing orders -Start psyllium husk 2 scoops PO q24h x5days & proviable 1 capsule PO q24h x5days -Placed monitor log on kennel -CTM, recheck on 12/21


Progress exam: Subjective: Diarrhea recheck Objective: None seen or reported on rounds board ASSESSMENT: Presumed Diarrhea appears resolved PLAN: Per standing orders -CTM closely while in QACC


Behavior team reports signs of kennel stress, slamming her body against kennel door. Increase trazodone to 10 mg/kg PO BID and CTM.


noted to have blood coming from front paw after borough break- stopped bleeding when they got to the kennel, recheck S/O BAR, A+A, no c/s/v/d appreciated EENT: no ocular or nasal dc HL: eupneic MSI: amb x 4, no apparent lesions or lameness to 4x paws A. APH- no signs of bleeding from paws P. CTM on rounds, no treatment needed aTT


behavior meds for anxious behavior being displayed- digging into wall and injuring paws Hope to alleviate some of the FAS: Trazodone- 100mg (5 to 10 mg/kg po q 12 hrs) Sig: 2 3/4 tab po q 12 hrs Clonidine (with trazodone and/or gaba)- 0.3mg tabs (0.01-0.05 mg/kg) SIG: 1 tab q 12 hrs Gabapentin- 100mg and 300mg (10-30mg/kg) start at 30-40 mg/kg/dose SIG: 2 tabs of each for a total dosage 800mg/dose po q 12hrs


Reported to having increased in dog reactivity and in-kennel frustration. Adding in clonidine 0.6mg PO q12h (~0.025mg/kg), continue with traz and previously dispensed.

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow

Date of intake:: 11/10/2024

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray ( Unknown History)

Date of assessment:: 11/14/2024

Summary:: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Loose Reactivity to humans: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass people Reactivity to dogs: Inconclusive- Didnt walk pass dogs Leash walking comments: Pushing her way out of kennel Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): social- wags tail, loose body Call over: Readily approaches- loose body, wags tail Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Allows- lip licks,wagtail, leans into touch Exuberant handling: Allows- lip licks,wagtail, leans into touch Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follow- loose, lip licks, ags tail Arousal comments: Knock: Approaches- lose wag tail Knock Comments: Toy: Grip walks away Toy comments:

Summary:: Due to Paprika entering the facility as a stray, there is no prior dog-to-dog history recorded. 12/04/24: When off leash at the Care Center Paprika is introduced to a greeter female dog. At the gate Paprika approaches with ears back, a forward and stiff frame. Paprika practices avoidance looking away from the greeter female. Paprika offers prey bows. Paprika begins low growling and escalates to hard barking. Paprika retreats but continues hard barking. Due to Paprika discomfort a face to face was not conducted. 11/11/24 Paprika is introduced to a novel male dog while off leash at the care center. Paprika appears nervous, displaying paw raises as a sign of self-handicapping. Paprika approaches the gate for just a second, moving away and displacement sniffing away from the gate in which the novel male dog stood behind. Paprika is aloof, tiptoeing around the yard with her ears pinned to the back and a tucked tail.

Summary (3):: 3/24/25: When returning from a walk, a staff member reported (unprompted) that they noticed an improvement in Paprika's dog reactivity. Said that she didn't react to any dogs. Paprika greeted handler with a loose, wiggly body. 03/20/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika was at the front of her kennel as the handler approached, and was easily leashed and taken outside to play some engage/disengage. On the way out of the building Paprika sees a person on a small wheelie stool changing the kennel doors and gets tense and begins to growl at them. After a quick exit from the building, the trainer and Paprika stand on one side of the street and played the engage/disengage game. Paprika was tense, but was able to successfully engage/disengage with multiple dogs and people running on the other side of the street. On the walk back to her kennel, one dog was too close, and Paprika briefly went over threshold, barking and growling but the trainer was able to redirect with treats. Paprika was safely returned to her kennel. 03/14/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is standing at the front of her kennel with a loose, wiggly body as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls mildly outside. Handler attempts to engage her in play and offers her a toy and Paprika responds readily. She engages with a loose, wiggly body and carries the toy even past other dogs. However, Paprika does continue to hard stare at dogs with the toy in her mouth. She is returned to kennel without issue. 03/06/25 (trainer note): Paprika is standing at the front of her kennel with a loose wiggly frame. She is easily leashed and taken to the behavior room. She enthusiastically approaches the other staff member in the room with a wiggly body and loose tail wag as she leaned up against them for pets. The room was set up with enrichment items such as puzzle toys, licky mats, and slow feeder bowls, but Paprika was not interested in treats and only wanted to solicit attention from handlers. At times she would briefly run around to sniff and explore the room but would enthusiastically run back to handlers shortly after. Leashed and returned to kennel with no issues. 03/01/25: Paprika is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and pulls mildly to the Canine Behavior Office for assessment. Paprika is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. She is loose and wiggly with multiple handlers throughout her time in the room and will readily approach, jumping up on them socially to solicit attention. Paprika readily engages with tossed treats and toys offered to her. After her session, Paprika is leashed with ease and returns to kennel safely.

