Animal Profile


Hello, my name is Sega. My animal id is #219451. I am a male blue brindle dog at the Queens Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 3 years 2 weeks old.

I came into the shelter as a agency on 1/27/2025.

Sorry, this pet is for new hope partners only.

Pre-Screener Form

Sega is on the at risk list due to behavior concerns. Sega has displayed discomfort with new people approaching him and handling sensitivities , escalating to hard barking, head whipping and muzzle punching handlers. Sega has also displayed a low threshold for arousal when becoming aroused mouthing handlers limbs, attempting to grab clothing items and leash biting. Sega is social and affectionate with staff, but struggles to regulate at times as well. Medically, Sega has a angular limb deformity.

You may know me from such films as...

Let's get to know each other a bit more...

This pet needs emergency placement. Please click here to go to our emergency placement page for more information. Due to the detailed behavior issues, this animal is only available for foster/adoption through one of ACC's New Hope Partners. If you are interested in adopting or fostering, please fill out the pre-screener form. This animal is not directly available for adoption through ACC and is only available by completing the pre-screener form.Adoption inquiries sent directly to ACC will not receive a response. Pre-Screener Form Sega is on the at risk list due to behavior concerns. Sega has displayed discomfort with new people approaching him and handling sensitivities , escalating to hard barking, head whipping and muzzle punching handlers. Sega has also displayed a low threshold for arousal when becoming aroused mouthing handlers limbs, attempting to grab clothing items and leash biting. Sega is social and affectionate with staff, but struggles to regulate at times as well. Medically, Sega has a angular limb deformity. Sega came into the care center as a stray so his history is unknown. Sega has exhibited a mix of social and arousal behaviors. He readily approaches familiar handlers for treats and solicits petting but has shown discomfort around new people, occasionally chuffing, barking, or tensing up. While he engages well with enrichment activities, he has also demonstrated hyper-vigilance, difficulty settling, heightened arousal, and occasional muzzle punching when being handled. Sega is available for rescue through one of our new hope partners.

My medical notes are...

Weight: 50 lbs


[DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2yr based on dentition and conformation Microchip noted on intake? scanned negative History: stray transported by agents Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior - Became overstimulated and aroused, biting leash Is there evidence of Cruelty? no Is there evidence of Neglect? no Is there evidence of Trauma? no Objective *sedated for exam* P = 60 (sedated) R = 12 (sedated) BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Adult dentition with mild staining and spots of calculus on maxillary canines PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI, 2 down MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat, bilateral angular limb deformity in forelimbs with carpal valgus, abrasion on bridge of nose CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal Wood's Lamp Exam: not performed Assessment Approx. 3yr MI canine Angular limb deformity with carpal valgus Prognosis: good Plan: Sedated for exam with dexdomitor 10mcg/kg + torb 0.2mg/kg IM Intake tasks Trazadone 5mg/kg PO BID Reversed with equal volume antesedan Recheck behavior in 1 week SURGERY: Okay for surgery

Details on my behavior are...

Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow

Date of intake:: 1/27/2025

Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray (Unknown History)

Date of assessment:: 2/4/2025

Summary:: 2/11- Sega is taken to the behavior office for a handling assessment. Sega began to run around the room and display heavy panting and dilated eyes, he took treats from the handler roughly and was able to settle. When starting to begin the reassessment he began to jump onto the assessor's repeatedly body slamming himself onto the assessor's the helper was able to remove sega off the assessor. He readily approaches familiar handlers for treats and solicits petting but has shown discomfort around new people, occasionally chuffing, barking, or tensing up. While he engages well with enrichment activities, he has also demonstrated hyper-vigilance, difficulty settling, heightened arousal, and occasional muzzle punching when being handled. Due to this a handling assessment is not conducted at this time.

