Hello, my name is Coqueta. My animal id is #221195. I am a female white dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 2/24/2025, with the surrender reason stated as other.
Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.
Pre-Screener FormCoqueta is on at risk list due to behavior concerns. Coqueta in the care center has not been acclimating well to the shelter enviorment, and has previously displayed a high level of defensive aggression in care. Coqueta in care was intensely fearful in care, escalating to lunging, baring teeth and biting a staff member (not breaking skin) when attempting to handler and interact with her. Coqueta has improved in care, but is now struggling to acclimate to the care center environment, hard barking in kennel, having a strained expression while heavy panting despite best efforts to keep her comfortable. Medically, Coqueta has a possible UTI.
You may know me from such films as...
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This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Coqueta is on at risk list due to behavior concerns. Coqueta in the care center has not been acclimating well to the shelter enviorment, and has previously displayed a high level of defensive aggression in care. Coqueta in care was intensely fearful in care, escalating to lunging, baring teeth and biting a staff member (not breaking skin) when attempting to handler and interact with her. Coqueta has improved in care, but is now struggling to acclimate to the care center environment, hard barking in kennel, having a strained expression while heavy panting despite best efforts to keep her comfortable. Medically, Coqueta has a possible UTI. Coqueta was surrendered by her previous owner after a house fire. Her previous family described her as a high-energy dog who enjoyed playing with rope toys and chew treats. Coqueta is used to being taken out for walks 2 times a day for 30 minutes. She would allow her family to bathe her but not trim her nails. With strangers and visitors, Coqueta is reported to hard bark, growl, and lunge. Similar behaviors have been displayed during her stay. Due to these challenges, we recommend that Coqueta be placed in an adult-only home through a New Hope partner who can address her challenges with the use of a certified professional trainer who uses only positive reinforcement methods.
My medical notes are...
Weight: 57 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: approx 2-5 years based on dentition and conformation Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative History: o surrender Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - lunging, hard barking, sedated as precaution Is there evidence of Cruelty? N Is there evidence of Neglect? N Is there evidence of Trauma? N Objective T = np P = wnl R = wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild wear and staining to visible dentition PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: FI MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment APH Prognosis: good Plan: intake exam and tasks sedated with 0.55mL dex (0.5mg/mL) and 0.55mL torb (10mg/mL) IM, reversed w vol antisedan awaiting sort SURGERY: Okay for surgery: Y
Behavior team reports defensive and escalated to biting (did not break skin). Start clonidine 0.03 mg/kg PO BID and trazodone 8 mg/kg PO BID, CTM.
Beh notes frequently squatting to urinate on walks and only voiding a small amount. Does not believe it would be possible to get free catch UA sample d/t behavior. Electing to treat for presumptive UTI A. Presumptive UTI r/o behavioral vs open P. Start amoxi-clav 375mg PO BID x 10 days Start gaba 20mg/kg PO BID indef for perceived discomfort, continued reported of high FAS, despite clonidine and traz. Consider increasing clonidine and traz if behaviors persists. Check in with behavior in 5 days to see if any improvements in UTI signs, if not, considered sedated cysto/AUS of bladder
Recheck possible UTI - behavior team reports unremarkable urination today. Noted that she is not eating her medications. Currently on clavamox (5 days into 10 day course) and gabapentin, trazodone, clonidine for behavior. S/O: BAR and active in kennel No c/s/v/d noted EENT: No ocular or nasal discharge LUNGS: Eupneic MSI: Ambulatory x 4 CNS: Appropriate mentation A: Possible UTI - no clinical signs P: Okay to d/c clavamox after 5 day course (typically adequate for UTI). CTM closely while at QACC.
Details on my behavior are...
Behavior Condition: 4. Orange
upon intake: staff had the owner place the leash on the dog and the owner walked to the end of the hallway and handed the leash to staff. She walked down the hallway looking back several times but was prompted to walk with baby talk. The dog had to be assisted into the kennel and the leash was removed with a hook
Date of Intake: 2/24/2025
Basic Information:: Coqueta is a 6yr old female LMB dog that was surrendered by owner after a house fire. She was given as a gift as a puppy and has been in the home for 5 yrs.