Summary (4):: 02/22/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is sitting neutrally in kennel as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Paprika is loose and wiggly, running around the room picking up various objects. She accepts contact and engages with lick mats. Paprika is returned to kennel without issue. 2/9/25: Paprika is observed to lunge and hard bark at other dogs with ACS staff. 02/08/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is jumping on her kennel door as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Paprika is loose and wiggly, running around the room and engaging with the various enrichment items. She picks up a toy and lays down to chew on it. Handler works with her on conditioning the 123 game and moving through the various enrichment items. Paprika engages with mild interest but quickly returns to the toys. She is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 01/25/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. She is loose and wiggly, exploring the room and engaging intermittently with the various enrichment items. Paprika is given a toy and she runs around the room with a loose wiggly body. She leans into contact, re-initiating when the handler pauses and is returned to kennel without issue. 1/25/25: Paprika is observed to paw at her kennel door before being approached. Paprika when seeing the handler is loose/wiggly, and is easily leashed to be brought outside. Paprika walks on a loose leash, is social with the handler and explores her surroundings. Paprika remains the same throughout the walk, panting a bit when returning to kennel but returns to kennel with no issue. Paprika does begin to whine when walking away. 01/24/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika's behavior remains the same. 01/18/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Paprika is loose and wiggly, exploring the room and engaging intermittently with the various enrichment items. She approaches the handler and handler is able to move with her through a few of the items. Paprika is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 01/10/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. She is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Paprika engages independently in the various enrichment items. She approaches the handler with a loose, wiggly body and leans in for contact. Paprika is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (5):: 01/04/25 (Trainer Note): Paprika is laying down in kennel as the handler approaches. However, her kennel is smeared in feces. She is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Paprika has a wiggly body and allows the handler to attach a drag leash. She explores the room and approaches the handler for contact, leaning in before moving away again. She then engages with the enrichment. Handler prompts her to orient in between items and then orient and breathe in between. Paprika engages successfully. She is then brought over to the mat and engages in the up/down pattern game. Paprika sits briefly on the mat before moving away. The handler engages her in the enrichment for a few moments before returning him to kennel without issue. 1/1/2025: Paprika is heard banging against her kennel door when the handler approaches the kennel room she is seen slamming against her kennel door. 12/18/2024: Paprika is shown to have dog reactivity when on walks and when coming out of kennel. 12/13/24: Paprika is standing at the front of the kennel with a neutral body, and begins to paw at the door and is easily leashed to be taken to the street. The street is empty so Paprika is let out on a longer leash to explore and walks to the patches of grass. Paprika will pull moderately and engage with toys that the handler throws to her and carries to short distances. Paprika remains social/loose/wiggly throughout the interaction and coming back sees another dog and begins to tense. Paprika is quickly walked past the dog at far proximity and is walked back to kennel with no issue. 12/06/24: Paprika is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. She is leashed with ease and walks to the play yard. Paprika is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. She immediately grabs a soft toy and will bounce around the yard and sit to chew on it. Paprika is social with handler throughout her time in the yard and will accept petting with a soft frame. She takes treats gently at first but after some time takes a bit roughly. After her session, Paprika is leashed and returned to kennel safely. 12/04/24 Paprika is standing in front of her kennel door with a loose, wiggly body. She is leashed with ease and taken to the play yard. Paprika maintains a loose frame as she walks moderately to the play yard. As dogs pass with novel handlers, she will fixate on them as they walk by. Paprika is taken to the play yard. (Please refer to BA in the Dog-to-dog section.