Summary:: Due to Sega entering the facility as a stray, there is no dog-to-dog history recorded. 02/10/25 Sega is introduced to a novel male dog while off leash at the care center. Sega will approach the gate with exaggeration, appearing aroused, making the novel male dog uncomfortable. Sega is loose frame, unresponsive to the novel male dog reactivity. Sega is moved away from the gate, the other dog is returned to kennel, followed by Sega, concluding the interaction. 02/06/25 Sega is introduced to a novel female dog while off leash at the care center. Sega greets the novel female dog at the gate with a soft, wiggly body, offering play bows. Sega will hop back and forth remaining soft. Sega is then taken to greet the novel female dog face to face. Sega comes in hot with an exaggerated approach, pulling hard towards the novel female dog. The novel female and Sega will collide, making both dogs go on the defensive. Sega and the novel female dog will both snarl and growl while paw slapping each other. Both dogs are moved, and Sega is returned to his side of the pen. Sega is returned to his kennel, concluding the interaction.

Summary (3):: 02/14/25 (Trainer Note): Sega is standing at the front of the kennel with a wiggly body as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Sega maintains his wiggly body, but pants mildly with dilated pupils throughout the interaction. He is able to orient towards the handler and breathe between enrichment items. He leans into contact and eventually rolls over, displaying his abdomen. When the handler pauses Sega mouths at their hands, but is easily redirected. He is returned to kennel without issue. 02/11/25: Sega is standing at the front of kennel with a wiggly frame as handler approaches. He jumps up at the kennel door and is not able to be redirected with treats. Handler leashes him and Sega bounces up excitedly throughout the walk to the Canine Behavior Office for reassessment. Sega is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. Sega will jump up on handlers to solicit treats. They toss treats to redirect him away. As assessor picks up his drag lead to begin the handling assessment, Sega will jump up at them repeatedly body slamming them. Handler takes Sega from assessor, and he is leashed, returning to kennel safely. A reassessment is not able to be completed. 2/10/25: Sega greeted handler at front of kennel with a loose, wiggly frame. He frolicked out of kennel room and greeted a familiar handler in the hallway by jumping up on them. Sega continued to check in with handlers often. He pulled hard on the way up to the yard for a gate greet (see dog-dog summary.) Sega was highly social and displayed brief mouthiness with one handler. Sega pulled hard on the way back inside and was returned to kennel without issue.

Summary (4):: 02/09/25: Sega is standing at the front of kennel with a loose frame as handler approaches. He is leashed with ease and pulls moderately to the Canine Behavior Office. Sega is clipped to a drag lead and free to explore the space. He readily engages with enrichment items, including a licky mat, puzzle feeder, and treat ball. Sega will check in with handler throughout his time in the room, approaching and accepting petting with a loose frame, before returning to his enrichment. After his session, Sega is leashed with ease and returns to kennel safely. 2/07/25 (Trainer Note): Sega is standing at the front of his kennel with a wiggly body as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine training room. Sega allows the handler to attach a drag leash and engages readily with the various enrichment items. He relaxes visibly, releasing tension from his body and slowing his movements. He accepts contact from the handler but quickly returns to the enrichment. Sega begins to orient towards the handler in between items and is eventually able to orient and breathe. He is easily leashed and returned to kennel without issue. 2/6/25: Sega is at the front of his kennel as handler approaches. He is able to be leashed and he starts to pull and spin out of the kennel. On the way to the play yard for play group, he would pull ahead and turn his body around back and forth. He was able to settle when the handler gave him treats. In play group, he greeted the other dog by the gate with a lose wiggly body and play bows. But then got tense and growled during the interaction. Please see dog to dog notes for more details. He pulled hard on the way back to his kennel. 02/05/25 Sega is lying down as the handler approaches. Sega rises with a neutral frame, approaching the front of his kennel. The handler will administer him a treat before leashing him. As the handler tries leashing him with a treat, Sega allows leashing without the treat, and proceeds towards the exit of the room. Sega will skip his way outside as he pulls on lead. Sega responds to recall as he checks in when his name is called. Sega will take treats gently when administered and will take them from the ground when tossed. The handler gives Sega praise, petting his back in which he allows as he displays a soft frame and wagging tail. They also work on Sega's sitting as the handler cues him to do so. Sega will sit gently, leaning off to the side when he finally gets in his position to "sit". The handler and Sega will commence their walk as Sega maintains a moderate pace on his way back to the facility. Sega will enter the building quickly, pulling towards his kennel room. Sega enters his room neutrally, trotting over to kennel and entering with no