Previously lived with:: 3 adults, 2 children, 2 other dogs
How is this dog around strangers?: She is known to Hard bark, growl, and lunge when strangers/visitors enter the home.
How is this dog around children?: Has experience with older children and is known to be tolerant of children when around them.
How is this dog around other dogs?: Only with sibling dogs Coqueta is outgoing and will play rough.
How is this dog around cats?: Coqueta is tolerant of the cats in the home but will bark when she does not want attention.
Resource guarding:: Will guard the people in the home and will hard bark growl and lunge at entering people
Bite history:: none reported
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: High
Other Notes:: Allows owner to bathe but is sensitive to touch around the collar and paws. Is fearful of loud noises and will hard bark at ambulance, fireworks, sirens. She is unbothered when restrained or pushed/pulled off furniture.
Medical Notes: none reported
For a New Family to Know: Coqueta is an 6yr old female LMB dog that came from a home with 2 other dogs. She enjoys tough rope and twist stick treats. She would be taken out for walk twice a day for 30mins. She is known to allow his owner bathe him but not trim nails. Eats only dry kibble.
Date of intake:: 2/24/2025
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (5 years)
Previously lived with:: 3 adults, 2 children, 2 other large dogs
Behavior toward strangers:: hard bark, growl, lunge
Behavior toward children:: tolerant with familiar and resident children
Behavior toward dogs:: outgoing, plays rough with resident dogs
Behavior toward cats:: tolerant but will bark
Resource guarding:: Coqueta is reported to guard people in her home.
Bite history:: none reported
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: Coqueta is reported to have a high energy level.
Other Notes:: Allows the owner to bathe but is sensitive to touch around the collar and paws. Is fearful of loud noises and will hard bark at ambulances, fireworks, and sirens. She is unbothered when restrained or pushed/pulled off furniture. Will hard bark, growl, and lunge at people entering the home. 2/25 (AM): During her morning walk, Coqueta lunged and bit a handler's finger who happened to make eye contact with her. The bite did not break the skin or draw blood.
Date of assessment:: 2/26/2025
Summary:: 03/15/25: Coqueta is taken to the behavior office for a handling assessment. In the room she sought attention from the handles and gently took treats from the handler. During the touch portion of the handling assessment, she leaned into the touch and displayed a soft body. During the Jog portion of the assessment she muzzled pouch the handler shoe, and she began to leash bite the lead and hand to be distracted to get the lead back. She is taken back to the kennel. A handling assessment can not be completed at this time due to this behavior. 02/26/25: Coqueta has not acclimated well to the shelter environment and is only allowing for minimal handling. She has escalated to baring teeth, lunging, and hard barking in her kennel. During a walk, she escalated to biting a handler when making eye contact. The bite did not break the skin. Due to the concerning behaviors displayed in care, Coqueta is not an appropriate candidate for a handling assessment at this time.
Summary:: According to Coqueta's previous owner(s), Coqueta has interacted with different dogs and is often described as outgoing, plays rough with resident dogs. 02/27/25: When off leash at the Care Center Coqueta is introduced to a novel male dog. At the gate Coqueta cautiously approaches while displacement scenting. Coqueta scents the novel male and returns to displacement scenting. Coqueta creates distance, walking away. Coqueta takes no further interest. The novel male remains present at the gate. Due to Coqueta disinterest the interaction was ended and a face to face greet was not conducted.
Summary (4):: 03/15/25 (assessment):Coqueta is lying on her kuranda bed with a soft frame as handler approaches. Handler calls to her and she readily comes to the front of kennel, wary of lead initially but is easily lured with treats. Coqueta pulls mildly to the Canine Behavior Office for assessment (see Behavior Assessment for further details). She is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. Coqueta readily approaches handlers in a social manner and will allow petting along her head, neck, and body with a loose frame. Once on the jog portion of assessment, Coqueta muzzle punches assessor's foot four times in quick succession before jumping up and lightly biting the lead. Assessor drops the lead and Coqueta carries the lead in her mouth, trading it briefly for pieces of chicken, but immediately grabs it again. With the lead in her mouth, Coqueta lightly muzzle punches assessor's hand in what appears to be an attempt to get them to tug the lead. Coqueta drops the lead again as high value treats are offered and handler is able to grab the drag lead and pass it to assessor for a second attempt at "jog". Before assessor begins to jog, Coqueta jumps up and lightly bites onto the lead again. Handler leashes her and unclips the drag while offering her treats. Coqueta is returned to kennel safely.