Summary (6):: 11/30/24 (staff report): It is reported that Paprika mounted a handler while on a walk. She is easily redirected and returns to kennel safely. 11/26/24 When the handlers approached Paprika's kennel, she was at the front of the kennel with a neutral body waiting to be leashed. She was leashed with no issues, scrambled out of the room and to the play yard. When passing a dog with a novel handler on the other side of a gate, she was lunging towards them but was easily redirected when one of the handlers used a squeaker. In the play yard, Paprika exhibited high energy and arousal, running and jumping around, jumping on handlers, and panting heavily. She showed interest in playing fetch as the handlers threw a toy in the yard until she laid down and began to chew it appearing visibly relaxed. A handler offered her treats to trade the toy, and she released with no issues, taking the administered treat gently. She was the leashed with the handler's slip lead, while the drag leash was removed, and she walked back to her kennel with no problems. 11/15/24 (AM) Paprika greets the handler standings at the front of her kennel with a loose frame. Paprika is easily leashed and escorted out of the kennel and to the live room. When in the yard Paprika explores the room scenting around. When the handler sits down Paprika attempts to jump on the handler seeking out attention. The handler guides her around off. She attempts again. Paprika continues to explore the room. When Paprika checks in with the handler the handler rewards her. Paprika begins to offer sits. The handler continues to reward her. After a few repetitions Paprika offers sit and the handler waits for her to make eye contact. The handler continues to reward her. Paprika is escorted back to her kennel and she unleashed without any issues.

Summary (7):: 11/13/24 (AM): Handler could hear Paprika's tail wagging as they approached kennel. She was leashed with ease and walked to the BA room without pulling. Paprika was switched to a slip leash with stopper and was free to move around the room. She was highly treat motivated and warmed up to handlers when fed. She accepted many pets and was collared with ease. Paprika was returned to kennel with ease where slip leash was removed without issue. 11/12/24 (PM): Paprika is sleeping in the middle of kennel, trembling as handler approaches. She does not wake as handler unlocks the door and only stirs as the lead lightly touches her head. Paprika is leashed with ease and slowly exits the kennel. She appears lethargic and walks slowly with a trembling body to the Canine Behavior Office. Due to her visible discomfort, and the multiple piles of vomit and loose stool in kennel, handler walks her to Vet Services where she is examined by the vet on site. Paprika is brought back to the Canine Behavior Office where she will sit next to handler and give a slight tail wag before making distance and becoming tense again. Paprika is returned to kennel safely. (AM): Paprika was curled up on her blanket when handler approached. She remained lying down but reached her head forward to take treats extremely gently hand fed. Paprika went through transfer door when presented with leash, but was lured back through with treats and the transfer door was closed. Handler continued using treats while slowly placing slip leash over head. Paprika exited kennel willingly and walked on a loose leash to the yard. Paprika was kept on a drag leash due to not yet being collared. Paprika was highly treat motivated and would approach handler when crouched. Handler would offer a treat then pet her very briefly on the shoulder or chest to test her comfortability. Paprika did not attempt to increase distance and continued taking treats hand fed. Paprika experienced multiple episodes of diarrhea (D7), straining, and scooting. Paprika spent time sniffing on her way down the ramp and was returned to kennel room with ease. Paprika stepped into kennel as soon as handler scattered treats on her blanket. Paprika tolerated handler placing a warmer blanket in kennel for her with a low wagging tail. 11/11/24 (late entry): Paprika is curled up at the back of kennel as handler approaches. She sits up and begins low growling from the back of kennel. Paprika is avoidant of leashing and continues to growl. Handler tosses treats which she will readily eat. It takes several attempts to leash Paprika with the use of treats as a lure. She maintains a tense trembling body and continues growling throughout the process. Paprika displays a tense, anxious body with tucked tail as she walks to the play yard for playgroup (see Dog-Dog Summary for further details). Paprika is not collared at this time due to her fearfulness. After her session, she is returned to kennel safely.

Date of intake:: 11/10/2024

Date of initial:: 11/10/2024

Summary:: Whale eye, shaking, lifting paw, tucked tail.


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due Paprika's high level of fearfulness we recommend she is placed in an adult-only home at this time.

Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration

Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression- Paprika displays a high level of fearfulness in the care center, growling, trembling, and seeking exit. Paprika displays fearfulness It's essential to approach her with caution and a slow, gentle manner to avoid triggering her fear response. Quick movements or loud noises may exacerbate Paprika's anxiety, so a patient and understanding approach is recommended. Building trust and providing reassurance during interactions can help Paprika feel more secure and comfortable in her environment. With time and consistent positive experiences, Paprika may become more confident and less reactive to sudden stimuli. Please see the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Paprika is observed to hard bark and lunge at other dogs on leash. We recommend teaching her to look at you rather than other dogs on leash.