Summary (5):: 02/04/25 Sega is standing in front of his kennel door with a neutral frame. As the handler unlocks the kennel door, Sega attempts to push his way out with his muzzle. The handler uses this to their advantage, leashing him as he exits the kennel. Sega proceeds out of the kennel room, pulling his way outside with a stiff frame. Sega displays a muscular frame as he pulls on the walk, displaying red eyes. Sega will lean in for pets, remaining soft. Sega takes treats gently when administered. When cued to sit, Sega sits slowly, being rewarded as a result. Sega is returned to the facility where he enters the building as well as his kennel with no issue. 2/3/24 (PM): Sega emptied his bladder while lying down on the floor of the BA room. He had been lying down for some time prior to urinating, and did not stand up until he was finished. Handlers have previously observed him urinating normally. (in progress) (Addon to AM Note) After Sega was finished with the toy that he was playing with and engaging with the handler on the couch with some treats, a behavior staff member goes to the counter is add treats to there marker pouch. Sega walks over with slightly raised hackles along his back and begins to jump onto the staff member. The staff member throws treats away from Sega to dissuade him from jumping and Sega begins to jump again, appearing more fixated this time. After the staff member takes his drag to guide I’m off, Sega mouths the handlers knee with moderate pressure and steps back to try and jump again at the handler, to which the handler takes his drag leash and gives it to another handler in the office. The handler away and feels his treat pouch get moved, and asks the handlers if he mouthed me. The other handlers in the room confirmed Sega jumped forward and mouthed the handlers treat pouch that was walking away and was taken back to kennel afterwards.

Summary (6):: (AM): Sega was wagging his whole body as handler approached kennel. He was leashed with ease and frolicked to the BA room with a loose, bouncy frame. Sega was clipped to a drag leash and engaged with LATTE puzzles set out for him. He was highly social and would frequently parade his toys around to each handler. Sega favored a "Pupsicle" toy filled with a frozen treat. Sega was able to settle and play independently a number of times while in the room for an extended period of time. He would lay down by handlers' feet with his legs stretched out behind him, appearing relaxed in the room. Sega was returned to kennel by a second handler after he mouthed at their treat pouch. 02/01/25: Sega is standing at the front of kennel with a neutral frame as handler approaches. He is leashed with ease and pulls mildly to the Canine Behavior Office. Sega is loose and social with familiar handler and will readily approach to solicit treats. Sega becomes a bit tense as he approaches a third handler and chuffs before being guided away. Sega spends time bouncing around with a soft toy and will slowly approach third handler again and accept tossed treats. As a fourth handler enters the room, he becomes slightly tense and will chuff before being guided away. Sega will stare at fourth handler and attempt to pull toward them throughout their time in the room but becomes tense as he approaches. Sega is tossed a soft toy and will shake it around for several more minutes before being returned to kennel safely. 02/01/15 (Trainer Note): Sega stands and comes to the front of the kennel with a wagging tail and slightly tense body as the handler approaches. He is easily leashed and pulls moderately to the canine live room. Handler works with him on the Take a Breath cue and Sega engages readily. He takes treats with a hard mouth initially, but softens over time. He lays his head on the handler's leg in order to solicit treats. Sega allows the handler to pet him, eventually leaning in. Handler has to take frequent breaks to prevent arousal. Sega at one point jumps up onto the handler but is easily redirected. His body softens considerably over time and he begins to offer a sit and continues to lean into contact. He is returned to kennel without issue. -