Summary (5):: 3/11/25: Coqueta was standing at front of kennel as handler approached. Handler noticed she had not taken her medication. She was leashed with ease and walked outside. Coqueta was highly distracted by staff and other dogs, so handler took her to inside the live room instead. Handler used spray cheese to keep her in place while she was clipped to a drag leash. Coqueta displayed FAS with a "clown face" expression, panting, and exit seeking. When handler attempted to engage her in fetch, Coqueta would walk over to the toys but showed little interest. Handler let Coqueta approach on her own terms and eventually Coqueta sat in front of handler and became wiggly when scratched on her lower back. She accepted scratches on the back of her neck and would look over her shoulder at handler whenever they stopped. Coqueta approached handler (seated) with a loose frame and began climbing up on them. Handler slowly stood up to discourage this due to conflicted behavior. Coqueta was placed back on a slip leash and returned to kennel without issue. 03/05/25 (PM) Behavior improves from this morning, allowing more handling, allowing the handler to collar her. Outside of those improvements, the walk went the exact same way. 03/05/24 Coqueta is sitting at the front of her kennel with a wagging tail. The handler leashes her with ease and takes her out for a walk. She pulls her way outside, displaying a still, neutral frame. Coqueta will explore immensely, stopping numerous of times to sniff out different areas. The handler will take her to the play yard where she can explore further. Coqueta will explore for majority of her time in the pen, taking treats gently when administered. The handler drops to one knee and she lights up, jumping onto the handler to solicit pets. Coqueta will remain loose and wiggly with the handler, allowing light pets to her back. They will exit the pen to explore the back pens. Coqueta seems to enjoy sniffing, so the handler takes her to places where there will be a bunch of different smells. Coqueta will continue to explore before being returned to the facility. She will trot her way back to the facility, ignoring other dogs with novel handlers. She enters the building quickly and will pull towards her kennel, panting heavily. She enters her kennel quickly.
Summary (6):: 03/04/25 Coqueta is at the front of the kennel stiff, hard barking at the handler. The handler will toss her some treats in which she doesn't want. Coqueta will continue to hard bark, and the handler will attempt to leash her. She tucks her tail but stands firm hard barking until the handler lassoes her. She exits the kennel quickly, pulling towards the exit of the kennel room. Coqueta displays a still, neutral frame as she trots outside. She appears relaxed, sniffing in different areas for shot periods of time, commencing her walk. Loud abrupt noises startle her as well as fast movement. Coqueta is walk passed some birds that spark her interest, yet, just watches them as she passes by. Coqueta will slowly approach handler as they come to a stop on the walk. She is cautious when sniffing the handler, remaining still. She loosens a bit and they commence their walk. Coqueta is returned to the facility where her ring clipped outside of the building as they are simultaneously walking. She enters the building quickly but her kennel isn't quite yet ready. The two will wait in the hallway for a short period of time. In the time, Coqueta will press her body against the handler's legs and wait patiently as she tries to pull towards her kennel on some occasions. Once finished, Coqueta will pull in the direction of her kennel, entering quickly. 3/2/25: Coqueta was standing neutrally at front of kennel and began barking as handler approached. She took treats offered and was leashed with ease. Coqueta walked to the BA room and was kept on slip leash for duration of interaction due to not yet being collared. Coqueta was food motivated and engaged with a snuffle mat and lick mat. Handlers noted her frame/tail was looser and she appeared more relaxed, even with multiple handlers in the room, than she had during previous interactions. Handler clipped leash to a figure 8 without issue while distracted by another staff member outside kennel room. She was returned to kennel with ease. 2/28: (PM)Part 1: Coqueta is observed to hover with a tense body and growl over her food bowl. she begins to lunge and bare teeth. The handler walks away to walk her at a later time. Part 2: Coqueta doesn't eat her food and is at the back of her kennel lying down the handler opens her kennel door and she easily comes over and allows leashing. the handler takes her on a walk to the play yard, she spends her time watching dogs pass by on walks. She is taken back to her kennel without issue.