Summary (7):: 01/30/25 Sega is sitting firmly in front of his kennel door. The handler unlocks the kennel door and he begins to force his way out, pushing the door with his muzzle. The handler uses this to their advantage and leashes him as he enters the loop of the lead. They proceed outside. Sega pulls his way outside displaying a tense muscular frame. He is hyper-vigilant, scanning his surroundings. Sega is jittery, unable to settle as he attempts to explore multiple areas simultaneously. He will take treats gently when administered and will collect them from the ground. Sega will pull intensely as they return back to the facility. They enter the building and his kennel isn't cleaned yet, so they forward towards the live room. Sega enters the room exuberantly, collecting treats off the ground upon his arrival. He is administered a squeezable food topper in which he licks with a loose body and wagging tail. He is still visibly unsettled, displaying wide red eyes and seeking an exit. He will linger by the door and pace again. His kennel is cleaned so they proceed to his kennel where he enters willingly. 1/29 (pm): Sega is brought to the behavior office for his evening session. he enters the room and gives a short hard bark to the handler already present before engaging in a snuffle mat that was pre-made for him. Sega alternates between taking treats and repeating the short barks at the second handler. The handler holding the lead drops more treats into a puzzle feeder when Sega suddenly jumps up and body checks the handler in their chest. Sega then returns to the snuffle mat. The second handler prepares a lick mat with spray cheese. Sega readily accepts the mat and continues to lick until it's finished. The handlers swap and the first handler enters the room to clean his kennel. Sega pulls back to the office to seek more spray cheese. Once his kennel is ready, the second handler attempts to clip him but Sega froze, head whipped, and muzzle punched their hand. The handler then walks him to his kennel and he readily enters. The lick mat with more cheese is placed in his kennel while a hook is used to remove the lead. Sega tenses and hovers over the mat as the lead is removed but does not react further. 1/29/25: Sega greeted handler at front of kennel and was leashed with ease. He pulled on the way to the BA room where he was kept on a drag leash for duration of interaction. Sega pulled towards LATTE puzzles set out for him by handler 2. Sega barked at handler 2 a number of times throughout interaction. He also barked at a third handler who entered the room. Handlers did not attempt to collar him. Sega ate treats tossed towards him by handlers 2 and 3. Sega displayed intermittent hackles despite being bouncy at times. On return to kennel Sega became wiggly and touched his nose to handler's hand. He was returned to kennel without issue.

Date of intake:: 1/27/2025

Summary:: Growling,snap soften when hearing squeaker/treats, resisted leashing snap at staff, doubled leashed

Date of initial:: 1/28/2025

Summary:: Became overstimulated and aroused, biting leash


Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner

Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13)- Due to Sega potential behavior challenges we recommend he be placed in an adult-only home at this time. Place with a New Hope partner- Sega came into the care center as a stray so his history is unknown. Sega has exhibited a mix of social and arousal behaviors. He readily approaches familiar handlers for treats and solicits petting but has shown discomfort around new people, occasionally chuffing, barking, or tensing up. While he engages well with enrichment activities, he has also demonstrated hyper-vigilance, difficulty settling, heightened arousal, and occasional muzzle punching when being handled. Sega is available for rescue through one of our new hope partners.

Potential challenges: : Basic manners/poor impulse control,Social hyperarousal,Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Leash-biting

Potential challenges comments:: Basic manners/poor impulse control/Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition- Sega has shown excessive jumping and mouthy behavior at the care center. To address Sega's excessive jumping and mouthy behavior, a training plan focusing on basic manners and impulse control is essential. Start with consistent positive reinforcement techniques to reward calm behavior and discourage jumping. Incorporate cues like "sit" and "stay" to help Sega learn self-control. For mouthiness and poor bite inhibition, provide appropriate chew toys and redirect his attention to them when he starts mouthing. Please see the handout on Basic manners/poor impulse control/Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition. Social hyperarousal-In dogs is a state of heightened excitement and alertness triggered by social interactions or environmental stimuli, leading to behaviors like excessive barking, restlessness, jumping, mouthing, and pacing. Managing this condition involves consistent training with positive reinforcement, maintaining a structured routine, minimizing exposure to triggers, ensuring ample physical exercise, and providing mental stimulation through puzzle toys and interactive games. For severe cases, consulting a veterinary behaviorist or professional dog trainer is recommended. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression- Sega exhibits signs of stranger danger, growling, and barking when meeting new people. During intake, he growled and snapped at the staff.To help Sega overcome his fearfulness and potential for defensive aggression, a training plan focusing on gradual desensitization and positive reinforcement is crucial. Begin by introducing Sega to new people in a controlled and calm environment, rewarding him with treats and praise for calm behavior. Gradually increase the exposure to different people while maintaining a positive and stress-free atmosphere. Please see the handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Leash-biting- Sega has shown leash-biting behaviors at the care center. Please see the handout on Leash-biting.