Summary (7):: 02/25/25: Coqueta is lying curled up at the back of kennel as handler approaches. Handler speaks to her with a soft tone and tosses treats which she shows no interest in. Handler slowly cracks open the kennel door and Coqueta stands up, slowly coming forward. Handler drops their lead over her head, and she exits kennel with a slightly tense frame. Coqueta walks to the Canine Behavior Office and begins heavy panting, pacing, and exit seeking. She will jump up and dig at the walls. Handler and a second take Coqueta outside to relieve herself. She spends time scenting urine spots along the sidewalk. Coqueta walks around the yard and will stand next to second handler as they sit on the curb in the yard. Coqueta will lean into second handler's side with a neutral frame as she observes people and dogs walking by on the sidewalk. Coqueta walks in front of second handler and as they make brief eye contact, she lunged forward biting their finger (did not break skin). Handler immediately moves Coqueta away and she returns to walking around the yard. Coqueta is walked back to the Care Center and second handler uses a squeaker to distract so handler can clip their lead. Coqueta is returned to kennel safely. (PM) Coqueta greets the handler standing in the front of her kennel door with a stiff frame and alert barking. When the handler goes to leash her, Coqueta evades the leash each time barking after wards. Coqueta is leashed and she willingly follows the handler outside of the care center for walks. When outside take in her environment, mildly pulling and scenting what ever may arouse her interest. Coqueta is escorted back to the care center, then to her kennel where she is unleashed, and secured safely. 02/24/25: Staff request behavior assistance due to Coqueta baring teeth and growling at kennel front. Behavior handlers approach Coqueta's kennel and she is at the front with a tense, squared body. Second handler reaches forward to toss her a treat through the kennel door and she bares teeth and lunges forward. Second handler distracts Coqueta at kennel front as hander drops their lead over her head. Coqueta slowly exits kennel and walks with a tense frame to the Canine Behavior Office. She is kept on slip lead and paces the room, exit seeking while panting heavily. Handlers offer high value treats, but she shows no interest. Once her kennel is cleaned, second handler uses a squeaker to distract Coqueta while handler clips their lead to a figure 8. She is returned to kennel s
Date of intake:: 2/24/2025
Summary:: owner placed leash, needed coaxing to keep walking
Date of initial:: 2/24/2025
Summary:: lunging, hard barking, sedated as precaution
Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Coqueta's quick escalation to hard barking, lunging, and growling, both in care and in her previous home we recommend an adult-only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to all noted concerns displayed in a home environment and during her stay in care, the behavior department recommends Coqueta be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Coqueta to acclimate comfortably to her new environment; force-free, reward-based training only is advised when introducing her to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Coqueta presents with outside of the care centers.
Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Handling/touch sensitivity,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Kennel presence,Bite history (human)
Potential challenges comments:: Resource guarding: Coqueta is observed to hover with a tense body and growl over her food bowl. she begins to lunge and bare teeth. It is essential to work on desensitizing her to having her possessions handled by using techniques like trading up for higher-value items and practicing "drop it" and "leave it". Please see handout on Resource guarding. Handling/touch sensitivity: Coqueta is reported to be sensitive to touch around her collar/neck and paws. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards to teach her to be more comfortable with this. Please see handout on Handling/touch sensitivity. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression | Bite History (human): Coqueta has escalated to growling, hard barking, snarling, and lunging on multiple occasions during her time in the care center and in her previous home. One occasion she escalated to biting a handler during a walk but ut did not break skin. Her signs of discomfort must be respected; Copqueta should never be forced to interact, she should always be allowed to walk away from situations or people she finds uncomfortable. We recommend a slow approach and we recommend ONLY force-free, reward-based training methods for Bella. More aversive techniques are likely to increase fear, increase the risk of aggression, and decrease Coqueta's quality of life. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Kennel presence: Coqueta hard barks, lunges, growls, and snarls when approached in kennel. While we cannot be certain if this behavior will appear in any other contexts, in highly emotionally charged or stressful environments Coqueta may show behavior similar to what she is currently demonstrating in her kennel. We recommend potential adopters be comfortable managing this behavior and keeping themselves safe in any similar future situations.